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ydney. Capital of New South Wales, Australia. on the

shore of Port Jackson,
an inlet which fur-
nishes a fine harbor;
founded 1788, but
mainly of recent
growth; long a penal
settlement. It is in a
coal region, and has
a mint, a large com-
merce, and consider-
able manufactures.
Its university dates
from 1852. Pop. 1891,

112,000; with suburbs,
Sydney, ALGER-

Syenite. Crystal-
line rock consisting of
feldspar and horn-
blende, with or with-
out quartz, resem-
bling granite in its
mode of occurrence,
but less common.

The name was first given by Pliny to rock from Syene in Egypt, a hornblendic granite, e rock from the Plauensche Grund near Dresden, which and later by Werner mainly a mixture of hornblende and feldspar.

Sydney Town Hall.

kes, GEORGE, U.S.A.. 1822-1880. Brig.-gen. U. S. Vols.
Major-gen. 1862-66; commander 5th corps at Gettysburg.
burg, FRIEDRICH, 1536-1596. Librarian at Heidelberg;
of sundry classics.


labus. Encyclical of Pope Pius IX., Dec. 8, 1864, coning eighty tenets, about half of which are condemned by Lians generally, while the others are regarded by most stants as true. Whether it is of dogmatic or only of linary authority does not appear to be finally settled. logism. Form of mediate inference which consists of terms and three propositions, major, minor and middle major and minor premises, and conclusion. The conis based upon the comparison, in the premises, of the and minor with the middle term.

phs. In medieval legend, spirits of the air, as gnomes earth and salamanders of fire.

va. Botany of the trees of a country.

vanite. (Au, Ag)Te,. Rich gold and silver telluride,
-ly found in considerable quantity in Transylvania, but
nt years regarded as a very rare mineral, until the dis-
of the Cripple Creek deposits in Col., where it is now
the most important of the ores.

wester I., ST. Bp. of Rome 314-335. His day is Dec.
- GERBERT, ab.950-1003. Abbot of Bobbio ab.990, Abp.
enna 998, Pope 999. As a man of learning, some sup-
him to be in league with the devil.-III. Antipope 1046.
ester, JAMES JOSEPH, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., b. 1814.
mathematician. Prof. of Mathematics, Univ. Va.,
, of Physics, London 1851, Woolwich 1855, and Johns
s Univ. 1876; Prof. of Geometry at Oxford 1883; leader
ern analysis, especially in the advanced development of

ester, JOSHUA, 1563-1618. English poet. His version
Bartas' Divine Weeks and Works, 1605, was a folio of
000 pages. Tobacco Battered, 1615.

iculture. See FORESTRY.

ie, EDUARD, 1670-1739. French naturalist, in S. Amer-
W. Indies 1701-10. Voyages, 10 vols., 1714-28.

ite. KCl. Mineral potassium chloride, of infrequent
nce, though found in some quantity associated with
It at STASSFURT (q.v.).

us, DE LA BOE, 1614-1672.

Science at Leyden. He attempted to explain the Iatrochemist, Prof. of ena of respiration, digestion, etc.

us, JACOBUS, 1478-1555. Prof. of Anatomy at Paris Opera Medica, 1630.

biosis. Peculiar form of commensalism, more pary referring to the habitation of animal cells by unicelIgoe, as in the Green Hydra, and the yellow cells of



Radiolarians. The plant cells absorb the carbonic acid secreted by the animal, and in sunlight produce oxygen, which is abadvantage.-In Botany, intimate coexistence of one organsorbed by the animal protoplasm. Thus there is mutual supposed combination of Fungi and Algo in the structure of ism with another, the two being mutually dependent, as the lichens; known also as Consortism.

Symbols. Creeds, confessions of faith, or formal statements of doctrine; so named by Cyprian ab.250; historically treated by Marheineke in Symbolik, 1810, by Winer 1824, Möbler (R. C.) 1832, and many recent writers, as Dr. Schaff in Creeds of Christendom, 1878.

Symbols. In Chemistry, used to designate the elements ally the initial, or first and second, or other letters of their and their compounds. Of the elements, the symbols are usuaccepted name; e.g., C of Carbon, Ca of Calcium, Ce of Cerium. Symborodont Dentition. dont-lophodont series, having the outer tubercles of their Molar teeth of the amoebocrowns longitudinally elongated and crescentic, while the inner tubercle remains isolated and conic, as in Symborodon.

Syme, JAMES, M.D., 1799-1870. Prof. Edinburgh 1833: eminent as teacher, operator, and introducer of new methods. Principles of Surgery, 1832; Pathology and Practice of Surgery, 1848.

Symington, ANDREW JAMES, b.1825. Scottish writer and
compiler. Chalmers, 1878.

steamboat, tried 1788. His Charlotte Dundas was used for
Symington, WILLIAM, 1764-1831. Scottish inventor of a
towing on the Forth and Clyde Canal 1801-2, at the time of
Fulton's failure on the Seine.

Symmachus, ab.200. Author of a Greek version of O. T.,
of which fragments remain.

nifying his office and holding several synods.
Symmachus. Pope 498-514; opposed till 506 by Lauren-
tius, who had imperial support. He was an active man, mag-

Symmachus, QUINTUS AURELIUS, ab.340-ab.403. Roman
prefect 384, Consul 391; belated defender of Paganism; of pure
and lofty type. His Letters. in 10 books, survive, with three
eulogies and parts of six orations, pub. 1815.

Symmes, JOHN CLEVES, 1742-1814. Delegate to Congress 1785-86; Judge of Northwest Territory 1787; founder of Cincinnati. His nephew, JOHN CLEVES, U.S.A., 1780-1829, put being hollow, could be entered from the North Pole. This forth 1818 the theory of "Symmes' Hole," whereby the earth, was resuscitated 1876 by his son, Americus Vespucius.

Symmetrical. 1. In Botany, having an equal number of
parts in each floral whorl. 2. Having the parts on each side
of the principal axis alike in form and size.

Symmetrical Determinant.
elements are equal. This may be either axi-symmetric, in
One whose conjugate
reference to the diagonal of the determinant; or centro-sym-
metric, in reference to the center of the square array.

Symmetrical Figure. 1. In respect to a center of sym-
metry, when all lines through that point cut the figure at two
symmetrical points. 2. In respect to an axis, where every
point on one side of the axis has a corresponding syminetrical
point on the other side. 3. In reference to a plane, the same
criterion applies. Two figures are symmetrical when every
point in one has a symmetrical point in the other.

Symmetrical Points. 1. In reference to a point (center of symmetry) when it bisects the line joining them. 2. In respect to a line (axis of symmetry) when it bisects at right angles the line joining them. 3. In reference to a plane, the same criterion applies.

Symmetry. Harmonious balance of parts along an axis
which swings around a single fixed point in every direction.
Geometrically, symmetry, as seen in living organisms, may be
referred to a central point (centrostigma), a central axis (cen-
traxonia), or a central plane (centrepipeda). See BILATERAL
and STAURAXONIA.-In Mathematics, likeness of position in
reference to some fixed element.

symmetrical when its literal elements may be interchanged
Symmetry of Expression. An algebraic expression is
without affecting its form.

Symonds, JOHN ADDINGTON, 1840-1893. English historian
and critic, long resident in Switzerland. Renaissance in Italy,
7 vols., 1875-86; Life of Michelangelo, 1892.

ologist, authority on rainfall.
Symons, GEORGE JAMES, F.R.S., b.1838. English meteor-


Sympathetic Ink. See COBALT CHLORIDE.

Sympathetic Nervous System. See NERVOUS SYSTEM.
Sympathetic Vibrations


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medium, both being of the same pitch, if one body be Such vibrations the other will absorb from the air the note of that ar period which is equal to its own.

d sympathetic. The phenomenon may be practically ed by sounding the proper note before an open piano. pathy. Feeling aroused by expression of a similar mind in another. The more developed and complete Fists where there is an imaginative reproduction of anfeelings; i.e., fellow-feeling. The emotion depends upon xperience, and its development corresponds to the deent of civilization. It is feeble in the lower animals In Ethics and common use, it ong the lower races. especially to the sorrows of others. petalous. See GAMOPETALOUS.

phonic Poem. Form of musical composition for tra, introduced by Liszt as a substitute for the sym- It is in a single movement, though divided by changes po, key and sentiment, is based upon a poetical idea, a ce of incidents or moods to which a clew is given by tle, or a motto which serves as a programme, and ently has a principal subject which the composer transso as to make it express variety of emotional or dra


mphony. Musical composition for orchestra, whose cteristics are identical with those of the sonata. The was established by Hadyn, and brought to its highest e by Beethoven. Besides these, the greatest symphonists Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, and Brahms.

mphysis. In Botany, cohesion or adhesion of parts typi

- distinct.

mpiesometer. Form of barometer invented by Adie of burgh, which indicates the pressure of the atmosphere and It consists of a column of oil, supported in a ariations. e closed at the top by atmospheric pressure, rising against dy of hydrogen gas, which acts like a spring against the oil. ymplegades. Two small islands at the entrance of the kine, fabled to collide when ships passed through. Homer s them "Wanderers."

Sympodial Dichotomy. In Botany, condition arising m the greater development of one branch of a bifurcan than of the other.

Sympodium. Stem whose main axis ceases to grow, while e branches, continuing to develop, build up the plaut body. Symptoms. Changes of condition, or the phenomena, hich occur in the manifestation of diseases, and which serve point out their nature. Symptoms may be subjective when, s pain, observed by the patient alone: objective, as the physial signs, when observed by the physician; pathognomonic, hen they certainly indicate definite diseases. Symptoms comlex is the group of individual symptoms together forming the istinctive picture of the disease.


Synagogue. Meeting-house of the Jews, who had one

538 B.C. According to express rabbinic law, it was always to
be built on the highest point of the city and ten men were suf-
ficent to form a congregation. In Palestine the entrance faces
the south. The ark was the most important object in the

Synagogue, GREAT. In Jewish tradition, council of 120
men, assisting Ezra, and surviving him, which regulated the
Hebrew Canon and the observance of the law.

Synangium. Bulbus arteriosus of Amphibia.-In Botany, boat-shaped sorus of certain ferns.

Synanthesis. Maturing of both pistils and stamens of a flower simultaneously.

Synapta. See APODA.

Synapticulæ. Bars that unite the septa of corals.
Synaptosauria. See HYDROSAURIA.

Syncarp. Aggregate or multiple fruits which become
compact or fleshy at maturity.

Syncarpous. Gynoecium of a flower when consisting of coalescent carpels.

Synclastic. Curved surfaces are divided by Sir Wm. Thomson into two classes, synclastic and antisynclastic. A tangent plane at any point of a synclastic surface does not cut the surface: hence the curvatures of all normal sections are similarly directed; e.g., a sphere, an ellipsoid. A plane tangent to an antisynclastic surface cuts it, and it bends away from the plane, part from one side, part from the other.

Synclinal Axis. Line toward which the strata dip from opposite sides.

Syncline. Trough or furrow between two anticlines formed by the bending of the strata, as in the Appalachian region.

Synagogue, Great Portland Street, London.
quos for public worship

Synclinorium. Mountain system originating in a submarine synclinal of great extent.

Syncopation. Binding of two similar notes so that the accent intended for the second appears to fall on the first. Its effect in the accompaniment of songs may be charming. See ACCENT IN MUSIC.

Syncope. Abridgment of a word by elision of a vowel or syllable.

Syncretism. Effort to reconcile contending sects or parties on a basis of common belief; especially that of G. Calixtus, 15861656, and his son, who sought to mediate between the Lutheran and Reformed systems. The controversy raged with much fury, and Calovius, 1612-1686, won the battle for severe confessional orthodoxy.-In Philosophy, compilation of systems without reference to unity or consistency; thus opposed to eclecticism.

Syncytium. Tissue formed of cells whose bounding walls are indistinct or absent.-In Botany, one in which cell-walls are not developed, as in the vegetative stage of slime-moulds. A plasmodium.

Syndactyli. See LEVIROSTRES.

Syndendrium. United bases of the stomatodendra in

Syndic. Officer of a town or corporation, chiefly in France,
Italy, and Geneva.

Syndicate. Organization or association for commercial
ends, usually in the way of large financial operations or of
publication through various channels.

Syne. River in Burmah, ab. 20 m. n. of Moulmein. Curiously picturesque and almost inaccessible rocks rise abruptly

Syne River, with Burmese Race-boat

from the plain on the banks of the river; nevertheless the
Burmese priests have erected a pagoda on the summit of the

highest roo penances. Synecd whole, a sp "ship," or Synento Synergi thon, makin opposed by elsewhere. Synesius corresponder remarkable pendence; a 1553 and ofte Syngenes having the a posite flowers

Syngenes ring or tube a Syngenes the organism germs and ho must have ha all time) teles rations.

Algae of the su
perature of the
hour of Greenv
Synod. A
terian assembly
Synod, Ho
placing the old
appointed by th
Synodic P
a planet with th
Synod of I
able generic or
original or earli

usually with so
tant in literary
are those of Cra
Synoptic C

are displayed the vailing over larg a certain hour simultaneous on

bird's foot, in wh
common tendon


Syntax. Div
arrangement of

Synthermal world having th hour of Greenwi (q.v.), 1867.

Synthesis. logical combinati form a complex w ment of ANALYSIS

fied system of be whole.

Synthesis, CH made from its con

Synthetic Ty other organisms. latter are present both bird and rep logically at the b

[blocks in formation]

Synecdoche. Figure of speech which puts a part for the hole, a species for its genus, or the reverse, as "a sail" for ship," or "Boston" for some of its inhabitants.

Synentognathi. See ANACANTHINI.

Synergism. Modification of Luther's doctrine by Melanchon, making man a coworker with God in redemption. It was oposed by Flacius, and caused much commotion at Jena and sewhere.

Synesius, ab.375-414.

rrespondent of Hypatia; Bp. of Ptolemais in Cyrene 410; African Neoplatonist, friend and markable for liberal opinions, wide culture, and lofty indeendence; author of hymns, orations, and letters, collected 53 and often reprinted; celebrated by Kingsley in Hypatia. Syngenesia. Linnæan class of plants, distinguished by ving the anthers united into a tube or ring, as in the com-site flowers (natural family Composite).

Syngenesious. Stamens whose anthers are united into a ng or tube about the style, as in Compositæ.

Syngenesis. Theory that each egg contains in miniature e organism which is to develop from it, and this in turn the rms and homunculi that are to come from it. Thus Eve ist have had in her all the members of the human race (for time) telescoped one within the other, in successive genecions.

Syngeneticæ. Order of unicellular, colonial, fresh water ge of the subclass Phaeophyceae.

Syngeothermal. Lines joining places at which the temature of the earth near the surface is the same at a given ur of Greenwich time; epithet applied by Hennessey 1867. Syngnathous. See LOPHOBRANCHII.

Synod. Any larger church-council; especially, a Presbyian assembly, including several presbyteries.

Synod, HOLY. Governing body of Russo-Greek Ch., recing the old Patriarchate of Moscow. It has 12 members, pointed by the Czar.

Synodic Period. Interval between two conjunctions of lanet with the sun, as seen from the earth.

-ynod of Dort. See DORT, SYNOD OF.

-ynonym. In Botany, more recent or otherwise untengeneric or specific name which has given place to the ginal or earliest tenable one.

ynonyms. Words of nearly equivalent signification, but ally with some slight difference of shade; therefore import in literary use. The chief collections of them in English those of Crabbe and Roget.

ynoptic Charts, or WEATHER CHARTS. Maps on which
displayed the meteorological conditions simultaneously pre-
ing over large regions. In Europe, they usually obtain for
ertain hour of local time; in America, they are strictly
ultaneous on standard time.

ynpelmous. Arrangement of the flexor tendons in a
T's foot, in which the tendon of the hallux unites with the
mon tendon of the other toes.
ynpetalous. See GAMOPETALOUS.
ynsepalous. See GAMOSEPALOUS.

yntax. Division of grammar (so called) treating of the
ngement of words and construction of sentences.
ynthermal. Lines connecting places throughout the
ld having the same average temperature at the same
r of Greenwich time; epithet introduced by HENNESSY, H.
-), 1867.

ynthesis. Process and method; as process, the psycho-
cal combination of different elements of consciousness to

a complex whole; as method in philosophy, the complet of ANALYSIS (q.v.), representing the formation of a unisystem of beliefs by articulating them in a systematic


ynthesis, CHEMICAL. Process by which a compound is e from its constituent elements.

ynthetic Type. Organism which connects, as a link, r organisms, because the separate characteristics of the er are present in the one animal. Certain fossils have bird and reptilian characters. As these appeared geoally at the beginning of the period when Reptiles and


Birds (Sauropsida) first appeared, we may suppose that such forms retain most nearly the characters of the common ancestors of Birds and Reptiles.

Syphax. See MASINISSA.

Sypher, JOSIAH RHINEHART, b.1832. Journalist and lawyer in Pa. Hist. Pa., 1868.

Syphilis. Specific disease of slow evolution, propagated by inoculation (acquired), or by hereditary transmission (congenital). In the acquired form the site of inoculation becomes the seat of the special tissue change (primary lesion); after an interval of 2 or 3 months, constitutional symptoms develop with affection of the skin and mucous membranes (secondary lesion); and, finally, after a period of 3 or 4 years growths develop in the of social impurity, and because of its contagiousness can be viscera, muscles, bones or skin (tertiary lesion). It is a disease and discomfort than any other single disease. This is an anconveyed to the innocent. It probably causes more suffering cient disease, with the Chinese dating back to 2637 B.C., and sieging Naples, and later was prevalent in Europe. is claimed to have existed among the ancient Greeks. In 1494 it appeared in the army of Charles VIII. of France, then be

Syra. One of the Cyclades: area 43 sq. m. position in the Egean makes it an important calling-place Its central



of vessels in the Levant. It is the seat of a Greek Abp. and of a R. C. bishop. Its capital, Syra, or Hermoupolis, has some commercial importance. Pop., 1890, 22,104.

Syracuse. Chief city of ancient Sicily; on s.e. coast; founded ab.734 B.C. from Corinth; ruled by Gelo 484, Hiero 478-467, Dionysius 405-367, and other tyrants; attacked by an Athenian expedition 415, which was destroyed 413, ending the Peloponnesian war and the supremacy of Athens; besieged 396 by Carthaginians, who were routed by a pestilence; freed by the hero Timoleon, liberator of Sicily, 343; ruled by Agataken and sacked 212 B.C.; pillaged and burned by Saracens thocles 317-289, and Hiero II. 270-216, the latter being in alliance with Rome; besieged by Romans 214 (see ARCHIMEDES); 878; rebuilt in later times on Ortygia, a peninsula (once an island), its first site. Its coinage of ab.300 B.C. is the most beautiful known; its remains of antiquity are important. Pop. ab.25,000.

Syracuse. Capital of Onondaga co., N. Y.; on Onondaga Lake. in a salt-producing region; settled 1797; chartered 1826 and 1847. Its industries relate chiefly to salt and soda-ash manufacture. Pop., 1890, 88,143.

Syracuse University. At Syracuse, N. Y.: known as Genesee Coll. and located at Lima, N. Y., until 1871; founded 1848; coeducational; under Methodist control; organized in four colleges of liberal and fine arts, medicine, and law. It has 1,135 students, of whom 474 are in the liberal, and 516 in fine arts, with 89 instructors and a library of 47,000 vols., including Von Ranke's collection.

border and flowing w. and n.w. to the Aral Sea. Length ab.
Syr-Darya. River of Turkestan, rising near the Chinese
1,300 m., drainage area 120,000 sq. m.
described by Herodotus and Strabo, its outlet was into the
As the ancient Jaxartes,

Syria. Region of w. Asia, e. of Palestine; anciently occu-
conquered by Alexander 333 B.C.; ruled by the Seleucida 301-64
pied by Semites; long an independent kingdom, then (ab.740
B.C.) a province of Assyria, as later of Babylonia and Persia;
B.C., and then a Roman province till 636; thenceforth held by
Mohammedans, and in part by Crue.


as its capital from ab.290 B.C., and Damascus 654- try by Captain Daniel Tyler, an officer of the U. S. artillery, Hebrew times.


- Literature. This is mostly theological writings iac Church, dating from early Christianity, flourish4th to 10th centuries and declining in the 13th centThere were many etry and history were much written, the latter and y being often written in verse.

ons from the Greek. The most learned writer was AGIUS (q.v.).

m Rite. Of R. C. Ch.; comprising United Syrians, ns, Maronites, and United St. Thomas Christians. ea Syrian ritual, not the Latin.

Showy, white-flowered shrubs of the genus ga. phus, natural family Saxifragaceae, natives of N. See LILAC.

x. Vocal organ of birds, situated at the point where hea divides into the two bronchi. The walls are modio tympanic membranes, and membranous septa, like cords, are stretched interiorly across the openings of es, so they can vibrate in the passing air current. nx. Pan's pipe or shepherd's pipe of the ancients; as It consisted of a series precursor of the modern organ. e tubes of various lengths, fastened side by side and ed by blowing across their open ends, as boys whistle on

phus Flies. Small two-winged flies whose larvæ, col

Syrphus Flies.

ored greenish to gray, are of ser-
vice in that they feed on plant lice.
Syrtis Major, or GULF OF SIDRA.
On n. coast of Africa, between Trip-
Syrtis Minor, or
oli and Barca.

Gulf of Cabes, projects into the
coast of Tunis. Both are dangerous
from quicksands.

Syrup. Boiled saturated water
solution of sugar, with addition of
fruit juices or other flavoring sub-
stances, as vanilla-bean, ginger or
sarsaparilla, and drank with addi-
tion of water or soda water.
the latter saponin or egg white is
added to produce foaming.
dicinal syrups contain remedial
agents dissolved in simple syrup.
The term is also applied to Mo-
LASSES (q.v.).

Syrus, PUBLILIUS, 1st cent. B.C.
Roman comic playwright. Some of
his Mimi Sententiæ survive.

System. In Botany, group of the parts of an organism of
e same morphological significance or physiological function.

System, ARTIFICIAL or LINNAAN. Classification of plants
ccording to an arbitrary rule; as Natural System, that of
ussieu, is according to their relationship.

Systematic Botany. Branch treating of the classificaon of plants.

Systems of Artillery. The character and arrangement of the material of artillery adopted by a nation at a particular epoch. About the middle of the 16th century France first grouped her artillery into a system having six different calibers, varying from 334 pound shot to of a pound shot, each requiring a different carriage without interchangeable parts; also requiring three different sizes of powder grains. A second system, equally varied in its components, was adopted in the reign of Louis XIV. Valière's system, adopted in 1732, brought about some uniformity in guns, but not in carriages. Gribeauval in 1765 separated the field and siege artillery, making the former simpler and more mobile by improving the carriages; he introduced cartridges, elevating scales, and tangent screws for more rapid and correct firing. This last system was used in the wars of the French Republic and the Empire. In 1827 the stock-trail system was engrafted upon the Gribeauval and other improvements introduced. It was brought to this coun

and was made the basis of the American system, used in the
Mexican war and in the Rebellion. In 1850 the 12-pounder
bronze gun, firing shot and shell, was introduced by Louis
Napoleon, and soon found its way into the services of all nations.
Since 1870 the smooth-bores have been replaced by breech-
field service systems possess the greatest mobility, simplicity
loading rifled guns, so that at present the light artillery or
and power they have ever attained. Equally valuable improve-
ments have been made in the siege and seacoast systems, in
which uniformity, simplicity, and efficiency have been the
qualities sought.

Systems of Fortification.

The form of the general
outline of the main work in permanent fortification military
engineers have classified under four heads, or systems of forti-
fication; viz., (1) the Circular or Curvilinear; (2) the Polygonal
or Caponière; (3) the Tenailled; and (4) the Bastioned. The
method of fortification is applied to the manner adopted by
a nation in fortifying its strategical points, as the German
The former
Method (Antwerp); or to those devised by distinguished mili-
tary engineers, as, Vauban, Cormontaigne, etc.
belong to the Polygonal system and the latter to the Bas-

Systyle. Intercolumniation in which the distance between
the columns is equal to their diameter.

Syzygy. Duplex organism formed by external union of the bodies of two individuals that were previously separate, as in many Gregarines and in the worm Diplozoon. Except in the latter, this union is not apparently for sexual purposes; it resembles rather the plasmodium, and may secure the advantage that underlies the phenomena of colony-formation among animals, which is usually secured by retaining the primitive connection existing in asexual multiplication.

Syzygy OF THE MOON. Its conjunction or opposition with the sun.

Szabad, EMERIC, b. ab.1822. Hungarian soldier, in U. S. 1861-65. Hungary, 1854; Policy of Europe, 1857; Modern War, 1863.


Town of Hungary, 105 m. s.s.e. of Pesth; in
a farming region, with a good trade. Pop., 1890, 73,526.
Szalay, LASZLO, 1813-1864. Hungarian biographer, his-
torian, and political writer, in exile 1849-61.

Szarvas, GABRIEL, 1831-1895. Hungarian philologist; ed.
Nyelvör from 1872.

Szechenyi, ISTVAN. COUNT, 1792-1860. Hungarian re-
former and Minister of State.

Szegedin. Town of Hungary, on the Theiss, opposite the mouth of the Maros; held by Turks 1526-1686; scene of an Au

[blocks in formation]

Taafe, E ister 1869 and Tabard. over armor.

Tabari, 8 Koran. His Tabashed secreted in th Tabb, Jo City, Md., sin Tabernac wilderness and was built ab.10 It was made o by ample cove term is also ap ments, surmou Tabernac lasting a week booths, and ga ering of the fru Tabes Dor Tableaux France ab.1785 Table-Lan S., and Spain. Tables. Ba or pieces, accor divided vertical variety of game origin of which Tablet. In formed from p of the drug wit some inert sub adhere by comp mixing with a

and removed. the triturate. Table Tur and England ab by unconscious resting on the t Tabley, JOH 1895. English p Taboo. Ed claring certain a tain trees, anim touched or dest game, etc., amor of a taboo is dea Capt. Cook at th

Tabor. Ins sociated with th

Tabor, MT. in the plain of

[blocks in formation]


Taafe, EDUARD, COUNT, 1833-1895. Austrian Prime Min-
er 1869 and 1879-93.

Tabard. 1. Sleeveless cloak worn by medieval knights
er armor. 2. Official garment of heralds.
Tabari, 838-922. Moslem of Bagdad; commentator on the
oran. His Annals run from the creation to his time.
Tabasheer. Siliceous substance, of low specific gravity,
ereted in the joints of the bamboo, Bambusa vulgaris.
Tabb, JOHN B., b.1845. Prof. St. Charles Coll., Ellicott
-y, Md., since 1884. Poems, 1894; Lyrics, 1896.


Tabernacle. Portable sanctuary of the Israelites, in the derness and in Palestine, on the model of which the Temple s built ab.1000 B.C. (see HOLY PLACE and MOST HOLY PLACE). vas made of acacia-wood, overlaid with gold, and protected ample coverings of cloth and of seal or badger skins. m is also applied to niches for images and sepulchral monunts, surmounted with rich canopy work. Tabernacles, FEAST OF. cing a week in Sept. or Oct., during which the people dwelt in One of the 3 great Jewish feasts, ths, and gave themselves up to rejoicing over the ingathng of the fruits. See PASSOVER and PENTECOST. Cabes Dorsalis. See LoCOMOTOR ATAXIA.

Tableaux Vivants. "Living pictures"; introduced in nce ab.1785; since familiar in England and America. "able-Lands. Elevated plains, as in central Asia, w. U. and Spain. See PLATEAU.

ables. Backgammon, played by two persons with men ieces, according to the throws with two dice, upon a board ded vertically into two parts, and having 24 points. A ety of games were played upon this board or "tables," the in of which may be traced to classical antiquity. ablet. In Pharmacy, a cylindrical or disk-shaped body ned from powdered drugs. The tablet may be composed he drug without admixture, or it may be triturated with einert substance, as sugar of milk; it may be caused to ere by compression or by making a paste of the powder by ing with a volatile liquid. This paste is filled into molds removed. The liquid forming the paste volatilizes, leaving


able Turning. Phenomenon much talked of in U. S. England ab.1850; credited to spirits, but probably caused nconscious muscular action of hands clasped around or ng on the table.


aboo. Edict by a chief among Pacific Island tribes, deng certain acts unlawful; e.g., during a stated period certrees, animals, crops, etc., are sacred and must not be med or destroyed. It resembles the close season for e, etc., among civilized peoples. The penalty for violation taboo is death. This is supposed to explain the killing of - Cook at the Hawaiian Islands.

abor. Instrument between drum and tambourine; asted with the fife.

bor, MT. Mountain of Galilee, 6 m. s.e. of Nazareth, e plain of Esdraelon, 2,000 ft. above the sea; repeatedly

memorates this event. Scene of Bonaparte's victory over the Turks, April 16, 1799. Altitude ab. 1,000 ft. 1884. Tabor, HORACE AUSTIN WARNER, b.1830. Lieut.-gov. of Colorado 1878-84; U. S. Senator Feb.-March Capitalist;

academy at Tabor. Ia., 1854; chartered 1866. It has 13 inTabor College. Founded by Congregationalists as an

structors and ab. 230 students.

Taborites. Bohemian adherents of Huss, who took up waged a mutually destructive war. arms ab.1420, led by ZISKA (q.v.); so called from their stronghold Mt. Tabor; opposed to the Calixtines or moderate reformers, with whom, after the defeat of their common foes, they

Tabriz. Ancient city of n.w. Persia, ab.300 an Armenian capital; injured by several earthquakes and Turkish attacks; of some commercial importance. Pop. ab. 175,000. Tabulæ. Horizontal partitions in the thecæ of some corals.

Tabular Spar. See WOLLASTONITE.

Tabular Standard. See MULTIPLE STANDARD.


Tabulate Corals.

the thecæ, and weak septa; not a natural group. See HELIOThose having horizontal plates in


Tac, SIXTUS LE, 1649-1699. French missionary in Canada from 1676. Hist. Nouvelle France, pub. 1888.

Tacahout. Nutgall growing on the tamarisk in India and Barbary; source of gallic acid.

Tacamahac. See POPLAR.

Angiospermae and subclass Monocotyledons, comprising 2 genTaccaceæ. Natural family of flowering plants, of the class era and ab. 10 species, natives of the tropical lands of both hemispheres.

1820, pub. Esquisse sur le Canada, 1855, and other books. His Taché, SIR ÉTIENNE PASCAL, 1795-1865. Canadian official brother, ALEXANDER ANTOINE, 1823-1894, became Bp. of St. and author, knighted 1858.-His nephew, JOSEPH CHARLES, b. Boniface (Winnipeg) 1853, and Abp. 1871.

Tachhydrite. CaMg,Cl.+12aq. Extremely soluble hydrous magnesium calcium chloride, found associated with rock salt at Stassfurt.

Tachometer. Speed indicator. Special forms are adapted for measuring variations in the velocity of revolution of machines. A small cistern of mercury, from the center of which rises a glass tube partly full, is fixed concentric with the re


Mount Tabor.

in O. T., but not in the New; traditional site of the iguration, and a Crusading church on the summit com- I

volving part. As the centrifugal tendency depresses the middle part of the mercury in the cistern, the column in the tube will fall and the tube may be empirically graduated to indicate any speed within certain limits.

Tachycardia. Excessively rapid heart action, due to various causes: nervous excitement, violent exertion, a weakening of the inhibitory nerves of the heart from pressure by tumor, or other cause. A very rare form is known as paroxysmal tachycardia, and is characterized by spells of rapid beating, sometimes at the rate of 200 or more beats in a minute. The attacks may follow each other at regular intervals, lasting in some instances but an hour or so.

Tachygraphy. See SHORTHAND.

Tachylite. Rapidly cooled Basalt (~ *\

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