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apellation. The lead is placed upon a hearth mes or marl, and heated to redness with access and any other base metals present oxidize, thus formed, being liquid, are absorbed by - until finally only pure, unoxidizable silver

German Cupelling Furnace.

The furnaces for this operation frequently had a reof, as in figure. As at present conducted, this final is always preceded by a refining process, in which oxidized but is not absorbed by the hearth; a little he side of the furnace allowing the melted oxides y to flow from the furnace.

means of desilverizing lead is Parkes' process of nto it, at a red-heat, metallic zinc, and then letting stand. The zinc, rising to the surface, brings all the h it as a rich alloy, while the remaining lead contains tle zinc, and needs only to be heated a few hours in a furnace to be very pure. The zinc alloy is skimmed meated in closed retorts provided with a condenser to zine vapors driven off. Sometimes the zinc vapors condensed, but allowed to burn directly to zinc oxide, s caught in bags and used for paint. The silver in ort is nearly pure. The use of a little aluminium in g Parkes' process is very advantageous, as it prevents on of the zinc in the pot and produces richer scums. ms are treated in Germany quite satisfactorily by elec-, producing a very pure electrolytic zinc and leaving

ver residues.

eating argentiferous copper ores, the silver accumulates copper-iron sulphide or matte, and is extracted by gels' process of roasting this very carefully, converting ver almost entirely into sulphate, soluble in water, and ng it out. The silver solution is then precipitated, as


dron (Halesia), natural family Styracaceae, with showy white
flowers, natives of the s.e. U. S.; called Snowdrop Tree.

Silverberry. Elaeagnus argentea. Shrub of the natural
family Elaeagnacea, with silvery leaves and fruit, native of
the n.w. U. Š.

one of the most widely distributed of the metals, and een known to man since remote antiquity. At different , different regions have taken the lead in production. nines of Saxony, Bohemia, and the Harz Mts. have been ed for centuries, and those of Mexico have long been celeIn S. America, Peru, Bolivia and ed for their richness. have been the largest producers In the U. S., prior to the amount produced was small; but during the next y years, the yield rapidly increased, amounting in 1892 3,500,000 oz., or two-fifths of the world's total production hat year. Since 1892 the amount annually produced has erially fallen.

Silver Bromate. AgBrO,. Tetragonal crystals, unaffected by sunlight; made by precipitating silver sulphate with potassium bromate, and crystallizing from hot water.

Silver Bromide. AgBr. Bright yellow precipitate, obtained by treating silver nitrate with a soluble bromide. It occurs native in small quantities, and is used in photography. Silver Carbonate. Ag,CO,. Prepared from ammonium silver nitrate, it forms transparent, lemon-yellow needles, or rhombohedra, which polarize light. It blackens in light, and loses carbon dioxide at 200° C.

Silver Chlorate. AgCIO,. White, opaque, tetragonal columns; mpt. 230° C., sp. gr. 4.43; soluble in water; made by passing chlorine into water containing silver oxide in suspension.

Silver Chloride. AgCl. Occurring in nature as HORNSILVER (q.v.); white, curdy precipitate, obtained by adding a soluble chloride or hydrochloric acid to silver nitrate; soluble in ammonia water. Dry silver chloride absorbs 10 per cent of ammonia, forming ammonio-silver chloride, 2AgCl.3NHs, a white compound. It is decomposed by light, and is used in photography.

Silver Cyanate. AgCNO. White, anhydrous powder, sp. gr. 4.004. It blackens on heating, fuses, and takes fire. It is made by precipitating silver nitrate with potassium cyanate.

Silver Cyanide. AgCN. White, curdy precipitate, obtained by adding a soluble cyanide to silver nitrate; soluble in ammonium hydroxide and in potassium cyanide solution. The solution in potassium cyanide is used for silver plating various metals with the aid of the electric current. It is not affected by sunlight.

he world's production of silver was, in 1895, 169,180,249 oz. this the U. S. produced 55,726,945, Mexico 46,962,738, Boa 21,999,966, Australasia 12,507,335, Germany 5,818,106, and rest scattering. The U. S. coining value of silver is $1.29 per U. S. coins are 900 parts silver and 100 copper, a dollar weigh412.5 grs. (see DOLLAR). Sterling silver is 925 silver and 75 oper. Dec. 1897 the value of gold was $20.67, and of silver | cts. per oz. troy. Oct. 1, 1896, the U. S. had 437.202.141 ver dollars, of which 56,513,178 were in circulation; $75,354,1 subsidiary silver coins, of which $60,228,298 were in cirlation. In 1895 there was used in the industrial arts in the - S. 9,419,552 oz. of silver. See ASSAY and COINAGE. Silver, THOMAS, 1813-1888. American inventor of a marine vernor for engines 1854, adopted in several European navies. Deep blue liquid with

um on

Silver Fluoride. AgF. Extremely hygroscopic, yellowish-brown substance; sp. gr. 5.85; made by treating the oxide or carbonate with hydrofluoric acid and evaporating. Silver Glance. Common name for ARGENTITE (q.v.). Silver Grain. Wood which when split radially exhibits the sides of numerous medullary rays as shining specks or small patches.

Silver Grays. Conservative Whigs, who withdrew from
the N. Y. Convention of 1848. Many of them had gray hair.
Silver Hydrozoate. AgN3. Prisms, melting at 250° C.
and exploding with terrific violence; insoluble in water, de-
composed by light, soluble in ammonia; similar in its prop-
erties to silver chloride.

AgIO,. White, crystalline substance,
Silver Iodate.
unaffected by light; made by the action of iodine in alcoholic
solution on silver oxide.

Silver Iodide. AgI. Natural and artificial varieties
form hexagonal crystals, isomorphous with greenockite (CdS).
The color varies from lemon-yellow to olive-green. Sp. gr. 5.0
to 5.6; made by heating iodine and silver; acted upon by light;
used in photography.

Silver Nitrate (LUNAR CAUSTIC). AgNO,. Rhombic crys-
tals, made by dissolving silver in nitric acid and evaporating
the solution. Not changed in the light unless it comes into
contact with organic substances, when it blackens. It dis-
integrates flesh, and is used by physicians to remove warts
and other superfluous growths; also used as an ingredient in
indelible ink.

Silver Nitrite. AgNO,. Crystallizing in needles, made
solution; soluble with difficulty in water; used in organic
by adding potassium nitrite to a concentrated silver nitrate

Silver Oxide. Ag,O. Dark brown, amorphous powder,
made by adding a soluble hydroxide to a silver nitrate solution.
It dissolves in ammonium hydroxide, forming black crystals
of the composition Ag,O.2NH,, fulminating silver. Silver also
forms a suboxide, Ag,Ó, and a peroxide, AgO or Ag,O,, similar
Silver Perchlorate.
to the copper compounds.

AgCIO.. White powder, mpt.
Silver Phosphate. Ag,PO,. Yellow, insoluble com-
486° C.; made by treating silver oxide with perchloric acid.
pound, obtained by treating silver nitrate with a soluble

Silver Plating. Solution of silver nitrate in water is
carefully precipitated with potassium cyanide and the silver
cyanide is filtered out and washed with water. It is then dis-
solved in a water solution of potassium cyanide, and this con-
stitutes the plating solution. The articles to be plated are
hung in the solution, being connected
plate of silver

is also hung in the s pole. This maintain cyanide should be a should always have be protected from du Silver Standar China, Colombia, Ec

Silver Stick. I tenant and the stand arms; also the field o

Silver Subchlo melting to a yellow n treating silver with a Silver Sulphate ble with difficulty in sulphuric acid.

Silver Sulphide or amorphous powder ver in sulphur vapor, silver salt solution. ACANTHITE (q.v.).

Silver Sulphite. tained on adding sulph when exposed to light Silver-Thaw. Fi cold objects and froze thus formed is always very sheen to the obj breaks limbs of trees, t Silver-Tree. Lev the natural family Pr native of S. Africa.

Silverweed. Pote the natural family Ros silvery-white on the lo temperate zone. Silvestre, THEOPHII historian of art. Delac Silvia, ST.. ab. 400. 392: supposed author of Simarubaceæ. N the class Angiospermae 33 genera and ab. 110 sp and warm countries.

Simeon. Second so of one of the twelve trib Simeon, CHARLES, 1 Hora Homiletica, 17 vo Simeon Stylites, a 30 years on a pillar 60 ft by many.

Simia. Genus ANTE including the Mias or Borneo.

Simiada (QUADRUM and Monkeys; sub-order the posterior limbs furni


Death's Head M

than the other digits, ren climbing trees, rather t prominent


ang in the same solution and attached to the positive is maintains the strength of the solution. Potassium should be added from time to time, as the solution ways have a decided odor of it. The solution should -ted from dust.

Standard Countries. Bolivia, Central America, olombia, Ecuador, India, Mexico, and Russia.

Stick. In the British Court, the title of the lieu

nd the standard-bearer of the corps of gentlemen-atSo the field officer of any of the guard regiments. - Subchloride. Ag,Cl,?. Black or brown powder, to a yellow mass of silver and silver chloride; made by silver with a solution of cupric or mercuric chloride. - Sulphate. Ag,SO.. Small rhombic prisms; soludifficulty in water; obtained by dissolving silver in c acid.

Sulphide. Ag,S. Regular or rhombic crystals, phous powder; sp. gr. 7.1 to 7.36; made by heating silulphur vapor, or by passing hydrogen sulphide into a lt solution. It occurs in nature as ARGENTITE and TE (q.v.).

r Sulphite. Ag,SO,. White, curdy precipitate, obadding sulphurous acid to silver nitrate. It blackens posed to light.

r-Thaw. Fine rain or Scotch mist. deposited on ects and frozen by reason of their coldness. The ice med is always clear and transparent, and gives a silen to the objects. The weight of the ice frequently mbs of trees, telegraph wires, etc.

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stre, THEOPHILE LOUIS, 1823-1876. French critic and 1 of art. Delacroix, 1864; Th. Rousseau, 1868.

, ST., ab. 400. Of s. France; sister of Rufinus, Consul posed author of Peregrinatio ad loca sancta, pub. 1887. rubaceæ. Natural family of flowering plants, of Angiosperma and sub-class Dicotyledons, comprising a and ab. 110 species, mostly trees, natives of tropical m countries.

on. Second son of the patriarch Jacob, and ancestor the twelve tribes of Israel.

on, CHARLES, 1759-1836. English Evangelical leader. miletica, 17 vols., 1815-28; Works, 21 vols., 1832-33. on Stylites, ab.391-459. Syrian fanatic, who spent on a pillar 60 ft. high; revered as a saint and imitated

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front of the upper, to allow of their overlapping. The body is hairy and the tail often long and prehensile. The orbits of the eyes are shut off from the temporal fossa, and look forward. The facial angle in the adult rarely exceeds 30° (in Chrysothrix it is nearly 60°). The face is more human in appearance in the young. The pinna of the ear is rounded and human-like. They live in companies in tropical forests, with the strongest male for a leader, and feed chiefly on fruits and seeds, but also on insects, eggs and birds. The female bears one or at most two young, which it tends with great care and affection. The sections included are Arctopithecini, Platyrhina, and Catarhina.

Similar Figures. In Geometry, those of the same form. Similar polygons have equal angles and proportional sides. Similar solids of revolution are generated by the revolution of similar figures.

Simile. Figure of speech comparing two objects by like or as; resembling metaphor, but weaker.

Simla. Town of Hindustan, on the slope of the Himalayas, 170 m. n. of Delhi; socially important as a summer resort;

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government headquarters in the hot months since 1864; settled 1819. It exports opium, fruits and shawl-wool. Altitude 7,048 ft., mean temperature 55° F. Permanent pop. ab.16,000. Simler, JOSIAS, 1530-1576. Prof. Zurich 1552. De Repub

lica Helvetiorum.

Simmons, EDWARD EMERSON, b. 1852. S.A.A. 1888. American painter.

Simmons, FRANKLIN, b. 1842. American sculptor. Simmons, JAMES FOWLER, 1795-1864. U. S. Senator from R. I. 1841-47 and 1857-62.

Simmons, JOSEPH EDWARD, LL.D., b.1841. Pres. New York Stock Exchange 1884-86; pres. Board of Education 1886-89.

Simms, WILLIAM GILMORE, 1806-1870. American novelist. Guy Rivers, 1834; The Yemassee, 1835; Hist. S. Carolina, 1840; Beauchampe, 1842; Life of Marion, 1844.

Simnel, LAMBERT, ab.1475-ab.1535. Yorkist claimant to the throne of England, personating Edward, Earl of Warwick: defeated at Stoke, June 16, 1487; afterward employed in the household of Henry VII.

Simon. 1. See PETER. 2. Another apostle, Zelotes, or "the Canaanite," formerly of the party called Zealots. Simon, ÉTIENNE, 1747-1809. Belgian explorer, in Brazil 1795-1804; author of books of travel and history.

Simon, SIR JOHN. LL.D., D.C.L., b. 1816. London physician and official, author of reports on sanitation. Pathology, 1850. Simon, JULES, 1814-1896. Lecturer on Philosophy at the Sorbonne 1839-51; Deputy 1848 and 1863; opposed to the empire; Minister of Instruction 1871-73; ed. Siècle 1874; Senator 1875, Prime Minister 1876-77; author or editor of many philosophical and political works. Natural Religion, 1856. tr. 1857.



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torian 1662-78.


1678. His Critical Hist. O. T., . Text N. T., tr. 1689, anticipated the modern al criticism; his Commentateurs du N. T., 1693, athers and provoked a reply from Bossuet. as du N. T., 1695; Lettres, 1700-5; Bibliothèque His works aroused the wrath of Protestants olics.

FRED, 1740-1801. Brazilian botanist, in Guiana oks chiefly relate) 1776-88. Flora Brasilia, 1800. VILLIAM, 1822-1859. American writer for boys. 3, 1853-60.

Gnostic sect, taking their name from SIMON Greek satirical , OF AMORGOS, 7th cent. B.C. S, OF CEOS, 556-468 B.C. Greek lyric poet, winner ong at Athens, where he wrote on martial and Fragments only mes; at Syracuse from 478. French geologist and

LOUIS LAURENT, b. 1830. erica.


Samaritan sorcerer, imperfectly conebuked by St. Peter (Acts viii.) for seeking to buy The Spirit. Hence simony, traffic in Ch. patronage; ways condemned, but common in most ages. eki. See SHIMONOSEKI.


. Intensely hot wind in n. Arabia, so oppressive Frequently results from exposure to it, but not beve any other poisonous qualities. The intense heat be peculiar to the central portion of the storm, h there is a rapid gyratory movement on the part ainder of the air. It occurs in spring and summer, lasts longer than a few minutes; twenty minutes, side. Very similar winds occur in the deserts of d of Sinde.

Harmonic Motion. That to and fro, resulting rojection in a vertical plane of a point moving unia horizontal circle of reference. Instances occur in An example is specially in optics and acoustics. by a particle vibrating under the action of a force roportional to the displacement of the particle from position. The condition of the moving point defined rence to its position and direction of motion is its Phase is also defined as the fraction of a period that sed since the point last passed through its mean in the positive direction. If the point of maximum on be not the position of the body when time begins koned, the interval, positive or negative, till the body this position is called the epoch. See AMPLITUDE and

licea (ASCIDLE SIMPLICES). See ASCIDIANS. licidentata. See RODENTIA. licius. Pope 468-483.


He condemned the Monoplicius, 6th cent. Neoplationist at Athens, commenn Aristotle.

plon. Pass from Canton Valais into Italy, 6,218 ft. A road, built for Napoleon 1800-6, cost $3,600,000. This

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has 20 stations for travelers. It was greatly injured by storms
in 1834, '39, '49, making the Sardinian side nearly impassable.
Simpson, EDWARD, U.S.N., 1824-1888. Lieut. 1855; active
on the Atlantic and the Gulf 1863-65; Captain 1870, Commo-
Ordnance, 1862.
dore 1878, Rear-admiral 1884.

Simpson, SIR GEORGE, 1796-1860. Scottish traveler, Gov. of Rupert's Land 1822-41; knighted 1855. Journey Round the World, 1847.-His cousin, THOMAS, 1808-1840, led an important expedition to the Mackenzie River and along the Arctic coast 1836-40.

Simpson, JAMES HERVEY, U.S.A., 1813-1883. Explorer of a route from Utah to the Pacific 1859-61; military engineer. Simpson, SIR JAMES YOUNG, M.D., D.C.L., 1811-1870. Prof. of Midwifery Univ. Edinburgh 1840; discoverer of the anæsthetic uses of chloroform, which he introduced 1847; Baronet 1866. Obstetric Memoirs, 1856; Archaeological Essays, 1872.— His nephew, assistant, and editor, ALEXANDER RUSSELL, b. 1835, succeeded to his chair. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1880. Simpson, JOHN PALGRAVE, 1805-1887. English playwright; biographer of Von Weber.

Simpson, MATTHEW, D.D., LL.D., 1811-1884. Pres. Indiana Asbury (now De Pauw) Univ. 1839-48: M. E. bp. 1842; emiHundred Years of nent orator, much admired by Pres. Lincoln. He rendered notable service to the Union 1861-65. Methodism, 1876; Cyclopaedia of Methodism, 1878; Lectures on Preaching, 1879.

Simpson, THOMAS, F.R.S., 1710-1761. Prof. of Mathematics
at Woolwich 1743. Fluxions. 1737-50; Laws of Chance, 1740;
Exercises, 1752.
Algebra, 1745; Geometry, 1747; Trigonometry, 1748; Select

Simpson River. In British Columbia, flowing into the
Pacific Ocean.

Simrock, KARL, 1802-1876.

German poet, prof. Bonn from 1850; tr. Nibelungenlied, 1827; Reineke Fuchs, 1845; Edda, 1851: Beowulf, 1859, and other old poems, besides Shakespeare's Sonnets, 1867, and some of the plays.

Sims, GEORGE ROBERT, b. 1847. English playwright and novelist. Romany Rye, 1882.

Sims, JAMES MARION, M.D., LL.D., 1813-1883. Surgeon, in New York from 1853; founder of the Women's Hospital 185558; in Europe 1861-68; organizer and head of an ambulance corps in the Franco-Prussian war 1870; pre-eminent as gynæcologist.


Sims, WINFIELD SCOTT, b.1844. Inventor of an electric motor 1872, and of torpedo boats, used in U. S. navy. Simson, ROBERT, 1687-1768. Prof. Glasgow 1711-61. Sectiones Conica, 1735; his Elements of Euclid, 1756-62, supplied a basis to most modern text-books. Opera, 1776.

Simulation. Counterfeiting a disease. Sometimes it is a manifestation of a nervous disorder; at others it is a means to accomplish an ulterior purpose, e.g., the transference to a hospital of a prisoner condemned to hard labor.

Simultaneous Equations. Those which are satisfied by the same values of the unknown quantities. In the relations of loci, the simultaneity of their equations is the condition of intersection of the loci, and values which make the equations simultaneous determine the intersection. Simultaneous Values. Those at or for the same time. Sin. Transgression of duty or of law considered as offense against God.

Sin, WILDERNESS OF. Region through which the Israelites wandered after coming out of Egypt.

Sinai. Mountain-mass in desert peninsula at head of Red

[blocks in formation]

wanderings, is ab. 1of it are ancient in See HOREB. Egypt.

Sinaitic Inscrip
Bible, discovered by
convent of St. Catha
basket. The manusc
Sincerity. That
habitual freedom from

Sinclair, SIR JO
Baronet 1786; prolific
pire, 1784-89; Statisti
99.-His daughter, C
and books, religious,
tions, 1841; Beatrice,
Sindbad. See SE
Sinde, SCINDE, or
by Mohammedans ab.
1739, and by the Engl
3,000,000. Capital, KA

Sindia, or SCINDIA.
India, from 1744; hosti
began 1743 in Malwa.

Sine. Trigonometr point in the terminal the axis of x) to the dis the angle.

Sin-Eating. It wa England and Wales to upon them the sins o beer was given, which may have originally be ward continued and pra See Sines, LAW OF. Singanfoo. Forme branch of the Hoang H Po mains of antiquity. Singapore.

1. Isla

Gt. Britain since 1819.

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ings, is ab. 140 m. long n. to s.

re ancient inscriptions. Politically it now belongs to In different localities See HOREB.

itic Inscriptions. Uncial manuscripts of the Greek iscovered by Constantine Tischendorf in 1844 in the of St. Catharine on the range of Mt. Sinai, in a scrap The manuscript is now in St. Petersburg. See CODEX. erity. That form of truthfulness which consists in a freedom from duplicity.

air, SIR JOHN, 1754-1835. Scottish M.P. 1780-1811; 1786; prolific writer. Hist. Revenue of British Em4-89; Statistical Account of Scotland, 21 vols., 1791daughter, CATHERINE, 1800-1864, wrote many novels ks, religious, juvenile, or descriptive. Modern Flirta41; Beatrice, 1852.


, SCINDE, or SINDH. Province of w. mmedans ab.712, by Akbar of Delhi 1592, by Persia India, conquered 1 by the English 1843. Area 54,435 sq. m., pop. near Capital, KARACHI (q.v.).

a, or SCINDIA. Mahratta rulers of Gwalior, n. central om 1744; hostile to the British 1779-1844. Their power 43 in Malwa.

Trigonometric function: ratio of the ordinate of any the terminal line of the angle (the initial line being of x) to the distance of that point from the vertex of

ating. It was formerly the custom in parts of rural
and Wales to hire poor people at funerals to take
em the sins of the deceased.
given, which the sin-eater ate and drank. The usage
A loaf and a bowl of
e originally been limited to the clergy, but was after-
tinued and practiced as a profession by others.


nfoo. Former capital of China; on the Wei, a f the Hoang Ho; notable for its commerce and reantiquity. Pop. ab.200,000.

pore. 1. Island s. of Malay Peninsula, held by in since 1819. Area 206 sq. m.; pop., 1891, 182,650.

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phrasing and execution were chiefly admired and sought. With the development of the dramatic element in opera, the need of truthfulness of expression was more felt, and greater importance was attached to significant enunciation of the words. Vocal composition and singing became more declamatory, and less attention was bestowed upon mere beauty and flexibility of voice. Singing is also much influenced by the peculiarities of languages, and this has helped to give rise to a variety of schools and methods; but the professed aim of all is to produce tones which shall be true in pitch and consistent in quality, to make the voice full, powerful, flexible, and capable of enduring a strain, and to secure distinctness of enunciation and truthfulness of declamation.

Singing Flames. If a small gas flame be produced at the end of a tube terminating in a fine point, and be slowly passed up into a wide

glass tube, some particular position will be found at which the flame alters its character and begins to sound a note the pitch of which is a little higher than that of the tube when sounded by itself. the flame not begin to Should sound immediately when the most favorable position has been reached, it can often be made to respond by singing to it a note corresponding very nearly in pitch to that which the flame will produce when in action. A flame of hydrogen has been found to be more prompt in its action than one of coal gas. An instrument termed the pyrophone has been devised by arranging a set of such tubes of various pitches. The air in the Singing Flame, or Chemical Harmonica. tube is made to vibrate by the heat of the flame. See PYROPHONE, and HARMONICA, CHEMICAL.

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Single-Acting Engine. Form in which the motor fluid acts on one side of the piston only, the other side being in connection with the atmosphere to receive its pressure, or with the condenser. Such are the CORNISH ENGINE (q.v.) and most of the CALORIC and GAS ENGINES (q.v.).

Single Altitude. Method of determining time. The altitude of the sun or a star is measured with the sextant; then, in the spherical triangle having its vertices at the zenith, the pole, and the star, three parts will be known; therefore the angle at the pole (the hour angle) can be computed.

Single Riveting. Connection of two plates by a single row of rivets. The strength of such a joint is usually ab. 60 per cent of the strength of the plate itself. By adding another row of rivets the strength may be raised to ab. 75 per cent of that of the plate.

Single-Stick. Straight stick with a basket-handle to protect the hand, used in practicing the broad-sword exercise. There are seven cuts, as many corresponding guards, and three thrusts.

Single Tax. The method of obtaining public revenue by taxing land only and not the improvements upon it; proposed in 1887 by Henry George.

Single Touch. One of the three principal methods of magnetization. It consists of moving the pole of a powerful magnet from one end to the other of the bar to be magnetized, the motion always taking place in the same direction. The magnetism developed by this method is usually feeble, and the method is employed only for small magnets. It has also the disadvantage of often developing consequent poles.

Sing Sing. Village of Westchester co., N. Y., on the Hudson, 31 m. n. of New York; site of a state prison.

Singular Points. Those points of a curve having pe-
culiar properties: points of inflexion, multiple points, cusps,
nodes, abrupt and conjugate points, etc.

Sinim. Biblical name for the Seres, or ancient Chinese
Sinistral (Lenn U.


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rkish fleet was destroyed by Russians, Nov. 30,
s of 4,000 lives. Pop. ab.7,500.

Cellular siliceous or calcareous deposit formed on of water at the outlet of some mineral springs.

Wavy margins of certain leaves and other organs. iata. Group of siphoniate Lamellibranchs, inms having the pallial impression more or less ed forward at the posterior end. This bay repattachment of the muscles that retract the long re belong the VENERIDE, MACTRIDE, MYIDÆ, PHOTEREDIDE (q.v.).

In Anatomy, a pocket or dilatation in bone or other s the frontal sinus, a cavity in the frontal bone beyebrows, communicating with the air through the nuses of the dura mater are blood channels for ve-In Surgery, an abnormal canal usually produced on and through which the products of inflammation charged.

Indentation at the base of a leaf or other flat organ. DAKOTAS). Confederacy of Indian tribes possibly ree Six Nations of New York. The territory originally ncluded Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. They were

Ghost Dance of the Sioux Indians. West because of a massacre of Minnesota pioneers in In 1876, under Sitting Bull, they fought U. S. troops, chief escaping to Canada. They number ab.50.000. The included are: Santees, Yanktons, Tetons, Sissetons, S, Minikanyes, and Unkpapas. Besides these, there are such as the Assiniboines of L. Winnipeg, the and the Winnebagoes

selves. They are nomads, and practice dances in which they endure self-inflicted tortures.

Sioux City. Capital of Woodbury co., Iowa, on the Misof importance, and has large packing houses and varied manusouri; founded 1849; of recent growth. It is a railroad center factures. Pop., 1890, 37,806.

Sioux Falls. Capital of Minnehaha co., S. Dak.; on the Big Sioux; chartered 1877 and 1883; noted for its quarries. Pop., 1890, 10,177.

Sioux War. 1876; occasioned by the refusal of the Sioux to keep a treaty with the U. S., by which they were to relinquish a certain amount of territory and retire from it by Jan. 1, 1876. They continued to roam about Wyoming and Montana, burning, robbing, and killing, whereupon the government sent a force under command of Gens. Terry and Crook to subdue them. Gen. Custer and his whole force of nearly 300 men were destroyed in a battle, but the Sioux were finally defeated and driven across the border into Canada.

Siphon. Instrument by which a mass of liquid may be removed from a vessel to a lower level without moving the vessel. In its simplest form it consists of a U tube, the shorter leg of which is immersed in the liquid, while the longer opens into the air at a level lower than that of the liquid. The flow takes place by reason of the difference of pressure at the two levels of the tube, due to the weight of the columns and to the


pressure of the air.-In Engineering, a bent pipe for carrying water over an elevation less than 30 ft. in height. A long siphon will not continue permanently in flow unless a pump be occasionally operated at the summit to remove the air that

collects there.

Siphon. In Botany, certain elongated cells in the thallus of some red Algae, grouped in the order Siphonea.

Siphonaceæ. Order of filamentous Algae of the sub-class Chlorophycea. The filaments are aseptate.

Siphon Condensers. See CONDENSERS.

Siphoniata. Division of Lamellibranchs, in which the posterior parts of the mantle edges are fused to form long tubular siphons. Here are included the Cockles (Cardiida). Cyprinidae, Venerida, Mactride, Myida, and the Boring MusThese families may be put under the two sels (Pholadida). groups, Integripalliata and Sinupalliata.

Siphonochlamyda (SIPHONOSTOMATA). Division of Prosobranchs, including forms with the aperture of the shell notched or prolonged into a canal, for the exit of the siphon. The groups included are: Rachiglossa, Toxiglossa, and Tanioglossa (in part, i.e., siphonostomatous Orthoneura, as Cypræa, Strombus, Triton).

Siphonodentalium. See SCAPHOPODA.

Siphonophora. Free-swimming polymorphic colonies of Hydrozoa. They have a common contractile stem, medusoid buds, nutritive polyps, and usually also nectocalices, hyThey are divided into the drophyllia, dactylozoöids, etc. Physophorida, Physalida, Calycophorida, and Discoidea. Siphonopoda. See CEPHALOPODA. Group of parasitic Siphonostomata, or PARASITICA. Copepods or fish-lice, whose mouth-parts are adapted for sucking; the structure is more or less degraded, and the segmentation is lost or obscure. Sometimes the body is reduced to nothing but a branched reproductive organ. The males are rare, usually small, sometimes parasitic on the female. Actheres is an example. See SIPHONOCHLAMYDA.

Siphonostomatous. Having the lip of the aperture of the shell of Univalves prolonged into a canal.

Siphon Recorder. Instrument invented by Lord Kelvin, designed to receive the signals transmitted through a submarine cable. The signals are zigzag lines, drawn with ink discharged from a light glass siphon, which is moved by a light coil of fine copper wire suspended by a silk fiber between Letromagnet. The paper in front of


the siphon tube is me is electrified. Siphons. Moliusks, through w piratory, nutritive, o



Siphuncle. Cephalopods as the F Sipunculacea. Sipunculoidea, Title of baror Siraj-ud-Daula. Sirbonian Bog. coast of Egypt, e. frc Diodorus says it was site is covered with sa to Asia passed along which was dangerous Siredon. See Ax Siren. Acoustical by Seebeck and De La simplest form of the 1 the top of which is pi obliquely; just above circular disk, pierced v arranged, except that This disk is capable of the bottom of the box may be forced: this a the top, strikes again causes the latter to re plate upon the other c. and closed, the air esc of which depends upon ber of holes, and a not product of the number ber of holes in the dis strument, and a speed the former. Thus by musical note, the pitch

Siren. See PERENN Sirenia (CETACEA-H cental Mammals, form They are aquatic and body, no hind limbs. bThe neck is distinct, an

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