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Common Carotid.

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Back of Auricle and Scalp. Brachial and 7 Branches.

Radial and Ulnar and 4 Branches. Ext. and Int. Carotid.

8 Branches.


Phrenic, Coeliac Axis, Sup, and Inf. Mesenteric, Suprarenal, Renal, Spermatic, Lumbar, Sacra Media.

2 Coronary, Innominate, Left Common Carotid, Left Subclavian.

Pericardiac, Bronchial, Esophageal, Posterior Mediastinal, 20 Intercostals.

Stylo-mastoid, Auricular.

Sup. and Acromial Thoracic, Long and Alar Thoracic,
Subscapular, Ant. and Post. Circumflex.

Sup. and Inf. Profunda, Nutrient, and Anastomotica Magna.
Ext. and Int. Carotid.

Sup. Thyroid, Lingual, Facial, Occipital, Post. Auric.,
Ascending Pharyngeal, Temporal, Internal Maxillary.

Ant. part of Brain, Eye, Forehead and Tympanic, Arteria Receptaculi, Ant. Meningeal, Ophthal

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mic, Ant. and Mid. Cerebral, Post. Communicating, Ant. Choroid.

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Cremasteric, Pubic, Muscular.

Inf. or ascending Palatine, Tonsillar, Submaxillary, Sub-
mental, Musculars, Inf. Labial, Inf. and Sup. Coronary,
Lateralis Nasi, Angular.

Superfic. Epigastric, Circumflex Iliac and Ext. Pudic;
Deep Ext. Pudic, Profunda, Muscular, Anastomotica
Magna, Popliteal.

Superficial, Deep.

Muscular and Anastomotic.

Ext. and Int. Iliac.

Femoral Artery, Deep Epigastric, Deep Circumflex Iliac.

Pelvic and Generative Organs, inner Ant. Trunk, Post. Trunk. side of Thigh.

Pelvic, Generative Organs and Thigh. Sup., Mid., and Inf. Vesical, Mid. Hemorrhoidal, Obturator, Int. Pudic, Sciatic, Uterine, Vaginal.

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Comes Nervi Phrenici, Mediastinal, Pericardiac, Sternal,
Ant. Intercostal, Perforating, Musculo-phrenic, Sup.

Colica Sinistra, Sigmoid, Sup. Hemorrhoidal.

Inf. Pancreatico-Duodenal, Vasa intestini tenuis, Ileo-
Colic, Colica dextra, et Media.

Structures indicated by Names of 3 Groups: Maxillary, Pterygoid, Spheno-Maxillary.

Structures indicated by Names of Tympanic (Ant.), Middle Meningeal, Small Meningeal,
Inf. Dental.

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Structures indicated by Names of Deep Temporal, Pterygoid, Masseteric, Buccal. Branches.

Structures indicated by Names of Alveolar, Infraorbital, Post., or Descending Palatine, Branches.

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Vidian, Pterygo-Palatine, Nasal, or Spheno-palatine.
Iliac, Vesical, Pubic. Ext. and Int. Pelvic.

Muscular, Sterno-mastoid, Auricular, Meningeal, Arteria
princeps cervicis.

Lachrymal, Supraorbital, Post. and Ant. Ethmoidal, Palpebral, Frontal, Nasal, Muscular, Ant., Short and Long Ciliary, Art. Centralis Retinæ.

Radialis indicis, Palmar inteross., Perforating, Recurrent.

External Pharyngeal and Meningeal Branches.

Post. Perforating, Digital, etc.

Sup. and Inf. Muscular, Cutaneous, Articulars (Sup., Ext. and Int.), Azygos Articular, Articulars (Inf., Ext. and Int.), Ant. and Post. Tibial.



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in abeyance, as in asphyxia neonatorum, drowning, etc. Hall's Method, by turning the body alternately upon the side or face. Howard's Method, by pressure upon the lower ribs every few seconds. Sylvester's Method, chiefly by movements of the


Aryte'noid (apvraiva, a pitcher, ɛɩdoç, likeness). Resembling the mouth of a pitcher. A. Cartilages, two cartilages of the larynx regulating, by the means of the attached muscles, the tension of the vocal cords. A. Muscle, arises from the posterior surface of one arytenoid cartilage and is inserted into the corresponding parts of the other. It is composed of three planes of fibres, two oblique and one transverse. It draws the arytenoid cartilages together.

Aryth mic. Irregular; without rhythm. Asafoetida. Asafetida. A resinous gum obtained from the root of Ferula narthex and F. scordosoma. Somewhat soluble in alcohol, and forms an emulsion with water. Properties due to allyl sulphide, CHIOS. A powerful antispasmodic, stimulant and expectorant. Very service

able in hysteria and bronchial affections. Dose gr. v-xx. A. Tinct., strength 20 per cent. Dose 3 ss-ij. A. Emplastrum, asafoetida 35, lead plaster 35, galbanum 15, yellow wax 15, alcohol 120 parts. A. Mistura, a 4 per cent. emulsion. A. et Magnesiæ Mist., Dewer's carminative, magnesium carb. 5, tinct. asafoetida 7, tinct. opii I, sugar 10, aq. dest. ad 100 parts. Dose 3 ss- 3 ss. A. Pillulæ, contain each gr. iij of asafoetida and gr. j of soap. Dose j-iv. A. et Aloes Pil., have gr. 1% of each ingredient. Galbani Pil., comp. See Galbanum. Ammonia Fatidus Spt., contains asafoetida 11⁄2, liq. ammoniæ fort. 2, spirit 20 parts. Dose 3 ss-j. Unof. A'sak. See Sacara Indica. Asca'ris (plural Ascarides) (aokapišw, to jump). A genus of the family Ascarida. A class of parasitical worms inhabiting the bodies, and especially the intestine, of most animals. A. Lumbricoides, is found in the ox, hog and man. It inhabits the small intestine, especially of children. A. Vermicularis (the thread worm), a synonym of Oxyuris Vermicularis. A. Mystax, the round worm of the cat, and A. Alata have rarely been found in man. Ascep'tol. A sulpho-carbol resembling carbolic and salicylic acids. Highly antiseptic and disinfectant. Unof.

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Asci'tes (aokiтns, from aσкоç, a bag). An abnormal collection of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity. There is uniform enlargement of the abdomen, fluctuation, percussion dullness, etc. Ascle'pias. Pleurisy Root. The root of Asclepias tuberosa. A popular remedy in the Southern States for pleurisy. A powerful diaphoretic and a moderate emetic and cathartic. The infusion recommended has a strength of 3 of the powdered root to 3xxxij of water. Dose teacupful every 3 or 4 hours. Unofficial. Also, A. Curassavica, Blood Flower. An herb common to tropical America. Astringent, styptic and anthelmintic against the tapeworm. A popular remedy for checking capillary hemorrhage. Dose of fld. ext. 3j-ij. Unof. Ascococ'cus (aokoç, a leather bag, KOKKO, a kernel). A genus of the family of Coccacees; with elements united in massive colonies surrounded by tough, thick, gelatinous envelopes. A. Billrothii, found in putrefied meat; its natural habitat is the air. Details of culture, etc., are wanting.

Ascomycetes (ασкоÇ, μνкηÇ, a mushroom). A large family of fungi, of which the truffles, or Tuberacea, the ergot of rye and mould of dried fruits are examples. Ascoph'ora Muce/do. A microscopic fungus, of which the mould of bread is an example.

As'cospore (aσкоç, σñора, a spore). A spore developed within a sac-like fungus


Asep'sis (a neg., σŋw, to putrefy). The condition of non-putrefaction; absence of all septic material or pathogenic microorganisms.

Asep/tic. Free from contaminating or septic matter. The antiseptic treatment of wounds, including aseptic and antiseptic dressings, renders the wound aseptic. Asep'tin. This term has been given to a secret preparation containing boric acid, used for preserving articles of food. Asep'tol, CHSO, a reddish liquid, with an odor of carbolic acid, recommended as a disinfectant and antiseptic. Used externally 1: 1000, and internally in about the same dose as carbolic acid. Asit'ia (a, without, orog, food). The want of food. Also a loathing for food. Asparagin. A crystalline organic principle, CH.NO, found in asparagus and many other plants. It is diuretic, and sedative to the circulation. See Althea.


Asparagus. The green root of Aspara gus officinalis. A mild diuretic. Dose of fld. ext. 3 ss-j. Unof.

Aspartic Acid. C ̧H,NO̟. A dibasic crystalline substance obtained from asparagin. It occurs in the body as a result of the action of the pancreatic juice on the fibrin of the blood.


Aspergillus (aspergo, to scatter). order of fungi. A. Auricularis, a fungus found in the wax of the ear. A. Glaucus, the bluish mould found, e. g., upon dried fruit. A. Mucoroides, a species found in tuberculous or gangrenous lung tissue. Asperm'atism (a neg., σлεрμа, seed). Non-emission of semen, whether owing to non-secretion or non-ejaculation. Asper'sion (aspergo, to sprinkle). The act of besprinkling, medicines being sometimes thus applied.

Asphyx'ia (a neg., opviç, the pulse). The effect upon the body of the non-oxygenation of the blood; the suspension of vital phenomena when the lungs are deprived of air. The excess of carbon dioxide in the blood at first stimulates, then paralyzes the respiratory center of the medulla. Artificial respiration is therefore required in cases of sudden asphyxia. A. Neonatorum, the inability of new-born infants to begin respiration spontaneously, or to continue it.

Aspidiosper'mine. An alkaloid extracted from Quebracho, q. v.

Aspid'ium. The rhizome of several species of A., especially A. marginale. Properties due to a resin containing filicilic acid. Valuable chiefly as a vermicide against tapeworm. Dose 3 ss-3 ss. A. Oleoresina, an ethereal extract. Dose 3 ss-j.

As pirates. See Consonants.

Aspira'tion (ad, to, spiro, to breathe). Used as a synonym of inspiration, also of imbibition. The act of using the aspirator. A method of withdrawing the fluids and gases from a wound to prevent contamination. A. of Cataract Extraction. See Extraction of Cataract, Suction Method.

As'pirator. An instrument for withdrawing the contents of an abscess, tumor, etc., without the admission of air. Assafœ/tida. See Asafetida. Assimila'tion (assimulo, to make like). The process of transforming food into such a nutrient condition that it is taken up by the circulatory system, and forms an integral part of the economy; synthetic or con

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structive metabolism; anabolism. A., Primary, that concerned in the conversion of food into chyle and blood. A., Secondary, that relating to the formation of the organized tissues of the body. Association (associatio). The act of combining; union with. Associated Movements, coincident or consensual movements of other muscles than the leading one, and which by habit or unity of purpose are involuntarily connected with its action. Both eyeballs move alike in reading, though one be a blind eye. Movement of the normal arm will sometimes produce slight motion of the opposite paralyzed arm. An uniformity of innervation is usually the cause of these movements, and such an example as the rigidity of the jaw in lifting a heavy weight should hardly be called an associated movement. Associated Paralysis, a common paralysis of associated muscles.

As'surin. A name given by Thudichum to a complex substance occurring in braintissue. Properties not investigated. Asta'sia (a neg., oraσıç, standing). Motor incoördination for standing. See Abasia. Asteato'des (a neg., orɛap, tallow, wons, fullness). Deficient or absent secretion of sebaceous matter by the sebaceous glands. As'ter. See Karyokinesis. Aster'ion. See Skull.

Astern'al (a neg., σrɛpvov, the breast bone). Not connected with the sternum. A. Ribs, the five lower pairs, because not joined directly to the sternum. Astern'ia. Absence of the sternum. Asthe'nia (a neg., olevoç, strength). General loss or absence of strength; adynamia. Astheno'pia (a neg., olevos, wp, eye). Weakness, speedy fatigue of the ocular muscles or visual powers, due to errors of refraction, insufficiency, over-use, anæmia,


A., Accommodative, due to hyperopia, astigmatism, or a combination of the two, producing strain of the ciliary muscle. A., Muscular, due to weakness or strain of the external ocular muscles, most commonly the internal recti-insufficiency. A., Retinal, or Nervous, a rare variety, caused by retinal hyperæsthesia, anesthesia, or other abnormality, or by general nervous affections.

Asth'ma (aoua, panting). Paroxysmal or intermittent dyspnoea, generally accompanied by cough and bronchial secretion, a feeling of constriction and suffocation. The etiology is obscure, being ascribed to heredity, nasal disease, gout, exhalations

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