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formation of an organ or tissue beyond its natural or normal limits. Transfusion (trans, fundo, to pour). The transfer of blood or other liquid into the veins. Arterial T., the transfusion of defibrinated blood into an artery. T., Direct, or Immediate, when the blood passes directly from another's vein. T., Indirect, or Mediate, when it is first drawn in a vessel.

Translucid (trans, luceo, to shine). Permitting a partial transmission of light; semitransparent.

Transmigration (trans, migro, to wander). The passage of cells or particles through a membranous septum, as, e.g., the white corpuscles of the blood in inflammation.

Transmission (trans, mitto, to send). In pathology, the communication or transfer of a disease or its contagium from one person or place to another.

Transparent (trans, pareo, to appear). Having the property of permitting the passage of light-rays without material obstruction.

Transpira'tion (trans, spiro, to breathe). The emission of any vapor or volatile matter through the pores of the skin. Applied also to sweat or the passage of liquids. Transplanta'tion (trans, planto, to plant). The operation of grafting. See Graft. T. of Cornea. See Keratoplasty. Transposi'tion (trans, pono, to place). In surgery, a plastic operation in which the tissue is transferred from its normal position to some other part, final removal being delayed until after adhesion takes place. Also the abnormal position of organs, as the teeth.

Transuda'tion (trans, sudo, to sweat). The oozing of any fluid through the pores of the skin in an unaltered condition. Transverse' (trans, verto, to turn). Across as distinguished from longitudinal. Applied to anything directed crosswise or placed athwart.

Transver'sus. See Muscle-Table. Trape/zium (Lat.). In anatomy, the first bone of the second row of carpal bones. Trapezius. See Muscle-Table. Trap'ezoid (trapezium, eidos, like). One of the bones of the wrist.

Trapp's Formula. See Christison's Formula.

Traube-Hering Curves. Pulse curves showing that the varying activity of the vasomotor center suffices to produce undulations in the blood-pressure tracing.

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Trauma (7рavua, a wound). A wound. Traumatic (pavua). Pertaining to a wound or injury.

Traumat'icine. A 10 per cent. solution of gutta percha in chloroform. Used locally in superficial wounds and skin affections. Unof.

Traumatism (pavua). The condition of one suffering from injury. The systemic condition following trauma. Tre'acle. See Theriaca. Tread. See Cicatricula. Treat'ment. The methods employed in effecting the cure of disease.

Tree of Heaven. See Ailanthus. Tre'halose. A complex carbohydrate or crystallizable sugar derived from ergot, and also from the trehala insect cocoons. Tre'matode (τpηua, a pore). The descriptive name of an order of entozoa, including worms parasitic upon the liver and intestinal tract.

Tre'mens. See Delirium.
Tre'mor (tremo, to shake).

An involun

tary trembling or agitation of the body, or some part of it.

Tremulous Iris. See Iris.

Trepan'. See Trephine.


Trephine' (Tрεn, to turn). An instrument for excising a circular piece of bone, usually from the skull. Trepida'tion (trepido, to tremble). rhythmical movement of the foot in certain paraplegic diseases, and in epilepsy. Treppe. See Summation.

Tri- (Tpes, or tres, three). A numeral used as a prefix to denote three, or triple. Tri'ad. See Quantivalence. Trial Case. A box of lenses for testing and estimating the refraction of the eye, containing biconvex, biconcave, cylindrical, prismatic and other lenses of the most used powers.

Trial Frame. A spectacle frame into which the trial lenses may be slipped in estimating ametropia.

Trial Lens/es. Lenses used in testing and estimating the refraction of the eye. See Spectacle-Lenses. Triam'ine. See Amine. Tri'angles. Certain spaces, specialized for surgical purposes, bounded upon three sides by arteries, muscles, etc. T. of Hesselbach, at the lower part of the abdominal wall, bounded by the epigastric artery, rectus muscle and Poupart's ligament. T., Carotid, Inferior, median line, sterno-mastoid, ant. belly omo-hyoid. T., Carotid, Superior, sterno-mastoid,


ant. belly omo-hyoid, post. belly digastric. T., Neck, Anterior, median line sternomastoid, border of jaw and line from angle of jaw to mastoid process. T., Neck, Posterior, sterno-mastoid, trapezius, clavicle. T., Occipital, sterno-mastoid, trapezius, omo-hyoid. T., Scarpa's, sartorius, adductor longus, Poupart's ligament. Submaxillary, lower jaw and mastoid process, the two bellies of the digastric. T., Subclavian, post. belly omo-hyoid, clavicle, sterno-mastoid.


Triangular. Pertaining to figures with three sides, and applied to a number of such shaped organs or parts of the body. Triangula'ris. See Muscle-Table. Triatom'ic (tri, three, atomus, an atom). In chemistry, applied to a molecule or a radical that requires three monad atoms to saturate it. See Quantivalence. Tribadism (Tpißw, to rub). Unnatural sexual usage of the clitoris between two


Triba'sic (tri, basis, a base). In chemistry, an acid having three hydrogen atoms replaceable by basic atoms.

Tri'ceps (tri, capio, to take). Applied to certain muscles that have three origins. See Muscle- Table.

Trichau'xis. See Hirsuties.
Trichi'asis (pığ, a hair).

Abnormal direction or position of the eyelashes, so that they produce irritation by friction upon the globe. See, also, Distichiasis. Trichi'na Spira'lis. See Pork. Trichini'asis (trichina). The condition of one infested by trichina spiralis. Trichis/mus (pi). In surgery, a scarcely perceptible fracture; also, a capillary fissure or crack.

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Trichology (pığ, hoyos, a treatise). A treatise on the hair, its nature and diseases. Trichomato'sis (pi). A parasitic affection of the hair characterized by a matted condition and coherence, due to fungoid growths.


Trichomy/sis Nodo'sa. A peculiar condition, generally nodose in character, affecting the hairs of the axilla and scrotum, and due to the growth and encapsulation in the cortical layers of the shaft of a small rod-shaped bacterium. Trichono'sis, or

Trichono'sos (Opɩž, voσoç, disease). Disease of the hair.

Trichopathy (Opi, naboç, suffering). Any disease or morbid ailment of the hair. Trichophy/ton (Opığ, øvrov, a plant). Any vegetable organism parasitic upon or affecting the hair.

Trichorrex'is Nodo'sa (@piš, pnyvvju, to burst forth, nodus, a swelling). A swelling and bursting of the hair. Probably identical with Fragilitas Crinum. Due to defective nutrition.

Trichosis (0) A class of diseases including morbid affections of the hair. Tricornis (tri, cornu, a horn). Having three processes or prominences. A descriptive name applied to the lateral ventricles of the brain.

Tricus/pid. See Valve. Trienceph'alus (7pɛs, three, ɛvкɛḍaλoç, the brain). A foetal monster without smell, hearing or sight.

Triethylamine. A ptomaîne obtained from haddock left to putrefy in an open vessel for five days in summer. As a free base, has an oily character and ammoniacal odor. Is but slightly soluble in water; boils at 89°-89.5°. But slightly toxic. Trifa'cial. See Trigeminus. Trifolium Compound. A syrup containing in each fluid 3 the active principles of red clover gr. 32, stillingia, burdock, poke, berberis aquefolium and cascara amarga ää gr. 16, prickly-ash bark 4, potassium iodide gr. 8. Recommended in syphilis. Dose 3j-ij. Unof.

Trigem'inus (tri, gemini, double). The descriptive name of the fifth pair of nerves which divide each into three branches. Trigo'nè of Bladder. See Trigonum Vesica.

Trigo'num Vesicæ (yovia, a corner). The triangular surface of the bladder immediately behind the urethral orifice. Tri'labe (Tрeç, haußavo, to grasp). An instrument with three prongs for withdrawing small calculi through the urethral passage. A lithotrite.

Trimethylamine. A ptomaine occurring in animal and vegetable tissues. Has been obtained from leaves of Chenopodium, human urine, etc. Non-poisonous.

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Trisplanchnic (Tрeç, three, oñhayxvov, the viscera). The descriptive name of the sympathetic nerve, from the fact that it is connected with the viscera of the three largest cavities of the body.

Triticum. Couch-grass. The rhizome of T. repens deprived of its rootlets. Demulcent, emollient and feebly diuretic. A popular drink in light fevers. Efficacious in cystitis. Dose 31-3j in decoction; of the fld. ext., 3j-3j, diluted. Tritura'tion (tritus, a rubbing). The process of reducing a solid substance to a powdered state by grinding or rubbing. In pharmacy, a class of powders having sugar of milk as their diluent in the proportion of ten parts of the substance to 90 of the sugar. There is but one official


Tro/car (Fr., trois-quarts, from its triangular point). An instrument used in paracentesis, or tapping a cavity, as in hydrocele. It consists of a perforator and a metal tube.



Trochanter (Tрoxos, a wheel or pulley). The shoulders of the thigh bone. The major and minor processes at the extremity of the femur which receive the flexor and extensor muscles of the thigh. Tro'chè, or

Trochis'cus (TрoxiσKoç, a little wheel). A troche, pastile, tablet or lozenge. In pharmacy, a small flattened cake prepared from a mass of sugar and mucilage as an excipient, with a prescribed medicinal substance. There are 16 official trochisci. Troch'lea (Tрoxos). A part or process having the nature of a pulley. T. of Humerus, an articulation at the extremity of the humerus over which a band of cartilage passes. Trochlea'ris (Tpoxos). Pertaining to the trochlea. Also, applied to the superior oblique muscle of the eye.

Trom/mer's Test. A test for the presence of grape sugar or glucose. The liquid to be tested is filtered, and to the filtrate a solution of ammonio-cupric tartrate is added. If glucose be present the copper is precipitated in the form of a bright orange-red basic cuprous oxide. Boiling facilitates the precipitation, which is sometimes stubborn. Troph'ic (poon, nourishment). Pertaining to the functions concerned in nutrition, digestion and assimilation. T. Centers, those regulating the nutrition of nerves, or through them, of organs.

Trophoneuro'sis (τpoon, vɛvpov, a nerve). Atrophic processes due to injury or perverted action of the nerves or nerve centers. Trophop'athy (трooŋ, ñaboç, disease). A nutritional disorder.

Trophoplasts (τροφή, πλασσω). The granular bodies of the protoplast, their function being nutritional.

Tropical Chloro'sis. See Anchylostomiasis.

Tropical Fruit Lax'ative. See Senna. Trousseau's Spots. Red spots of the skin following pressure.

Trousseau's Symptom. Spasm or tetany from pressure upon a nerve. True (A. S., trowe). The opposite of false. Organs functionally active or perfect. T. Ribs. See Ribs. Trum/pet Plant. Venus Fly-catcher, Huntsman's cup. The rhizome of Sarracenia flava; common in Southern U. S. Of high repute in cure of diarrhoea. Dose of fld. ext. mv-xv. Unof. Trun'cated (truncus). Deprived of limbs or accessory parts.

Trun'cus (Lat.). See Trunk.

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Tube (tubus). Applied to certain pipelike structures in the body, especially the oviducts, or Fallopian tubes. Used also of surgical instruments having a similar shape. T., Enterotomy, an instrument used in artificial anus to prevent protrusion of the gut. T., Eustachian, or Oto-pharyngeal, extends from behind the soft palate to the tympanum. T., Fallopian. See Oviduct. T., Lithotomy or Perineal, a form of instrument used in operations for calculi, etc. T., Stomach, a flexible tube for washing out the stomach, passed down the oesophagus.

Tube-casts. Microscopic casts of the renal tubules; indicative of kidney disease. Blood T.-c., composed of coagulated blood with corpuscles imbedded. They show that the hæmaturia originates in the secreting structure of the kidney. Epithelial T.-c., composed of plastic matter with imbedded cells, and denoting desquamative inflammation. Fatty T.-c., free fat globules in the coagulated matter, indicating fatty degeneration. Granular T.-c,. yellowish or opaque, mucoid or waxy. Hyaline T.-c., transparent, soft, delicate casts, called mucous casts; or, well defined, brittle, transparent, waxy casts-the latter indicative of serious nephritis.


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Tuber/cular Disease of the Foot. A disease known as Fungus Foot. Tuberculo'sis (tuberculum). The infectious disease commonly called consumption or phthisis when the lungs are the seat of the deposits, due to a specific bacillus and characterized by the formation of tubercles in various parts of the body. Tuber'culum. See Tubercle. Tuber/culum Seba'ceum. See Milium. Tuberosity (tuber, a swelling). In anatomy, any protuberance of a bone or process. T. of Ischium, that part of the ischium on which the body rests when in a sitting posture. Tubo-ova/rian.

Pertaining conjointly to the Fallopian tubes and the ovaries. Tu'bular (tubulus, a small tube). Having the form of a tubulus. T. Glands, the glands occurring in mucous membrane of the small intestines. T. Membrane. See Neurilemma. Tu/bule, or


Tu'bulus (dim. of tubus, a tube, pl. tubuli). A small tube. In anatomy, any minute tube-shaped structure. T., Dental, the tubular structure of the teeth. T. of Ferrein. See Pyramid. T. Lactiferi, the excretory ducts of the mammæ, 15-20 in number. T. Seminiferi, the tubular threads, arranged in fasciculi, which compose the substance of the testicle. Uriniferi, the urinary tubes of the kidneys. Beginning at the Malpighian capsules, each forms-Ist, a constricted neck; 2d, a wide canal, called the proximal convoluted tube; 3d, a spiral tube, called the spiral tubule of Schachowa; 4th, the narrow, straight tube, called the descending limb of Henle's loop; 5th, again enters the cortical structure as the ascending limb of Henle's loop.

Tu'bus (tubus). A tube. T. Proximus Convolutus. See Tubulus (Uriniferi). Tuft, Malpigh'ian. See Malpighian Bodies.

Tumefac/tion (tumeo, to swell, facio, to make). A swelling or enlargement of a part arising from any cause.

Tumes/cent (tumesco, to become swollen). Swelling or enlargement due to absorption of moisture.

Tu'mor (tumeo). An abnormal enlargement of a part from any cause, but usually from a morbid growth. T., Floating, abdominal tumors that are movable or escape from the grasp, as a floating kidney, etc. T., Malignant, comprise Carcinomata and Epitheliomata. They are

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Tumultus Sermo'nis. See Aphasia. Tu'nica (L., a cloak). An enveloping or covering membrane. T. Adventitia. See Artery. T. Albuginea, the fibrous covering of the testis. Applied also to a tendinous membrane of the sclerotic coat and to the stroma of the ovary. T. Intima. See Artery. T. Media. See Artery. T. Mucosa, the mucous membrane of a part. T. Ruyschiana, a name given to the internal layer of the choroid coat of the eye, consisting of a plexus of capillary vessels. T. Vaginalis, a name given to the serous coverings of the testis, and also to the membranous sac (capsule of Tenon) enveloping the eye. T. Vasculosa, the vascular layer of the testis, called also the pia mater of the testis. Tun'nel-anææ/mia.


See Anchylostomi

Tu'pelo. See Tent. Turbinated Bones (turba, a top). A name given to the inferior bones, one on each side of the outer wall of the nasal fossæ.

Turges/cence (turgesco, to become swelled). The swelling or enlargement of an organ or part from any cause what


Tur'gid (turgidus). Swollen. Turkey Corn. See Corydalis.



Epiblastic, Hypo

blastic and Mesoblastic (?).

Tur/meric. The rhizome of Cucurma longa. Aromatic and stimulant. The coloring matter is used as a test for soluble salts of boron. Dose of fld. ext. mxv-3j. Unof.

Turn'ing. See Version. Tur'pentine. See Terebinthina. Tus'sis (tussis). A cough. Tutam'ina Oc'uli (tutamen, a safeguard, oculus, the eye). The appendages of the eyes-the lids, brows, lashes, etc. Twin Leaf. The rhizome and rootlets of Jeffersonia diphylla. Diuretic, alterative, and antispasmodic; in large doses emetic. Dose of fld. ext. mxx-3j. Unof. Tylo'ma. See Callositas. Tylo'sis (ruos, a callosity). A form of blepharitis in which the lid-edge is thickened and hardened. See, also, Callositas. Tym'panic Bone (тvμavov, a drum). The thin roof or plate of bone separating the tympanic and cranial cavities. Tympani/tes (τυμπανον). The disease popularly known as "drum - belly." It consists of a distention of the abdominal walls with air or gases.

Tym'panum (тνμπavov). The middle ear. The irregular cavity within the petrous portion of the temporal bone communicating with the pharynx through the Eustachian tube.

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