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usque in crastinum Sancti Michaelis anno regni Regis Edwardi prædicti octavo et sic de uno anno integro).

Idem reddit &c.

Summa totalis receptarum &c.

De quibus computat &c.

Et vijli. xvjs. xjd. in j placea juxta molendinum infra castrum pro situ granarii mundanda et equanda et veteri granario removendo et j granario in placea prædicta de novo faciendo muro castri conjuncto cum carriagio et sarracione maeremii ejusdem et cum xxxj bordis emptis iiiji cindulis faciendis xmil. vij. clavis emptis pro eodem et parietibus ejusdem plastrandis cum cariagio argilli pro eisdem. Et vijs. xd. in stipendiis cementariorum sculpancium et cubencium petram super murum in sumetto dicti granarii et faciencium gutturas ibidem cum stipendiis portancium petram et faciencium mortarum pro eodem. Et ciiijs. ixd. ob. in molendino exteriori de novo faciendo hoc anno cum prosternacione viij quercuum pro eodem et maeremium inde faciendum et cariandum cum stipendiis carpentariorum mundancium vetus maeremium ejusdem molendini pro opere ejusdem cum cariagio terræ et argilli pro eodem et cum xlvij bordis emptis et DCC clavis goiouns et ligaturis ferreis emptis ad idem. Et vjli. vjs. ob. in molendino interiori de novo faciendo cum carriagio et sarracione maeremii et cariagio terræ et argilli pro eodem et cum xxx bordis M'. iijc. clavis emptis fusillo ferreo emendendo et quatuor peciis ferri pro goiouns et ligaturis faciendis pro eodem emptis et cum ij paribus molarium emptis pro molendino.

Et xiijs. ixd. in stabulo juxta molendinum cooperiendo et emendendo per loca et parietibus ejusdem plastrandis cum stipendiis faciencium plastram et portancium terram et argillum pro eodem et cum cariagio arundinis (sic) pro coopertura ejusdem. Et xxxijs. xd. in stipendiis diversorum cementariorum et carpentariorum elargancium et de novo faciencium latrinam comitis hoc anno cum M'. et di. cindulis faciendis M'. lattis M'. M'. M1. c. clavis emptis ad idem (sic). Et xiiijs. vijd. in stipendiis carpentariorum removencium hostiam et speras in camera Domini Roberti de Holade et emendencium eandem cameram præcepto comitis cum M'. clavis stannatis emptis pro eodem. Et xxiiijs. vjd. ob. in stipendiis j cementarii obstupantis et punctantis foramina magni turris et emendantis graduum ad introitum ejusdem turris cum emendacione camini et di. M1. tegularum ij sexteriis calcis emptis pro dictis operibus turris. Et xlviijs. in stipendiis diversorum carpentariorum cooperientium et emendantium aulam, paneteriam, boteleriam, coquinam, altam cameram, cameram domini, cameram militum, cameram Aron, cameram constabularii, cameram janitoris, et capellam castri per loca hoc anno cum cindulis faciendis et vj mille clavis emptis pro eisdem ut in particulis. Et xijs. in stipendiis j plumbatoris fundentis j carratam plumbi et cooperientis et emendantis platam cameram et gutteras aliarum domorum per loca hoc anno cum xij libris stanni emptis pro eodem. Et xxiiijs. xjd. in molendino et grangia et domo ingenii cooperiendis et emendandis per loca cum stipendiis colligencium virgas et arundines pro eodem et stipula empta pro eodem et cum cariagio conducto pro eodem. Summa &c.

Et xvli. xijs. iiijd. in j muro lapideo de novo faciendo inter balliam interiorem castri et murum exteriorem castri versus magnum vivarium • Thus in original.

cum cariagio petræ et calcis empta pro eodem ut in particulis. Et xliijs. ijd. in j nova porta magna in medio dicti muri facienda cum sarracione bordarum pro dicta porta et lij peciis ferri emptis et gumphis et vertivellis et clavis de dicto ferro faciendis et ij seruris emptis pro eadem porta. Et vijs. iiijd. in palicio extra Wodekokestour juxta vivarium vento prostrato reassidendo et emendando. Et iijs. jd. in palicio extra portam Clyntone vento prostrato emendando. Et xd. ob. in palicio circa balliam exteriorem emendando et reparando. Et vjs. xd. ob. in xxxij perticatis fossati et haiæ circa Brodemedowe iij perticatis fossati et haiæ apud moram ad capud vivarii j haia facienda circa le Sarvour cum brechis fossati versus Wodekokestour faciendis et emendandis. Et xvjs. xd. in placea ubi vetus granarium stetit mundanda et equanda. Et xxijs. viijd. in j novo rethi faciendo cum lino empto et filo inde faciendo. Summa xxli. xiijs. ijd.

Generalis Receptor de Kenilleworthe. Dominus Radulphus de Schepeie receptor generalis de Kenilworthe reddit compotum suum ibidem coram eisdem auditoribus et de eodem tempore ut infra.

Idem respondet &c.

Summa &c.

De quibus computat xiijli. vjs. viijd. in feodo domini Radulphi de Schepeie constabularii et receptoris de Kenillworthe per annum. Et xviijli. iiijs. in vadiis sex architenencium commorancium infra castrum de Kenilworthe pro garnestura castri per annum quolibet capienti per diem ijd. Et vjli. in salariis duorum capellanorum divina celebrancium infra castrum de Kenilworthe per annum. Et xxx8. in salario unius capellani divina celebrantis ibidem pro anima domini Edmundi patris comitis et dominæ Reginæ Navarre a festo Annunciacionis Beatæ Mariæ usque festum Sancti Michaelis. Et iiijs. iiijd. in lumine pro capella castri per annum. Et iijs. viijd. in percameno pro rotulis compotorum et curiarum hoc anno. Et iijs. ob. in canevacio pro pokettis pro denariis. Et iijs. xd. in iij ulnis panni viridis pro scaccario receptis. Et ixs. viijd. in vadiis Edenevet Wallencis comorantis infra castrum de Kenilworthe per vij septimanas post festum Sancti Michaelis hoc anno præcepto domini comitis. Et iijs viijd. in stipendiis duorum piscatorum piscantium in vivario magno per xij dies circa festum Sanctae Luciæ Virginis pro vivariis domini Regis de Holande de Baggeworthe et Linderiche staurandis. Et xijd. in expensis Huberti custodis cignorum usque Wyrcestre pro ij bargiis ad vivarium emendandum. Et iiijs. ijd. in j carecta conducta pro j bargia carianda usque Meleburne cum expensis euncium cum carecta. Et ijs. jd. ob. in literis comitis et auditoris portandis per loca pro negociis comitis. Et xvid. in tribus serruris cum clavis emptis apud Coventre pro cofris domini. Et xxixs. ijd. in expensis Nicholai de Verdone imprisonati apud Kenilworth per lvj dies et unius hominis custodientis eundem per idem tempus et Nicholai le Warner de Thorp Watervile imprisonati ibidem per v septimanas hoc anno. Et vs. viijd. ob. q. in expensis j garcionis et j stalonis apud Kenilworth tempore saltus pro jumentis domini &c. per xxv dies hoc anno. Summa xlijli. xijs. iiijd. ob. q.

Et cxviijli. xiijs. iijd. ob. in quarrera mundanda petra frangenda portanda carianda tallianda et cubenda cum calce ferro et ascero emptis et instrumentis cementariorum ascerandis et acuendis et omnibus aliis pro opere novæ capella castri emptis et emendatis hoc anno ut in particulis. Et xxjli. vjs. viijd. in c quercubus emptis de domino Johanne de Lud

leghe apud Chollercote pro eadem capella cum expensis emencium easdem et stipendiis prosternencium et sculpancium easdem ad cariagium. Et xxijs. ixd. ob. in cariagio conducto et expensis cariancium dictum maeremium de precaria et existencium cariagio per vices hoc anno.

Summa cxljli. ijs. ixd.



Compotus Domini Willielmi de Bughbrugge Generalis Receptoris Johannis Regis Castelliæ et Legionis Ducis Lancastriæ de omnibus receptis suis solucionibus et expensis a festo Sancti Michaelis anno regni Regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum Angliæ quinquagesimo usque idem festum anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum primo per unum annum integrum.

In denariis solutis Henrico Spencer supervisori novi operis infra castrum de Kenilleworth super operibus tam carpentariorum quam cementariorum infra dictum castrum faciendis viz. a festo Sancti Michaelis anno regni Regis E. quinquagesimo usque idem festum anno regni Regis Ricardi primo per literas domini de Warren datas apud Sauvoye viij die Februarii anno regni Regis E. supradicti ljmo et iiij indenturas ipsius Henrici super hunc compotum liberatas cclxvjli. xiijs. iiijd.

Eidem Henrico Spencer pro bordis per ipsum emptis pro celura novæ aulæ ibidem per literas domini de Warren datas apud Sauvoye xviij die Julii anno primo et superius in titulo de custodibus manerii de la Sauvoye annotatas et indenturas ipsius Henrici super hunc compotum liberatas xli. Summa cclxxvjli. xiijs. iiijd.



Fait a remembrer que le ij jour de Juyl lan &c. ensi acount a Everwike entre le noble homme &c. et monsieur J. Deure &c. Cest a savoir que le dit monsieur John Deure ad empris de sauvement garder al oeps le dit counte le chastiel de Mitforde de la quinzeme de la Seint John proschein avenir jusques a la Seint Michel proschein suivaunt, et du dit feste de Seint Michel e tanque au meisme ceu jour en un an adouke suiaunt pleinement acompli. Et prendra du dit counte pour le temps susdit robes seles say autre de compaignon ausibien pour iver cum pour leste solom les usages del hostel le dit count. E prendra du dit counte por la garde du dit chastiel pour le temps susdit xx mercs come por temps de pees, ceo est assaver dis mars al Seint Michel proscheing avenir

et un toneu de vin et dis mars a la Pasche procheinge suaunt, et serra le temps de pees conté del houre que nostre seignour le Roi viendra a Neof Chastiel sur Tyne ove son hoste appareilé daler contre ses enemis Descoce tanqil soit passé la ville de Neof Chastiel sur Tyne, en revenant devers le sue. Et si nostre dit seignour le Roi ne demoerge mie es marches susdites pour tuit le tens susdit le dit monsieur Johan prendra du dit counte pour le remenant du tens a lafferant de iiij mercs par an coutant par quartier ou demy, ou moins si meins soit. Et si le dit chastiel soit assegé par les ditz enemis que Dieu defende si le dit counte ne face rescous dedeintz les vj symeynes apres ce qil serra deceo garni par le dit monsieur Johan list au dit monsieur Johan a faire du dit chastielle ceo qil voit qe fait a faire a son honeur et au profit le dit counte sautz chalenge du dit counte. Et le dit monsieur J. est tenuz a respondre au dit counte par cest fait de la tierce part des rancouns des persons et des proies prises par le garnesture du dit chastiel pour le tens susdit. Va Et le dit counte dorra de son doun au dit monsieur J. un toneu de vin . . . cat,* e respoundra au dit counte des totes manieres issues des totes terres e tenementz le dite counte aportendriz au dit chastiel de ceo qe il prendra du dit counte ou de ses gentz sil rien prenge. Et le dit counte sustenedra les murs du dit chastiel et les inesounes a ses custages propres. En tesmoigne de queu chose &c.



Begun in 1567.

The castell of Alnewicke ys a very ancyent large bewtifull and portlie castle scytewate on ye southe side of the ryver of Alne upon a lytel mote. The circuite therof ys by estimacion about the walles ccclxxvj yeard conteyninge in yt selfe v xiiij roodes in ye which ys the principall ward and in the utter warde where ys the entry from the towne ys a faire gate house coverid with leade with ij paire of wood gates and on other syde ys a porter lodge with ij house height aboute which ys nowe rewynoose and in decaye by reasone the flores of the upper howse ys decayed as well in dormount and joast as in boord and very necessarie to be repayred without which gait ther ys a very faire towrne pike dooble battelled about which a pare of wood gates in the uttermoste parte thereof betwene which turnepike and the greate gate yt seamith ther hathe been a drawe bridge but yt ys nowe filled uppe and paved from the said gathouse toward the northe ys a stane wale of lenthe vij rood di. and betwene yt and a towre standinge on the northe west corner called the Abbot Towre. And in the said courten wale on the inner parte ys a turrett coverid with free stone which ys upon the wall twoo houses hight. The said towre called the Abbot Towre ys of thre house hight the west

* The paragraph thus included between the word "vacat” is erased.

house ys the armorie (the other lodgings uncoverid). Reparacions from the Abbot Towre toward the east ys an other curtaine wall joyning unto the wall of the dungeon conteyninge in lenthe xxxij rood. And yn the same as yn the midile betwixt yt and the dungeon, ys twoo lytle garret from the east most garrett havinge a chamber to the dungeone the said wall hathe no battelment to walke uppon. On the other parte of the gate house toward the southe ys a curtaine wall of lengthe fortie twoo yeard to a towre called the corner towre in the midle betwen the gate house and the said corner toure ys one garrett in the wall in the upper parte whereof ys a lytle chamber the neather parte servith for a buttresse to the wall.

Between the said corner towre and the midle gate house turninge easte ys a certaine wall of lengthe lxx yeard in the which ys one towre rased of viij yeard square of three houses height called the Auditor Towre, the under house ys a stable and thother houses two fare chambers coverid with leade and in good reparacions.

Within the said utter curten ys one house of two house height standinge on the lefte hande at the partinge of the gate called the Checker House the under houses servinge for lodginge the upper house for a courte house coverid with slate and in good reparacions, and in the same courte on th other hande of the gate standynge northe and southe ys a nother house for a stable of twoo house height th other parte onelie servithe for stables the over parte thereof ys to be loftes and serve for keapinge of graine nowe newlie builded.

An other like house a stable standing on the right hand betwen ye gait easte and weste coverid of late with slaits and in good reparacions. The gate house towre for the mydle gate ys towre of thre house height and in some parte iiij... height on the lefte hande one stronge prisone and on the right a porter lodge (all the houses above are lodginges wherein ys conteyned hall ketchinge buttrie pantry and lodginge for a counstable or other gentleman to keep house in) from the said towre est goithe a corteyne wall to the corner towre on the southe east parte of leinght v xvij yeard, in the which ys raysed one towre at thende of the gardners of thre house height and of lenght. . . . yeards square, wherein ys on the grounde a stable the mydle house for haye the overmoste a chamber and betwixt the same whiche ys covered with lead and the said corner towre ys raysed twoo lytle garetts in the wall the neather parte servethe for butteryes to the walle thother parte servithe onelie for privies and are coveryd with stones. The said corner towre ys on thre parte round thinner parte square with out wall conteyninge in the rounde thereof xvij yeards the same towre ys raysed no heigher then the battlement of the wall and ys of two house height all togyther in ruine and servithe for a parte of the curtinge wale.

Between the same rounde towre turninge toward ye north west to a towre called the Ravine Towre ys a curtinge wall of xiiij yeards of lengthe the same towre ys coveryd with leade in good reparacions the towre yt self ys so rent that yt ys mooche like to fall, yt ys also of thre house height the nether servithe for a stable the midle for a chamber and in decaye without use the overmoste a chamber well repayred this towre ys yn thre partes rounde the iiijth parte square conteyninge in the holle xxvj yeards.

Between the said towre and a towre called the Counstables Towre ys

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