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order to test the soundness of their slumber. They stirred not limb or muscle.

18. Placing a hatchet in the hands of her fellowcaptive, and bidding her stand ready to assist her, she grasped another in her own hands and smote its ragged edge deeply into the skull of the nearest sleeper. A slight shudder and a feeble groan followed. The savage was dead.

19. She passed on to the next. Blow followed blow, until ten out of twelve of the savages were stiffened in blood. One escaped with a dreadful wound. The last, a small boy, - still slept amidst the scene of carnage. Mrs. Duston lifted her dripping hatchet above his head, but hesitated to strike the blow.

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20. "It is a poor boy," she said mentally, "a poor child, and perhaps he has a mother!" The thought of her own children rushed upon her mind, and she spared him.

21. The heroic woman was in the act of leaving the bloody spot, when, suddenly reflecting that the people of her settlement would not credit her story, unsupported by any proof save her own assertion, she returned, and deliberately scalped her ten victims!

22. With this fearful evidence of her prowess she loosed one of the Indian canoes, and floated down the river to the falls (from which place she traveled through the wilderness), and at last reached her home and her rejoicing husband.

[blocks in formation]

able (or ible), that may or can; | ent (noun), one who.

having the quality of; to be.

age, state or act of; that which.

al (noun), act of; that which.

al (adjective), relating to, like.

ance (or ence), act of, state of;

that which, one who.

ant (noun), one who.

er, that which.

er, eer, ier, yer, one who.

ern, relating to.

ful, full of, causing, having the quality of.

fy, to make.

hood, state of.

ant (adjective), having the quality ian, one who.

of; -ing.

ar, one who.

ic, like, relating to.

ice, quality or act of.

ary, relating to, having the quality ier (see er).

of; that which.

ate, having the quality of. dom, state or quality of being. en (adjective), like, made of.

en (verb), to make, put, cause. ence (see ance).

ion, state or act of; that which.

ish, like, pertaining to.
ism, quality of.

ist, one who.

ite, one who.

ity, state of being; that which.

ent (adjective), having the quality ive, having the quality of.

of; -ing.

ize, to make; to act like.

less, without.

let, little.

ly (adjective), like, pertaining to. ly (adverb), in a manner.

ment, state or act of; that which.

ness, quality or state of being. or, one who.

ship, state of being; that which. some, full of, causing.

ty, state or quality of being. ure, one who; act or state of be

ing; that which.

y (adjective), full of, like, of the nature of.

ous, full of; having the quality of. y (noun), act or state of; that ry (or ery) collection or class, act

or state of, place where.

which. yer (see er).

III. - Derivatives.

a+board, on board. abruptly, in an abrupt manner:


acquaintance, one with whom

we are acquainted.

action, state of acting: a deed. act+ive, having the quality of acting energetic.

artist, one who works in art. a+sleep, in the state of sleep. attractive, having the quality of attracting.

attend+ant, one who attends on

a person: a companion. attentive+ly, in an attentive manner with attention.

admirable = admir(e) + able, to awful = aw(e) + ful, causing awe.

be admired: excellent.

adventurer == adventur(e) + er, one who goes on adventures. advertise + ment, that which is

advertised: a notice. affection + ate, having the quality

of affection; loving. agreement, act of agreeing:

something agreed on.

a + live, in life: living. amazement, condition of being

amazed: astonishment. annoyance, act of annoying: bother.

awkward + ness, state of being


beautiful = beauty + ful, full of

beauty: lovely.

beautify = beauty+fy, to make

beautiful to embellish. beggar beg + ar, one who begs. blood + less, without blood. blood+y, full of blood: sanguin


botanist = botan(y)+ ist, one who is skilled in botany. bountiful = bounty + ful, full of bounty: generous.

brave + ly, in a brave manner.

breaker, that which breaks (on

breath + less, without breath.

the shore) a wave.

confidence = confid(e) +ence, act

of confiding: trust.

confusion = confus(e) + ion, state

of being confused: disorder.

bridal=brid(e) + al, relating to a conquer + or, one who conquers.

bride: nuptial.

briskly, in a brisk manner. brutal brut(e) + al, brute-like;

inhuman cruel.

bulk + y, full of bulk of great size. calm + ly, in a calm manner. carbon +ic, relating to carbon. care + ful, full of care: painstaking.

consider + able, to be considered:

moderately large.

constant + ly, in a constant manner: frequently. continental, relating to the (American) continent, or to United States as colonies. conversation=convers(e) + at(e) +ion, act of conversing.

cease + less, without ceasing: con- cool + ness, state of being cool.

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colonial = colony + al, relating to damp + en, to make damp: to

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colonist = colon(y) + ist, one who | danger + ous, full of danger.

is a member of a colony. colonize = colon(y) + ize, to make

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darken, to make dark to ob


darkness, state of being dark:


dearly, in a dear manner:


defiance = defy + ance, act of de


deplorable = deplor(e) + able, to | distinct + ly, in a distinct man

[blocks in formation]

dis + appear, not to appear: to eager + ly, in an eager manner.

vanish from sight. disappoint + ment, state of being


dis + content, want of content


discover + y, act of discovering:

first finding.

discover + er, one who discovers. discussion, act of discussing: a


earnestness, quality of being

earnest a fixed purpose.

earth + en, made of earth, i.e.,

baked clay.

easily easy + ly, in an easy man


eastern, relating to the east. employment, state of being

employed: occupation. en + able, to make able.

dis + heart + en, to put out of en+dear, to make dear.

heart to discourage.

dis + honest, not honest: knavish.

dis + honor (verb), to put out of

honor to desecrate.

engineer=engin(e)+eer, one who

manages an engine. enjoy, to feel joy: to take pleasure in.

dismal + ly, in a dismal manner : enjoy + ment, state of enjoying:

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disobey, not to obey: to refuse enrich, to make rich.

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