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Materia Medica and Therapeutics. -DR. L. J. PICÔT.

1. Give symptoms and treatment of ptomaine poisoning.

2. Give symptoms and treatment of aconite poisoning.

3. Give prophylactic and curative treatment of nephro-lithiasis.

4. Give treatment of lithæmia. 5. Give symptoms and treatment of acute uræmic poisoning.

6. What are oxytoxics. Name principal ones.

7. Define difference between myotics and mydriatics and name chief mydriatics.

8. Give antagonistics to chloral. 9. Give treatment of chronic gastric catarrh.

10. What is hydrotherapy?

11. Write two prescriptions of three ingredients each, stating for what each should be given.

Anatomy.-DR. T. S. BURBANK.

1. Name coverings of brain.
2. Describe the clavicle.

3. Describe the liver.

4. Describe the bladder.

5. What muscle is pierced by the femoral artery?

6. Give linea guides to common carotid arteries.

7. What arteries make up the coeliac axis?

8. Give difference between serous and mucous membranes.

9. Give the origin and course of the great sciatic nerve.

10. Give difference in origin and length of the right and left subclavian. arteries.

Physiology.-DR. H. B. WEAVER.

1. In what (4) ways do peptones differ from albumins?

2. What are the four specific actions of the pancreatic juice?

3. What nerves modify the action of the heart, and how?

4. How is the caliber of the bloodvessels regulated?

5. What is the source of animal heat?

6. Describe the mechanism of urination.

7. What are the properties and functions of nerves?

8. Give origin, distribution and functions of the triacial nerve.

9. Draw a scheme of the conducting paths of the spinal cord.

(a) Give course of anterior roots. (b) Of posterior roots.

(c) Decussation of motor and

sensory fibers.

10. Describe the corpora quadrigemina and give their functions.

Surgery-DR. W. H. WHITEHEAD.

1. Name varieties of ulcers. Describe and treat an acute ulcer.

2. What is an abscess, and what are the varieties of abscesses?

3. What are the symptoms and what the treatment, constitutional and local, of burns and scalds ?

4. What are the symptoms of concussion and the treatment of com. pression of the brain?

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2. Describe tuberculosis of joints and give symptoms and treatment.

3. Define hereditary syphilis, describe the principal symptoms and give the prognosis and treatment.

The Board of Examiners adjourned and left for their homes on the 30th. There were 21 applicants examined and licenses were granted to 14-just one-third failing to show a sufficient knowledge of medicine to fit them to practice among the people of North Carolina. As will be seen from the questions above, the examination was a very fair one. The usual 80 per cent. was required. The following are the successful applicants: T. J. Sevier, D. E. Sevier, W. L. Hilliard and J. P. Millard, of Asheville; T. E. Hartsell, of Concord; H. W. Carter, of Fairfield; John McCampbell, of Morganton; C. J. Sawyer, of Bellcross; B. R. Graham, of Wallace; E. A. Moye, Jr., of Greenville; W. P. Holt, of Willard Mills, and S. M. Mann, of Manteo, all these being white, and to C. H. Barnhardt, of Mt. Pleasant, and W. F. Fuller, of Reidsville, both colored. There are two more steps these should take-subscribe at once to the NORTH CAROLINA MEDICAL JOURNAL, which is published twice a month at only $2.00 a year, and attend the next meeting of the State Society at Winston and associate themselves with the representative physicians of the State. The JOURNAL makes a splendid premium offer this month, which may be seen on the second page of cover.

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Original Communications.


BY CHAS. O'H. LAUGHING HOUSE, M.D., Greenville, N. C.

No. 6.

My youth and inexperience make me diffident in attempting to discharge the duty conferred upon me; for anything like a complete report of surgical advance, made by even a competent reporter, would take more time than we could give this, the greatest and most progressive branch of our art. I will attempt to give you at least


however, asking in advance that you throw the mantle of charity over all shortcomings, and trusting that the other papers of my Section, which will follow this, will bolster up my deficient efforts and, after all, make the report on surgery and anatomy an interesting one.

I will first ask your attention, in as few words as possible, to brain surgery, hoping to give a sufficient number of facts to show what has been attained in this progressive field.

Until recently the skull was regarded as a region, surgically speaking, so dangerous, that dantes malto, "Abandon hope all ye that enter here" might have been considered as an appropriate warning to those who desired to attempt an invasion of its contents. The relation of the functions of various portions of the brain and of operative possibilities on this part of the body have exercised a marked influence upon recent surgical practice, so that we can now, with almost absolute certainty, map out various portions of the cortical substance from the exterior of the skull.

For example, the fissure of Rolando, around which cluster so many important centres, can be localized externally with surprising certainty by lines

*Read before the North Carolina Medical Society, May 15, 1895.

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