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Town of Japan, at s.w. end of Nippon:
bombarded by Euro-
pean and American
vessels 1864; made a
port of entry 1890.
Pop. ab. 15,000.
April 17, 1895. Corea
was declared in-
dependent, Formosa
and Manchuria ceded
to Japan, and China
commerce and manu-
factures. Russian in-
these results.

reet in Shimonoseki

Shingles (HERPES uption of vesicles on a reddened surface, usually he waist and extending half around the body; cly accompanied by neuralgic pain. See HERPES. af. Low perennial herbs of the genus Pyrola, natPyrolaceae, natives of n. temperate zone; erroneousintergreen.

WILLIAM POWELL, 1834-1892. ineer.

y. See HOCKEY.

niu. Reformed Buddhist sect, founded in Japan

ism. Official and national religion of Japan, called panese Kami no michi. "way," or "doctrine of the s chief book is the Ko-ji-ki, or Records of Ancient Matlection of cosmical myths and legendary history in any generations of deities are enumerated, down to "enno, the first mikado and founder of the present immily, who is said to have reigned 660-585 B.C. Shintono idols. It teaches the immortality of the soul and' al future life of recompense or punishment. It orrity of life, and respect, almost adoration, to the emche direct descendant of the gods and spiritual and al chief. Its priests are not required to submit to ions of celibacy or abstinence, and their office is - hereditary.

pbuilding. The earliest ship known is Egyptian, dat00 B.C. It was of considerable size, with 52 oars and a The Greek and sail and 5 oars steering on either side. The two ends The trireme was Lo a point, or the rear end was rounded for the stern. vessels had a metal prow, used as a ram. n war vessels were propelled by oars. . long and 18 ft. beam, with 174 rowers; this dates from 5.C. The Phoenician ships had sails, and Herodotus dees vessels with rudders on the Nile. The Viking warship both rowers and a sail; one has been found 78 ft. long and beam, with 32 oars. The Byzantine war vessels of Leo ab.900, were biremes and galleys propelled by oars. glish ships of 1190 were small sailing vessels. In the 15th tury considerable progress was made by the French and aniards, and some large ships were built in England, one of ich was 165 ft. long and 46 ft. beam. The Santa Maria Columbus was 90 ft. keel and 29 ft. beam. In the 17th

ntury the English made much advance in shipbuilding, t in the following century Spain, France, Denmark and weden were far in the lead, both as regards speed and beavior of their ships. In the 19th century the British have become the largest shipbuilders, now. mostly using iron and steel n their construction. The first ship built in America was the Virginia, 60 ft. long, on the Kennebec River 1640. From 1812 co 1850 shipbuilding flourished in U. S. In 1841 the first China clipper-ship was built by Webb of New York, and also in 1849 the first three-deck ship. The clippers were fast sailers, the Sovereign of the Seas making 5,391 m. in 22 days; the Great 995 ft. long, 53 ft. beam, and 4.000 tons burden. for the whale fishery were built. viliary steam

propelled a boat with paddlewheels on Fulda River. James
sails. The first steamboat was made by Denis Papin 1707, who
Rumsey, an American, propelled a vessel 4 m. per hour by
forcing a jet of water through the stern with steam-pumps in
1786. John Fitch, also an American, propelled a vessel with
paddlewheels in 1785. Robert Fulton, an American, built a
ft. long, which steamed from New York to Albany, 142 m., in
steamboat in Paris in 1803. In 1807 he built the Clermont, 133
32 hours. This was the first commercial success of this class
of boats. Iron canal-boats were made in England 1787, and
iron steamboats with paddlewheels in 1821. John Ericsson
used the screw-propeller on the Thames 1836. The Cunard
line of Atlantic steamships was established 1840, and the
compound engine. The
Collins line of American-built steamships in 1850. The Pacific
Steam-Navigation Co. in 1856 used
Aberdeen in 1881 used a triple-expansion engine, and the
New Zealand Shipping Co. employ the quadruple-expansion
engines. In 1888 the American line introduced the twin-
In 1856 the Atlantic voyage westward was made by
steamships in 11d. 19h.; in 1874 the Britannic made it in 8d.
6h.; in 1886 the average time, between Queenstown and Sandy
Hook, was 6d. 15h. In 1897 the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse,
of the North German Lloyd Steamship Co., made the passage
from Southampton to New York in 5d. 22h. 45m. This is the
largest ship afloat, being 648 ft. long, 66 ft. beam, 43 ft. deep,
and of 14,000 tons burden; her speed per hour is 22 knots, and
her engines are triple expansion. The shipbuilding in 1896 was:
Great Britain 1,316,906 tons; United States, year ending June
30, 1897, 177,643 tons; Germany, 54,075 tons; Norway, 2,522
tons; Denmark, 13,190 tons; Austria, 6,686 tons. The price
in 1897, in Great Britain, for building vessels of medium size,
was £7 per ton, an increase over 1896 of £1. In 1896 the ton-
United States, 4.703.880; Germany, 1,930,460; Norway, 1,705,-
722; France, 1,148,970; Italy. 821,553; Sweden, 552,888; Nether-
nage of merchant ships in trade was: Great Britain, 13,563,597;
lands, 497,451; Denmark, 388,540; Greece, 385,935; Austria-
Hungary, 295,805; Belgium. 132,464. The United States had
1,193 vessels, tonnage 829,833, in foreign trade, and 20,030 ves-
sels, tonnage 3,790,296, in coastwise trade; there were 64 vessels
engaged in whale-fishing, and 1,621 vessels in cod and mackerel
fishing. In 1850 the tonnage of merchant ships in trade was:
Great Britain, 4,232,962; United States, 3,485,266; France, 688,-
153; Norway, 298,315; Holland, 292.576; Belgium, 34,919. See

Ship Canals. The Languedoc Canal, between the Bay of
Biscay and the Mediterranean, was completed 1681, at a cost
of $7,200,000; it is 140 m. long and has 119 locks. The Cale-
60 m. long, 38 m. of which are a chain of lakes, and it has 28
locks. The North Holland Canal, built 1825 as an approach
donia Canal, in Scotland, finished 1823, cost $5,000,000; it is
to Amsterdam, is 52 m. long, with two entrance locks at the
ends; its cost was ab. $5,000,000. The Corinth Canal, begun
by Nero, was completed 1892; it is 4 m. long, and cost nearly
$9,000,000. The Baltic Canal, completed 1895, is 61 m. long,
and has 4 large tidal locks. See also CALEDONIAN CANAL,

Ship Fever. See TYPHUS FEVER.

Shipka Pass. In Balkan Mts., 50 m. n.e. of Philippopolis: held by Russians against Turks Aug. 21-26 and Sept. 917, 1877.

Shipley, ORBY, b. 1832. High Anglican writer and compiler, R.C. since 1878.

Ship-Money. Tax arbitrarily levied by Charles I. 163440, to furnish a navy; opposed by Hampden and others; one of the main abuses leading to the revolt of Parliament and the civil war.

Ship of Fools. See BRANT, S.

Shipp, ALBERT MICAIAH, 1819-1887. Prof. in N. C. and S.
S. C., 1882.
C., and from 1874 at Vanderbilt Univ. Hist. Methodism in

Shippen, EDWARD, 1639-1712. Mayor of Phila. 1701; acting
gov. of Pa. 1703.-His great-grandson, EDWARD, LL.D., 1729-
1806, was a judge of Pa. Supreme Court 1791-99, and Chief-
justice 1799-1805.- His cousin, WILLIAM, M.D., 1736-1808, was
the first lecturer on anatomy in U. S. 1762, prof. in the first
medical school (incorporated in Univ. Pa. 1791) 1765-1806, and
director-gen. of military hospitals 1777-81.

Shipping, LAW OF. Legal rules governing those engaged in the business of navigation; many of them are purely statutory. The master of a ship bears great responsibilities and is clothed with extraordinary authority over the crew, passencers, cargo, and vessel.

Shipping Master Ship-Railways. overland from one wa Corinth, Greece, 400 B ried. In 1438 and 1440 to Lake Garda by the inclined planes from o Essex Canal, N. J. Th ships of 1,000 tons' wei Gulf of St. Lawrence was under constructio each terminus and a l tect vessels from the railway for the Isthmu Isthmus of Tehuantepe Eads.

Ship's Husband. authority to act for all affairs of the ship.

Ship's Magnetism magnetism of the iron i in iron than in wooden on wooden vessels, due iron ships it is somet magnets. The quadra induced magnetism, ar in iron ships to 8°. Ships of War. ARMOR PLATES FOR and MONITOR.

Shipton, URSULA (S etess" of posthumous f mostly collected or inv Shipworm. Lame which bore into the side tions in salt water. In



in a few months. The
the timber with creoso
metal. See РHOLADIDA

of subsistence from 18
important during the C
Shiras, GEORGE, LL
Justice U. S. Supreme
Shiraz. Capital of
dynasty; founded ab. 7
famous for its wine and
Saadi; praised by poets;
by earthquakes 1812, 183
Shire. In England,
Shiré. River of s.e.
the Zambesi. Length a
Shirlaw, WALTER,
land; active in New Yor
structor; fine colorist an
Shirley, JAMES, 159
now remembered chiefly
1831; The Gamester, 16
Pleasure, 1635.

Shirley, WILLIAM, 1
1753; Commander-in-chi
Shirwa. Lake of s.
ab. 350 sq. m., and dwind
Shishak. First king
conqueror of Palestine an
at Jerusalem.

Shittim. Plain near
astray by Moabite wiles.
Shittim-Wood. T
Hebrew tabernacle.



ing Master. See SHIPPING, LAW OF. Railways. These are designed to transport vessels from one waterway to another. There was one at Greece, 400 B.C., on which ships 150 ft. long were car1438 and 1440 war vessels were carried overland 90 m. Garda by the Venetians. Canal-boats are carried on lanes from one level to another of the Morris and nal, N. J. The Chignecto ship-railway, to transport ,000 tons' weight of cargo, 2,500 tons total, from the St. Lawrence to the Bay of Fundy, 17 m. in length, -r construction 1888. Lifting-docks are provided at minus and a large basin in the Bay of Fundy to proels from the tides. It is not yet completed. A shipor the Isthmus of Suez was proposed 1860, and for the of Tehuantepec, Mexico, 1879, the latter by James B.

Husband. Part-owner or other person who has to act for all owners in providing for the general

the ship.

Magnetism. This is chiefly due to the permanent m of the iron in the ship, and is therefore much greater an in wooden vessels. The deviation of the compass n vessels, due to this cause, is not more than 10°; in s it is sometimes 30°. This may be corrected by The quadrantal deviation of the compass is due to magnetism, and in wooden ships may amount to 2o, ips to 8°.

of War. LATES



on, URSULA (SOUTHIEL), 1488-ab.1560. English "prophposthumous fame, heroine of many apocryphal tales, llected or invented by R. Head 1684.

Form. Lamellibranch Mollusks of the genus Teredo, e into the sides of wooden ships and timber construcalt water. In warm climates timber may be destroyed

Common Shipworm (Teredo navalis).

months. The only effective remedy is to impregnate er with creosote, or protect it with copper or yellow ee PHOLADIDÆ.

, ALEXANDER EAKIN, U.S.A., 1812-1875. Commissary tence from 1847; Brig.-gen. 1874. His services were t during the Civil War.

, GEORGE, LL.D., b.1832. Lawyer of Pittsburg, Pa.; . S. Supreme Court 1892.

Z. Capital of Fars, Persia, and long of the Muzaffar founded ab. 700, and for 500 years a splendid city, or its wine and roses, and for the tombs of Hafiz and aised by poets; taken by Tamerlane ab.1380; damaged quakes 1812, 1824, and 1853. Pop. ab. 30,000.

In England, a county.

River of s.e. Africa, flowing from Lake Nyassa s. to esi. Length ab.370 m.

W, WALTER, b. 1838, N. A. 1888. Painter, b. in Scotive in New York since 1877, and prominent as an infine colorist and draughtsman.

-y, JAMES, 1596-1666. English dramatist and poet, embered chiefly for one or two lyrics. The Traitor, eGamester, 1633; The Example, 1634; The Lady of 1635.

ey, WILLIAM, 1693-1771. Gov. of Mass. 1741-45 and mmander-in-chief 1755, Lieut.-gen. 1759.

a. Lake of s.e. Africa, s.e. of Lake Nyassa. Area .m., and dwindling.

ak. First king of the 22d Egyptian dynasty, 966 B.C.; r of Palestine and much of Syria; spoiler of the temple alem.

m. Plain near Jericho, where the Israelites were led Moabite wiles.

Shoa. S. part of Abyssinia, conquered by King Theodore
ab. 1856; nominal Italian protectorate 1889-96.
Lecheh, pop. 3,000. Area 15,000 sq. m., pop. 2,000,000.
Capital is
Shoad Ore, or SHODE ORE. Fragments of ore broken from
a main deposit and distributed irregularly over the surface by
the action of natural causes. Shoading is a search for ore,
guided by indications given by these fragments.
Shober, WILLIAM BUSH, Ph.D., b. 1864.

American chem

ist, instructor in organic chemistry at Lehigh Univ. since 1892.
Tr. Practical Methods of Organic Chemistry, by Gattermann,

Shock. Marked condition of depression occurring after an
accident or an operation. Various explanations are given of
its cause. A very satisfactory working hypothesis, in accident
Many lives have been saved after railway accidents by the use
cases, is that it is an acute anæmia caused by loss of blood.
of emergency-cases as provided by some roads. The bleeding
is sooner checked and the shock is usually less severe than in
those cases where the means of prompt bandaging are not at

ragut's fleet at Mobile 1863; Engineer-in-chief 1877-83.
Shock, WILLIAM HENRY, U.S.N., b.1821. Engineer of Far-

Shoddy. 1. Orig., waste wool; in commerce, cuttings,
ground and mixed with fresh wool to make rugs, flannels, etc.
2. In 1861, worthless clothing furnished to the soldiers by dis-
honest contractors.


Shoeburyness. Promontory in Essex, England, on the
proving ground, and also as the seat of a school of gunnery.
n. shore of the Thames. It is used by the government as a
Shoeing of Horses. See HORSESHOEING.

Shoes. Covering for the feet, made of leather in Europe,
America and some other parts; of paper and various fabrics
in China and Japan; of wood in Holland and France; of dressed
skins among the N. American Indians. Shoemaking was prac-
ticed by the Egyptians in the time of Moses and illustrated in
the tombs of Thebes. Homer, Ovid and Pliny agree in cele-
brating the skill of Tychius, the Boeotian, in the art of shoe-

mily my colle

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Shoes worn at various times.

making, and the latter credits him with the invention of leather

Caligula enriched his with precious stones. In England, ab.
shoes. The Romans wore an ivory crescent on their shoes; and
1462, the people wore beaks or points on their shoes so long
that they encumbered themselves in walking, and were forced
to tie them up to their knees. The buckle was introduced 1688,
and as at present worn ab.1633. Shoes are now largely made
by machinery; a great variety of machines being used.

Shoes for Piles. Funnel-shaped irons for protecting the
lower ends of wooden piles.

Shogun. Japanese military chief, practically supreme ab. 1200-1650.

Sholapur. Town of s. India, 150 m. s.e. of Poona. It has
manufactures of cotton and silk. Pop., 1891, 63,312.

waukee; inventor of the first typewriter, 1868.
Sholes, CHRISTOPHER LATHAM, b. 1819. Journalist at Mil-

Shoot. Stem of a plant, as distinguished from the root;
also, more usually, young growing twigs or branches.

Shooting-Star. Dodecatheon meadia. Showy herb of the
natural family Primulaceae, with rose-colored flowers, native of
the central U. S.; called American Cowslip.

Shooting Stars. See METEORS.
Shop Signs. The use of pictorial and
dates from the period of general illiteracy.
viving conventional signs are the bouk

emblematic signs
Among the sur-

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[blocks in formation]

The Sign of "The Running Footman."

old custom, with their images of Indians, etc. At was customary to give fanciful names to shops, as ns, and carved emblems, such as the Golden Eagle,

JANE, ab. 1445-1527.

Mistress of Edward IV., th sorcery by Richard III.; imprisoned in the forced to do public penance.

CHARLES, LL.D., 1821-1886. Pres. Kenyon Coll., Prof. of Latin at Columbia Coll. from 1868; N. T. 1; editor of several text-books.

CHARLES WILKINS, M.D., 1794-1863. Prof. Transylv. 1825, and Univ. of Louisville 1838-49; botanist. WILLIAM, 1759-1849. American envoy to France and 1792, and Spain 1794.

hand. Known in some form to the Greeks; perby Xenophon in recording the sayings of Socrates. .200) speaks of a copyist who could "write swiftly

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The Romans made much use of abbreviations. d.169 B.C.) is said by Suetonius to have introduced signs (nota); but Cicero's freedman and secretary, commonly credited with the invention of a system writing. Seneca (d.32) is said to have collected 5,000 signs in use in his day. In England the system of nt appeared 1588, that of P. Bales 1590. Some 80 difmethods had appeared by 1850. Pitman's phonetic syss pub. 1837, and largely used; in the U. S., that of K. ley was the earliest, 1831. Lyndsey's Tachygraphy (inthe vowels) dates from 1864. Graham's system, 1858, anson's, 1866, are founded on Pitman's.

rt-Horn. See CATTLE.

orthouse, JOHN HENRY, b. 1834. English novelist, whose display deep spiritual feeling and broad modern symes, with marked archaic and ecclesiastical tastes. His Inglesant, 1881, grew out of long study of the 17th centThe others are brief: Little Schoolmaster Murk, 1883-84; Percival, 1886; A Teacher of the Violin, 1888; Countess 1888; Blanche, Lady Falaise, 1891. ortsightedness. See MYOPY.

hoshone Falls. On Snake River, in s. Idaho; ab.1,000 wide and 1,000 high, with a sheer fall of 210 ft. Little shone Falls, 4 m. e., are 182 ft. high.

hoshones. Linguistic group of Indians, represented by es ranging from central Mexico n. almost to Canada. ong them were the Bannacks, Utes, Comanches, and Mos. The S. proper (Snake Indians), related to the Pawnees, mber less than 8,000, on reservations, mainly in w. Indian ritory. They practiced no agriculture, and have often been want. They were enemies of the Texans, and in 1873 asad the Modocs in their wars with the whites.

How projectiles, specifically


Shoulder Girdle. The three bones, scapula, clavicle and coracoid, which meet at the shoulder to support the arm or the clavicle also in Carnivora and Rodents, and absent in fore-leg. The coracoid is rudimentary in most Manimals, and Ungulates and Cetacea.

Shoulder Joint. Articulation of the bone of the arm with the shoulder blade. It is a ball and socket joint; the shallow socket being made deeper by projecting processes of the shoulder blade.

Brig.-gen. C.S.A. Shoup, FRANCIS ASBURY, 1834-1896. 1862-64; Prof. Univ. Miss. 1866, and at Sewanee, Tenn., 1883-88. Artillery Drill, 1864; Algebra, 1874.

Knighted Shovel, SIR CLOUDESLEY, R.N., ab. 1650-1707. 1689; Rear-admiral 1690; distinguished at Bantry Bay, La Hogue, and Malaga; shipwrecked near the Scilly Isles.

Showers of Fishes. Instances of this kind have occurred in various places, but mostly in tropical countries. Sometimes the fish are alive, weighing from 1 to 3 lbs., and are usually the kind found in nearby waters. They are picked up from the water by the partial vacuum produced in the center of a whirling column of air, like that of a tornado. Showers of frogs and of pollen from pine-trees have also occurred. In U. S. the latter has been transported by upper air currents more than 100 m.

Shrapnel. See CASE-SHOT.

Shreve, HENRY MILLER, 1785-1854. Introducer of the first steamboat on the Mississippi 1815; inventor of improvements in steam vessels, of a snag-boat, and a marine battering ram; remover of obstructions in Red River.

Shreve, SAMUEL HENRY, 1829-1884. American civil engineer. Bridges and Roofs, 1873.

Shreveport. City of Caddo parish, n.w. La., on Red River, here navigable; chartered 1839; important shipping point for cotton. Pop., 1890, 11,979.

Shrews. Mouse-like Insectivora, with elongated muzzles; including many species living in woods and fens, feeding on small animals and nesting in the ground. Each female has 5 to 7 young in the spring. Sorex has well developed ears and

Pointed House Mouse (Crocidura aranea), Pointed Wood Mouse
(Sorex vulgaris).

moderate tail; Blarina has short tail and small ears. The common European Shrew and the Mole Shrew are examples. Neosorex, the Marsh Shrew, has fringed toes. Crossopus is the European Water Shrew. See MACROSCELIDEE AND SORI

Shrewsbury. Capital of Shropshire; on the Severn. by Percy (Hotspur), who was slain. Pop., 1891, 26,967. Near S., July 21, 1403, Henry IV. defeated the nobles, led

Ab. 100 species exist, Shrikes (LANIIDAE). Passerine birds with hawk-like bills, short rounded wings, and long tail. Lanius borealis, the Northern Shrike, is bluish ash above, with rump and shoulders whitish, wings black, and wavy white and mostly Old World forms; also known as BUTCHER-BIRDS (q.v.). black below: it is distinguished from the Loggerhead Shrike in Drongo Shrike, Cuckoo Shrike, etc., are birds of other families that resemble shrikes superficially. having the black bars on side of head, meeting in front. The

Shrimp (CRANGON VULGARIS). Small. long-tailed crustacean much used for food in England and France; they are in season during the whole year, but the chief demand is in spring. In the U. S. they are eaten somewhat, but used chiefly for bait. Shrine. Repository for the bones of saints and martyrs



Shrouds. heads to right a -Also the dress

evening before Q
Wednesday; ofte

Shrove Tues
Catholics are sh
French, with its
popular festival

erally less than 25
Shubrick, W
mander 1820, Capt
IRVINE, 1798-1849,

Shufeldt, ROBE
at Havana 1861; C
1876, Rear-admiral
amusement in tave
set of iron weights
a board some 30 ft.
with fine sand and
weights from slidin
drawn, which serve

Shumagin Isla
long. 160 W., s. w.
seal hunters and fis
by Waxel. Coal is
600 sq. m.

Shumard, B. F. survey of Iowa, Wis and Pumpelly in Mo. Shunk, FRANCIS Shunt. If in an by an extra wire or co through this new cha plication is very use rent that is to pass t instrument.

Shur. Name appl ing Egypt on the e. d Suez (Ex. xv. 22).

Shurtleff, NATHAN ton genealogist and an Shushan. Ancien Shute, SAMUEL, 165 with the general court Shuttlecock. Pr the East, though found ico as a familiar toy, feather, among the ren

[graphic][merged small][merged small]


buds. Range of large ropes extending from the mastco right and left sides of a ship, to support the masts. the dresses of the dead.

vetide. Specifically the period between the Saturday - before Quinquagesima Sunday and the morning of Ash day; often restricted to Shrove Tuesday.

-ve Tuesday. Day before Ash Wednesday; on it R. es are shriven or confessed. The Mardi Gras of the with its merry-making, is Shrove Tuesday. It is a festival at New Orleans.

bs. Woody plants, branching from the ground; genss than 25 ft. high.

rick, WILLIAM BRANFORD, U.S.N., 1790-1874. Com1820, Captain 1831, Rear-admiral 1862.-His brothers, EMPLAR, 1788-1815, EDWARD RUTLEDGE, 1794-1844, and 1798-1849, were also naval officers.

eldt, ROBERT WILSON, U.S.N., 1822-1895. Consul-gen. na 1861; Commander 1863, Captain 1869, Commodore ar-admiral 1883.

le-Board. Old English game, long a common ent in taverns; played by two or four persons with a On weights of a lb. or less each, which are slid along some 30 ft. long and 20 in. wide. The board is covered e sand and has slightly raised edges to prevent the from sliding off. Ab. 5 in. from each end lines are which serve alternately as starting and finishing lines. agin Islands. Group of islands in lat. 55° N., 0° W., s.w. of the Alaska Peninsula, inhabited by ters and fishermen. They were discovered in 1741 1. Coal is mined on one of the islands. Area ab.

ard, B. F., 1820-1869.
Iowa, Wis., and Minn.; later under Profs. Swallow
Assistant geologist in the
pelly in Mo.; State Geologist of Texas 1858.

, FRANCIS RAWN, 1788-1848. Gov. of Pa. from 1844. . If in an electric circuit any two points be joined ra wire or conductor, a part of the current is deflected chis new channel, which is called a shunt. The apis very useful in reducing the strength of a curis to pass through a galvanometer or other delicate


Name applied by the Hebrews to the desert bordert on the e. of the southern half of the Isthmus of xv. 22).

eff, NATHANIEL BRADSTREET, M.D., 1810-1874. Bos-
logist and antiquarian.

an. Ancient capital of Persia. See SUSA.
SAMUEL, 1653-1742. Gov. of Mass. 1716-27; at odds
general court, and in England from 1723.

ecock. Probably introduced as a plaything from
though found among the Zuni Indians of New Mex-
familiar toy, and, made of corn cob, stuck with a
mong the remains of the Cliff Dwellers of Colorado.


Shwan-Pan. ABACUS (q.v.) of the Chinese. Sialagogues. Mercury, and other substances which increase the flow of saliva.

Sialkot. Town of n.w. India, 72 m. n. of Lahore. Its fort was defended against Sepoys 1857. Pop., 1891, 54,930.


Siam. Kingdom of Indo-China, between Burmah and Anam. It became known to the Portuguese 1511, and was explored by Mendez Pinto ab.1550. The Dutch traders gradually supplanted the Portuguese in the 17th century. Commerce with England was not much developed until the treaty of 1855; in 1856 the U. S. negotiated a similar treaty. The language indicates derivation from the same stock as the Hindus, in spite of the Mongolian type of features. tradition is that the Siamese were freed from the Cambodian yoke in the 7th century, at which time many towns were founded, and they began to crowd the Cambodians toward the s. The Malay annals have it that they reached the end of the peninsula ab.1160. Ab.1340 they invaded Cambodia; the wars lasted some 400 years. In the 15th and 16th centuries, S. was often invaded by Burmese and Peguans, and in 1555 was reduced to dependence, from which it was soon delivered by a general ab.1775. Some of her kings have been of quite differnational hero. From 1592 to 1632 there was much intercourse with Japan. The present dynasty was founded by a successful ent sort from the typical Oriental monarch, taking an enlightened interest in science and education. Area ab.250,000 sq. m., pop. ab.6,000,000.

Siam, GULF OF.

ing the shores of Siam, Cambodia, and French Cochin-China. Inlet in s. Asia from the China Sea, washSiamang (HYLOBATES SYNDACTYLUS). Gibbon Ape of Sumatra, whose second and third toes are united as far as the outer joint.

Siamese. Chinese form nearly a third of the population of Siam; another third includes the Laos, who came originally from Thibet, and occupy the n. and mountainous portion. There are also Malays and less important tribes that suggest interesting ethnological questions. The Siamese proper are inferior to the Laos, who are proud, independent, intelligent, and tolerant. The Siamese in general are passionless, will sell their children into slavery for debt, love gambling and amusements, are submissive and hospitable but idle, and though Buddhists nominally, have many superstitions. They are inclined to agnosticism, and favor the introduction of European culture. In color they are between the Chinese and the Malays. Their chief occupation is agriculture, producing cotton, hemp, coffee and tobacco.

Siamese. Monosyllabic language of Farther India, subjected to strong Buddhistic influences in its linguistic forms and in its literature.

Siamese Twins. Chang and Eng (Left and Right), 18111874; connected at breast-bones; exhibited from 1829; settled in N. C., and married to sisters.

raphy, 1837.
Sibbald, SIR ROBERT, 1641-1722.
antiquary, and naturalist. Scotia Illustrata, 1684; Autobiog-
Scottish geographer,

Sibbes, RICHARD, 1577-1635. English Puritan, whose works, collected in 7 vols. 1862-64, were once influential.

Siberia. That part of Russia within the limits of Asia.


Playing Shuttlecock with the Feet, in China.

se variety is made of snake skin, weighted with a Feathers inserted, and is kicked with the feet, as in among the Pueblo Indians. A battledore is used nd Europe. In Japan it is always mo


of Asia. This elevated region extends n.e. of the Sea of Okotsk and Bering Sea, diminand in breadth. N. of this elevated country adually to a great plain, the Steppes, which Arctic Sea, forming near the coast vast areas or Tundra. The climate varies with the latiation, and is every where marked by great exnd cold. S. is sparsely populated, mainly in griculture is the chief occupation. There is ing, mining in a few localities, and a conA railroad across the country is in process Area 4,826,287 sq. m.; pop., 1892, 4,539,000, and w., but increasing rapidly of late, through gration from Russia and deportation of crimcal prisoners. The treatment of the latter torious. Principal towns, Omsk, Irkutsk, and

In n. Siberia the chief tribe is the Chukchee. dic fishers, but some possess reindeer. Both e, and usually go bareheaded. They are quickor a natural death, and, when infirmity comes, omit to be harpooned. There are ab. as many eria as aborigines, and in the e. part intermarurred extensively. See KAMCHATKA, OSTIAKS, DYEDS, MONGOLIANS, KALMUKS, HYPERBOREANS, YAKUTS.

In Phonetics, letters uttered with the hissing

S S.

ENRY HASTINGS, LL.D., b. 1811. Pioneer settler C. 1849-53; Gov. 1858; commander against the he defeated Sept. 1862; opposer of State railway d of their repudiation 1871.-His father, SOLO6, was M.C. 1820-23, and Judge of Mich. Supreme -6.

ENRY HOPKINS, 1816-1886. Officer U.S.A., distine Mexican war; inventor of the S. tent; Brig.-gen. 35; in the Egyptian service 1869-74.-His father, MPLAIN, 1782-1863, was an explorer in the West commissioner.-Their cousin, HIRAM, 1807-1888, Vestern Union Telegraph Co., constructed a line fic 1861.

Prof. of Botany at 1. Flora Oxoniensis, 1794; Flora Græca, 20 vols.,

p, JOHN, F.R.S., 1758-1796.

Prophetess in ancient mythology, supposed to deThe number is first stated as one, red oracles. byllæ afterward became localized, and later ten ated. They are regarded as of Asiatic origin, and co have wandered with their sacred books from One of the most famous is the Cumæan place. according to the legend, offered the Sibylline Her price being refused, she burned 3, Tarquin. 3 more, still demanding the original price, which at last paid. They were kept in the temple of onsulted on emergencies, and burned with the temC. A later collection was destroyed in the 5th The later Sibylline Oracles are a collection of Greek mposed chiefly in the 2d and 3d centuries, apparently ians or Jews.

an Vespers. Massacre of the French (who acquired 56) by the exasperated natives; it began at Palermo D, 1282, and 8,000 perished.


es, Two. Kingdom of Naples and Sicily from ab.1130. man and Suabian kingdoms passed to Charles of AnThe revolt of the island, 1282, split the kingdom o sections, each called the kingdom of Sicily. The islsed to Aragon (1296-1458), Naples remaining in another of the same house. Both were united as the T. S. n 1504. The island passed to the Duke of Savoy 1713, ain united to Naples under Charles VI. of Austria 1720, ansmitted to the Neapolitan Bourbons 1738-1860. At date they were joined to the kingdom of Italy. See

ly. Island in the Mediterranean, off the extremity of from which it is separated by the Strait of Messina. ally held by Sicani or Siculi, it was partly colonized by cians 800 B.C. or earlier, and by Greeks, who founded use and other cities ab.750-579. A Carthaginian invasion epelled at Himera 480 B.C., and an Athenian fleet and The island was mainly destroyed at Syracuse 413. Dame from 241, and became a province 210 B.C. It covered by Belisarius 535,

Ancient Greek Theater at Taormina, Sicily.

Sickel, HORATIO GATES, 1817-1890. Brigade commander 1861-65, serving chiefly in Va.

Sickingen, FRANZ VON, 1481-1523. German knight and warrior, protector of Reuchlin and Ecolampadius; associated with Von Hutten in an aggressive but futile campaign against the Abp. of Treves; besieged and killed at


Sickle-Pod. Arabis canadensis. Woodland herb of the natural family Crucifera, with curved pods and small greenishwhite flowers, native of e. N. America.

M.C. 1857-61 and 1893-95; Sickles, DANIEL EDGAR, b.1823. in the Va. battles and at Gettysburg; Col. U.S.A. 1866-69; Brig.-gen. U. S. Vols. 1861; Major-gen. 1862-68; distinguished Minister to Spain 1869-73; prominent in Democratic politics; sheriff of New York 1890.

Sickles' Cut-off. Form of valve-gear for steamboat engines, in which the stem of the STEAM POPPET-VALVE (q.v.) was released from its valve-rod (see STEVENS VALVE-GEAR), so that the valve might close by gravity more quickly than it would if attached positively to a continuously moving gear. The descent should be retarded by a DASH-POT (q.v.). See also DROP CUT-OFF.

Sicula. Dagger-shaped spine, found at the proximal end of the polypary of a Graptolite, and representing the embryonic skeleton.

Sicyon. Ancient Greek city, 7 m. n. w. of Corinth; noted for bronze work and paintings. Apelles and Aratus were born here.

Siddhartha. See BUDDHA. Siddim, VALE OF.

Scene of a conflict recorded in Gen. xiv.; supposed to be covered by the Dead Sea.

Siddons, SARAH (KEMBLE), 1855-1831. English actress of highest rank, supreme in Shakespearean and other tragic parts 1782-1812; at Covent Garden Theater 1803-12.

Side Arms. Such as are worn at the side, as the bayonet and sword, but not the revolver or pistol.

Side-Lever Engine. Form for paddle-wheel ships of war; the head-links from the end of the piston rod, instead of passing upward to a single-beam overhead, passed downward to a double-beam, whose center was on the sole-plate of the engine. The pitman or connecting-rod rose from the beam or side-levers to the crank shaft above it. Such engines bad a low center of gravity, and no part of them protruded above the deck exposed to hostile shot. See BEAM and BACK-ACTING ENGINE.

Sidereal. Relating to the stars. Sidereal time is that reckoned by the apparent revolution of the stars. Sidereal Clock. See CLOCKS.

Sidereal Period of a Planet. Time required to perform a complete revolution as seen from the sun. Siderite. FeCOs. Native ferrous carbonate, commonly It is a frequent mineral in veins of called spathic iron ore. lead or silver ore; when found by itself in sufficient quantity nurities, it is an important source

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Sidon. Long mos Phoenicia, on the coast


by which it was eclipsed the manufacture of g taken from the pasha ships, Sept. 1840.

Sidonius Apollin Emperor Avitus; Bp. o epithalamiums, and let Sidra, GULF OF. Se Siebengebirge. on the right bank of t bighest is Olberg, 1,522 FELS (q.v.).

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Siebold, PHILIPP FI ist, in Japan 1823-30; 1835-44. His brother, prof. Munich 1853, wrot tr. 1857.

Siege. Operations o position and attemptin lar approaches. Lines first established as a sec and attacks from the the investment is comp first parallel is construct sufficient extent to emb salients adjacent to tha are required, although th ing become necessary: t tive cannon range of the the dangerous zone of sn full protection of the do pers from the direct from necting the parallels and zigzags or boyaux, by me to gain ground toward th Siege

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