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where all shipps that are bound to the westward ly, and Ham ose for those bound to the eastward, beside the Barbican which is the harbour in the towne, and lies dry at low water. Mount Buttin is the outwardmost point of Catwater, being a round hill, almost an island, with a round tower on it; in the siege of Plimouth, it served notably to straighten the beseiged, the channel being not above musquet shot ouer, the kings party then hauing a fort on Mount Stamford, and continually plying this place with store of small shot. The tower upon it hath been since built to hinder the like inconueniOpposite to it is the fort of Plimouth, built upon the extremity of a rock, the lower part of which is called Fishers Nose; it hath always been accounted very strong, but is now much strengthened by the new fortificasions which run along the hill. To the westward behind this hill, lies the town of Plimouth; you can see nothing of it but the top of the steeple, as you rid in the sound; it is a very large towne and of great trade, and keeps a number of shipping; it hath been formerly walled, but is now quite dismantled. There is an ould square castle in the towne, which hath been long made a prison and is now pulling downe for the new workes. To sail into Ham ose, you pass by the island St. Frances, leaving it on your larbord side; it is a rocke that lies in the sound, hauing no possible access to it but one, which is allso verry difficult and well fortified. The top of it is green, and hath a large fortified howse on it. Mount Wise, a great house, on Plimouth side, and on the other, Mount Edgcome, a very handsome howse and pleasant seat, belonging to Sir Richard Edgcomb; it is verry well wooded down to the sea side, and hath a very handsom parke; between these goeth in Ham ose and Milbrooke; between Mount Wise and Plimouth, is Stonhowse and Milbay, where small vessels do anchor, there is a good watering place. The 7th of February, rear-admirall Kempthorn ariued with the rest of our frigats. We continued here waiting a wind, till the 19th, when, it comeing eastwardly, wee sailed all together, the rear-admiral of the white being bound to cruce of the Lands end, and wee to the southward with our conuoy. About 12 at night, the wind scanted upon us, and our mar

A little within this stands

chant men not being able to make any thing of it, wee put back again for Plimouth, severall of them went into Falmouth. The rear-admirall of the white only, with his squadron, kept the sea. The 21st, the wind came about eastwardly again, and the Mary Rose was ordered to way and call the marchant men out of Falmouth, and stay there for the coming of the fleet. About 10 at night, we wayed, hauing a fine small gale, that night wee ly by about 3 howers, and by 6 in the morning, were of the Deadman, a point of land shooting out from the rest; to the westward is still another point, of which about halfe a mile lies the Gull rocke.

Falmouth is a deep bay, that takes its name from a rock which lies almost in the mid channell, at the entrance, on either side of which stands a castle; Pendennis castle on a high hill in a peninsula, being one of the strongest in England, is on the west side, and St. Maurs on the side of a hill, on the east. There are seuerall towns in the bay, as St. Maurs, Perin, and Falmouth, which is named and made a corporacion by the king, it being formerly a place that had no other name but Penylome Quick, being only a few ale howses for the reception of seamen; the rock only was calld Falmouth. Truro lyes in the bottom of the bay; it is very much used by merchant shipps, being not so commodious for the great shipps of warr there as at Plimouth; the shipps eastwardly bound run up to Perin, the westwardly toward Truro, the eastward point of the bay lies of rocky, as at Plimouth, and hath a shagg rock continually covered with that sort of fowl. Something to the westward of Pendennis castle, is Hilfort, a small towne that hath a harbour for small vessels; about two leagues from that is the Manackles, a ledge of rocks that ly aboue a league of the Blackhead, which is part of the land of the Lisart. The Lisart hath three points, the eastwardmost of which is the Blackhead, of which lies the Manackles, the southermost, which is commonly called the Lisart, hath a ledge of rocks running out from it aboue water, called the Staggs, the westermost is Predamour point; they are all much like one another, being flat land, not very high, and all three bluf steep points.

[MS. SLOAN. 1745.]

Admiral Kempthorne's General Orders.

Instructions in particular for the present outbound expedi


1. That the Defyance and Dreadnought keepe in the van of the fleet. The Cambridge on the starboard wing, as neere the middle as may bee. The Fairfax on the larboard in the same manner; the Dunkirk and Marie-Rose in the reare, according to the description hereunder.

[blocks in formation]

2. That none give chase out of the sight of the fleet upon any pretention whatever.

3. In case of separation by foule weather, or any other accident which may happen, that then the rendezvous of meeting be at Tangier.

4. In case we should meet a considerable enemie that may stand to engage us, that wee fall into the posture as heere deciphered.

5. When the admirall desireth to speake with any of the commanders hee will abroad a pendant

[blocks in formation]

Wee are now riding in Plimmouth Sound, whether wee brought safe our convoy of 38 marchand shipps. Heere I found Captain Utberd, with five good men of warre; many considerable prizes have been lately taken, and dailie some are brought in, both Duch and French. Wee now attend the coming of Rere-admirall Kempthorne, butt I hope I may bee so happy as to receave one from you before wee sayle. I lately read a good part of Lucan, whose sentences, orations, and noble straynes, I like very well; and to say truth, some other poets of great name, seeme to mee butt flat in comparison of him. The speech of Vulteius is very remarkable, and handsomely expressed; and I was much affected with it. I

beleeve the translation by May will come short of it. Hee was one of Cæsar's commanders, who, finding his shippe entangled by ropes layd purposely in the sea, and surrounded with a great body of Pompey's forces, fought it out an whole day with them; and seing no way to auoid taking, rather than to bee slaves and prisoners, exhorted his souldiers in the shippe to kill one another, which was effected the next morning, himself being first slayne, and afterward all the rest. It is in the fourth booke; [beginning]

Libera non ultrà paruâ quam nocte Juventus

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This temper would haue serued well, and had probably concluded the warre in our first fight with the Duch,

I am like to see Tangier the third time. Our voyage must not bee long. I expect to receave your farther commands by the next. Your obedient sonne,


Dr. Browne to his son Thomas.

[MS. SLOAN. 1745.]

I receaved yours, and would not deferre to send vnto you before you sayled, which I hope will come vnto you; for in this wind, neither can Reare-admirall Kempthorne come to you, nor you beginne your voyage. I am glad you like Lucan so well. I wish more military men could read him; in this passage you mention, there are noble straynes; and such as may well affect generous minds. Butt I hope you are more

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