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variegated with white, black, brown and orange colour. It wants the tufts at he extremity of its ears; and does not climb trees, as most of the kind are seen to do. To this list may be added the little ground squirrel of Carolina, of a reddish colour, and blackish stripes on each side; and, like the former, not delighting in trees. Lastly, the squirrel of New Spain, which is of a deep iron. grey colour, with seven longitudinal whitish streaks along the sides of the male, and five along those of the female. As for the flying squirrels, they are a distinct kind, and shall be treated of by themselves. These, which I suppose to be but a few of the numerous varieties of the squirrel, sufficiently serve to show how extensively this animal is diffused over all parts of the world.

The squirrel is a beautiful little animal, (g) which is but half savage; and which, from the gentleness and innocence of its manners, deserves our protection. It is neither carnivorous nor hurtful; its usual food is fruits, nuts, and acorns; it is cleanly, nimble, active, and industrious; its eyes are sparkling, and its physiognomy marked with meaning. It generally, like the hare and rabbit, sits up on its hinder legs, and uses the fore paws as hands; these have five claws or toes, as they are called, and one of them is separated from the rest like a thumb. This animal seems to approach the nature of birds, from its lightness and surprising agility on the tops of trees. It seldom descends to the ground, except in case of storms, but jumps from one branch to another; feeds, in spring, on the buds and young shoots; in summer, on the ripening fruits; and particularly the young cones of the pine tree. In autumn it has an extensive variety to feast upon; the acorn, the philberd, the chestnut, and the wilding. This season of plenty, however, is not spent in idle enjoyment; the provident little animal gathers at that time its provisions for the winter; and cautiously foresees the season when the forest shall be stripped of its leaves and fruitage.

Its nest is generally formed among the large branches of a great tree, where they begin to fork off into small ones. After choosing the place where the timber begins to decay, and a hollow may the more easily be formed, the squirrel begins by making a kind of level between the forks; and then bringing moss, twigs, and dry leaves, it binds them together with great art, so as to resist the most violent storm. This is covered up on all sides; and has but a single

(North American Squirrel.)

largest and tallest trees it can select, and forms four or five entrances, around which very large quantities of the scales of spruce fir canes are in process of time accumulated. It does not come abroad in cold or stormy weather, but even in the depth of winter it may be seen, during a gleam of sunshine sporting among the branches of the trees. On the approach of any one, it conceals itself behind a branch, but soon betrays its position by the loud noise it makes, somewhat like the sound of a watchman's rattle, and from whence it has obtained the expressive appellation of Chickaree. When pursued and harassed it makes great leaps from tree to tree, but as soon as it observes the way clear, it descends to the ground and seeks shelter in its burrow. It does not appear to quit the tree beneath which it burrows, by choice, unless when it makes an excursion in the spring in quest of a mate. In the winter it collects the cones from the tree and carries them to the entrance of its burrow, where it picks out the seeds beneath the snow. Like the English squirrel, it makes hoards on the approach of severe weather.RICHARDSON'S AMERICAN ZOOLOGY.


* THE SQUIRREL IN NORTH AMERICA. -This little animal is an inhabitant of the forests of white spruce, which cover a great portion of the surface of the earth in the fur countries. The limits of its range to the southward have not been mentioned by American writers, but they say that it is common in the middle states. It is found as far north as the spruce trees extend, that is, to between the 68 and 69 parallel of latitude, and it is one of the most numerous animals in the Lorthern districts. It digs its burrows. generally at the root of one of the (g) Buffon.

opening at top, which is just large enough to admit the little animal; and this opening is itself defended from the weather by a kind of canopy, made in the fashion of a cone, so that it throws off the rain, though never so heavy. The nest thus formed, with a very little opening above, is, nevertheless, very commodious and roomy below; soft, well knit together, and every way convenient and warm. In this retreat the little animal brings forth its young, shelters itself from the scorching heat of the sun, which it seems to fear, and from the storms and the inclemency of winter, which it is still less capable of supporting. Its provision of nuts and acorns is seldom in its nest, but in the hollows of the tree, laid up carefully together, and never touched but in cases of necessity. Thus one single tree serves for a retreat and a store-house; and without leaving it during the winter, the squirrel possesses all those enjoyments that its nature is capable of receiving. But it sometimes happens that its little mansion is attacked by a deadly and powerful foe. The martin goes often in quest of a retreat for its young, which it is incapable of making for itself; for this reason it fixes upon the nest of a squirrel, and, with double injustice, destroys the tenant, and then takes possession of the mansion.


However, this is a calamity that but seldom happens and, of all other animals the squirrel leads the most frolicsome, playful life; being surrounded with abundance, and having few enemies to fear. They are in heat early in the spring: when, as a modern naturalist says,(g) it is very diverting to see the female feigning an escape from the pursuit of two or three males, and to observe the various proofs which they give of their agility, which is then exerted in full force. Nature seems to have been particular in her formation of these animals for propagation; however, they seldom bring forth above four or five young at a time; and that but once a year. The time of their gestation seems to be about six weeks; they are pregnant in the beginning of April, and bring forth about the middle of May.

The squirrel is never found in the open fields, nor yet in copses or underwoods; it always keeps in the midst of the tallest trees, and, as much as possible, shuns the habitations of men. It is extremely watchful; if the tree in which it resides be but touched at the bottom, the squirrel instantly takes the alarm, quits its nest, at once flies off to another tree; and thus travels, with great ease, along the tops of the forest, until it finds itself perfectly out of danger. In this manner it continues for some hours at a distance from home, until the alarm be past away: and then it returns, by paths that to all quadrupeds but itself are utterly impassable. Its usual way of moving is by bounds; these it takes from one tree to another, at forty feet distance; and if at any time it is obliged to descend, it runs up the side of the next tree with amazing facility. It has an extremely sharp, piercing note, which most usually expresses pain, it has another, more like the purring of a cat, which it employs when pleased; at least it appeared so in that from whence I have taken a part of this description.

In Lapland, and the extensive forests to the north, the squirrels are observed to change their habitation, and to remove in vast numbers from one country to another. In these migrations they are generally seen by thousands, travelling directly forward; while neither rocks, forests, nor even the broadest waters can stop their progress. What I am going to relate, appears so extraordinary, that were it not attested by numbers of the most credible historians, among whom are Klein and Linnæus, it might be rejected, with that scorn with which we treat imposture or credulity; however, nothing can be more true than that when these animals, in their progress, meet with broad rivers, or extensive lakes, which abound in Lapland, they take a very extraordinary method of crossing them. Upon approaching the banks, and perceiving the breadth of the water, they return, as if by common consent, into the neighbouring forest, each in quest of a piece of bark, which answers all the purposes of boats for wafting them over. When the whole company are fitted in this manner, they

(g) British Zoology.

boldly commit their little fleet to the waves; every squirrel sitting on its own piece of bark, and fanning the air with its tail, to drive the vessel to its desired port. In this orderly manner they set forward, and often cross lakes several miles broad. But it too often happens that the poor mariners are not aware of the dangers of their navigation; for although at the edge of the water it is gene. rally calm, in the midst it is always more turbulent. There the slightest additional gust of wind oversets the little sailor and his vessel together. The whole navy, that but a few minutes before rode proudly and securely along, is now overturned, and a shipwreck of two or three thousand sail ensues. This, which is so unfortunate for the little animal, is generally the most lucky accident in the world for the Laplander on the shore; who gathers up the dead bodies as they are thrown in by the waves, eats the flesh, and sells the skins for about a shilling the dozen.(g)

The squirrel is easily tamed, and it is then a very familiar animal. It loves to lie warm, and will often creep into a man's pocket or his bosom. It is usually kept in a box, and fed with hazel nuts. Some find amusement in observing with what ease it bites the nut open, and eats the kernel. In short, it is a pleasing, pretty, little domestic; and its tricks and habitudes may serve to entertain a mind unequal to stronger operations.

THE FLYING SQUIRREL.-This little animal, which is frequently brought over to England, is


less than a common squirrel, and bigger than a field mouse. Its skin is very soft, and clegantly adorned with a dark fur in some places, and light grey in others. It has large, prominent, black and very sparkling eyes, small cars, and very sharp teeth, with which it gnaws any thing quickly. When it does not leap, its tail, which is pretty enough, lies close to its back; but when it takes its spring, the

(Flying Squirrel.)

tail is moved backwards and forwards from side to side. It is said to partake somewhat of the nature of the squirrel, of the rat, and of the dormouse; but that in which it is distinguished from all other animals, is its peculiar conformation for taking those leaps that almost look like flying. It is, indeed, amazing to see it at one bound dart above a hundred yards from one tree to another. They are assisted in this spring by a very peculiar formation of the skin, that extends from the fore-feet to the hinder; so that when the animal stretches its fore-legs forward and its hind-legs backward, this skin is spread out between them, somewhat like that between the legs of a bat. The surface of the body being thus increased, the little animal keeps buoyant in the air until the force

FLYING SQUIRRELS.-There are eight species of flying squirrels, but there is only a a trifling difference between them. The European squirrel differs from the American species principally in having its tail full of hair, and rounded at the end, and in the colour of its body, the upper part of which is a fine grey, and the lower white. Its whole length is about nine inches, of which the tail occupies five. The European flying squirrel is found in the woods of Lapland and Norway, where it feeds principally on the tender branches of the beech and pine trees. In its (g) Oeuvres

habits of life it differs very little from the preceding species. It always sleeps during the day-time, and seldom appears abroad in bad weather. It is active through the whole winter, being frequently caught during that season, in the traps that are laid for the grey squirrels. The females, when they have young ones, never leave their nest in pursuit of food, without previously wrapping them carefully up in the moss. They pay to them the utmost attention, brooding anxiously over them, and tenderly sheltering their bodies, by their flying membrane, from the cold. de Regnard.

of its first impulsion is expired, and then it descends. This skin, when the creature is at rest, or walking, continues wrinkled up on its sides; but when its limbs are extended, it forms a kind of web between them of above an inch broad on either side, and gives the whole body the appearance of a skin floating in the air. In this manner the flying squirrel changes place, not like a bird, by repeated strokes of its wings, but rather like a paper kite, supported by the expansion of the surface of its body; but with this difference, however, that, being naturally heavier than the air, instead of mounting, it descends; and that jump, which upon the ground would not be above forty yards, when from a higher tree to a lower may be above a hundred. This little animal is more common in America than in Europe, but not very commonly to be seen in either. It does not seem fond of nuts or almonds, like other squirrels, but is chiefly pleased with the sprouts of the birch and the cones of the pine. Some naturalists gravely caution us not to let it get among our corn-fields, where they tell us it will do a great deal of damage, by cropping the corn as soon as it begins to ear!(g)

THE MARMOTt-Among the hare kind is the marmot, which naturalists have placed either among the hare kind or the rat kind, as it suited their respective systems. In fact, it bears no great resemblance to either; but of the two it approaches much nearer the hare, as well in the make of its head, as in its size, in its bushy tail, and particularly in its chewing the cud, which alone is sufficient to determine our choice in giving it its present situation. How it ever came to be degraded



into the rat or the mouse, I cannot conceive, for it in no way resembles them in size, being near as big as a hare; or in its disposition, since no animal is more tractable, nor more easily tamed.

The marmot is, as was said, almost as big as a hare, but it is more corpulent than a cat, and has shorter legs. Its head pretty nearly resembles that of a hare, except that its ears are much shorter. It is clothed all over with very long hair, and a shorter fur below. These are of different colours, black and grey. The length of the hair gives the body the appearance of greater corpulence than it really has, and at the same time shortens the feet so that its belly seems touching the ground. Its tail is tufted and well furnished with hair, and

THE MARMOT.-The marmots have two wedge-shaped front teeth in each jaw; five grinders on each side in the upper-jaw, and four in the lower; and they have a perfect collar bone; the fore-feet have four claws, and a very small kind of thumb; the hindfeet have five claws. It does not, as Buffon supposes, chew the cud.

*THE HOODED SQUIRREL.--Pennant describes a species inhabiting the woods of Java, which he denominates the hooded squirrel. It is of a rusty brown colour, paler underneath, with the flying membrane extending to the ends of all the limbs, and reaching round the shoulders and throat in the manner of a cloak, or a great coat. Its tail is remarkably bushy, and spread on each side. (g) He may easily be made tame; but he is apt to do a great deal of damage in the cornfields, because he will crop the corn as soon as it begins to ear.-BROOKE'S NAT. HIST.

it is carried in a straight direction with its body. It has five claws behind, and only four before. These it uses as the squirrel does, to carry its food to its mouth; and it usually sits upon its hinder parts to feed in the manner of that little animal.

The marmot is chiefly a native of the Alps; and when taken young is tamed more easily than any other wild animal, and almost as perfectly as any of those that are domestic.(g)* It is readily taught to dance, to wield a cudgel, and to obey the voice of its master. Like the cat, it has an antipathy to the dog; and when it becomes familiar to the family, and is sure of being supported by its master, it attacks and bites even the largest mastiff. From its squat muscular make, it has great strength joined to great agility. It has four large cutting teeth, like all those of the hare kind; but it uses them to much more advantage, since in this animal they are very formidable weapons of defence. How

* OBSERVATIONS.-Having in the winter of 1830, undertaken some experiments on the hybernation of animals, I exposed four young marmots to a temperature of from 10° to 12 R. below zero. But this cold, which was perhaps too intense to determine their numbness, put them into a state of trouble, which lasted until I restored them to a temperature of 7° to 8° R. My marmots then fell asleep, with the exception of one, which escaped secretly from the room where I was making my observations. I searched for it in every adjoining place, but in vain; when, after the lapse of a fortnight, a servant, on entering a deep cellar beneath my house, felt such a resistance at the door, in trying to push it open, that she could not succeed in forcing it back. She instantly came to me, expressing her fear that some ill-disposed person had secreted himself in the cellar. I went to the spot with some friends who chanced to be with me at the time; but what was our astonishment, on forcing open the door, at finding that the marmot which I had imagined to have been lost, had possessed himself of this lodging! The animal. had found an entrance by a small opening in the vault, and wishing to secure for itself an impenetrable retreat, we noticed that it had dug up the earth and scraped the wall, in order to heap up the mould and plaster against the door to about the height of two feet; and by a still further foresight, perceiving an aperture below the door of two or three inches, it had taken the precaution, before heaping up the earth and plaster, to fix against this space a piece of board, which it had detached from a shelf. Our marmot had then untied a straw rope which enveloped twenty bottles, with which it formed a bed from eight to ten inches thick, in a corner of the cellar; and afterwards, to protect itself apparently from the annoyance of the rats, the industrious animal had broken several bottles, and formed, with the greatest regularity, a half circle of the broken pieces of glass, before its hed. Unhappily, my ser

vant roused it too hastily, and in attempting to seize it, inflicted on it a mortal wound, which thus deprived me of the pleasure I should have had of studying, in this animal, habits which result from an instinct in the marmot, more perfect than its apparent stupidity seems to indicate.

Our correspondent adds :--This mention of the marmot reminds me of a singular spot I visited in the course of a tour last summer amongst the Alps, which is a favourite resort of these animals. During a stay at Chamouni, I made an excursion, in company with some friends, to the " Jardin," a spot situated at several leagues across the Mer de Glace. The name is given to a patch of rocks which rise in the midst of a wide plain of snow, forming a horse-shoe basin of considerable extent, and inclosed on all sides but at one opening, by a circle of the highest Alps. This spot is situated at a height of about 9,000 feet, and its chief interest arises from its forming an insulated patch of verdure in the midst of a region of sterility and snows,—an oasis of spring in a desert of winter. While resting there, on a rich bed of turf and flowers, we looked around in vain for any other appearance of life or vegetation. The eye stretched across this plain of snows to the grey, craggy mountains which rose around us; or still further, through the opening of this amphitheatre, across the valley of the Mer de Glace, for several leagues, to the smooth dome of snows of Mont Blanc. The marmots burrow in these rocks in great numbers. They come out in wet weather, and towards evening, and may frequently be herd in their burrows, especially on the approach of rain, making a shrill and peculiar whistle, by imitating which, and remaining quiet on the ground, they may be attracted from their holes. The weather was fine and dry when we visited this spot, and we neither heard nor saw anything of them; and our guides predicted from this circumstance a continuance of good weather.-ZOOLOGICAL


(g) Buffon, from whence the remainder of this description is taken.

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