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Romani, non sui arbitrii, habent. Quae tamen condicio, cum sit magis obnoxia et minus libera, potior tamen et praestabilior existimatur propter amplitudinem maiestatemque populi Romani, cuius istae coloniae quasi effigies parvae simulacraque esse quaedam videntur, et simul quia obscura oblitterataque sunt municipiorum iura, quibus uti iam per innotitiam non queunt. Gell. N. A. 16. 13.

Ab actis senatus 477.
Ab epistulis 436.
Accensus 170.

A censibus equestribus 490.
A cognitionibus 438.

Acta diurna 477.

Acta senatus 477.

Actium 142.

Adlectio 473.


Aediles ceriales instituted 127.

curules instituted 38,
230; plebeians eligible 43; re-
lation to plebeian aediles 231;
powers 232-6; division of du-
ties 237; under the empire 467.
Aediles plebei, instituted 27; early
functions 228; development of
office 229; relation to curule
aediles 231; powers 232-6;
division of duties 237; under
the empire 467.
Aelius, L., emperor 377.
Aelius Sejanus, L. 347.
Aerarium militare, the 422, 447.
Aerarium Saturni, the 419, 445.
Ager publicus, the 9, 29, 36, 85-6;
control of it 184.

Album senatorium, the 473.

A libellis 437.

A memoria 439.

Amici Augusti, the 434.
Antiochus 77.

Antoninus Pius 376.

Antonius, M., Caesar's lieutenant

120; consul in 44 B.C. 131; re-
lations with Octavius 134-142.
Apparitores 170.

A rationibus 435.

Army, the, reformed by Servius
Tullius 23; its officers 159,
186; reformed by Augustus
345; under the empire 409.
Auctoritas patrum, the, and legis-
lation 50, 94. See also the


Augustus, restoration of order
by 322; legal position from 32
to 27 B.C. 323; receives con-
sular imperium in 29 B.C. 323;
Jan. 13, 27 B.C. 324; receives
proconsular imperium 324;
controls provinces 324; his
tribunician power 324, 326;
titles of Augustus and prin-
ceps 325; his proconsular im- .
perium extended 326; his
settlement of the succession
327; social reforms 328; finan-
cial reforms 329; frontier policy
341; government of the prov-
inces 342-4; military reforms
345. See also the emperor and

Bibulus, M. 105.
Brutus, D. 134.
Brutus, M. 133, 136.

Caesar. See Julius.
Caesars, the 395, 432.
Candidati Caesaris 416.
Capitis deminutio, maxima 289,
484; media 289, 484; minima
289, 484.

1 The numbers refer to the sections.

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Censitores, 444.
Censorship, the, established 38
open to plebeians 43; develop
ment of 64; collegiate prin-
ciple 206; election 207; term
of office 207; powers 208-213;
the nota 210, 216; the recog
nitio equitum 211; the lectio
senatus 212; the lustrum 214;
the census outside Rome 215;
decline of the censorship 216;
under the empire 365, 466.
Centenarii, etc. 494.
Centum viri, the 442.
Centuries, constitution of the 23,
51, 66, 501; the centuria prae-
rogativa 306.

Cinna. See Cornelius.
Citizenship, how acquired under

the republic 288; how lost 289;
content 291; restricted citizen-
ship 291; how acquired under
the empire 482-3; how lost
484; content 485-6. See also
plebeians, the Latins.
Civitates, sine suffragio 53, 291;
foederatae 53; liberae 84; sti-
pendiariae 84. See also citizen-

Classes, the 23, 51, 66, 501.
Claudius, emperor, character 351;

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Colonies, 49, 53, 68, 115; status of
54; maritime 55.
Comites Augusti, the 434.
Comitia, the 295; under Augustus
333. See also comitia centu-
riata, curiata, tributa.
Comitia centuriata, the 23; be-
come political 27; the com.
cent. and the auctoritas patrum
50; reformed 66; composition
300; presiding officer 301; dies
comitiales 302; formalities 303-
305; method of voting 306;
powers 307-309; under the
empire 503.

Comitia curiata, the, under the
monarchy 22; admission of
plebeians 298; formalities 299;
the plebeian com. cur. 28; the
com. cur. under the empire 502/
Comitia tributa, the, origin of
32, 310; become independent
50; composition 311; meetings
312; powers 313; for election
of priests 314; under the em
pire 504.

Commendatio, the 331, 416.
Commissioners 254, 255. See
also legati.
Concilia, the 296.

Concilia provinciarum, the 361,459.
Concilium plebis, the, established
28; acquires legislative powers
31; becomes independent 50;
judicial functions 178; com-
position 315; presiding officer
315; place and time of meeting
316; formalities 317; method
of voting 318; under the em-
pire 505.

Consilium, the 166; the legis-

lative consilium 332; the judi-
cial consilium 389, 411.

Constitutiones principis, the 413.
Consulship, the, established 25;
open to plebeians 37, 43; titles
179; collegiate principle 180;
powers 181-9; position under
the empire 464; consules suf-
fecti and ordinarii 128, 464.
Contiones 164, 297.
Cornelius Cinna, L. 93.
Cornelius Sulla, L. and Mithri-
dates 92, III; his legislation

Corrector, the 398.
Courts, the, under the republic
182, 236, 238, 251, 309, 321;
under the empire 350, 410-412,
440-443, 480.

See Licinius.

Cura alimentorum, the 455.
Cura alvei et riparum Tiberis et
cloacarum urbis, the 426, 452.
Cura annonae, the 234, 331, 426,


Cura aquarum, the 426, 452.
Cura ludorum, the 235.
Cura operum tuendorum, the 426.
Curatores aquarum, the 452.
Curatores viarum, the 427, 454.
Cura urbis, the 233, 337-9.
Curiae, the 21, 292,
Curio. See Scribonius.
Cursus honorum, the, under the
republic 60, 95, 172; under
the empire 460; the equestrian
cursus honorum 494; the sen-
atorial 497.

Damnatio memoriae, the 405.
Decem viri legibus scribundis, the
30, 256.

Decem viri stlitibus iudicandis,

the 243, 442, 470.

Decreta 163, 413.

Deportatio 484.
Dictatorship, the 25, 31; ap-
pointment 190; the dictator's
powers 191; term of office 192;
Sulla's dictatorship 94, 257;
Caesar's 125-6, 257.
Dies comitiales 302, 316.
Diocletian 393-9.

Domitian, autocratic attitude 367;
reforms 368; character 369.
Duces 398.

Duo viri navales 55, 250.
Duo viri perduellionis 253.

Edicta 163, 413.

Edictum perpetuum, the 465.
Emperor, the, succession of 400-
401; imperial titles 402; insig-
nia 403; powers 406-430; ex-
emption from certain laws 430;
the emperor and the senate
472-3, 477-9.
See also Au-
Epistulae 413.
Equites, the, placed on juries 87;
removed 96; restored 100; the
recognitio equitum 211; the
equites under the empire 335,
381, 490-494; insignia 493;
equites equo publico and
privato 491; seviri equitum
Romanorum 492.

Etruria 12, 41.

Fasces, the 169.

Finances, the 184, 213, 239, 280,
329, 384, 417-425.

Fiscus Caesaris, the 420, 446.
Flavius, Cn. 51.

Foreign affairs, control of 57, 59,

83, 117, 281, 283-4, 341-4,
408-9. See also the prov-


[blocks in formation]

340, 427, 453.

Iuridici 457.

Ius auxilii, the 218.

Ius coercitionis, the 160, 222.

Ius cum patribus agendi, the 164,

Ius cum plebe agendi, the 164,

Ius cum populo agendi, the 164,

181, 415.

Ius imaginum, the 168.

Ius intercedendi, the 221, 331.
Ius Italicum, the 486.


See also commis

Legati Augusti pro praetore 344.
Legatio libera, the 255.

Leges (named after proposer), 1.
Aelia Fufia (155) 157, 317; l.
Aelia Sentia (A.D. 4) 485;
1. Aternia Tarpeia (454) 30,
160, 321; plebiscitum Atinium
(2d century) 264; 1. Caecilia
Didia (98) 89; 1. Calpurnia
(149) 65; 1. Canuleia (445) 33:
1. Cassia (137) 61; leges Clodiae
(58) 106, 157; leges Corneliae

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