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Ptyal'ocele. See Ranula.
Pty/alum. See Saliva.

Pu'berty (pubeo, to grow to maturity). The age when the young become capable of reproduction.

Pu'bes (Lat.). That portion of the os innominatum forming the front of the pelvis. Also, the fleshy and hairy part covering the same.

Pu/bic. Pertaining to the pubes. Pubiot'omy (pubes, Toun, a cutting). An operation for enlarging the diameter of the pelvis to facilitate delivery in cases of pelvic malformation.

Pu/bo-. A Latin root; prefixed to another word denotes relation to the pubes. Pudenda. See Pudendum.

Pudendag'ra (pudenda, aypa, a seizure). Any pain in the genital organs. Also, syphilis.

Puden'dum (pudeo, to be ashamed). Those parts of the female genital organs visible externally. These are the mons veneris, the labia, clitoris, nymphæ and hymen. Pu'dic (pudeo). A descriptive term applied to the genital organs or related parts. Also, to any part of the body habitually concealed. P. Nerve. See Nerve. Pu'erile (puer, a boy). Pertaining to boyhood or childhood. P. Respiration, a resonant respiration sometimes observed in adults similar to that heard in vigorous, healthy children.

Puerpera (puer, pario, to beget). A female in labor, or one recently delivered. Puerperal (puer, pario). Pertaining to the state of a woman in childbed.


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Pugil'lus (Lat., a handfull). In practice, the amount of a substance that can be grasped between the thumb and two or three fingers.

Pu'lex (Lat.). A flea. A genus of epizoa parasitic upon the skin. P. Irritans, the common flea. P. Penetrans, the chigoe or jigger flea, a species burrowing under the skin to deposit ova. Found mainly in tropical America.

Pullula'tion (pullulo, to bud). Any morbid growth taking the form of a bud, as certain forms of condyloma. Pulmom'eter (pulmo, a lung, μerpov, a measure). Any instrument for measuring the capacity of the lungs. Also, an instrument for measuring the air of respiration. Pulmom'etry (pulmo, μɛтpov). The quantitative determination of the air concerned in respiration. Also, the determination of the volume of the lungs.

Pulmonary (pulmo). Pertaining to the lung. P. Consumption. See Phthisis. Pulmon'ic (pulmo). Same as Pulmonary. Pulp (pulpa). A part of certain fruits. P. Cavity, a cavity containing soft, amorphous matter, as P. of Spleen, the substance within the cavity of the spleen. P. of Tooth, the tissue of the pulp-cavity of a tooth.

Pulpi'tis (pulpa, itis, inflammation). An inflammation of the pulp or organic portion of a tooth.

Pulsatilla (Lat.). Pasque Flower. Meadow Anemone. The leaves and tops of Anemone P. Properties due to a camphoraceous principle, anemonin. Lowers heart and arterial tension; in larger doses produces nausea and paralyzes motion and sensibility. Recommended in amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and scaly skin diseases. A valuable alterative. An unofficial tincture, consists of equal parts of the juice and alcohol. Dose m-v; of the active principle gr. ij.

Pulsa'tion (pello, to drive). Any beating or throbbing sensation. The visible or sensible elevation of a vessel synchronous or following the heart's beat. P., Retinal, arterial and venous pulsations are sometimes seen in the eye as a consequence of the disturbance of the relative intraocular and extraocular pressure.

Pulse (pulsus). The expansile impulse of the arteries from variations in the bloodpressure, and following the contractile action of the heart. P., Allorhythmic. See Allorhythmia. P., Anacrotic. See Anacrotism. P., Capillary, seen when


the capillaries are dilated and the bloodpressure is high. P., Catacrotic, elevations or secondary waves in the line of descent of the pulse-tracing. P. Curve, the tracing, called sphygmogram or arteriogram, of the pulse, made by the sphygmograph or sphygmoscope. P., Dicrotic, an exaggerated dicrotic wave, or recoil wave, the larger of the catacrotic elevations corresponding to the closure of the aortic valves. P., Entoptical, the subjective illumination in a dark field, after violent exercise, corresponding to each pulse-beat. P., Hard, one with characters of high tension and rigidity. P., Hyperdicrotic, when the aortic notch falls below the base line, a symptom of great exhaustion. P., Intermittent, one in which the beats are irregular or occasionally fail. P., Monocratic, absence of the dicrotic wave. P., Paradoxical, failure of the beat during inspiration, owing to pathological conditions of the heart and adjacent parts. P., Recurrent, the appearance of the pulse on the distal side of the point of compression of an artery. P. Tracing. See P. Curve and Sphygmogram.

P., Venous, pulsatile phenomena occasionally observed in veins, especially in the eye, owing to the intraocular pressure permitting the escape of the venous current during the heart's diastole. See also Pulsus.

Pulsim'eter (pulsus, the pulse, μerpov, a measure). Any instrument for the quantitative determination of the rate, quality or force of the pulse.


Pul'sus (Lat.). The pulse. P. Alternans, a pulse in which there is a regular alternation of a high and low beat. Bigeminus, the beats occur in pairs, so that a longer pause follows every two beats. P. Intercurrens, when an extra beat is intercalated in a normal series. P. Intermittens, when in an otherwise regular rhythm a beat is omitted. P. Myurus, the beats becoming smaller and smaller, and after a certain time beginning as large as before. P. Quadrigeminus and P. Trigeminus, the irregularities occurring after every fourth and third beat. See Pulse.

Pulta'ceous (puls, pottage). Having the consistence of pap or pottage. Applied to any semifluid substance. Pulver (pulvis, a powder). In pharmacy, one or more medicinal substances reduced to a state of very fine division.

are 9 official pulveres.


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Pulveriza'tion (pulvis). The operation of reducing a substance to a powder. Pulvinar (Lat.). A pillow. The posterior eminence of the optic thalamus. Pul'vis. See Pulver.

Pump. A machine that, by creating a vacuum between its valves, is used for drawing or transferring a liquid to or from a reservoir. P., Breast, a pump for removing milk from the breast. P., Stomach, a pump for removing the contents of the stomach in cases of poisoning. It consists of a barrel, a delivery tube and a flexible tube to be introduced into the stomach.

Pumpkin Seed. See Pepo. Puncta (pl. of punctum, a point). Points. A term variously used in anatomy. P. Dolorosa, tender or painful points in the course of nerves in an inflamed condition. P. Lachrymalia, the orifices of the lachrymal canaliculi in the eyelids near the inner canthus.

Punc'tate (punctum). Having many points. Dotted. Full of minute punc


Punc/tum (Lat.). A point. P. Aureum. See Macula lutea. P. Cæcum. See Blind Spot. P. Proximum, the point nearest the eye at which an object can be seen with distinctness and without diplopia. P. Remotum, the farthest point at which an object can be distinctly seen with suspended accommodation. In the emmetropic eye it is theoretically at an infinite distance; in the hyperopic eye it is theoretically beyond this, as such an eye is adapted only for convergent rays.

Puncture (punctum). A wound or hole made by a pointed instrument. Pun'gent (pungo, to prick). Acrid. Penetrating. Producing a pricking or painful sensation.

Pu'pa (Lat., a doll). That form of an insect intermediate between its larval and mature states. A chrysalis.

Pupil (pupilla). The round aperture in the iris of the eye. P., Argyll Robertson's, one of the early symptoms of tabes, in which a myotic pupil responds to accommodative effort but not to light. P., Adhesions of the, are the result of inflammation, and, if to the lens-capsule, are called posterior synechia; if to the cornea, anterior synechia. P., Artificial, an iridectomy or opening made by surgical operation in an iris without a normal pupil, or in which the normal pupil is opposite opacities of the

cornea or lens.


P., Exclusion of, total posterior synechia, the entire pupillary edge being adherent to the capsule. P., Occlusion of, the pupillary area is filled with semi-opaque exudation - products of inflammation. P., Pin - hole, extreme myosis.

Pu'pillary (pupilla). Pertaining to the pupil of the eye. P. Membrane, a foetal membrane covering the eye until the seventh month of gestation. P. Membrane, Persistent, fibrillar bands springing from the iris, passing to or across the pupil, and sometimes attached to the lenscapsule, the remains of unabsorbed pupillary membrane.

Pupilometer (pupil, μerpov, a measure). An instrument designed for the measurement of the pupil of the eye.

Purga'tion (purgo, to cleanse). The act or condition of being purged. Evacuation of the bowels.

Pur'gative (purgo). A medicine producing watery evacuations of the bowels. Purg'ing Ag'aric. See Agaricus. Pu'riform (vov, pus). Having the form, nature or appearance of pus. Purkinje's Cells. The pear-shaped cells with long processes occurring in the deep layers of the cortex of the cerebellum. Purkinje's Figures. Shadows of the retinal blood vessels upon the retina. Purkinje-Sanson's Images. Three pairs of images of one object seen in an observed pupil, the first, erect, from the anterior surface of the cornea; the second, erect, from the anterior surface of the lens; the third, inverted, from the posterior capsule of the lens.

Pur'ple, Visual. See Rhodopsin. Purpura. A hæmorrhage into the cutis, due to disease or trauma. The extravasation of blood may take the following forms: Ecchymoses, bruises; Ecchymomata, extravasations due to the rupture of blood vessels under the skin; Hæmatidrosis, the lodgement of bloody sweat in the sweat-follicles; Hæmorrhagic Bulla, the effusion of blood into a bulla; Papules, the effusion of blood around hair-follicles; Petechia, small spots of extravasation, of any shape, not raised above the skin; Vibices, streaks long in comparison with their width. Hæmorrhagica, or "land scurvy," a


severer form of the disease attended with debility and constitutional disturbance. Sometimes terminating fatally. See Scurvy. P. Neonatorum, the purpura of an infant at birth. P. Rheumatica. See Peliosis




P. Senilis, the purpura of old age. P. Simplex, marked by the appearance of successive crops of spots under the skin and mucous surface unaccompanied by constitutional disturbance.

Pu'rulent (vov, pus). Consisting of or having the character of pus.

Pus (VOV). The fluid product of a suppurating wound, sore or abscess. P., Curdy, containing cheesy - looking flakes. P., Healthy or Laudable, that in a person of good constitution or coincident with the normal process of healing. P., Ichorous, when thin and acrid. P. Muco-, mixed with mucus. P., Sanious, mixed with blood. P. Sero-, mixed with serum. See Putrefaction.

Pus'tula Malig'na. Anthrax; Charbon; Malignant pustule. A gangrenous inflammatory focus, resembling carbuncle, caused by inoculation with putrefactive matter containing the bacillus anthrax of splenic fever. See Anthrax.

Pustula'tion (pustula). A condition marked by the formation and development of pustules.

Pus'tule (pustula). A small, cone-like elevation of the cuticle containing pus. P., Malignant. See Anthrax. Putrefac/tion (putridus, rotten, facio, to make). A condition resulting from the fermentation of albuminous and albuminoid tissues. It is now regarded as due to the invasion of the tissue by various pathogenic species of microorganisms. At the same time there often appear various organic substances classified as leucomaïnes and ptomaînes, many of which are poisonous. In the light of modern science the idea of spontaneous decomposition is as much out of the question as that of spontaneous generation.

Putres/cence (putresco, to become rotten). A state of growing or incipient putrefaction.

Pu'trescine (putresco). A ptomaïne whose composition has not yet been certainly determined. It is a thin, water-clear liquid of a peculiar semen-like odor. Almost invariably occurs together with cadaverine, to which it seems closely related. Has been obtained from putrefying human flesh, horse flesh, putrid fish and fæces. Is recognizable on fourth day of putrefaction, but does not occur in appreciable quantity till eleventh day. Amount increases as putrefaction proceeds. Putrescine is either dimethyl-ethylenediamine, or else methylethyl-methylenediamine. The toxic action


of putrescine was, until recently, doubted. But a tetra-methyl derivative of putrescine is extremely poisonous-producing abundant salivation; dyspnoea; first quickening and then decreasing respiration; also causing contraction of pupils, paralysis of limbs and muscles of trunk, peristaltic action of intestines, ejaculation of semen, dribbling of urine, and, lastly, clonic convulsions. Putrescine itself as a base is capable of producing strong inflammation and necrosis.

Pu'trid (putridus). That which has undergone putrefactive fermentation. Pyæ'mia (vov, pus, aqua, blood). Septicæmia with the formation of secondary embolic or metastatic abscesses in various parts of the body.

Pyarthrosis (πvov, ap@pov, joint). Suppuration of a joint.

Pyeli'tis (vεoç, a trough, iris, inflammation). Inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney.

Pye'sis (vov). A condition marked by the formation of pus. Suppuration. Pygodid/ymus (vyn, the buttock, didvpoç, twins). A double foetal monstrosity united by the buttocks. Pygom'elus (πʊyn, μɛλoç, member). A parasitic monstrosity with the parasite united to the hypogastric region. Pygop'agus (vn, mayεs, joined). An ensomphalic monstrosity with conjoined buttocks or backs.

Py'in (vov, pus). A substance resembling mucin, occurring in pus. Pylephlebi'tis (un, the portal vein, phlebitis, venous inflammation). Acute inflammation of the portal vein. Pylethrombosis (πύλη, θρομβος, a clot of blood). The condition marked by the formation of blood-clots in the portal vein. Pylorec'tomy (pylorus, EKтoun, an excision). Excision or resection of the pylorus. Pyloric. Pertaining to the pylorus. Pylor/oplasty ( pylorus, whαcow, to form). Plastic operation upon the pylorus. Pylorus (vλwpoç, gate-keeper). The lower orifice of the stomach and entrance to the duodenum.

Pу'o- (πvov, pus). A Greek word which, in combination, signifies connection with or relation to pus.

Pyocol'pocele (TVOν, коλлоç, the vagina, kηλŋ, a tumor). A suppurating tumor of the vagina.

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Pyogenesis (πvov, yevvaw, to beget). The secretion or formation of pus. Pyogenic (vov, уεvvaw). Developing or secreting pus. Relating to pus-formation. P. Membrane, the thin, yellow, erroneously-named layer forming the interior of the wall of an abscess. Pyoha/mia. See Pyamia.

Py/oid (vv). Resembling or having the nature of pus.

Pyom'etra (TVоν, μпTра, the womb). A collection of pus in the uterus.

Pyonephrosis (TVOV, vεopoç, kidney). Suppuration within the kidney. Pyopneumothorax (πυον, πνευμα, θωραξ). An accumulation of air in the pleura complicated with suppurative inflammation. Pyopoiesis. See Pyogenesis. Pyorrhoea (vov, рεw, to flow). A flow or discharge of pus.

Pyosalpinx (πvov, σahπıуž, a tube). A formation of pus in the oviduct.

Pyo'sis (vov). A condition marked by the formation of pus.

Pyoxan'those. A yellow coloring extractive found in blue pus. Pyramid (vрaus). Any conical eminence of an organ, as P. of cerebellum, P. of tympanum, etc. P. of Ferrein, a term applied to the conical arrangement of the uriniferous tubes of the kidneys. P. of Malpighi, the conical masses composing the medullary substance of the kidneys. Pyramidal (vрашç). Shaped like a pyramid.

Pyramidalis. See Muscle.

Pyre/thrum. Pellitory. The root of Anacyclus P. Valuable mainly as a masticatory and sialogogue in paralysis of the tongue, and in rheumatic or neuralgic affections of the head. Dose 3 ss-j. P. Tinct., 20 per cent. strong-used externally. P. Roseum, Persian Pellitory. The powdered flower heads are used as an insecticide.

Pyret'ic (TypeToç, fever). Pertaining to or affected with fever.

Pyretogen'esis (πupetos, yeveσis, origin). The origin and progress of fever. Pyretog'enine. A substance (probably a ptomaïne) formed by microorganisms. Composition unknown. Has pyretogenous qualities when inoculated into animals. Pyretog'raphy (πupɛтoç, ypɑow, to write). The descriptive history and geographical distribution of fevers.

Pyretology (πvpetos, λoyos, a treatise). A treatise on the nature and characteristics of fevers.


Pyrex'ia (up, fire, exw, to hold). Elevation of temperature above the normal. Fever.

Pyrexia/lis. See Warburg's Tincture. Pyridine. A liquid extractive of coal tar, useful in angina pectoris, asthma and the dyspnoea of laryngeal affections. Dose gtt. vj-xv; in asthma by inhalation. Pyr'iform (pyrum, forma, a form). Pearshaped. P. Muscle. See Muscle-Table. Py'ro- (Tup, fire). A Greek word which, prefixed to another, signifies connection with or relation to fire. Pyrocat/echin. Catechol. pyretic obtained from coal tar. Pyr'odine.

An anti

A white, sparingly soluble powder, a powerful antipyretic. Dose 1⁄2 to 4 grains. Pyrolig'neous (Tvp, lignum, wood). Pertaining to the destructive distillation of wood. P. Acid, wood vinegar. See Acid, Acetic.

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Pyro'sis (Tup). An affection of the stomach characterized by burning sensation, accompanied by eructations of an acrid, irritating fluid. 'Heartburn." Py/rosphyre (πvр, σovрa, a hammer). Same as Moxosphyra.

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Pyrot'ic (Uрow, to burn). Having the property of inflammability. Also, a caustic substance.

Pyrox'ylin. Gun Cotton. Ordinary cotton fiber treated with strong fuming nitric acid, the cellulose, C12H10010, being changed to trinitro-cellulose, CH2O10(NO2)3. Soluble in ether. Highly explosive by percussion. Collodium, contains pyroxylin 4, ether 70, alcohol 26. Solution should be complete. C. cum Cantharide, flexible collodion 85, cantharides 60, chloroform, q. s. C. Flexile, flexible collodion, contains collodion 92, Canada turpentine 5, castor oil 3 parts. C. Stypticum, styptic collodion, has collodion 55, ether 20, alcohol 5, tannic acid 20 parts. All forms of collodion are used as protective coverings for superficial wounds.

Pythogen'ic (vow, to become putrid, yevvaw, to beget). Pertaining to enteric or typhoid fever; supposed to arise from decomposing matter.

Pyu'ria (vov, ovpov, the urine). Pus in the urine. See Donne's Test.

Q. L. Abbreviation of quantum libet— as much as desired.

Q. P. Abbreviation of quantum placetas much as pleases.

Q. S. Abbreviation of quantum sufficitas much as suffices.

Quack. One who practices quackery. Quack'ery. The pretence of medical knowledge, skill, or success by one without either. Medical charlatanism. Quadrangular. Having four angles. Applied especially to a lobe of the cerebellum. Quad'rant (quadratus, squared). The fourth part of a circle, subtending an angle of 90 degrees.


Quadra'tus (Lat.).

Squared. Having

four sides. Q. Muscle. See Muscle. Quad'ri-. A Latin adjective, used as a prefix to denote four, or four times. Quadriceps. See Muscle. Quadrigem'inal Bodies. See Corpora Quadrigemina.

Quadrigem'inous (quadrigemina). Per taining to the corpora quadrigemina. Quadrilateral (quatuor, four, latus, a side). Having four sides. Quadroon. See Mulatto. Quadruma'na (quatuor, manus, a hand). An order of mammalia, including monkeys, apes, etc.

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