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wisdom the world is governed." The prevalent aspect of things is of drifting with events, not controlling events. Capitalists and merchants in New York are making so much out of the war, that they are satisfied to trust to Providence, and believe all will come out well. In Washington, those in comfortable offices are only satisfied with the state of things, and cannot get up much enthusiasm. In the hospitals, among the poor soldiers, you find earnestness and enthusiasm, patience and submission. There is a touching grandeur about our young men sick and dying. I saw an old man, a German, who had received eleven wounds in one battle; and he was as cheerful, and merry even, as he could be. Mr. Channing told us of some Pennsylvania men, in the hospital which he visits, who were noble fellows. They were dying every day, he said, of their wounds, but went willingly, with no complaint,— only glad if they could see some one from home, or send a message of love to their friends who sit waiting and looking for those who shall never come again.


Mr. Lincoln seems worn out with care. I should think he would be so. His bed has not been one of roses. stands in the midst, beset on all sides; urged to do this, and not to do it; told the salvation of the country depends on it; told the next minute that it will be the destruction of the nation. Not being a man of original insight, no national leader, but a man of plain sense, he finds it hard to steer the Ship of State in the midst of this awful storm, and sighs, no doubt, often for the quiet of his Illinois


Mr. Chase has such a weight laid on his own especial department of finances, that we can hardly expect him to do any thing else than attend to them.

I do not think, on the whole, that I received much encouragement from the men in Washington. Great men

are scarce.

God does not see fit to send many of them. He sends us heroes in the field and in the fleet, noble soldiers and sailors; but sages and statesmen, where are they?

"Great men have been among us, - hands that penned

And tongues that uttered wisdom,- better none.
These moralists could act and comprehend:
They knew how genuine glory was put on;

Taught us how rightfully a nation shone

In splendor; what strength was that would not bend.
But now where are such souls as we had then?

Perpetual emptiness! unceasing change!

No single genius paramount, no code,

No master-spirit, no determined road,

But equally a want of thoughts and men."


A MEETING for a parting interview with Rev. Mr. Dall, Unitarian missionary to Calcutta, was held in the Bedfordstreet Church, Sunday evening, April 19, 1863. After prayer was offered by Dr. Gannett, the chair was taken by Hon. John G. Palfrey, who, introducing Mr. Dall, made some brief but excellent remarks, in which he recalled striking facts in connection with the Rajah Rammohun Roy, and Rev. Mr. Adam's mission forty years ago. Mr. Dall was then called upon for a Report, which he read, and which we print below. Rev. Mr. Winkley, Chairman of the Subcommittee of the Board of Directors of the A. U. A. on the India Mission, then spoke, calling attention to the case of William Roberts, missionary at Madras. We print a report on this subject, carefully prepared by Mr. Winkley, which embodies his views on this point. James F. Clarke then made some remarks on the three points,—"A mission

to India is desirable," "A mission to India is practicable," and "Mr. Dall is doing the work ably and well." A collection was taken on behalf of the Madras Mission, amounting to upwards of $200.


Of the Work done by the Christian Unitarians in India.

CHRISTIAN FRIENDS,— My duty is to make you a brief report of facts. On the eve of departure, through England and Egypt, to India, after seven years spent in India, and now seven months at home, I am to state what is our work in India done and to be done for God and man and the gospel.

Each one here who has read the New Testament must know that its end and aim is the conversion of the world, the binding of every human heart to God. Nothing can hide the fact that Jesus said, "Go, teach all nations; preach the gospel to every creature. If ye love me, keep my commandments." This, we know, was his dying charge, kept to the death by all his immediate apostles, and by Paul, the missionary to the heathen, the apostle to the neglected world outside of his native land.

Charity begins at home, but dies down into selfishness, and ceases to be gospel charity, if it stay at home. For our own sakes, therefore, we must gospelize humanity. We must Christianize them, or they heathenize us. The gospel is love to man, faith in God, knowledge of the truth, and obedience to absolute right. India has blind faith in God, almost to the exclusion of love to man. India excels most nations in that wisdom which Paul said was foolishness with God; and she has yet to findas how many of us have yet to find!-the true wisdom by obedience. The depth of her present degradation is shown by

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her idolatry and its lying pollutions; though increasing thousands of her people begin to yearn for gospel light, and are, year by year, flinging their idols to the owls and the bats. When we see what centuries of training God gave to the Hebrews before he could wean them from idolatry, we have no right to slacken our hand or close our purse, though we see, for centuries, no other success. But we do see more, much more. Four or five hundred thousand of all sects have been baptized; and in Southern India we have three or four Christian Unitarian churches, feeble yet persistent; and these originated, not from the preaching of any missionary of ours, nor of any white man sent from a Christian land, but from natives of India self-moved, and from natives only. All men hunger for what is good: they thirst for better things, and take them when they find them. The omnipresent God will have it so. And thus it was, that the father of the present pastor of our church in Madras, seventy-five years ago, left his idols for the great doctrine of the Divine Unity, and found it first in the Koran. Driven out from his home among the fragrant coffee-gardens in the hill-country, he sought refuge in Madras, down by the sea. He was there employed by a Christian. Being a thoughtful and studious man, he took the Bible, and compared it with the Koran. The position of a believer in Mahomet, into which he had come with so much. struggle and suffering, he now abandoned for one higher and truer. He became a Christian. But the Christian creed of his English master, and the articles of the English Church, did not wholly satisfy him. It appears in his Autobiography, that the position of mind in which he found rest was due to the providential reading in England, whither his master had taken him as a body-servant, of a Christian Unitarian tract, and then of the works of such men as Belsham, Priestley, Lindsey, and other Unitarian divines.

And now, to-day, in South India and in Burmah, four churches live, with two or three schools attached to some of them, and hold regular services as societies of Unitarian Christians; that is to say, at Tonghoo in Burmah, and at Salem and Secunderabad and Madras in Southern India. Our largest brick chapel is at Secunderabad. I thank God for these facts. It is encouraging to know, that, in that hard soil, not harder, however, for gospel-seed, than was the soil of England in the bloody days of the Druids, not many centuries ago, with so little aid from Christendom, there have grown up four Christian churches, little ones, as plants out of a dry soil, in the midst of the deep darkness of the heathen world. One of these (at Madras) has, within consecrated walls, for fifty years, and another at Secunderabad for thirty or forty years, worshipped the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The order of their service nearly resembles that held in the Stone Chapel here in Boston, or exactly that of Essexstreet Chapel in London, carefully translated into their own Tamul tongue. Would you hear the sound of it? [Mr. Dall here had a nod from the Hon. John G. Palfrey, the Chairman; and repeated the Lord's Prayer, as he had often repeated it with the church at Madras, beginning, "Pára-man-da-lang-gar-li-li-ruk-ki-rar, angrl Pidávé."*]

*We have obtained a copy of the prayer:


Pára-man-da-lang-gar-li-li-ruk-ki-rar, angrl Pidávé; ummudaiar ná mam párísutthar-má-var-dá-gar; ummudaiar iráchiam vá-ru-var-dá-gar; ummudaiar sittham pá-rar-man-dar-lath-tilé; sé-yar-pár-du-már-por-lé; bhoomi-yilé-yiun sé-yar-pár-du-var-dá-gar. An-den-dru-lá angrl áppat-thai, angrl uk-kin-dru dárung. Angrl kár-den-kár rar ruk-kun angrl main-nik-kumáporlé angrl kárdan-gár-lai angrl luk-ku main ni-ium angrl-lai so dhar-nai-kul. Pirar-ve sik-kar pan-ná-de-um ánálo tun-mai_ yai-niki-angrl-ái-i-rat-chil took kul-um. Awmeen!

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