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theologian, was born | enlargement of his ideas of the world, religion, morals, at Posen; January 28, 1799, of parents in a good Christianity, the church and the state, Rothe gradually position. After passing through the grammar schools of found himself out of harmony with the Pietistic Stettin and Breslau, he studied theology in the universities thought and life of Wittenberg, and. his removal to of Heidelberg and Berlin (1817–20) under Daub, Schleier- Heidelberg in 1837 and the publication of his first macher, and · Nearder, the philosophers and historians important work (Anfänge der christlichen Kirche), in Hegel, Creuzer, and Schlosser, exercising a considerable that year coincide with the attainment of the principal influence in shaping his thought. From 1820 to 1822 he theological positions with which his name is associated. was in the clerical seminary at Wittenberg, and spent the During the middle period of his career (1837–61) he led next year in private study under his father's: roof at the life of a scholastic recluse, taking no active public Breslau. In the autumn of 1823 he was appointed part in ecclesiastical affairs in any way. During the last chaplain to the Prussian embassy in Rome, of which six years of his life (1861-67), partly owing to his Baron Bunsen was the head. This post he exchanged liberation from great domestic cares and partly to the in 1828 for a professorship in the Wittenberg seminary, special circumstances of the church in Baden, he came and hence in 1837 he removed to Heidelberg as professor forward publicly and actively as the advocate of a free and director of a new clerical seminary ; in 1849 he theology and of the PROTESTANTENVEREIN (q.v.). This accepted an invitation to Bonn as professor and university important change in Rothe's practice was preceded by preacher, but in. 1854 he returned to Heidelberg as pro- the publication of a: valuable series of theological essays fessor of theology and member of the Oberkirchenrath, in the Studien und Kritiken for 1860), afterwards published a position he held until his death, August 20, 1867. in a separate volume (Zur Dogmatik, Gotha, 1st ed. Rothe's mental and religious development was one of 1863, 2d ed. 1869), on revelation and inspiration more continuous progress.

As a youth he was the subject of particularly. These essays were a very searching examinadeep religious feeling, with a decided bent towards a tion of the relation of revelation to Scripture, and prosupernatural mysticism ; his chosen authors were those voked much hostile criticism in quarters previously of the romantic school, and Novalis remained his life friendly to Rothe, where the relation was usually treated through a special favourite. In Berlin and. Wittenberg as almost one of identity. In consequence of this publicahe came under the influence of Pietism as represented by. tion, and his advocacy of the programme of the Prosuch men as Stier and Tholuck, though the latter protestantenverein, he was classed at the end of his life nounced him a "very modern Christian.” He afterwards amongst the more decided theological liberals nother than himself confessed that, though he had been a sincere, he with the moderate orthodox party, amongst whom so many was never a hạppy Pietist. In Rome, where he enjoyed of his personal friends were to be found. the intimate friendship of Bunsen, and studied church Rothe was one of the most if not the most profound history under the broadening influence of classieal and and influential of modern German theologians next to ecclesiastical art, his mind broke loose from the straitened | Schleiermacher. Like the latter he combined with the life and narrow views of Pietism and he learned to look keenest logical faculty an intensely religious spirit, while at Christianity in its human and universalistic aspects. his philosophical tendencies were rather in sympathy with From that time he began to develop and work out his Hegel than Schleiermacher, and theosophic mysticism was great idea, the inseparable relation of religion and morals, more congenial to him than the abstractions of Spinoza, finding in the latter the necessary sphere and the realiza- to whom Schleiermacher owed so much. He classed him

. particularly after the revolution of July 1830, likewise to be a convinced and happy supernaturalist in a scientific to give a more definite form to his peculiar view of the age. · A peculiarity of his thought was its systematic relations of church and state. In consequence of this completeness and consistency; aphoristic, unsystematic,

timidly halting speculation was to him intolerable. | church. As men reach the full development of their nature, and Though his own system may seem to contain extremely

| appropriate the perfection of the Saviour, the separation between doubtful or even fantastic elements, it is allowed by all

the religious and the moral life will vanish, and the Christian state,

as the highest sphere of human life representing all human that it is in its general outlines a noble massive whole, functions, will displace the church. “In proportion as the Saviour constructed by a profound, comprehensive, fearless, and Christianizes the state by means of the church must the progreslogical mind. Another peculiarity of his thought was

sive completion of the structure of the church prove the cause of the realistic nature of his spiritualism : his abstractions

its abolition.” The decline of the church is therefore not to be

deplored, but recognized as the consequence of the independence are all real existences ; his spiritual entities are real and and completeness of the Christian life. It is the third section of corporeal ; his truth is actual being. Hence Rothe, un his work—the Pflichtenlchrc—which is generally most highly valued, like Schleiermacher, lays great stress, for instance, on the and where his full strength as an ethical thinker is displayed, personality of God, on the reality of the worlds of good

without any mixture of theosophic speculation.

Since Rothe's death several volumes of his sermons and of his lectures (on and evil spirits, and on the visible second coming of dogmatics, the history of homiletics) and a collection of brief essays and religious Christ. Hence his religious feeling and theological specu

meditations under the title of Stille Stunden (Wittenberg, 1872) have been

published. See F. Nippold, Richard Rothe, ein christliches Lebensbild (2 vols., lation demanded their realization in a kingdom of God Wittenberg, 1873-74); Schenkel, “ Zur Erinnerung an Dr R. Rothe," in the

Allgemeine kirchliche Zeitschrift, 1867–68; Holtzinann, " Richard Rothe," in the coextensive with man's nature, terrestrial history, and Jahrbuchdes Protestantenvereins, 1869; Schwarz, Zur Geschichte der neuesten human society; and thus his theological system became a

Theologie (4th ed., Leipsis, 1869, pp. 417–444); Pfleiderer, Religionsphilosophie auf

geschichtlicher Grundlage (2d ed., Berlin, 1884, vol. i. pp. 611-615). Theologische Ethik. It is on the work published under

(J. F. S.)

ROTHERHAM, a market-town and municipal borough this title that Rothe's permanent reputation as a theo

in the West Riding of Yorkshire, is situated at the junclogian and ethical writer will rest. The first edition, in

tion of the Rother with the Don navigation, on several three volumes, was published in 1845–48, and remained

railway lines, 5 miles north-east of Sheffield. The parish twelve years out of print before the second (1867–71, in

church of All Saints, occupying the site of a building five volumes) appeared. It was the author's purpose to

dating from Anglo-Saxon times, was erected in the reign rewrite the whole, but he had completed the first two

of Edward IV., and is a good specimen of Perpendicular. volumes only of the new edition when death overtook him.

Among the other principal public buildings are the new The remainder was reprinted from the first edition by

market-hall, the post office, the court-house, the teniper. Prof. Holtzmann, with the addition of some notes and

ance hall, St George's Hall, the council hall, and the coremendations left by the author.

poration offices. There are a large number of educational This work begins with a general sketch of the author's system

and literary institutions, including the grammar school of speculative theology in its two divisions, theology proper and cosmology, the latter falling into the two subdivisions of Physik

founded in 1483, the people's charity school, the Inde(the world of nature) and Ethik (the world of spirit). It is the last

pendent college, the mechanics' institute, the free library, subdivision with which the body of the work is occupied. After and the literary and scientific society. There is a largo an analysis of the religious consciousness, which yields the doctrine hospital, besides almshouses and various other charities, of an absolute personal and spiritual God, Rothe proceeds to deduce

The town possesses extensive iron, steel, and brass works, from his idea of God the process and history of creative development, which is eternally proceeding and bringing forth, as its unending

potteries, glass works, breweries, saw mills, and rope yards. pose, worlds of spirits, partially self-creative and sharing the The population of the municipal borough (area 5995 acress) absolute personality of the Creator. As a thorough-going evolu in 1881 was 34,782. tionist Rothe regards the natural man as the consummation of the

The town is of Roman origin, and was of some importance in development of physical nature, and obtains spirit as the personal

Anglo-Saxon times. In the time of Edward the Confessor it attainment, with divine help, of those beings in whom the further

possessed a market and a church. Mary queen of Scots stayed a creative process of moral development is carried on. His theory

night at Rotherham while a prisoner, as did also Charles I. when leaves the natural man, without hesitation, to be developed by the

in the hands of the Scots. During the Civil War it sided with natural processes of animal evolution. The attainment of the

the Parliament. It was taken possession of by the Royalists in higher stage of development is the moral and religious vocation of

1643, but after the victory of Marston Moor was yielded up to a man; this higher stage is self-determination, the performance of

detachment of the Parliamentary forces. The townships of Rotherevery human function as a voluntary and intelligent agent or as a

ham and Kimberworth were incorporated as a municipal borough person, having as its cosmical effect the subjection of all material to

in August 1871, the adjacent suburbs being included in 1879. spiritual existences. This personal process of spiritualization is the

The corporation act as the sanitary authority, and own the watercontinuation of the eternal divine work of creation. Thus the moral

works, gasworks, and markets. They have introduced a system life and the religious life coincide, and when normal are identical ;

of main drainage, and have also provided a public park and a free both have the same aim and are occupied with the same task, the accomplishment of the spiritualization of the world. “Piety, that it may become truth and reality, demands morality as its

L ROTHESAY, a royal burgh, and the principal town of fulfilment, as the only concrete element in which the idea of 1 the county of Bute, Scotland, is situated in the island of fellowship with God is realized ; morality, that it may find its Bute, at the head of a well-sheltered and spacious bay in perfect unfolding, requires the aid of piety, in the light of which

the Firth of Clyde, 40 miles W. of Glasgow and 18 S.W. of alone it can comprehend its own idea in all its breadth and depth.” Rothe follows Schleiermacher in dividing his ethical system

Greenock, with which there is frequent communication by into the three parts of the doctrine of moral ends (Güterlehre), or steamers. The bay affords good anchorage in any wind, the products of moral action, the doctrine of virtue (Tugendlehre),

doctrine of virtue (Tugendlehre), and there are also a good harbour and pier. The town is or of the power producing moral good, and the doctrine of duty

the headquarters of an extensive fishing district, and is (Pflichtenlehre), or the specific form and manner in which that power obtains its results. The process of human development

much frequented as a watering place. Besides two Rothe regards as necessarily taking an abnormal form and passing | hydropathic establishments, it has several hotels and through the phase of sin. This abnormal condition necessitates a , numerous lodging houses. Facing the bay there is an fresh creative act, that of salvation, which was, however, from the

extensive esplanade. In the centre of the town are the first part of the divine plan of development. As a preparation for this salvation supernatural revelation was required for the

ruins of the ancient castle, supposed by some to have been purifying and revivification of the religious consciousness, and the erected in 1098 by Magnus Barefoot, and by others at Šaviour Himself had to appear in human history as a fresh the same date by the Scots to defend themselves against miraculous creation, born of a woman but not begotten by a man.

the Norwegians. The village which grew up round the In consequence of His supernatural birth the Saviour, or the second Adam, was free from original sin. By His own moral and

castle was made a royal burgh by Robert III., who created religious development He made possible a relation of perfect his eldest son David duke of Rothsay. During the fellowship between God and man, which was the new and highest Commonwealth the castle was garrisoned by Cromwell's stage of the divine creation of mankind. This stage of development

troops. It was burned by the followers of Argyll in inaugurated by the Saviour is attained by means of His kingdom or the community of salvation, which is both moral and religious, and

1685, and remained neglected till the rubbish was cleared in the first instance and temporarily only religious—that is, a away by the marquis of Bute in 1816. The principal modern buildings are the aquarium, the town-hall and , and envy. By the employment of carrier pigeons and of county buildings, the public halls, the academy, and fast-sailing boats of his own for the transmission of news the Thomson institute. The corporation consists of a he was able to utilize to the best advantage his special provost, three bailies, a dean of guild, a treasurer, and sources of information, while no one was a greater twelve councillors. The population of the royal burgh in adept in the art of promoting the rise and fall of the 1871 was 8027 and in 1881 it was 8291.

stocks. The colossal influence of the house dates from ROTHSCHILD, the name of a Jewish family which an operation of his in 1810. In that year Wellington has acquired an unexampled position from the magnitude made some drafts which the English Government could of its financial transactions. The original name was not meet; these were purchased by Rothschild at a Bauer, the founder of the house being MAYER ANSELM liberal discount, and renewed to the Government, which (1743–1812), the son of Anselm Moses Bauer, a small finally redeemed at par. From this time the house Jewish merchant of Frankfort-on-the-Main. His father became associated with the allied powers in the struggle wished him to become a rábbi, but he preferred business, against Napoleon, it being chiefly through it that they and ultimately set up as a money lender at the sign of were able to negotiate loans to carry on the the “Red Shield” (Rothschild) in the Frankfort Juden- Rothschild never lost faith in the ultimate overthrow gasse. He had already acquired some standing as .a of Napoleon, his all being virtually staked on the issue banker' when his numismatic.tastes obtained for him of the contest.

of the contest. He is said to have been present at the the friendship of William, ninth landgrave and after- battle of Waterloo, and to have watched the varying wards elector of Hesse-Cassel, who in 1801 made him fortunes of the day with feverish eagerness. Being able his agent. In the following year Rothschild negotiated to transmit to London private information of the allied his. first great Government loan, ten million thalers for the success several hours before it reached the public, he Danish Government. When the landgrave was compelled effected an immense profit by the purchase of stock, which to flee from his capital on the entry of the French, he had been greatly depressed on account of the news of placed his silver and other bulky treasures in the hands Blucher's defeat two-days previously. Rothschild was of Rothschild, who, not without considerable risk, took the first to popularize foreign loans in Britain by fixing charge of them, and buried them, it is said in a corner of the rate in sterling money and making the dividends payhis garden, whence he dug them up as opportunity arose able in London and not in foreign capitals. Latterly he for disposing of them. · This he did to such advantage as became the financial agent of nearly every civilized Governto be able afterwards to return their value to the elector ment, although persistently declining contracts for Spain at 5 per cent. interest. He died at Frankfort 19th or the American States. He did not confine himself to September. 1812, leaving ten children, five sons and five operations on a large scale, but on the contrary made it a daughters: Branches of the business were established at principle to despise or neglect no feašible opportunity of Vienna, London, Paris

, and Naples, each being in charge transacting business, while at the same time his operations of one of the sons, the chief of the firm always residing at gradually extended to every quarter of the globe. He Frankfort, where, in accordance with the wish of the died 28th July 1836, and was succeeded in the managefounder, all important consultations are held. By a ment of the London house by his son LIONEL (1808–1879), system of cooperation and joint counsels, aided by the born 220 November. 1808, whose name will always be skilful employment of subordinate agents, they obtained associated with the removal of the civil disabilities of the unexampled opportunities of acquiring an accurate know- Jews. He was elected a member for the City of London ledge of the condition of the financial market, and in 1847, and again in 1849 and 1852, but it was not till practically embraced the whole of Europe within their 1858 that the joint operation of an Act of Parliament financial network. The unity of the interests of the and a resolution of the House of .Commons, allowing the several members of the firm has been preserved by omission from the oath of the words to which as a Jew he the system of intermarriages, which has been the conscientiously objected, rendered it possible for him to general practice of the descendants of the five brothers, take his seat. He continued to represent the city of and the house has thus grown in solidity and influence London till 1874. .JACOB (1792–1868), the youngest of with every succeeding generation. Each of the brothers the original brothers, was intrusted with the important received in 1815 from Austria the privilege of hereditary, mission of starting the business in Paris after the restoralandowners, and in 1822 they were created barons by the tion of the Bourbons, for whom he negotiated large loans. same country. The charge of the Frankfort house de- | At the Re olution of 1848 he was a heavy loser, and had volved on the eldest, ANSELM MAYER (1773-1855), born also to be protected for a time by a special guard. It 12th June 1773, who was chosen a member of the royal was by his capital that the earliest railroads were conPrussian privy council of commerce, and, in 1820, Bavarian structed in France; the profits he obtained from the consul and court banker. The Vienna branch was under- speculation were very large. He died 15th November taken by SOLOMON (1774–1826), born 9th December 1774, 1868, The Naples branch was · superintended by anwho entered into intimate relations with Prince Metter- other of the brothers, KARL (1780-1855). . It was always nich, which contributed in no small degree to bring about the least important of the five, and after the annexation of the connexion of the firm with the allied powers

. . The Naples to Italy in 1860 it was discontinued. third brother, NATHAN.MAYER (1777–1836), born 16th

See Das Haus Rothschild, 1858; Picciotto, Sketches of Anglo-Jewish September 1777, has, however, generally been regarded as History, 1875; Francis, Chronicles and Characters of the Stock the financial genius of the family, and the chief originator Exchange, 1853; Treskow, Biographische Notizen über Nathan Meyer of the transactions which have created for the house its Rothschild nebst seinem Testament, 1837 ; Roqueplan, Le Baron

James de Rothschild, 1868. unexampled position in the financial world. He came to Manchester about 1800 to act as a purchaser for his ROTHWELL, an urban sanitary district in tne West father of manufactured goods ; but at the end of five Riding of Yorkshire, situated in a pleasant valley four years he removed to London, where he found full scope miles south of Leeds. It is of great antiquity, and soon for his financial genius.' The boldness and skill of his after the Conquest was granted as a dependency of the transactions, which caused him at first to be regarded castle of Pontefract to the Lacys, who erected at it a as. rash and unsafe by the leading banking firms and baronial residence of which there are still some remains. financial merchants, latterlv. awakened their admiration The church of the Holy Trinity is an old structure in

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the Later English style with embattled parapet. There marked, dotted, ridged, or sculptured in various ways (fig. are a mechanics' institute and a working men's club. 1, K). The curved spines of Philodina aculeata (fig. 1, G) Coal and stone are obtained in the neighbourhood, and and the long rigid spines of Triarthra are further developthe town possesses match works and rope and twine ments in this direction. The so-called setæ of Polyarthra on factories. The population of the urban sanitary district the other hand are more complex in nature, and are moved (area 3302 acres) in 1871 was 3733, and in 1881 it was by muscles, and thus approach the “limbs” of Pedalion. 5105.

ROTIFERA. The Rotifera (or Rotatoria) form a small, in many respects well-defined, but somewhat isolated class of the animal kingdom. They are here treated of separately, partly on account of the difficulty of placing them in one of the large phyla, partly on account of their special interest to microscopists.

Now familiarly known as “ wheel animalcules” from the wheel-like motion produced by the rings of cilia which

С generally occur in the head region, the so-called rotatory A organs, they were first discovered by Leeuwenhoek (1),1 to

B whom we also owe the discovery of Bacteria and ciliate Infusoria. Leeuwenhoek described the Rotifer vulgaris in

cl 1702, and he subsequently described Melicerta ringens and other species. A great variety of forms were described by other observers, but they were not separated as a class from the unicellular organisms (Protozoa) with which they usually occur until the appearance of Ehrenberg's great monograph (2), which contained a mass of detail regarding their structure. The classification there put forward by Ehrenberg is still widely adopted, but numeroas observers have since added to our knowledge of the anatomy of the group (3). At the present day few groups of the animal kingdom are so well known to the microscopist, few groups present more interesting affinities to the morphologist, and few multicellular animals such a low physiological condition.

General Anatomy.—The Rotifera are multicellular animals of microscopic size which present a colom. They are bilaterally symmetrical and present no true metameric segmentation. A head region is generally well marked, and most forms present a definite tail region. This tail region has been termed the “pseudopodium.” It varies very much in the extent to which it is developed. It

Would attains its highest development in forms like Philodina, which affect a leech-like method of progression and use it as a means of attachment. We may pass from this through 3. a series of forms where it becomes less and less highly developed. In such forms as Brachionus it serves as a directive organ in swimming, while in a large number of other forms it is only represented by a pair of terminal styles or flaps. In the sessile forms it becomes a contractile pedicle with a suctorial extremity. A pseudopodiumo is entirely absent in Asplanchna, Triarthra, Polyarthra, and a few other genera. The pseudopodium, when well developed, is a very muscular organ, and it may Fig. 1.-A, Floscularia, campanulata, an adult male, drawn from a dead specimen contain a pair of glands (fig. 2, A, gl) which secrete an ad

(after Hudson): t, testis; nc, eye-spots. B, Floscularia appenuiculata, an

adult female (after Gegenbaur): a, the ciliated flexible proboscis. C, Stephanohesive material.

ceros eichhornii : a, the urceol'is. D, Microcodon clavus, ventral view (after

Grenacher): m, mouth; a, bristles ; x, architroch; s, lateral sense-organs. E, The surface of the body is covered by a firm homogeneous Polyarthra platyptera : oc, eye-spot; *' isolated tufts representing a cephalostructureless cuticle. This cuticle may become hardened

troch; x, bianchiotroch ; a, 6, and c, three pairs of appendages which are

moved by the muscles m. É, another figure of Polyarthra, to show the position by a further development of chitin, but no calcareous which the appendages may take up. G, Philodina aculeata : oc, eye-spot; s, deposits ever take place in it. The cuticle remains softest

calcar. H, Actinurus neptunius. oc, eye-spot; s, calcar. !, Asplanchna sie

boldii, male, viewed from the abdominal surface : a, anterior short arms; b, in those forms which live in tubes. Among the free-living posterior longer arms; m, mouth;. X', cephalotrochie tufts; x, branchiotroch.

J, Asplanchna sieboldii, female; letters as before. K, Noteus quadricornis, forms the degree of hardening varies considerably. In to show the extent to which the lorica may become sculptured.* (All, except some cases contraction of the body merely throws the

where otherwise stated, from Pritchard.) cuticle into wrinkles (Notommata, Asplanchna); in others Several genera present an external casing or sheath or définite ring-like joints are produced which telescope into tube which is termed an “urceolus.” In Floscularia and one another during contraction; while in others again it Stephanoceros the urceolus is gelatinous and perfectly becomes quite firm and rigid and resembles the carapace hyaline; in Conochilus numerous individuals live in such a of one of the Entomostraca ; it is then termed a “lorica.” hyaline urceolus arranged in a radiating manner. The The lorica may be prolonged at various points into spines, urceolus," which is secreted by the animal itself, may which may attain a considerable length. The surface may become covered with foreign particles, and in one species, be variously modified, being in some cases smooth, in others the well-known Melicerta ringens, the animal builds up its 1 These numbers refer to the bibliography at p. 8.

urceolus with pellets which it manufactures from foreign

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particles, and deposits in a regular oblique or spiral series, | is moved by muscles running upwards towards the neck and which are cemented together by a special secretion. and arising immediately under the trochal disk, the inferior The urceolus serves as a defence, as the animal can by con- ventro-lateral pair also presenting muscles which-form a tracting its stalk withdraw itself entirely within the tube. girdle in the hind region of the body. Various other

Locomotor Organs.—While, as mentioned above, several muscles are present: there are two complete girdles in the genera or individual species present long spines, these neck region immediately behind the mouth; there are also Become movable, and may be spoken of as appendages, in muscles which move the hinder region of the body. In two genera only. In Polyarthra (fig. 1, E, F) there are addition to these the body presents various processes four groups of processes or plumes placed at the sides of which are perhaps some of them unrepresented in other

Rotifers. In the median dorsal line immediately below the trochal disk there is a short conical process presenting

a pair of muscles which render it capable of slight moreg. 9

From a recess at the extrenity of this process spring a group of long setose hairs the bases of which are

connected with a filament probably nervous in nature. *P

This doubtless represents a structure found in many
Rotifers, and variously known as the “calcar,” “siphon,
“tentaculum,” or “antenna." This calcar is double in

T'ubicolaria and Melicerta. It is very well developed in si

the genera Rotifer, Philodina, and others, and is, when so developed, slightly retractile. It appears to be represented in many forms by a pit or depression set with hairs. The calcar has been considered both as an intromittent organ and a respiratory tube for the admission of water. It is now, however, universally considered to be sensory in nature. Various forms present processes in other parts

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FIG. 2.-Flosculæria appendicuiata. A and B represent the same animal, some of

the organs being shown in one figure and some in the other. oc, eye-spots; g, nerve ganglion ; P, pharynx (the mouth should be shown opening opposite the letter); ma, the mastáx; e; oesophagus; st, stomach; a, anus, opening the cloaca; gl, mucous glands in the pseudopodium; n, néphıridia; f, flame-cells; bl, contractile vesicle; m, r, muscles.


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the body, each of which groups can be separately moved
up and down by means of muscular fibres attached to their b.
bases, which project into the body. The processes them-
selves are unjointed and rigid. In Pedalion (fig. 3), a
remarkable form discovered by Dr C. J. Hudson in 1871
(12, 13, 14, and 15), and found in numbers several times
since, these appendages have acquired a new and quite
special development. They are six in number. The largest
is placed ventrally at some distance below the mouth. Its
free extremity is a plumose fan-like expansion (fig. 3,
A, a, and y). It is in common with the others) a hollow
process into which run two pairs of broad, coarsely trans-
versely striated muscles. Each pair has a single insertion

FIG. 3.- Pedalion mira. A, Lateral surface view of an adult female : a, median on the inner wall—the one pair near the free extremity of ventral appendage; b, median dorsal appendage; c, inferior ventro-lateral

appendage : d, superior dorso-lateral appendage ; J, dorsal sense-organ (calcar); the limb, the other near its attachment; the bands run g, “chin;" x, cephalotroch. B, lateral view, showing the viscera : oc, eyeup, one of each pair on each side and run right round

spots ; n, nephridia; e, ciliated processes, probably serving for attachment;

other letters as above. C, ventral view : x', cephaloteoch; x, branchiotroch; the body forming an incomplete muscular girdle, the ends other letters as above. D, ventral view, showing the musculature (cf. text). approximating in the median dorsal line. Below this

E, dorsal view of a male: a, lateral appendages; b, dorsal appendage. F,

lateral view of a male. G, enlarged view of the sense-organ marked f. H, point springs the large median dorsal limb, which termin- enlarged view of the median ventral.appendage. (All after Hudson.) ates in groups of long setæ. It presents a single pair of of the body which have doubtless a similar function, e.g., muscles attached along its inner wall which run up and Microcodon (fig. 1, D, s) with its pair of lateral organs. form a muscular girdle round the bndy in its posterior Pedalion presents a pair of ciliated processes in the third. On each side is attached a superịor dorso-lateral posterior region of the body (fig. 3, B, c, and D, e), which and an inferior ventro-lateral appendage, each with a fan- it can apparently use as a means of attachment; Dr like plumose termination consisting of compound hairs, Hudson states that he has seen it anchored by these and found elsewhere only among the Crustacea; each of these I swimming round and round in a circle. They possibly re

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