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abnormally located. N., Compound Histioid, derived from compound tissue elements-angeioma, carcinoma, etc. N., Mesoblastic, derived from the mesoblast, include the Sarcomata, and the Histioid (Fibroma, Lipoma, Chondroma, Osteoma, Myoma).

Neoplastic. Pertaining to a neoplasm. Applied, also, to plastic operations for restoring lost tissue. See Autopiasty. Ne'oplasty. See Autoplasty. Nepenthe. An old name for an Egyptian anodyne, probably opium. Also, a genus of plants including the pitcher plants. Nephelium. See Nebula.

Nephræmorrhagia (veppos, the kidney, aqua, the blood, ovv, to pour out). Hemorrhage from the kidney.

Nephralgia (vɛopos, aλyos, a pain). Any pain of the kidney.

Nephrapostasis (νεφρος, αποστασις, suppurative inflammation). Abscess, or suppurative inflammation of the kidneys. Nephrat'ony (vɛopos, a negative, Tovos, tone). Atony or paralysis of the kidneys. Nephrau'xè (vɛopos, aven, increase). Enlargement of the kidney.

Nephrectomy (vεoроç, εктоμη, excision). Excision of the kidney.

Nephrelco'sis (νεφρος, ελκοσις, ulceration). A condition of ulceration of the kidneys. Nephrel'cus (vɛopoç, ɛλкoç, an ulcer). An ulcer of the kidney.

Nephremphraxis (νεφρος, εμφραξις, obstruction). Obstruction of the vessels of the kidneys.

Nephrit'ic. Pertaining to nephritis. Nephritis. Inflammation of the kidneys. See Bright's Disease.

Neph'rocele (vεopos, knλŋ, a tumor). Hernia of the kidney.

Nephrolith (vɛopoç, kulloç, a stone). Calculus or stone in the kidney.

Nephrolithotomy (νεφρος, λιθος, τομή, cutting). Operation for calculus of the kidney.

Nephropyo/sis (νεφρος, πνώσις, suppuration). Suppuration of the kidney. Nephror'aphy (vɛopos, paon, suture). Suture of the kidney to the wall of the abdomen, in floating kidney, instead of nephrectomy.

Nephrot'omy (vεopos, тεμvw, to cut). Incision of the kidney.

Nephrozy/mose. An animal gum sometimes found in urine. Ne'reum. The leaves or root of N. odorum, the common oleander. The extractive principles exert a marked effect on

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the motor centers, in lethal doses, producing paralysis and death from heart failure. In small doses, a cardiac tonic resembling digitalis. Dose of the extract gr. 34. Unof. Nerve (nervus). Nerves are fibrillar or tube-like cords of albuminous tissue proceeding from ganglia, chiefly of the cord and encephalon, to other ganglia or plexuses, or to peripheral organs, forming the routes of intercommunication for motor, vasomotor, sensory, volitional, trophic, or other stimuli, whereby the organism is bound into a unit, and controlled from a central source. N., Anabolic, one directly or indirectly bringing about constructive metabolism. N., Augmentor, the cardiac sympathetic nerves. N.,

Katabolic, one producing chemical destructive changes in a muscle or tissue. N., Vaso Motor. See Vaso Motor. An alphabetical list of the principal nerves, with their function, origin, dis tribution, and branches, is appended. (See Pp. 299-304.) Nerve-stretching.

Mechanical elonga

tion or tension of an exposed nerve, for neuralgia, spasmodic contraction, etc. N.-s., Subcutaneous, by flexion or massage of the part instead of exposing the nerve.

Nerve Tumor. See Neuroma. Ner/vine (nervus). A remedy that calms nervous excitement or acts favorably on nervous diseases. Nervi Nervo'rum. A term sometimes applied to the small nerves supplying the nerve sheaths. Nervous. Pertaining to nerves. Applied to conditions of nervous hyperesthesia and neurasthenia. N. System. See Cerebrospinal.

Net'tle. The root of Urtica dioica, the common stinging nettle. A common domestic remedy in nephritic complaints and hemorrhages. Astringent, diuretic and antiscorbutic. Dose of fld. ext. mxx-xl. N. Rash. See Urticaria.

Neu'bauer's Test (for sugar). A solution of indigo-carmine, rendered alkaline with sodic carbonate, is added to the suspected solution until a slight bluish color is ob tained. With heat, if sugar be present, the color passes into purple, red and yellow. Shaken with air, the fluid again becomes blue.

Neuradyna'mia. See Neurasthenia. Neural. Pertaining to nerves. N. Axis, the spinal cord. N. Tube, the closed medullary groove of the epiblast.

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Communicans Motion and sensa- 2d cervical, 3d cer- Descendens noni.

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Omo-hyoid and fila.



Communicating. Sensation and mo- 1st and 2d cervical. Pneumogastric, hy- Three branches and

poglossal, sympa


Crural, anterior. Motion and sensa- Lumbar plexus.



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Middle and int. cutaneous, long saphenous, muscular, articular.

One internal, two external.

1st and palmar cu


Little and ring fin- Filaments and comgers.

2d and 3d lumbar. Skin of thigh.

Brachial plexus.


municating br.

Anterior, posterior.

Ant. and post. branches and filaments.

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