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tures of the book, attention may also be directed to the discussion of Cathartic and Emetic Medication, and especially to the treatment of Super-vomition, or continuous morbid vomiting.

A constantly repeated allusion to the author Fonssagrives may be pardoned in respect of the fact that this writer's works have not been given to the English-reading public, and that they are charged throughout with most valuable suggestions and statements of rational theory and of fact.

Once again,-may the author be permitted to desire for the reader a small part of the profit and satisfaction which have accrued to himself in the pursuit of this course of study! H. M. F.

NEWTON, MASS., April 4th, 1887.


F. & H.-FLÜCKIGER & HANBURY (generally in Pharmacographia).

T. and P.-TROUSSEAU & PIDOUX (Traité de Thérapeutique et de Mat. Médicale, Ninth Edition).

P. D. & Co.-Parke, Davis & Co., Manufacturing Pharmacists.


Page 113, in Note, for "Bichl. sod." read Bicarb. sod.

Page 223, in Note, for "with morphia" read into morphia.

Page 235, last line, after emetic insert unless in vomiting or in croup.

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That classification would appear to be the most feasible and suggestive of actual application which admits but two modifications of evacuant medicine; viz., that (1) which evacuates the bowels by means of the cathartic, and (2) which evacuates the stomach by means of the emetic. It is true that prominent writers upon therapeutics have attached the evacuant idea to the diaphoretic, the expectorant, etc., and so have made many classes in this department of applied remedies; but to consider the latter, severally, as especial stimulants or excitants would seem to be both more philosophical and practical. When we enquire of the usual intention of the diuretic, the expectorant, the diaphoretic, we surely do not find. that it is to evacuate serosity and, so, to lower bloodpressure, although such indication may now and then present as respects the first and last,-but rather to stimulate to increased activity, or restore to normal working, the glandular structure which it is hoped thus to reach.

On the other hand, it is the exceptional purpose which applies the cathartic or emetic to revulsion, derivation, a special stimulation of the biliary function, etc.; the primal and obvious intention is an

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