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life, while others are left to fall by their own devices;
ician Bridge. See PONS SUBLICIUS.
imation. Process or result when a solid passes at
to the state of a vapor without passing through the
diate state of liquidity. The sublimation of arsenic,
carbonic acid, and of snow are familiar examples.
ime Porte. See PORTE.

marine Forests. See PEAT and FOSSIL.
marine Mines. See MINES, MILITARY.

marine Navigation. Submarine boat was proposed iam Bourne of London 1578; Cornelius Drebell, a Dutchs said to have constructed one in London 1624, propelled s. Other experiments were made by Borelli and Papin tapleton 1693, and David Bushnell of Conn. 1775. The was intended for submarine warfare, was propelled by a crew, and had an hour's supply of air; it carried a toro fasten to the bottom of a ship. Robert Fulton in 1800 ucted a boat for the French government which carried edo. In 1863 the Confederates, by means of a submaoat, blew up the U. S. ship Housatonic off Charleston, ere carried down with the ship. Nordenfelt of Stockin 1886, built a boat, propelled by steam, which sunk 30 and made a speed of 5 m. per hour; it was submerged by In France the Goubet was successfully tried in 1889:

ction of the French Submarine or Surface Boat Goubet, built 1888. The electric accumulators; b, tanks for compressed air; c, d, pumps; e, e, enInes; f, cupola; g, the safety or emergency weight, which, in event of umps or machines breaking down, can be detached, when the vessel at When proceeding on the surface only the cupola, nce rises to the surface.

, is visible above water.

was 16.4 ft. long, 3.5 ft. beam, 5.8 ft. deep, propelled with a ew by electricity from storage batteries, had a detachable 1 and carried a torpedo. A later invention by Gustave Zede -6 ft. long. In U. S. George C. Baker invented a boat, proled by electricity from storage batteries acting on a screw, ch two upright screws for perpendicular motion. J. P. Hold of New York has devised a boat propelled by a petroleum gine 8 m. per hour, 6 m. per hour under water, and compressg air for breathing and for projecting the torpedo. It also s rudders for vertical steering. The objection to submarine vigation is the slow speed so far attained and the difficulty distinguishing objects at a greater distance than 25 ft. at a pth of 50 ft. To steer in anything but a straight line is very fficult, without losing the knowledge of the position. Movg just below the surface the boats are a success. Submarine Telegraphy.



Submentum. Piece in insects which articulates with the mentum (or palpiger), and attaches its parts to the gula or broat.

Submerged Weir. One where the level of the tail water s higher than the crest of the weir, so that the contraction is uppressed and the flow disturbed.

Subnormal FOR ANY POINT OF A CURVE. Projection of the normal, limited by the points of contact with the curve and of ntersection with a fixed line, upon this line as a base of projection. In rectangular co-ordinates the axes are taken as bases; commonly the axis of X. In polar co-ordinates, the base is a line perpendicular to the radius vector of the point of normal contact.

Subœsophageal Ganglion. Most anterior ganglion of the ventral nerve-chain of Arthropods and annulated worms. Suboperculum. Plate or scale lying ventral to the opercular plates.

Subrogative. Equitable right to succeed to the legal position of another; notably of a surety to succeed to the rights against his principal possessed by the creditor whose claim he has been compelled to discharge.

Suborder. Group of families subordinate to an order. Subordination. Willing submission to the direction and orders of superiors: the essential element of discipline in making the military organization efficient in carrying out the will of the commander.

Indicial writ for bringing parties or witnesses

Subsidiary Quantities. Elements introduced to facilitate reduction or solution, as the angle used in the reduction of cubic equations.

ng and

Subsidy. Amount paid by government to a person or
corporation to help in the foundation of some work that is
expected to be of public as well as individual advantage.

Subsistence Department. This provides, under the
direction of the Secretary of War, for the distribution and
and for purchasing articles kept for sale to officers and en-
expenditure of funds appropriated for subsisting enlisted men
In the U. S. army it consists of 1 commissary-
listed men.
general (brigadier-general), 5 assistant-commissary generals
and 9 captains), and 120 commissary-sergeants.
(2 colonels and 3 lieutenant-colonels), 17 commissaries (8 majors

Subsoiling. Process of stirring the subsoil without lifting
it to the surface; done by means of a special tool called a sub-
soil plow, following in the furrow of an ordinary plow. It is
of advantage on heavy lands in allowing the water to sink
more rapidly into the subsoil, thus in part performing the
office of drains; and also, to some extent, in allowing the roots
of plants more readily to enter and feed on the subsoil. It is
scarcely profitable on drained lands for ordinary crops.

Substance. Permanent ground of phenomena which are changeable, or supposed reality which supports attributes, static or dynamic, and is synonymous with subject in its broader meaning. It is supposed to be material, spiritual, or both.

Substitute. Person accepted for military service in place of one who has been conscripted.

Substitution. In Chemistry, replacing of one element by another in a compound.

Substitution, LAW OF. Tendency of producers to choose just those factors of production the sum of whose supply prices is less than that of any other set.

Subtangent. At any point of a curve, projection of the tangent, limited by the points of tangency and of intersection with a fixed line, upon this fixed line as a base of projection. Bases of projection are taken, as for the subnormal.

Subtraction. In Arithmetic, process of ascertaining how much one number (minuend) exceeds another (subtrahend); in Algebra, process of finding such a quantity as, added to one of two quantities (subtrahend), will produce another (minuend). In either case, the result is the remainder. In algebraic subtraction, if the subtrahend be the greater (numerically), the remainder will be negative. Algebraic subtraction is performed by changing the signs of the subtrahend and then adding.

Subulate. In Botany and Zoology, awl-shaped organs of any kind.

Subumbrella. See UMBRELLA.

Subura. District of ancient Rome, occupying the valley
between the Esquiline, Quirinal, and Viminal hills; a crowded,
noisy, disreputable region. See ROME.

Subverticillate. Imperfectly whorled.

Subway. Railroad track running through a city either in tunnel or beneath the surface. The most costly one in the U. S. is that in which the railroads enter New York City above

The up and down Tunnels, London Subway.
42d Street; its length is 44 m., its cost was $6,400,000. The
most extensive are in London. The inner circle, 8 m. in ex-
Tetor extensions make the total length

nearly 40 m operated by tunnel for t completed 18 Subzona the inside of t Successio legal rights of title to prope change of its deed, or the la Successio Succinam cinic acid; sol monia upon et Succinic A talline solid, n fruits, and car tions. It is m amber.


to be derived groups. The c CINAMIDE. Succory. Succoth.

ites stopped in Jacob, e. of Jo refused to aid punished (Judg Succulent. Suchét, Lo guished in Nap 12; Marshal 181 Suchet, PIE er, guillotined i Sucker. B


or root.

Suckling, S playwright. Sucre, or C the Andes; four Sucre, ANTO prominent und Peru; Pres. of sion of Ecuador Sucrose. S Suction Pu

[blocks in formation]


arly 40 m.; one of these runs under the Thames, and is erated by electric traction. In Baltimore an underground anel for the Baltimore and Ohio R.R., 10 m. long, was mpleted 1892.

Subzonal Membrane. Somatic mesoblast which lines e inside of the false ammon; in embryos of higher vertebrates. Succession. In Roman Law, acquisition of another's al rights or obligations; in English Law, continuance of the Le to property in a corporation notwithstanding death or ange of its members; sometimes devolution of title by will, ed, or the laws of descent.


Succinamide. CONH,,CH,.CH,.CONH,. Amide of sucic acid; solid, mpt. 242° C.; prepared by the action of amnia upon ethyl succinate.

Succinic Acid. C,H,:(COOH),. Dibasic acid; white crysine solid, mpt. 235° C. It occurs in amber, in plants and its, and can be prepared synthetically by numerous reacs. It is made commercially by the distillation of scrap ber.

uccinyl. .CO.CH.CH,.CO. Group, C.H,O,, conceived be derived from succinic acid by the removal of two OH The combination is of frequent occurrence. See SUC



uccory. See CHICORY.


A French ro

Sue, MARIE JOSEPH EUGÈNE, 1804-1859. mancer, voluminous, popular, and readable, but of low tone; Deputy 1850, exiled 1852; best known by The Mysteries of Paris, 10 vols., 1842, and The Wandering Jew, 10 vols., 1845. His Mysteries of the People, 16 vols., 1849-57, was condemned by the courts.

Suet. Hard, solid fat, near the kidneys of sheep and oxen. Beef suet is used in cooking, and purified mutton suet in pharmacy as an ingredient in ointments.

Suetonius, CAIUS TRANQUILLUS, b.ab.70. Secretary of Hadrian. His Lives of the Twelve Caesars, tr. 1732, are prized for the information which they contain: several other biographies and two grammatical treatises are attributed to him. Suevi. German tribes, who in Cæsar's time occupied Suabia (named from them) and part of Gaul. Some of them were in Spain later.

Suez. Egyptian town at the head of the Red Sea; of commercial importance in ancient times, and since 1869. Pop. ab.13,000.

Suez, GULF OF. West arm of the Red Sea, between Egypt and the peninsula of Sinai. It is the Arabian Gulf of the present head of the gulf the Israelites are supposed to have Greeks and the Gulf of Heroöpolis of the ancients. Near the crossed. Length 200 m., average breadth 30 m.

Suez, ISTHMUS OF. Africa, having s. the Gulf of Suez and n. the Mediterranean, Neck of land connecting Asia and and crossed by the SUEZ CANAL (q.v.). The surface is mostly moving sands, interspersed with rocky elevations, and salt marshes, the ancient crocodile lakes. were

uccoth. 1. Point in Lower Egypt, at which the Israel-
stopped in their exodus (Ex. xii. 37). 2. Camping-place of
ob, e. of Jordan, on leaving Esau; later its inhabitants
ased to aid Gideon against the Midianites, and
ished (Judges viii.).

ucculent. Having a soft, juicy flesh or pulp.
uchét, LOUIS GABRIEL, 1770-1826. French general, distin-
shed in Napoleon's campaigns, and especially in Spain 1809-
Marshal 1811, Duke of Albuféra 1812. Memoires, 1829-34.
uchet, PIERRE JOSEPH, 1734-1793. Haytian historical writ-
guillotined in France.

ucker. Branch or shoot from the base of a stem, rhizome,


uckling, SIR JOHN, 1609-1642. English lyric poet and wright.

ucre, or CHUQUISACA. Capital of Bolivia, on e. slope of Andes; founded 1539. Pop. ab.26,000.

He repelled a Peruvian inva

ucre, ANTONIO JOSÉ DE, 1795-1830. Venezuelan general,
minent under Bolivar in the liberation of Ecuador and
; Pres. of Bolivia 1826-28.
of Ecuador 1829.
ucrose. See SUGAR.
uction Pump. One which

Suction Pump.

exhausts the air from a tube,
the water then rising. It
will not work if placed more
than 33 ft. above the level
of the water to be raised.

Suctoria. See ACINE-

LA). Group of parasitic
Barnacles, with tubular or
sac-like bodies, without seg-
ments or appendages; the
peduncle has root-like
branches that penetrate the
tissues of the host, for ab-
sorbing nutriment. Neither
mouth nor digestive canal
is present.

Sudamina. Eruption consisting of minute vesicles, either clear or pearly, Occurring near the termination of certain fevers, e.g., typhus, typhoid, rheumatic. It is a symptom of depressed vitality.

Sudan. See SOUDAN. Sudermann, HERMANN, b.1857. German dramatist and novelist. Ehre (Honor), math, 1892. His Magda was acted in French, Italian, and 1888; Sodoms Ende, 1890; ish versions 1895-96. Among his tales are Dame Care, - tr. 1892; Katzensteg, 1889; The Wish, tr. 1895. detic Mts. Between Moravia and Silesia:

ward of th D

Suez Canal. Between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, 90 m. long, and of size sufficient to allow MEDITERRANEAN SEA the passage of the largest SPORT SAID vessels. Its cost was nearly $100,000,000. A canal existed here in anpoleon conceived the idea cient times: ab.1798 Naof reopening it. De Lesseps organized 1854 a company with a capital of 200,000,000 francs, soon increased to 300,000,000 francs, of which England owns the controlling share. The canal was begun 1858, and opened Nov. 17, 1869. Since March 1, 1887, night navigation has been allowed through the entire length ILL FROM ALEXANDRIA of the canal to all vessels provided with the necessary electric lighting apparatus. It is 325 ft. wide at top. 72 ft. at bottom, and 28 ft. deep. Of late some 3,000 vessels pass annually.


Suffixes. Originally independent words, placed in a modifying capacity after other words, and acquiring in time an inflective force. Thus like becomes ly, and gives a purely adverbial meaning to the word to which it is attached. Pronouns suffixed to verbs become


Map of Suez Canal.

mere endings of a specific person, as the m in am indicates "I"
or the first person.

Suffocation. See ASPHYXIA.

Suffolk. See SWINE.

Suffolk Punch. See HORSE.

Suffragan. Diocesan bishop in relation to his metropoli-
tan; in Europe, sometimes an auxiliary bishop in relation to a

lated by constitutions and statutes; not a political right.
Suffrage. Privilege of voting at political elections; regu-

Sufism. Mohammedan mysticism; introduced by Rabia,
7th century; extended by Abu Said. founder of a
at Khorassan ab 815



r (CANE SUGAR, SUCROSE, or SACCHAROSE). C12H22O11. curs in the juice of sugar cane, sugar beet, maple, palm nd many other plants. It forms monoclinic crystals, 1.61, mpt. 160° C.; at 200° C. it is converted into CARAv.). At 0° C. it is soluble in half its weight of water; at t is soluble in its weight of water. Its water solution OROTATORY (q.v.). It is insoluble in absolute alcohol; lute alcohol it increases with the dilution. Acids and This must ts invert it into dextrose and lævulose. ace before fermentation with yeast will take place. It rmined in water solution by a POLARISCOPE (q.v.). world's production of cane sugar in the year 1894-95 stimated at 3,436,700 tons; Europe produced 4,866,000 f beet sugar and the U. S. ab. 20,000 tons. Of cane sugar produced 975,000 tons and the U. S. 285,000 tons. The also produce ab. 20,000 tons of maple sugar. India pro100,000 tons of palm sugar.



Sugar, MAPLE. This is obtained from Acer saccharinum of
temperate climates. Two holes are bored in the tree two feet
above the ground on the southern side and reeds or metallic
The sap runs from February to April,
spiles are introduced.
and contains an average of 3.5 per cent sugar, requiring 4 gals.
of sap for 1 lb. of sugar. It is evaporated in an open pan.
flowing through devious furrows over it. The average yield
of a tree per year is 3 lbs. besides the syrup; the trees last up
to 30 years.

Sugar, PALM-TREE. This is obtained from several species
of palm trees in India. The trees are tapped as with the
maple, and the season is from November to February. A good
tree yields 30 lbs. of sugar a year and lasts up to 30 years.

Sugar, SORGHUM. Sorghum saccharatum has been culti-
vated in the U. S. since 1853. It was originally from Africa. It
contains up to 15 per cent of sugar. The presence of gum,
starch and other substances interferes with the crystallization
of the sugar. By adding alcohol to the somewhat concen-
trated juice, these substances are precipitated. After filtering
the juice can be concentrated to crystallization. During the
payment of sugar bounties, 1892-94, the average crop was 5.3
tons of cane per acre, yielding 82.5 lbs. of sugar per ton, equal
3,000,000 lbs. were produced 1892-
to 437 lbs. of sugar per acre.
94. Without the bounty this would not be profitable, and mo-
lasses with some incidental sugar is made. See SORGHUM.
Sugarberry. See HACKBERRY.

Sugar Bounties. These were granted by the U. S. to
producers in that country of sugar from sugar cane, sorghum,
beets and maple, 1892-94. for sugar 90° polariscope or over 2 cts.
per lb., 80°-90°, 14 cts. Total bounties paid were $28,817,108.14,
expenses $2,724,768.59, total $31,541,876.73.

Sugar Cane. See SUGAR.

Sugar Meal. See GLUTEN MEAL.
Sugar of Lead. See ACETATE OF LEAD.
Sugar of Milk. See LACTOSE.

Sugar Refining. With cane and beet sugar this is
effected by dissolving the sugar in water to 30° B., adding
to this calcium superphosphate and then lime to alkaline
reaction. This is heated by steam, skimmed and strained,

gar, BEET. The sugar beet is the result of cultivation, derived from the wild Beta maritima, several varieties ng been developed. It flourishes best in a northern teme climate. The beets weigh from 1.5 lbs. to 2 lbs. and ain from 10 to 15 per cent of sugar. They are reduced to a by circular saws, 25 per cent of water is added and the expressed by a hydraulic press, or extracted by the difn process. An excess of lime is added to the juice to ralize acidity and precipitate the coloring matter; carbon de is passed through to precipitate the lime and the le is clarified by a filter press. The solution is then conrated in a vacuum pan to crystallization. The yield in many is from 1,500 to 2,300 lbs. per acre, and in France, up 700 lbs. The molasses is too saline for food and is used in ing alcohol. Sugar was produced from the beet in Gery 1798 by Achard, in France 1782 by Rosier, in the U. S. in the latter were five factories in 1895. ugar, CANE. Saccharum officinarum. This was cultivated ndia before the Christian era; the boiling of sugar was pracd on the Ganges in the 7th century. The Arabs first pracd sugar refining in the 7th century, and also carried the tivation of the cane along the Mediterranean to Spain. The niards carried it to San Domingo 1494. It was introduced the U. S. 1791. Sugar cane flourishes best in subtrop1 countries. The cane, whole or in cuttings 2 ft. long, aid in furrows 4 to 6 ft. apart in W. Indies, 8 ft. apart Louisiana; the plants are from 2 to 5 ft. apart. In the Indies the planting takes place in the fall, the crop beTwo or g gathered in the spring; in Louisiana the reverse of this. e young canes grow from the joints of the cane. ree annual crops are obtained from a planting in the U. S.; the W. Indies as many as fifteen. The plant is from 6 to 15 high, and from 1 to 2 in. diameter. The contents of sugar from 12 to 18 per cent, of which up to 86 per cent is obtained the mill, and by the diffusion process up to 95 per cent. The ne juice is expressed by passing between heavy rolls of the sugar mill, or it is extracted by the diffusion For the latter the cane is cut into process. chips and placed in a series of iron vessels, with perforated bottoms, each holding 2 tons. Water passes from one vessel to the next, and so on through the series; the cane in the first vessel being nearly exhausted and the last vessel having fresh cane, the solution thus becoming concentrated. The first vessel is then refilled with cane and becomes the last of the series, and what was the second becomes the first, and so on. This process is used to a limited extent with cane, but is largely used with beets. The juice is now strained and milk of lime added to it in a clarifier to neutralize the acidity and heated Sugar-cane (Saccha- to 140° F. to coagulate the albuminous subrum officinarum). stances. It is then boiled down to crystallizing point in a series of copper pans, baled into a cooler and then into molds to crystallize. In 18 hours the plug in the bottom of the mold is drawn and the molasses drained off, the last being forced out by water from a layer of moist clay laid upon it. For muscovado the sugar is transferred from the cooler into hogsheads, the molasses draining from holes in the bottom. On some plantations the juice after skimming is run through bag- and bone-black filters for decolorization, concentrated in a vacuum-pan and, after crystallizing, the sugar is freed from molasses by a centrifugal machine. The yield of sugar per acre reaches 2,000 lbs. in the U. S., and 5,000 lbs. in W. Indies. The molasses consists of a solution of Hose and lævulose with saline substances of

Lehigh Laboratory-Sugar Refinery Model.
mixed with pine sawdust and passed through a filter press.
The solution is then decolorized by passing through a bone-
coal filter and evaporated to crystallizing point in a vacuum
pan. The molasses is separated from it by centrifugal ma-
chine, or in molds by forcing it out by a sugar solution.

Sugars. Many CARBOHYDRATES (q.v.) with saccharine prop-
erties. In constitution they are all alcohols, and also anhy-
drides, ketones, or aldehydes. See SUGAR.

Sugden, EDWARD BURTENSHAW, LORD ST. LEONARDS, 17811875. Knighted 1829. English jurist, recognized as the highest authority on the law of real property in his time. Law of Vendors and Purchasers, 1805.

Suggestion. 1. Process of one idea calling up another to
consciousness by ASSOCIATION (q.v.). The whole mental life is
a series of suggestions, each idea being determined by the pre-
ceding. 2. In HYPNOTISM (q.v.), arousing in the mind of the
subject of an idea, belief, or impulse in any way, but usually
by some definite sign or command by the operator.

Suhm, PETER FREDERIK, 1728-1798. Danish historian.
Suicide. In Law, deliberate and intentional self-murder;
formerly a crime in Britain entailing a shameful burial and
the forfeiture of property. In the U. S., only attempts at sui-
Annual suicide rate per 100,000 population:
cide are criminal.
Saxony 31. Denmark 25.8, Austria 21.2, Switzerland 20.2,
Sweden 81. Norway 7.5,

Belgium 6. Netherlands Spain 1.4. Suidæ (S lates, havin bristles, the tusks in the molars, but when the 5 nent or seco

Wild Boar, S

a distinct Ind kansas, the fa cur in flocks, ternal toe of The Babyrous great growth curved backw canine tusks. Suidas. A gives a great personally unl Suine. Se Suint. Pe sists of a mix fatty acids, wi See LANOLINE.

Suite. Co consisting of a to form an ag ab.1650-1750. v period. In its allemande, co sometimes add rée. Modern f old law of sam Suleiman. Suleiman

in the wars w

Philippopolis J Suliman arating Afgha greatest altitu

Sulina. B Suliotes. 1803, and were ands. In the



[blocks in formation]


Belgium 6.9, England and Wales 6.9. Scotland 4, Italy 3.7,
Netherlands 3.6, United States 3.5, Russia 2.9, Ireland 1.7,
Spain 1.4.

Suidæ (SETIGERA). Family of bunodont, even-toed Unguates, having the lateral toes short, the skin covered with pristles, the canine teeth well developed and forming large usks in the male. In the young pig there are 4 deciduous molars, but the first is retained up to the third year of life, when the 5 molars that stand behind it belong to the permaent or second set. Our domestic pig is descended from the

Wild Boars.

Wild Boar, Sus scrofa, but the pigs of China are referred to distinct Indian species. In America, from Paraguay to Aransas, the family is represented by the Peccaries. These ocur in flocks, have no tail, have a cannon-bone, and the exrnal toe of the hind foot is reduced to a metapodial splint. he Babyroussa, of the Malay Peninsula, is peculiar in the reat growth of the upper canines, which grow, in the male, arved backward up over the face; they have also long lower anine tusks.

Suidas. Author of a Greek encyclopedic lexicon which ves a great variety of literary and linguistic information; ersonally unknown; probably before 1100.


Suint. Peculiar grease found upon sheep's wool. It consts of a mixture of the potassium salts of stearic and other tty acids, with a combination of these acids with cholesterin. e LANOLINE.

Suite. Composition for either solo instrument or orchestra, -nsisting of a series of pieces in the same key, but arranged form an agreeable contrast in time. It was much cultivated .1650-1750, when the pieces were the admired dances of the riod. In its fundamental form it embraced four movements. lemande, courante, sarabande and gigue; to these were metimes added a gavotte, passepied, branle, minuet or boure. Modern forms are employed in the modern suite, and the d law of sameness of key has been abolished. Suleiman. See SOLYMAN.

Suleiman Pasha, 1838-1883. Turkish general, prominent the wars with Servia 1876 and Russia 1877; defeated near ■ilippopolis Jan. 1878.

Suliman Mts. Range of s. Asia, trending n. and s., sepating Afghanistan from the Punjab. Length ab.360 m., eatest altitude 11,295 ft.

Sulina. Branch of the Danube, near its mouth.

Suliotes. Albanian Christians who resisted the Turks till 03, and were then massacred or deported to the Ionian islds. In the Greek war of independence they bore a heroic


Sulla, LUCIUS CORNELIUS, 138-78 B.C. Officer under Marius



nal Training School of M

in Africa 107, and against Teutones and Cimbri 104-101; proprætor of Cilicia 93-91; Consul 88; conqueror of Mithradates 87-83, and of the Marian party under the walls of Rome 82. As dictator, 82-79, he proscribed his enemies, caused the death or exile of thousands, and was eminent for cruelty and vice. Sullivan, ALEXANDER MARTIN, 1830-1884. Irish journalist, imprisoned 1868; M.P. 1874-82.

Sullivan, SIR ARTHUR SEYMOUR. b.1842. English composer; prof. Royal Academy, principal N.


Son, 1869, Light of the World, 1873, Martyr of Antioch, 1880, and has written overtures, services, songs, etc.; but his most lasting successes were obtained in the operettas with text of W. S. Gilbert: Trial by Jury, 1875; The Sorcerer, 1877: H.M.S. "Pinafore," 1878; Pirates of Penzance, 1880; Patience. 1881; Iolanthe, 1882; Princess Ida, 1884: Mikado, 1885; Ruddigore, 1887; Yeomen of the Guard, 1888; Gondoliers, 1889, and Utopia, 1893. He also composed a grand opera, Ivanhoe, 1891, and a cantata, Golden Legend, 1886.

Sullivan, BARRY, 1824-1891. English tragedian, in U. S. 1857-60 and 1875.

Sullivan, FRANCIS STOUGHTON, LL.D., b. ab. 1740. Prof. Dublin. Constitution and Laws of England, 1772-76.

Sullivan, JOHN, LL.D., 1740-1795. Delegate to Congress 1774 and 1780; Brig.-gen. 1775, Major-gen. 1776-80; active in Canada and N. J., at Brandywine and Germantown, and against the N. Y. Indians; Atty.-gen. of N. H. 1782-86, Pres. 1786-89; U. S. District Judge from 1789.-His brother, JAMES, LL.D., 1744-1808, was Judge of Mass. Superior Court 1776-82, in Congress 1784-85. Atty.-gen. 1790-1807, and Gov. 1807-8. Hist. Maine, 1795; Land Titles in Mass., 1801.-His son, WILLIAM, LL.D., 1774-1839, pub. Public Men of the Revolution, 1834.His brother, JOHN LANGDON, M.D., 1777-1865, patented a steamboat 1814.

Sullivan, JOHN LAWRENCE, b.1858 in Boston. Pugilist; victor in many contests; defeated by James J. Corbett 1892. See PUGILISM.

Sullivan, PETER JOHN, 1821-1883. Col. U. S. Vols., serving in the West; U. S. Minister to Colombia 1865-69. Don Felix Letters.

Sullivan's Island. Off Charleston, S. C.; 6 m. long; site of Fort Moultrie.

Sullivant, WILLIAM STARLING, 1803-1873. American brypedition), 1859; Icones Muscorum, 1864. ologist. Musci Alleghanienses, 1846; Musci and Hepatica of the U. S., e. of the Mississippi, 1856: Musci (of the Wilkes Ex

Sully, MAXIMILIEN DE BETHUNE. DUKE OF, 1560-1641. Baron de Rosny; associate and Minister of Henry IV. of France; Duke 1606. By his resolute measures and personal supervision, he


raised the finances from utmost disorder, lightened taxes, checked the dishonesty of officials, and encouraged trade. agriculture and internal improvements. Memoires, 1634-62, tr. 1834.

Sully, THOMAS, 1783-1872. American painter, of English birth. Many of his portraits have been engraved.-His son, ALFRED, U. S. A., 1821-1873, Brig.-gen. U. S. Vols. 1862-65, served in Va. 1861-62, and against Northwest Indians 1862-64. Sully-Prudhomme, RENÉ FRANÇOIS ARMAND, b.1839. French poet, Academician 1881. Works, 5 vols., 1882-88.

Sulph. Prefix denoting compounds containing sulphur. sulphonic acid; monobasic: produced be Sulphanilic Acid. NH,.C,H,.HSO,. Paramidobenzene



hide, ORGANIC. Combination of sulphur with one organic groups or radicals; e.g., ethylene sulphide, phenyl sulphide, (C,H,),:S.

hides. Salts derived from hydrogen sulphide; or comformed by the union of sulphur with some other ele

hindigotic Acid. Product of the action of sulphuric on indigo. See INDIGO EXTRACT.

hites. Derivatives of sulphurous acid.

hocarbamide. S:C:(NH2),. Sulphourea; white crys-
solid, soluble in water; mpt. 171° C.; usually prepared
ting ammonium sulphocyanate. It is a weak base, and
salts with mineral acids.

phocyanic Acid. N CS.H. Yellow liquid, pre-
from its salts. The potassium, ammonium and other
The potassium salt is
are used in textile coloring.
by fusing yellow prussiate of potash with sulphur and
, the ammonium salt by heating carbon bisulphide with
lic ammonia. Sulphocyanates give a deep red coloration
erric salts.

pholeic Acid. Acid product, formed by the action
phuric acid on castor or olive oil. See ALIZARINE AS-


Iphonal. (CH,),:C:(SO,.C,H),. Diethylsulphodimethylune; a disulphone; white crystalline solid, mpt. 126° C.; le in hot water; prepared by the oxidation of the correling sulphide; used in pharmacy as a hypnotic.

Iphone. Combination of the group :SO, with two ore monobasic groups, ethyl sulphone (C,H,),:SO,., phenylsulphone, CH,.C,H,:SO,. These compounds are formed ne oxidation of the sulphides, and in the aromatic series he action of sulphuric anhydride upon the hydrocarbons. PHENYL SULPHONE.

Derived by the replacement of hy-
lphonic Acids.
yl in sulphuric acid by an organic group. Thus from
CSO, is derived. Some can
SO,, ethyl sulphonic acid,
repared by the oxidation of sulphides. Whenever strong
huric acid acts upon an aromatic compound, a sulphonic
is formed. The acids are soluble in water, the salts usu-
crystallize well.

ulpho Salts. Ordinary oxygen salts, in which the oxy-
, either wholly or in part, has been replaced by sulphur;
- potassium sulphocarbonate, K,CS,.

ulphur. S. At. wt. 32.06, sp. gr. 2.07, sp. ht. 0.177, mpt.
-5° C., bpt. 440° C., valence II. IV. VI.; known to the ancients.
occurs in deposits in Sicily, Italy, Spain, California; also in

Sulphur Refining Apparatus.

prevent free access of air. The pile is ignited, a part of the
sulphur burns; the heat thus generated is sufficient to melt
the rest of the sulphur, which runs down to the bottom of the
pile. At proper intervals it is drawn off. The crude brimstone
thus obtained is distilled and run into molds, forming roll
brimstone or stick sulphur. In the distillation the vapor
which is first cooled is deposited as a fine powder, called flow-
ers of sulphur. Stick sulphur is soluble in carbon disulphide;
the flowers of sulphur is not. It is amorphous. Treated with
oxidizing agents, it forms sulphuric acid. It is used for the
manufacture of sulphuric acid, gunpowder, fireworks, matches,
in regions of active and of extinct volcanoes, and also in con-
bleaching, and for vulcanizing rubber. Native sulphur abounds
nection with beds of gypsum or about the outlets of sulphur
springs. Sicily has long furnished most of the native sulphur
used in Europe and America.

many sulphides, sulphur waters, and sulphates. To extract it ore piled up in such a way as to leave

turf to

Sulphur Auratum. Golden yellow powder; ANTIMONY

Sulphur Chlorides. See SULPHUR DICHLORIDE.

Sulphur Dichloride. SCI,. Dark red liquid, sp. gr. 1.62, boiling at 62° C. with decomposition; decomposed by water in thiosulphuric acid; made by saturating the monochloride with chlorine at a temperature from 6° to 10° C. There are two other chlorides, S,Cl, and SCI,, both made by direct union of the elements. The tetrachloride exists only at low temperatures.

Sulphur Dioxide. SO,. Density 2.21. Sulphurous anhydride; colorless, poisonous gas, of a pungent, suffocating odor; liquid at -17.8° C., sp. gr. 1.45, solid-79° C.; soluble in water, forming sulphurous acid; made by burning sulphur or iron pyrites in the air; used for bleaching straw, wool, silk, etc., as a disinfectant, and to prevent fermentation.


Sulphureted Hydrogen. H,S. Hydrogen sulphide;
colorless gas, with an odor of rotten eggs; found in sulphur
waters; made by treating ferrous sulphide with hydrochloric
or sulphuric acid; used extensively in chemical analysis; poi-
The odor of sulphur waters and of rotten eggs is due
to the presence of H,S.
Sulphureted Hydrogen Group. Metals precipitated
from solutions by sulphureted hydrogen; bismuth, silver, lead,
copper, mercury, cadmium, gold, platinum, tin, antimony,
and arsenic.

Sulphurets, or SULPHIDES. Combinations of sulphur with
the metals; many are of great value as ores.

Sulphur Hexiodide. SI. Gray-black crystals, similar to those of iodine; obtained by diluting a solution of iodine and sulphur in carbon disulphide and allowing it to stand.

Sulphuric Acid. H,SO.. Sp. gr. 1.85, mpt. -26° C., bpt.
327° C. It distills without decomposition; it is a colorless, oily
looking liquid when pure, and one of the strongest acids. It
was known to the alchemists, Geber having made it from alum
and Valentine in the 15th century by distilling ferrous sulphate.
Its composition was determined by Berthellot 1782. The use
of niter with sulphur was proposed 1740 by Lefevre and Lemery,
and leaden chambers by Dr. Roebuck 1746, the absorption
towers by Gay Lussac 1825, and the Glover tower by John
Glover 1850. The use of pyrites dates from 1838. This acid
is more largely used in the arts than any other. The strongest
acid is used in making nitro-compounds and refining gold and
silver; oil of vitriol in refining petroleum; tower and chamber
acids in making superphosphates for fertilizers and a very large
variety of manufactures. Most chemical industries make use
of or are dependent upon it. 90 per cent of the world's prod-
uct is used in the soda and superphosphate processes. Eng-
land's product in 1878 was estimated at 850,000 tons, about half
the world's product.

Sulphuric acid is made by burning sulphur or iron pyrites in
a furnace with access of air, the oxygen of the latter convert-
ing the sulphur into sulphur dioxide. This is conducted, to-
gether with vapors of nitric acid, through a Glover tower filled
with pieces of quartz or earthenware, and then through a series
of large, sheet-lead chambers, into which steam or a spray of
water is introduced. In these the sulphur dioxide is oxidized
to sulphur trioxide by the nitric acid and combining with the
water forms sulphuric acid. The waste gases from the last
chamber, consisting of nitrogen and its oxides with a little sul-
phur dioxide, pass through two leaden Gay Lussac towers filled
with coke over which sulphuric acid 1.7 sp. gr. drips; the lat-
ter combines with the nitrogen trioxide,tetroxide and pentoxide.
The lower oxides and nitrogen are not combined and pass out
the chimney connected with the last tower; this chimney serves
to draw the gases through the entire apparatus. The loss of
nitrogen in the lower oxides is compensated by the nitric acid,
made from sodium nitrate and sulphuric acid, which is intro-

duced with th of sodium nit The acid from Glover tower are freed by th water of the cl is thus concen C. The tower platinum pans

the strongest ac acid reaches sp. g Fuming sulph fumes in the air 15th century. T contained in slate and distilling the It is also made oxide and oxygen to sulphur trioxi acid is used for d aniline and anthr Sulphuric A Sulphuric E Sulphur Mo ginning to boil a solving the requ higher bromides a Sulphur Mo yellowish red liqu acteristic, disagre membrane. It is It is made by disti used in vulcanizin

Sulphur Mo crystalline mass; Sulphur Rai yellowish powder, the pollen of plant Sulphur Tetr brown liquid, deco hydrochloric acid; chlorine at a tem DICHLORIDE.



Sulphur Tric crystallized solids is made by passing covered with finel "solid sulphuric bines with water w energetically as a Sulphuryl C posed by water; n dioxide in direct su Sulpicia, 1st what earlier, is the Sulpicians. O for the priesthood. Sulpicius Sev rapher of St

a satire bearing he

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