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mouth of the crocodile, when it is found sleeping on the shore, boldly attacks the enemy in the inside, and at length, when it has effectually destroyed it, eats its way out again.

The ichneumon when wild generally resides along the banks of rivers; and in times of inundation makes to the higher ground, often approaching inhabited places in quest of prey. It goes forward silently and cautiously, changing its manner of moving according to its necessities. Sometimes it carries the head high, shortens its body, and raises itself upon its legs; sometimes it lengthens itself and seems to creep along the ground; it is often observed to sit upon its hind legs like a dog when taught to beg; but more commonly it is seen to dart like an arrow upon its prey, and seize it with inevitable certainty. Its eyes are sprightly and full of fire, its physiognomy sensible, its body nimble, its tail long, and its hair rough and various. Like all of its kind, it has glands that open behind and furnish an odorous substance. Its nose is too sharp, and its mouth too small to permit its seizing things that are large; however, it makes up by its courage and activity its want of arms; it easily strangles a cat though stronger and larger than itself; and often fights with dogs, which, though never so bold, learn to dread the ichneumon as a formidable enemy. It also takes the water like the otter, and, as we are told, will continue under it much longer.

This animal grows fast and dies soon. It is found in great numbers in all the southern parts of Asia, from Egypt to Java; and it is also found in Africa, particularly at the Cape of Good Hope. It is domestic, as was said, in Egypt; but in our colder climates it is not easy to breed or maintain them, as they are not able to support the rigour of our winters. Nevertheless they take every precaution that instinct can dictate to keep themselves warm; they wrap themselves up into a ball, hiding the head between the legs, and in this manner continue to sleep all day long

This animal was, one of those formerly worshipped by the Egyptians, who considered every thing that was serviceable to them as an emanation of the Deity, and worshipped such as the best representatives of God below. Indeed, if we consider the number of eggs which the crocodile lays in the sand at a time, which often amount to three or four hundred, we have reason to admire this little animal's usefulness as well as industry in destroying them, since otherwise the crocodile might be produced in sufficient numbers to over-run the whole earth.

THE STINKARDS.-This is a name which our sailors give to one or two animals of the weasel kind,


which are chiefly found in
America. All the weasel
kind, as was already ob-
served, have a very strong
smell; some of them in-
deed approaching to a per-
fume, but the greatest
number most insupportably
foetid. But the smell of
our weasels, and ermine,
and polecats, is fragrance
itself when compared to
that of the squash and the
skink, which have been
called the Polecats of America.*

*THE SKUNK OR STINKARD.-The fluid of this animal, which is of a deep yellow colour, is contained in a small bag placed at the root of the tail. Mr. Graham says that he knew several Indians who lost their eye-sight in consequence of inflammation, produced by this fluid, having been thrown into them by

(The Skunk.)

the animal-which has the power of ejecting it to the distance of upwards of four feet. "I have known a dead skink, thrown over the stockades of a trading post, produce instant nausea in several women in a house with closed doors, upwards of a hundred yards distant. The odour has some resemblance

As to the perfumes of musk and civet, we know that a single grain will diffuse itself over a whole house, and continue for months to spread an agreeable odour, without diminution. However, the perfume of the musk or the civet is nothing, either for strength or duration, to the insupportable odour of these. It is usually voided with their excrement; and if but a single drop happens to touch any part of a man's garment, it is more than probable that he can never wear any part of it more.

In describing the effects produced by the excrement of these animals, we often hear of its raising this diabolical smell by its urine. However, of this I am apt to doubt; and it should seem to me, that, as all the weasel kind have their excrements so extremely fœtid from the cause above mentioned, we may consider these also as being foetid from the same causes. Besides, they are not furnished with glands to give their urine such a smeli; and the analogy between them and the weasel kind being so strong in other respects, we may suppose they resemble each other in this. It has also been said that they take this method of ejecting their excrement to defend themselves against their pursuers; but it is much more probable that this ejection is the convulsive effect of terror, and that it serves as their defence without their own concurrence. Certain it is, that they never smell thus horridly, except when enraged or affrighted, for they are often kept tame about the houses of the planters of America. without being very offensive.

The habitudes of all these animals are the same, living like all the rest of the weasel kind, as they prey upon smaller animals and birds' eggs. The squash, for instance, burrows like the polecat in the clefts of rocks, where it brings forth its young. It often steals into farmyards, and kills the poultry, eating only their brains. Nor is it safe to pursue or offend it, for then it calls up all its scents, which are its most powerful protection. At that time neither men nor dogs will offer to approach it; the scent is so strong, that it reaches for half a mile round, and more near at hand is almost stifling. If the dogs continue to pursue, it does all in its power to escape, by getting up a tree, or by some such means; but if driven to an extremity, it then lets fly upon the hunters; and if it should happen that a drop of this foetid discharge falls in the eye, the person runs the risk of being blinded for ever.(g)


The dogs themselves instantly abate of their ardour, when they find this extraordinary battery played off against them; they instantly turn tail, and leave the animal undisputed master of the field; and no exhortations can ever bring them to rally. In the year 1749," says Kalm, one of these animals came near the farm where I lived. It was in winter time, during the night; and the dogs that were upon the watch, pursued it for some time, until it discharged against them. Although I was in my bed a good way off, 1 thought I should have been suffocated; and the cows and oxen, by their lowings, showed how much they were affected by the stench. About the end of the same year, another of these animals crept into our cellar, but did not exhale the smallest scent, because it was not disturbed. A foolish woman, however, who perceived it at night, by the shining of its eyes, killed it, and at that moment its stench began to spread. The whole cellar was filled with it to such a degree, that the woman kept her bed for several days after; and all the bread, meat, and other provisions, that were kept there, were so infected, that they were obliged to be thrown out of doors."

THE GENETTE.-From the squash, which is the most offensive animal in nature, we come to the genette, which is one of the most beautiful and pleasing. Instead of the horrid stench with which the former affects us, this has a most

to that of garlic, although much more disagreeable. One may, however, soon become familiarized with it; for, notwithstanding the disgust it produces at first, I have managed to skin a couple of recent specimens

by recuring to the task at intervals. When care is taken not to soil the carcass with any of the strong smelling fluid, the meat is considered by the natives to be excellent food."-. RICHARDSON'S NORTH AMERICAN ZOOLOGY. vage de Kalm, as quoted by Buffon, vol. xxvii. p. 93.

grateful odour; more faint than civet, but to some, for that reason, more agreeable. This animal is rather less than the martin: though there are genettes of different sizes; and I have seen one rather larger. It also differs somewhat in the form of its body. It is not easy, in words, to give an idea of the distinction.

The genette, like all the rest


of the weasel kinds, has glands, that separate a kind of perfume, resembling civet, but which soon flies off. These glands open differently from those of other animals of this kind; for, as the latter have their apertures just at the opening of the anus, these have their aperture immediately under it; so that the male seems, for this reason, to the superficial observer to be of two sexes. It resembles the martin very much in its habits and disposition ;(g) except, that it seems tamed much more easily. Belon assures us, that he has seen them in the houses at Constantinople as tame as cats; and that they were permitted to run every where about, without doing the least mischief. For this reason they have been called the cats of Constantinople; although they have little else in common with that animal, except their skill in spying out and destroying vermin. Naturalists pretend that it inhabits only the moister grounds, and chiefly resides along the banks of rivers, having never been found in mountains, nor dry places. The species is not much diffused; it is not to be found in any part of Europe, except Spain and Turkey; it requires a warm climate to subsist and multiply in; and yet it is not to be found in the warmer regions either of India or Africa. From such as have seen its uses at Constantinople, I learn, that it is one of the most beautiful, cleanly, and industrious animals in the world; that it keeps whatever house it is in, perfectly free from mice and rats, which cannot endure its smell. Add to this, its nature is mild and gentle, its colours, various and glossy, its fur valuable; and, upon the whole, it seems to be one of those animals that, with proper care, might be propagated amongst us, and might become one of the most serviceable of our domestics.

THE CIVET.-Proceeding from the smaller to the greater of this kind, we come, in the last place, to

the civet, which is much larger than any of the former; tor as the martin is not above sixteen inches long, the civet is found to be above thirty. Buffon distinguishes this species into two kinds; one of which he calls the civet, and the other the zibet. The latter principally differs from the former in having the body longer and more slender, the nose smaller, the ears longer and broader; no mane or long hair running



down the back in the latter; and the tail is longer and better marked with rings of different colours, from one end to the other.

The civet resembles animals of the weasel kind in the long slenderness of its body, the shortness of its legs, the odorous matter that exudes from the glands behind, the softness of its fur, the number of its claws, and their incapacity of being sheathed. It differs from them in being much larger than any hitherto

(g) Buffon, vol. xix. p. 187.

described; in having the nose lengthened, so as to resemble that of the fox: the tail long and tapering to a point; and its ears straight, like those of a cat. The colour of the civet varies: it is commonly ash, spotted with black: though it is whiter in the female, tending to yellow; and the spots are much larger, like those of a panther. The colour on the belly, and under the throat, is black; whereas the other parts of the body are black or streaked with grey This animal varies in its colour, being sometimes streaked, as in our kind of cats called tabbies. It has whiskers, like the rest of its kind; and its eye is black and beautiful.

The opening of the pouch or bag, which is the receptacle of the civet, differs from that of the rest of the weasel kind, not opening into, but under, the anus. Beside this opening, which is large, there is still another lower down; but for what purposes designed, is not known. The pouch itself is about two inches and a half broad, and two long; its opening makes a chink, from the top downwards that is about two inches and a half long; and is covered on the edges, and within, with short hair: when the two sides are drawn asunder, the inward cavity may be seen, large enough to hold a small pullet's egg: all round this are small glands, opening and furnishing that strong perfume which is so well known, and is found, in this pouch, of the colour and consistence of pomatum. Those who make it their business to breed these animals for their perfume, usually take it from them twice or thrice a week, and sometimes oftener. The animal is kept in a long sort of box in which it cannot turn round. The person, therefore, opens this box behind, drags the animal backwards by the tail, keeps it in this position by a bar before, and with a wooden spoon, takes the civet from the pouch, as carefully as he can; then lets the tail go, and shuts the box again. The perfume, thus procured, is put into a vessel, which he takes care to keep shut; and when a sufficient quantity is procured, it is sold to very great advantage.

The civet,(g) although a native of the warmest climates, is yet found to live in temperate, and even cold countries, provided it be defended carefully from the injuries of the air. Wherefore, it is not only bred among the Turks, the Indians, and Africans, but great numbers of these animals are also bred in Holland, where this scraping people make no small gain of its perfume. The perfume of Amsterdam is reckoned the purest of any; the people of other countries adulterating it with gums, and other matters, which diminish its value, but increase its weight. The quantity which a single animal affords generally depends upon its health and nourishment. It gives more in proportion as it is more delicately and abundantly fed. Raw flesh, hashed small, eggs, rice, birds, young fowls, and particularly fish, are the kinds of food the civet most delights in. These are to be changed and altered, to suit and entice its appetite, and continue its health. It gets but very little water; and although it drinks but rarely, yet it makes urine very frequently; and, upon such occasions, we cannot, as in other animals, distinguish the male from the female.

The perfume of the civet is so strong that it communicates itself to all parts of the animal's body; the fur is impregnated thereby, and the skin penetrated to such a degree, that it continues to preserve the odour for a long time after it is stript off.

THE MUSK POUCH OF THE CIVET.-The odoriferous substance produced by the civet, forms, especially in the east, an object of considerable commerce. Its virtues are greatly vaunted among ourselves, and it was once the fashion among those who piqued them selves on their elegance, to use it as a perfume; as it has since been to use musk and amber for the same purpose. It still enters into the composition of some medicament and perfumes, but its consumption is prodi

giously diminished. It used to be brought from the Indies and from Africa, into Europe, by the way of Alexandria and Venice.

In the East the civet is brought up in a state of domestication for the purpose of gathering its perfume Father Poncet says, that Enfras, a town of Abyssinia, is celebrated for the civet trade, and that an immense number of these animals are there domesticated. He has seen upwards of three hundred with some merchants.-CUVIER. (g) Buffon, vol. xix.

As to the rest, the civet is said to be a wild, fierce animal; and, although sometimes tamed, is never thoroughly familiar. Its teeth are strong and cutting, although its claws be feeble and inflexible. It is light and active, and lives by prey, as the rest of its kind, pursuing birds, and other small animals that it is able to overcome. They are sometimes seen stealing into the yards and outhouses, to seize upon the poultry: their eyes shine in the night, and it is very probable that they see better in the dark than by day. When they fail of animal food, they are found to subsist upon roots and fruits, and very seldom drink for which reason they are never found near great waters. They breed very fast in their native climates, where the heat seems to conduce to their propagation; but in our temperate latitudes, although they furnish their perfume in great quantities, yet they are not found to multiply.-A proof that their perfume has no analogy with their appetite for generation.

THE GLUTTON.-I will add but one animal more to this numerous class of the weasel kind; namely, the glut

ton: which, for several reasons, seems to belong to this tribe, and this only.* We have hitherto had no precise description of this quadruped; some resembling it to a badger, some to a fox, and some to a hyæna.

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The glutton, which is so called from its voracious appetite, is an animal found as well in the north of Europe and Siberia, as in the north parts of America, where it has the name of the carcajou. Amidst the variety of descriptions which have been given of it, no very just idea can be formed of its figure; and, indeed, some naturalists, among whom was Ray, entirely doubted of its existence. From the best accounts, however, we have of it, the body is thick and long, the legs short: it is black along the back, and of a reddish brown on the sides; its fur is held in the highest estimation, for its softness and beautiful gloss; the tail is bushy, like that of the weasel, but rather shorter; and its legs and claws better fitted for climbing trees, than for running along the ground. Thus far it entirely resembles the weasel; and its manner of taking its prey is also by surprise, and not by pursuit.


It is chiefly in North America that this voracious creature is seen lurking among the thick branches of trees, in order to surprise the deer, with which the extensive forests of that part of the world abound. Endued with a degree of patience equal to its rapacity, the glutton singles out such trees as it observes marked by the teeth or the antlers of the deer; and is known to remain there watching for several days together. If it has fixed upon a wrong tree, and finds that the deer have either left that part of the country, or cautiously shun the place, it reluctantly descends, pursues the beaver to its retreat, or even ventures into the water in pursuit of fishes. But if it happens that, by long attention, and keep ing close, at last the elk or the rein-deer happens to pass that way, it at once darts down upon them, sticks its claws between their shoulders, and remains there unalterably firm. It is in vain that the large frighted animal increases its speed, or threatens with its branching horns; the glutton having taken possession of its post, nothing can drive it off; its enormous prey drives rapidly along amongst the thickest woods, rubs itself against the largest trees, and tears down the branches with its expanded horns; but still its insatiable foe sticks

THE GLUTTON.-This animal is now ascertained to be a species of bear. It is about three feet long, besides the tail, which is a foot in length. The variety called the

Wolverine, is distinguished by its superior size, in the colour of its body, which is dull ferruginous, with the front, throat, and longitudinal stripe on the body, whitish.

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