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Platinum. Pt 194.4; quantivalence II, IV; sp. gr. 21. A metal of silver-white luster, soluble in nitro-hydrochloric acid only. Employed in making vessels for chemical and pharmaceutical use. P. Chloride, has alterative properties. Dose gr. ss-ijss. Unof.

Plat'y- (harvç, broad). A Greek adjec tive which, as a prefix, signifies broad. Platycephalous (πλατυς, κεφαλή, the head). Having a broad skull; with a vertical index of less than 70 per cent. Platycne/mic (πλάτος, κνήμη, the leg). Applied to a bone of the leg which, because of abnormal development, is exaggerated in breadth. Platycnemism of the femur is a characteristic of many tribes of the African race, and is generally associated with pilastered femur. Platyhier'ic (harνç, iɛрa, holy, and therefore applied to the sacrum). Having a broad sacrum, in distinction from dolichohieric, with narrow sacrum. As a rule, females are platyhieric.

Platypel'lic, or Platypel'vic (πλatus, TEAU, a basin, and applied to the pelvis). Having a broad pelvis, in distinction to dolichipellic, with narrow pelvis. Platypo dia. Flat-footedness. Plat/yrhine. See Index. Platyrhin'ic (πharνç, piv, the nose). Applied to individuals characterized by a width of nose the index of which exceeds 53. See Index.

Platys'ma (harve). Anything of considerable superficial dimensions. Also, a plaster. P. Myoides. See Muscle. Pled'get. A small compress of lint, flattened and trimmed as required, designed for application to the surface of a wound or lesion to prevent contact with the air, and to absorb discharges.

Pleochromatic (Theos, full, xpwua, color).
Pertaining to a high or exaggerated condi-
tion of coloration.
Pleomas/tia, or


Pleoma'zia (2ε, more, μαστος, breast). A foetal monstrosity having more than one breast; also, the condition of having more than two mammæ. Pleonasm (εovaouoc, an exaggeration). Any abnormal or faulty formation marked by superabundance or over-growth of parts. Pleonex'ia (λoveğia). Greediness. Arrogance or overbearing temper due to cerebral disease.

Plessim'eter. See Pleximeter.
Ples/sor (2εoow, to strike). A plexor.
Any instrument used in percussion.

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Pleth'ora (2005, a throng). Abnormal fullness of the blood-vessels, or superabundance of blood. See Polyamia. Pleth'oric (20oç). Pertaining to plethora, or an excessive amount of blood. Plethysmograph (πληθος, γράφω, write). An instrument for ascertaining changes in the volume of any organ or part. Pleu'ra (hevpa, a side). The serous membrane which envelops the lung (P. pulmonalis), and, being reflected back, lines the inner surface of the thorax (P. Costalis).

Pleuralgia (λɛvpa, aλyos, pain). Same as Pleurodynia.

Pleurapoph'ysis (ñλɛvрa, apophysis, processes). A term sometimes applied to the true ribs.

Pleurapos/tema (≈hevpa, apostema, an abscess). A collection of blood or pus forming in the cavity of the pleura, resulting from inflammation, which, instead of disappearing by resolution, passes to the suppurative stage.

Pleurisy. See Pleuritis.

Pleuri'tis (2ɛvpa, a side, ɩɩs). Inflammation of the pleura, commonly called pleurisy.

Pleuro- (λvpa). A Greek word used as a prefix to denote connection with the pleura.

Pleu/rocele (λɛvpɑ, кηλŋ, tumor). Pulmonary hernia.

Pleurodyn'ia (πλɛvрa, odvvn, pain). A spasmodic or rheumatic pain seated in the muscles of the chest, especially the intercostal muscles. It is generally accompanied by a sharp, pricking sensation vulgarly known as a stitch in the side. Pleuro-pneumo'nia (λerpa, pneumonia). Inflammation of the pleura and the lung at the same time. Also, an infective disease of cattle, characterized mainly by red hepatization with acute interlobular and pleural inflammation. It is thought to be due to a microbe, the micrococcus pneumoniæ. Pleurorrhoea (λεvpa, дew, to flow). An effusion of fluid into the pleura.

Pleurorthop/nœa (vpa, opfos, erect, TVε, to breathe). Pain in the side, which permits free respiration only when the patient is in an erect position. Pleurosthot'onos, or

Pleurothot'onos (π2ɛvpolɛv, from the side, Tεw, to bend). A bending of the body to one side from a spasmodic or tetanic condition of the muscles.


Plex'iform. Resembling a plexus. Plexim/eter (noow, to strike, μɛтрov, a measure). An ivory disc or other substance placed on the body to receive the stroke in percussion of the chest.

Plex'or. The instrument for striking upon the pleximeter.

Plex'us (plecto, to knit). A network. The junction of two or more nerves or branches of nerves. The term is also used of venous networks, the principal being the Ovarian, Pampiniform, Pharyngeal, Pterygoid, Spermatic, Uterine, Vaginal, etc. The principal Plexuses are alphabetically tabulated on pages 350, 351.

Pli'ca (Lat.). A fold. P. Palmatæ, oblique projections of the mucous membrane of the cavity of the neck of the ute


P. Semilunaris, a conjunctival fold, in the inner canthus of the eye, the rudiment of the membrana nictitans of birds. Also, a matted condition of the hair due to a fungous parasite. See Trichomatosis.

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Plumb'ism. Lead-poisoning. Plum'bum (Lat. gen. plumbi). Pb=207; quantivalence II. Lead. A silver, bluishwhite metal, having a specific gravity of 11.4; fuses at about 600° F. The acetate, nitrate, oxide, and iodide are used in medicine. Soluble lead salts are poisonous, producing gastro-intestinal irritation, with vasomotor paralysis. Chronic lead-poisoning is commonly due to the action of drinking water from lead pipes, to hair dyes, handling lead pigments, etc. See Lead Poisoning. Soluble lead salts are astringents, useful locally in hæmorrhages and various skin affections. Sometimes indicated internally in diarrhoea. P. Acetas, astringent. Dose gr. ss-v. P. Carbonas, locally as an ointment. P. Emplastrum, lead plaster, contains lead oxide 32, olive oil 60, water 10 parts, triturated and boiled until homogeneous. P. Iodidum, locally and internally. Dose gr. . P. Nitras, locally; astringent,

escharotic, and disinfectant. P. Oleatum, unof., lead oxide 20, oleic acid 80 per cent. P. Oxidum, litharge, a constituent of

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lead plaster. P. Subacetat., Ceratum, Goulard's cerate has-Goulard's ext. 20, fresh cerate of camphor 80 parts. P Subacetat., Linimentum, Goulard's extract 40, cotton-seed oil 60 parts; anodyne. P. Subacetat., Liq., Goulard's extract, lead acetate 170, lead oxide 120, distilled water q. s. ad 1000 parts; an astringent and cooling solution. P. Subacetat., Liq. Dil., 3 parts of the foregoing and 97 of water. P. Ung. Carbonat., finely powdered lead carbonate 10, benzoinated lard 90 parts. Ung. Diachylon, Diachylon ointment, contains lead plaster 60, olive oil 39, oil lavender I. P. Ung. Iodidi, finely powdered lead iodide 10, benzoinated lard 90 parts.

Plum/mer's Pills. See Antimonium. Plu'ral (plus [gen. pluris], more). More than one. P. Birth, bringing forth more than one offspring at a time. Pluriloc/ular. With several loculi. Pluripar'ity. The condition of having borne several children.

Plu/vial (pluvia, rain). Pertaining to rain or telluric moisture.

Pneodynamics (vεw, dvaμкoç). The philosophy of respiration.

Pneom/etry. Same as Pulmometry.

Pne'ophore (TVε, popos, carrier).


instrument to aid artificial respiration in the asphyxiated.

Pne'oscope (πvew, okonew, to examine). An instrument for measuring respiratory


Pneumarthrosis (vεvμa, air, apopov, a joint). An effusion of air into an articular cavity.

Pneumathæ/mia (vεvua, aya, blood). The presence of air in the blood-vessels. Pneumatic (vevμa). Pertaining to gaseous fluids. P. Cabinet, a device for enclosing a limb or part so that it may be subjected to compressed or rarefied air. P. Trough, a trough partly filled with water for facilitating the collection of gases.

Pneumatics (TVεvμa). That branch of physics treating of the mechanical properties of gas.

Pneu'mato- (Tvενμа). A Greek word used as a prefix to denote connection with the air or breath.

Pneumat ocele (яνενμа, кηλn, tumor). A tumor or hernia of the lung or other part filled with gas or air.

Pneumatod/ic. Filled with air. Pneumatodyspnœ'a (πvεvua, dvs, difficult, vw, to breathe). Emphysematous dyspnoea.

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Cardiac (great deep).

Lower part of neck to Ant. branches 4 lower Median, ulnar, musculo-
cervical and greater spiral, etc., of upper ex-
part ist dorsal.


or Front of bifurcation of Cardiac nerves of cer- Pulmonary, coronary
vical ganglia of sym- and cardiac plexuses.
pathetic, branches rec.

laryng, and pneumog.

Cardiac (superficial or Beneath arch of aorta. Left sup. cardiac, Coronary and pulmonary anterior).


branches pneumogas- plexus.
tric and deep cardiac

Outer side int. carotid. 6th nerve and Gasserian Carotid artery, petrosals, ganglion. communicat'g branches.


Cavernous sinus.

3d, 4th, 5th, 6th nerves Wall of inf. carotid. and oph. ganglion.




Opposite 4 upper verte- Anterior branches 4 up- Superficial: to skin of

Coeliac axis.

per vertebræ.

head and neck. Deep: Phrenic, communicans noni, 2 muscular, 2 communicating.

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Coronary (posterior).

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Coronary artery at back Deep cardiac plexus, Filaments to ventricles. of heart.

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Hepatic artery.



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Promontory of sacrum. Aortic plexus and lum- Pelvic plexuses.

Psoas muscle.

bar ganglia.

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Mesenteric (inf.).

Inf. mesenteric artery. Left side aortic plexus. Parts supplied by


Mesenteric (sup.).

Sup. mesenteric artery. Solar plexus.

Parts supplied by artery.



See Spermatic.

Side of rectum and Hypogastric plexus Viscera of pelvis, plexuses bladder.

2d to 4th sacral nerves, of pelvis.

first two sacral gan-

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Pulmonary (anterior). Root of lungs, anteri- Ant. pul. branches Inferior anterior part of

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Pulmonary (posterior). Root of lungs, posteri- Post. pul. branches Root of lungs, posteriorly

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Pneumatogram (πνεύμα, γράφω, to write). A tracing showing the duration of the respiratory movements. Pneumatology (пvεvμa, λoyoç, a treatise). A treatise on breathing and the breath, or the gases, natural or pathological, of the economy.

Pneumatom'eter. See Pulmometer. Pneumatom'etry (πvενμа, μɛтроν, a measure). Same as Pulmometry. Pneumato'sis (TVεvua). The condition of flatulent distention of the stomach and bowels. Also, emphysema. Pneumatothorax (vεvuarow, to distend with flatus, Oupas, the chest). Distention


of the pleural cavity with air or gas. there be also serum or liquid present it is called Hydro-pneumo-thorax, or pneumothorax with effusion.

Pneumaturia (πνευμα, ουρον, urine). Escape of gas from the urethra. Pneu'mo-. Same as Pneumon-. Pneumobac'illus. See Micrococcus Pasteuri and Pneumonia.

Pneu'mocele. See Pneumatocele. Pneumococ/cus (vεvμov, lung, KOKKO, a kernel). Any micrococcus of the lung. P. of Fränkel. See Micrococcus Pasteuri. P. of Friedländer. See Micrococcus Pneumonia.

Pneumoconiosis (πvεvμov, Koviç, dust). Disease of the lungs arising from the inhalation of dust. Pneumodynamics (πνεύμων, δυναμις, power). That branch of medical physics treating of respiration.

Pneumogas/tric (πνεύμων, γαστήρ, the stomach). Pertaining conjointly to the lungs and the stomach, or to the pneumogastric nerve. P. Nerve. See Nerve Table.

Pneu'mograph (πνενμwv, урapw, to write). An instrument for measuring the movements of the chest in respiration. Pneumography (πνεύμων, γράφω). The descriptive anatomy of the lungs. Pneumohæmothorax. A collection of air or gas, and blood, in the pleural cavity. Pneumohydrotho'rax. A collection of air or gas, and water, in the pleural cavity. Pneu molith (πνενμшv, Autos, a stone). A calculus in the lungs.

Pneu'mon- (vεvμwv). A Greek word which, in composition, denotes connection with or relation to the lungs. Pneumonæmia (πνεύμων, αίμα, blood). Congestion of the blood in the lungs. Pneumonec/tasis (πνεύμων, εκτασις, dilatation). Pulmonary emphysema, or dila

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tation of the vesicles or bronchi of the lungs. Pneumonia (πvevμwv). Lung Fever.

Inflammation of one or more lobes of the lungs, usually the symptom of specific, infective disease. P., Croupous, that commonly called simply pneumonia, an acute disease, the anatomical change consisting in the appearance of a firm or solid exudation in the pulmonary alveoli. The disease proceeds through the following stages: 1. Congestion, in which there is intense congestive hyperæmia. 2. Red Hepatization, in which the lung is bulky, heavy, firm and airless, its red tint due to extravasated corpuscles and distended capillaries. 3. Gray Hepatization, due to the decolorization of the exudation and pulmonary anæmia. 4. Colliquation and Resolution. Pneumon'ic (vεvμwv). Pertaining to the lungs.

Pneumoni'tis (πvevμv, iriç, inflammation). Same as Pneumonia.

Pneumon'o- (πvεvμʊv, a lung). A Greek word which, in combination, denotes connection with or relation to the lungs. Pneumon/ocele. Hernia of the lung. Pneumonade'ma (vενμwv, ædema, a swelling). Edema of the lungs. Pneumonomelano'sis. Melanosis of the


Pneumono'sis (TVεvμwv). A generic term including all affections of the lungs. Pneumopericard'ium (vεvua, pericardium). An effusion of air into the cavity of the pericardium.

Pneumophthi'sis. See Phthisis. Pneumopyotho'rax (vεvua, air, πνoν, pus, Owpa, the thorax). An accumulation of air in the cavity of the thorax accompanied with an effusion of purulent matter. Pneumother/apy. The use of air or ventilation of a part as a therapeutic agent, as in Politzer's method of filling the Eustachian tube and tympanic cavity. Pneumothorax. See Pneumatothorax, the more proper term.

Pock (D. pok, a little pouch). A pustule of smallpox.

Pock'eting. A name given by Storer to a mode of treating the pedicle in the operation of ovariotomy. It is accomplished by bringing the extremity of the pedicle between the inner lips of the incision, at its lower angle, thus securing its attachment to the raw surface of the abdominal wall. Pock/marked. Marked with the cicatrices of the smallpox, pustule. Poda'gra. See Podarthritis.

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