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Dose mv-3 ss, diluted. Nitras, saltpeter," refrigerant and diuretic in fevers. Dose gr. v-X. Nitratis, Charta, unsized paper saturated with a 20 per cent. solution. Used, when burnt, for inhalation. P. Permanganas. See Manganese. P. Tartras, refrigerant and laxative. Dose gr. xx-3 ss. P. Sulphas, hepatic stimulant and cathartic. Dose gr. xx-3 ss.

Pota'to-paste. A substitute for the solid potato as a culture medium for bacteria, when a very extensive surface is desired. It is a stiff paste made with water from the dry, floury centers of well-boiled pota

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Pott's Fracture. See Fracture. Pouch (Fr. poche, a pocket). Any pocketshaped cavity or receptaculum. P. of Douglas, the cul-de-sac of Douglas, a pouch formed by the recto-uterine fold of the peritonæum. P.'s, Ileo-cæcal, narrow-necked folds of the peritonæum, at the termination of the ileum. P., Inguinal, a fold of the peritoneum behind the abdominal ring. P. of Rathke, the hypophysial pouch in the embryo prolonged through the base of the skull to form the anterior element of the hypophysis. of Seesel, a pouch in the embryo behind the summit of the hypophysis. P., Subcæcal, a fold of the peritonæum behind and below the cæcum.


Poultice (oros, porridge). An emulsion of some soft substance, as slippery elm, meal, etc., for application to the skin. Pound (A. S. pund). A weight of 5760 grains Troy, or 7000 grains avoirdupois. Pou'part's Ligʼament. See Ligament. Pow'der. See Pulver. P., Insect. See Insect Powder. P., Seidlitz. See Potassium. (Pulv. effervesc. comp.) Pox (pocks, pl. of pock). A term applied to several contagious, pustular, eruptive

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diseases. P., Chicken. See Varicella. P., French. See Syphilis. P., Small. See Variola.

Practice (paкTIKN). The official duties of a physician or surgeon in his professional work. Practitioner (Fr. practicien). One who practices a profession, especially that of medicine. P., General, one who treats all ailments, in distinction from the specialist, who treats only one or more diseases, or the diseases of one or a few organs. Præ- (Lat.). A Latin preposition meaning before, used as a prefix to denote position. It places the words with which it is combined in antithesis to those combined with post. Præcor'dia (pra, cor [gen. cordis], the heart). A name applied variously to the diaphragm, the thoracic viscera, and the epigastric region.

Præpu'tium. See Prepuce.

Præ'via (pre, via, a way). A condition in which an organ or part stands in the way, thereby preventing the functions of another organ. P., Placenta. See Placenta. Prax'is. See Practice. Preatax'ic. Pertaining to a time or phase preceding the development of ataxy. Preax'ial (præ, axis). In the anatomy of the spinal skeleton all parts which, in man, are superior (in other mammals anterior) to an imaginary axis drawn at right angles to the general direction of the vertebral column. The remaining inferior (or posterior) parts are classified as postaxial. Precipitant (præ, caput). Any reagent causing precipitation.

Precipitate (præ, caput, the head). Anything changing from a soluble to an insoluble form in a solution. P., Red. See Hydrargyrum Oxidum Rubrum. P., White, N2(Hg2)3C12, formed by adding ammonium hydrate to a solution of mercuric chloride.

Precipita'tion (pra, caput, a head, headlong). The process of throwing down solids from the liquids which hold them in solution. Effected usually by chemical reaction. Precipitates are crystalline, curdy, flocculent, granular, or gelatinous, according to the form assumed. The agent causing precipitation is the precipitant. Precocity (pra, coquo, to ripen). Abnormal development or maturity before time. It is applied especially to development of the intellectual faculties. Precu'neus. The Lobus Quadratus. Precursory. See Premonitory.


Prediastolic (præ, diaorcλn, a dilatation). That which precedes diastole of the heart. Predicrotic Wave. The primary wave in the dicrotic curve of the sphygmogram. Predisposing (præ, dispono, to be liable). Acting under an unusually slight exciting


Predisposi'tion (pra, dispono).


condition of the body which, by the stimulus of a very slight cause, renders it liable to the attacks of certain diseases, especially to those of hereditary character. Prefrontal (præ, frontale, the frontal bone). That which is in advance of the frontal. A name sometimes given to the middle portion of the ethmoid bone. Pregnancy (pregnans, with child). The condition of being with child, or gravid; the period from conception to delivery. P., Abdominal, that occurring in the abdominal or peritoneal cavity; primary, if the fertilization take place in the cavity; secondary, if the embryo or ovum break through the enclosing walls into the peritoneal cavity. P., Cervical, primitive, a variety of ectopic gestation wherein the ovum is arrested and developed in the cervical canal; secondary, in early abortion the ovum expelled from the uterine, remains in the cervical cavity. P., Extra-uterine, ectopic gestation, the development of the ovum outside of the normal cavity of the uterus. P., Interstitial, a variety of extra-uterine and tubal pregnancy, the ovum developing in that portion of the oviduct that passes through the wall of the uterus. P., Multiple, when the uterus contains two or more foetuses. P., Ovarian, the fecundation and growth of the ovum taking place within the ovisac. P., Plural, the development of more than one foetus at one time. P., Single or Simple, the normal development of a single fœtus. P., Tubal, development of the ovum in the oviduct. P., Tubo


abdominal, the ovum is developed in the ampulla and extends into the abdominal cavity. P., Tubo-ovarian, the ovum is attached to the oviduct and ovary. Tubo-uterine. Same as Interstitial P. Prehen/sile (prehendo, to seize). A term applied to organs or parts adapted to seizing or grasping, as the hands of bimana or quadrumana, the talons of birds, etc. Prehen'sion (prehendo). The act of taking hold or seizing.

Prelum'bar. Anterior to the lumbar vertebræ.

Pre'mature La'bor. See Labor.

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Pre/mature Respira'tion.

Respiration taking place before the complete birth of the foetus.

Premax'illary. See Intermaxillary. Premo'lar (præ, molar, one of the jaw teeth). A descriptive term applied to the first two pairs of molar teeth in each jaw. Premonitory (præ, moneo, to warn). Used of the initial or precursory symptoms, or of such as indicate on-coming disease.

Preos seus (pra, os, a bone). That which precedes the formation of bone. Applied to a transparent substance having the chemical characters of osteine, with cavities containing osteoblasts, from which the bone is formed.

Preparation (præ, paro, to get ready). Anything made ready. In anatomy, any part of the body prepared or preserved for illustrative or other uses. In pharmacy, any compound or mixture made after a formula.

Pre'puce (præputium). The foreskin of the penis. P. of Clitoris, the superior folds of the nymphæ surrounding the glans clitoris.

Prepu'tial. Pertaining to the prepuce. Presbykou'sis (TрƐoßvç, aкovw, to hear). Senile lessening of acuteness of hearing. Presbyopia (pεoßvs, old man, w, the eye). A condition reached at about 45-50 years of age, in which from growing inelasticity of the lens of the eye (failure of accommodation) the near-point of distinct vision is removed to an inconvenient distance from the eye, with consequent diminution in size of the retinal image. Prescription (pra, before, scribo, to write). A formula written by the physician to the dispenser of medicines, designating the substances to be employed in a mixture or preparation. The following shows the essential features of a prescription:

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June 7, 1889. Superscription.

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Potassii Acetatis, Adjuvant, Tincturæ Digi




talis, Corrective, Syrupi Aurantii,. 3j Vehicle,.. . Decocti Scoparii, ad šviij. M. (misce) Ft. misturam. Subscription. Sig. (signa)-A tablespoonful every four hours. DR. DRAKE.

P. File, a contrivance for holding prescriptions. P. Book, a book in which prescriptions are pasted for future reference.


Presenta'tion of the Fatus. That part of the foetus that presents at the pelvic outlet in labor. The presentation depends upon the position of the foetus, and may be either the vertex (occiput), the face (frontal), the breech (sacral), and either shoulder (dorsal). See Position. Preser/vative Fluid (for section cuttings of specimens). Many are used. Hamilton recommends equal parts of glycerine and water with about eight minims of carbolic acid to the ounce.

Presse-artère (Fr.). An instrument for the compression or temporary occlusion of an artery.

Pres'sor Fi'bers. Nerve-fibers whose stimulation excites the vasomotor centers, and consequently increases the arterial tension. Others reflexly diminishing the excitability of these centers are called Depressor Fibers.

Pres'sure (premo, to press). The act of pressing. Weight or tension, as of the blood in the arteries, the intraocular fluids, etc. P. Phosphenes. See Phosphenes. P. Points (or Spots), points of marked sensibility to pressure or weight, arranged like the temperature spots, and showing a specific end-apparatus arranged in a punctated manner and connected with the

pressure-sense. P.-sense. The sense of pressure upon the skin.

Prestern'um (præ, sternum). The manubrium.

Presystolic (præ, ovoτohn, contraction). Preceding the systole. Preven'tive. See Prophylactic. Prever/tebral (pre, vertebra, the backbone). Situated in front of the vertebra. Priapism (pianos, the penis). Persistent, painful and abnormal erection of the penis. Prick'le Cells. Certain peculiar cells of the rete Malpighii of the skin. Prick'ly Heat. See Miliaria. Pride of China. See Azederach. Pri/maries. A term used of syphilitic sores the direct result of contact or infection.

Primary (primus). First in time. First in character or time as opposed to secondary.

Primigravida (Lat.). A woman in her first pregnancy.

Primip'ara (primus, first, pareo, to bear). A woman bearing or having borne her first child.

Primiparous (primus, pareo, to bring forth). Pertaining to a female who is pregnant or is in labor for the first time.


Primi'tiæ (primus). A term applied to the waters discharged before the extrusion of the foetus at birth. Prim'itive. First formed; pertaining to the initial stage or phase of the development of an organ or tissue, hence, usually referring to embryological structures, as the P. anus, mouth, aorta, circulation, etc. P. Chorion. See Chorion. P. Kidneys. See Reproductive Organs. P. Groove, the enlargement and deepening of the P. Streak, at the posterior or narrow end of the blastoderm.

Primordial (primus, ordior, to begin). Pertaining to the beginning or primary phase. P. Cell, an embryonic cell. P. Cranium, the membranous skull of the embryo. P. Kidney, the Wolffian body. P. Ova, cells lying between the germepithelium of the surface of the embryological ovary.

Prince's Pine. See Chimaphila. Prin'ciple (principium). A synonym of element, essence, or primary quality of a body. P., Immediate, the components of an organized tissue as it exists functionally in the living tissue. P., Mediate, the chemical compounds and simple bodies into which the immediate principles are decomposed. P., Proximate. See Proximate.

Pri'nos. Black Alder. The bark of P. vercillatus. Astringent and tonic. Used in intermittent fever, diarrhoea, and, locally, in cutaneous diseases. Dose 3 ss-j. Unof. Prism (prisma). A figure with plane surfaces, triangular or quadrangular, in which one of the dimensions is greater than the other two. Made of glass, it is used for refracting the sun's rays and forming a spectrum, and to make prismatic lenses. Prismatic lenses refract the light toward the base of the prism. Their chief use in ophthalmology is, in cases of insufficiency of the external ocular muscles, to so transplace the retinal image as to throw less work upon the weak muscle. Prismatic Spec'trum. See Spectrum. Prisop/tometer (πρw, prism, wy, the eye, μετpov, a measure). An instrument for estimating ametropia by means of two prisms placed base to base. Pri/vates, or

Privit'ies. The genital organs.

Probable Duration of Life. The age at which any number of children born into the world will be reduced to one-half, so that there are equal chances of their dying before and after that age. The age


at which a given population is reduced by one-half its number.

Pro bang (probo, to try). A rod of whalebone or other material, with a sponge attached to one end, for introduction into the œsophagus. P. Ball, with ivory bulb instead of sponge.

Probe (probo). A stylus, wire or rod, flexible, rigid or jointed, for examining and trying a wound, in reference to its depth, contents, etc. P., Chemical, one carrying a charpie with dilute acetic acid or other drug. P., Drainage, so constructed and used as to assist drainage. P., Drum, provided with a drum or reverberator to enable the ear to detect contact with foreign bodies. P., Electric, with two insulated wires, so that contact with a bullet or metal completes the circuit, and thus indicates the presence of such a foreign body. P., Lachrymal. See Lachrymal. P., Magnetic, employment of the telephone as an indicator. P., Nélaton's, is capped with unglazed porcelain upon which a leaden ball makes a metallic streak.


Proboscis (Lat.). The feeding organ of an insect. Also, the trunk of an elephant. Process (procedo, to issue from). general name given to any eminence or prominence of bone, as e. g., the Mastoid Process. Also, a lobe of the brain. Proces'sus e Cer'ebelli ad Tes/tes (Lat.). The peduncles of the cerebellum. See Peduncle.

Proces'sus Petro'sus Anticus (Lat.). See Lingula.

Prociden'tia. See Prolapsus.

Proclivity (pro, clivus, a slope). Tendency or inclination.

Procrea'tion (pro, creo, to create). Begetting, generation, or production. Procta'gra (рwктоç, the anus, aypa, gout). Pain in the anal region.

Proctalgia (ршктоç, αλуоç, pain). Pain in the anus or rectum.

Proctatre/sia (πρωκτος, ατρησία, imperforate). The imperforate condition of the


Procteu'clisis. Constriction of the anus. Procteuryn'ter. An instrument for dilating the anus.

Procti'tis (pwKTOS, TIC, inflammation). Inflammation of the anus and rectum. Proc'to- (pwкTOS, the anus). A Greek word which, prefixed to another, signifies connection with, or relation to, the anus. Proctocele (πρωκτος, κήλη, a hernia). The extroversion or prolapse of the mucous

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coat of the rectum due to relaxation of the sphincter muscle.

Proctocystotomy (πρωκτος, κυστις, a sac, Toun, a cutting). A form of lithotomy in which the incision is made through the walls of the rectum.

Proctodælum (πршктос, daι, to divide). The anus of the embryo, formed by the invagination of the epiblast.

Proctodyn'ia (πршктоç, оdvvη, pain). Any pain in the anus. Proctoparalysis.

Paralysis of the sphincter muscle of the anus. Proc'toplasty (πрWктOÇ, пλασow, to form). Plastic operation upon the anus. Proctople'gia. See Proctoparalysis. Proctoptoma (πρωκτος, πτωμα, a fall). Same as Proctocele.

Proctopto'sis (πрWкTOS, πTWσus, a falling). Same as Proctocele.

Proctor'raphy (пршкто, раon, suture). Suture of the rectal wall.

Proctot'omy (πрWкTOS, тεμVW, to cut). Incision of the anus or rectum for imperforation, stricture, etc.

Procum/bent (pro, cumbo, to lie). Lying flat, face downward.

Pro'drome (ро, forward, dpоuos, a runner). A forerunner of a disease. Precursory symptom.

Prodromous (рo, dрouоç). Pertaining to the precursory symptoms of a disease. Prodromus (πро, Sроuoг). The prodrome; also the period in which the precursory signs of a disease occur. Proenceph'alus (πро, ɛyкɛpɑhoç, brain). An exencephalic monstrosity with the brain protruding through a fissure in the frontal region.

Professional or Occupational Neurosis. A neurosis caused by continuous exercise of one set of muscles. Profunda Arteries. See Artery-Table. Profun'dus (pro, fundus, the bottom). A descriptive term applied to any organ or part that is deep-seated.

Progenitor (pro, genitus, begotten). An ancestor or forefather.

Prog'eny (pro, genus, race). Offspring. Descendants.

Proglos'sis (Lat.). The point of the tongue.

Proglottides (pl. of proglottis). The segments of the tapeworm. Progna'thic, or

Progna'thous. See Index.

Prognosis (πро, yɩyνwoкw, to know). The prevision and judgment concerning the progress and result of a disease.


Prognostic. Pertaining to prognosis.
Projection Systems. See Meynert.
Prola'bium (pro, labium, a lip). The
marginal edge of the lip.
Prolapse', or

Prolap'sus (prolabor, to slip down). The falling forward or down of some part, so that it protrudes beyond its normal boundary. P. of the Anus or Rectum, protrusion of the rectal walls beyond the anus. P. of Cord. See Cord. P. of Iris, protrusion through a corneal wound. P. of Uterus, protrusion of the womb beyond the vulva. See Uterus.

Prolep'sis (po, haußave, to seize upon). See Prognosis.

Prolifera'tion (proles, offspring, fero, to bear). Cell-genesis. The continued formation and development of cells in any organic tissue.

Prolif'erous (proles, fero). A tumor, cyst or other structure bearing other organisms similar to itself.

Prolific (proles, facio, to make). That which has the property of engendering. Also, fruitful.

Prolig'erous (proles, gero, to carry). Pertaining to a germ or proliferation. P. Discus, the elevation of the cells of the membrana granulosa by which the ovum is attached.

Prom'inence (prominor, to jut out). Any conspicuous protuberance on the surface of a part, especially on a bone. Promontory (prominor). An elevation or prominence. P. of Sacrum, the prominence made by the angle of the upper extremity of the sacrum and the last lumbar vertebra. P. of Tympanum, the prominence formed by the first turn of the cochlea.

Prona'tion (pronus, bent forward). The turning of the hand with the palm downward.

Prona'tor (pronus). That which pronates or bends forward a part, as the hand, etc. A descriptive term applied to several mus


Prone (pronus). With the palm downward. Also, inclined. Also, lying with the face downward.

Proneph'ros (πро, vɛopos, the kidney). The primordial kidney. See Reproductive Organs.

Pronucleus (contraction of protonucleus). The remaining part of the germinal vesicle within the vitellus after the extrusion of the polar globules is called the P., Female; the P., Male, is the middle piece

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Prophylax'is (πpoovλağıç). The hygienic or other precautions conducive to prevention of disease.

Proph'ysis. See Symblepharon. Propto'sis (ро, Twσis, a falling). Any falling or downward movement of an organ from its place. Prolapsus. Propulsion (pro, pello, to push). The act of pushing forward. Applied to a leaning of the body in walking as if pushed, a symptom of certain spinal diseases. Pro pyl. The radical C,H,. Propyl'amine. A ptomaïne, isomeric with trimethylamine. There are two propylamines possible, represented by the formula CH,.CH2.CH2.NH2 and (CH3)2. CH.NH2. The former, or normal compound, boils at 47°-48°; while the latter, or isopropylamine, boils at 31.5°. Iso-propylamine has been found among distillationproducts of beet-root molasses. Propylamine has been obtained from culture of the bacteria of human fæces, and a strongly similar basic substance from a cadaver. Both are non-poisonous liquids possessing an ammoniacal, fish-like smell. Pro re nata. A Latin phrase signifying according to the circumstances of the case. Prosec'tor (pro, sector, a cutter). officer of a medical college who prepares subjects for anatomical dissection, or to illustrate didactic lectures. Prosenceph'alon (poç, near, εvкɛpahov, the brain). That part of the anterior cerebral vesicle developing into the hemispheres.


Prosenchy'ma (πрoç, ɛy xvμɑ, an infusion). Vegetable fibrous tissue composed of elongated cells with thick partitions. Prosopal'gia. See Tic Douloureux. Prosopecta'sia (πроσшлоν, the face, εKTαotc, enlargement). Morbid enlargement of the face.

Prosopology (προσωπον, λόγος, a discourse). A treatise on facial expression, or physiognomy.

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