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St. Thomas. Island 36 m. e. of Porto Rico, W. Indies; colonized 1657 by the Dutch; held by Denmark. In 1870 Pres.

St. Thomas.

Grant secured the purchase of the island for the U. S. for
$7,500,000, but the Senate refused to ratify the treaty. Area
33 sq. m.; pop., 1890. 12,019.


St. Victor, HUGO OF, 1097-1141. Flemish mystical theologian.

Saint-Victor, PAUL DE, 1827-1881. French author and journalist, noted for elaborately brilliant style. Hommes et Dieux, 1867; Les Deux Masques, 1879-83; Victor Hugo, 1885.

St. Vincent. One of the Windward Is., W. Indies, 105 m. w. of Barbadoes; discovered 1498; held by Caribs till 1795, and since by the British. Area 132 sq. m.; pop., 1891, 41,054.

St. Vincent, CAPE. See CAPE ST. VINCENT.

St. Vincent, JOHN JERVIS, R.N., EARL, 1734-1823. Admiral 1795, Earl 1797.

St. Vitus's Dance. See CHOREA and DANCING MANIA.

Saka. Siamese game of backgammon, played on the same board and in the same manner as the European game, except that the tunicula or little tower of the classical writers, through which the dice are thrown, is retained, the dice being discharged into it from a cannon-shaped ivory cylinder called Krabok.

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Sala, GEORGE AUGUSTUS HENRY, 1828-1895. English journalist, novelist, and descriptive writer; founder of Temple Bar. Life, 1895.

Salaam. Oriental salutation, usually accompanied by the words meaning "Peace be with you!" In India the body is inclined, sometimes almost to the ground, with the palm of the right hand upon the forehead. Strict Mohammedans never give the salaam to an unbeliever.

Salaberry, CHARLES MICHEL DE, 1778-1829. officer, prominent in the war of 1812-15.


Salad. Lettuces, endive, and other herbs eaten raw, dressed with vinegar, oil, and other condiments. They contain more of the mineral matter than when boiled.

Saladin, 1137-1193. Ruler of Egypt 1171 and Syria 1184. He invaded Palestine with 80.000 men, routed the Christians at Tiberias July 4, 1187, and took Jerusalem Oct. 2. This gave rise to the 3d Crusade, 1189, and a series of brilliant conflicts between S. and Richard Coeur de Lion, followed by a 3 years' truce, Sept. 1192.

Salado, RIO. River of Argentina, rising in the Andes and flowing s.e. to the Parana; near 1,000 m. long.

Sal Alembroth. Made from corrosive sublimate. Its composition is expressed by HgCl,2NH,Cl. H2O.

Salamanca. Town of w. Spain, on the Tormes, 110 m.
n.w. of Madrid; taken 222 B.C. by Hannibal, 1055 by Chris-
tians from Moors, and 1812 by the French, who were defeated
by Wellington July 22, 1812. Its university, founded 1243, was
famous and important till after 1600: it has a library of 80,000
vols., and ab. 400 students. Pop. ab.22,000.

Salamander. In America, loosely, most of the tailed
Amphibians; in Europe, a single family distinct from New
World forms. The common European animal has a skin
which secretes much fluid, enabling it to withater

Salamandrina (CADUCIBRANCHIATA, MYCTODE MANDROIDA). Sub-order of Urodela, characterized no external gills or gill apertures. They have fourfeet and five-toed hind limbs. The, eyes are furni lids. The skin is covered with warty glands. The manders are viviparous, but the larvæ are deposi water. The aquatic Salamanders, known as Tritons lay fertilized eggs upon plants in the water. The are opisthocoelous. The general appearance of thes is Lizard-like. See AXOLOTL, AMBLYSTOMA, and SAL Salamis. Island s. w. of Attica, held successive gara and Athens; memorable for the decisive defe Persian fleet 480 B.C. by the Greeks under Themist

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is irregular in shape, the surface is mountainous and in some parts; on the coast, wheat, wine, and ol grown.


Sal Ammoniac. NH,Cl. It is found occasionally as a natural mineral substance canic regions, like those of Italy and the Hawaiian Isl Salamstone. Reddish and bluish colored var sapphires from Ceylon.

Salary Grab. General increase in Federal salar especially retroactive section of act of March 4, whic the salaries of members of Congress for the two years tion, but the salaries of the President and Justices w ing. This was repealed in consequence of popular reduced.

Salas, MARIANO, 1797-1867. Mexican general 1839: nent in the war of 1846-47; banished 1860-62.

Salaverry, FELIPE SANTIAGO DE, 1806-1836. Peruv eral 1834; supreme chief or dictator 1835; executed. Salband. Term used in the same sense as FLUC SELVAGE (q.v.).

Saldanha Oliveira e Daun, JOAO CARLOS, 179 Portuguese Marshal 1833; in exile 1836-46; Duke 1846; 1 1847-49, 1851-56, and 1870; Ambassador at Rome 18621866-69, and to England from 1870.

Sale. Transfer of property, or contract to transfer price in money; generally, in English law, movable p property. It is sometimes difficult to determine whe transaction is sale or bailment, lease or mortgage: but to evenutate in the transfer of the general property in tel for a money consideration, it is a sale. In case of tract for the present sale of a specific chattel, title passe the formation of the contract, though the seller has a ri retain the chattel until the price is paid; in case of a co to sell in the future, title will pass as soon as the cha unconditionally appropriated to the contract by the assent of both parties. At common law, no one can better title to goods than he possesses (except in case o in market overt in England); but this has been modi some extent by Factors' acts and other statutes.

Sale, GEORGE, ab.1690-1736. English translator Koran, 1734; eminent as an Oriental scholar.

Sale, SIR ROBERT HENRY, 1782-1846. Anglo-Indian from 1795; Major-gen. and Knight 1839 for services in Af istan, especially at Ghazni; besieged at Jellalabad Nov. April 1842 but victorious:



city, probably in middle Palestine, of which MELCHIZEDEK (q.v.) in Spiroa; liquid, bpt. 196.5° C., with a strong odor; easily ox was king (Gen. xiv.).

Salem, or SHELAM. Town of s. India, 120 m. s.w. of Madras; noted for its cotton manufactures. Pop., 1891, 67,750.

Salem. City of Essex co., Mass., on the n. shore of Massachusetts Bay, 16 m. n.e. of Boston; settled 1626, chartered 1836; seat of the Essex Institute and the Peabody Academy of Science. It has some fisheries and varied manufactures, principally of leather. Ab.1780-1825 its foreign commerce was extensive, but of late it has dwindled greatly. Pop., 1890, 30,801.

Salem. Capital of Oregon since 1860; in Marion co., on the Willamette, 52 m. s. of Portland; founded ab. 1835, chartered 1853; site of WILLAMETTE UNIV. (q.v.), opened 1844. Pop., 1890, 4,515, since much increased.

Salem Witchcraft. Mania against so-called witchcraft which raged generally in the American colonies, and with special violence at Salem, Mass. 19 persons were put to death 1692, and 150 lay in prison awaiting their fate, when the popular reaction against the excitement set in.

Saleratus. Term applied in the U. S. to a baking powder, consisting of a mixture of salt, cream of tartar, and carbonate of soda. Formerly potassium bicarbonate.

Salerno. Town of s. Italy, 33 m. s.e. of Naples; settled from Rome 194 B.C.; Robert Guiscard's capital 1077; sacked by Henry VI. 1195; seat of a university 1150-1817, and of a school

dized to salicylic acid; made by treating phenol with chlord form and caustic soda.

Salicylic Methyl Ether. See METHYL SALICYLATE. Salient Angle. Interior angle of a polygon less tha 180°.

Salient Polygon. One in which all angles are salient. Salient Polyhedron. One all plane sections of whic are salient polygons.


Salieri, ANTONIO, 1750-1825. Italian opera composer conductor, pupil of Gluck; Court Chapelmaster at Vienna 178 to the fiction that he had poisoned Mozart. 1824; teacher of Schubert. His intrigues against Mozart 1

Saligenin. C.H, OH.CH,OH. Orthohydroxybenzyl al hol; white plates, melting at 82° C.; prepared by the deco oxidation. position of salicin. It gives salicylic aldehyde and acid up

Salii. College of priests at Rome, dedicated by Numa places. the service of Mars. Every March, with songs and danc they made solemn processions about the city and the sac

Salimeter. See HYDROMETER.

Saline. Place where salt is obtained by the evaporation natural brines.

Saline Plants. Plants growing on the seashore o salt water. Few of them are aquatic, except Sea-weeds. EEL GRASS and SALTWORTS.

Salisbury, or NEW SARUM. Capital of Wiltshire, 84 w.s.w. of London; noted for its fine cathedral, erected 1 1330. The cathedral is 473 ft. long and the spire 404 ft. h


Salette, LA. Village of s.e. France, 28 m. s.s.e. of Grenoble;
moted for alleged appearances of Virgin Mary 1846 and later;
hence a place of pilgrimage till disapproved 1879 by the pope.
Saleyer Is. Group of ab.30 in E. Indies, s. w. of Celebes.
Area near 300 sq. m., pop. ab.50,000, chiefly Malays.

Salford. Suburb of Manchester. Pop., 1891, 198,139.
Natural family of flowering plants, of the
class Angiosperma and sub-class Dicotyledons, comprising two
genera (Salix. the willows, and Populus, the poplars and as-
pens) and ab.200 species, most widely distributed throughout
the temperate and frigid zones of the n. hemisphere; called
the Willow family.

Salicetum. Garden devoted to the cultivation of willows.
Salicin. C1,H18O7. White crystalline glucoside, found in
willow bark, and in the bark and leaves of poplars; decom-
posed by boiling with water into dextrose and saligenin. It is
given in intermittent fevers.

Salic Law. Legal manual regulating the succession to
private property, and supposed to exclude females and their
descendants from succession to thrones. It regulated the suc-
cession to the French crown, and was the cause of the 100
It was operative also in Spain
years' war with England.

Salicylic Acid. C.H:OH.COOH. Orthohydroxybenzoic
acid; white crystalline substance, melting at 155° C., soluble
in hot water; prepared by the decomposition of methyl salicyl-
ate by alkalies, but commonly by the action of carbonic acid
upon sodium phenylate; important antiseptic, largely used in
macy in the manufacture of methyl salicylate, and for
der and manufactured preserves.

Salisbury Cathedral, from the north-east.

The old cathedral was at Old Sarum, 2 m. off, and moved 1220. Old Sarum was an important town in I times. Pop., 1891, 17,362.

Salisbury, RICHARD ANTHONY, 1761-1829. English ist. Paradisus Londinensis, 1806-7; Genera of Plants, Salisbury, RICHARD NEVILLE, EARL OF, d. 1661. chief in the War of the Roses; executed.

QUIS OF, b. 1830. M.P. 1853; Viscount Cranborne 1865;
Foreign Sec. 1878-79; leader, with Disraeli, of oppositio
India 1866-67 and 1874; Marquis 1868; Conservative
85; Premier 1885, 1886-92, and since 1895.

Salisbury, ROBERT CECIL, EARL OF, 1550-1612.
Lord High Treasurer 1608.
Lord Burleigh; Minister of Elizabeth and James I.; Ea

Saliva. Mixed secretion of the salivary glands and mucous glands of the mouth, an alkaline fluid whose n portant constituent, in man, is ptyalin, a substance ch starch into grape sugar in an alkaline medium. Th hiefly mechanical, moistening the fo

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Salmagundi. Italian dish, originally consisting of minced meat, eggs, anchovies, onions, and oil; now a mixture of various ingredients, a miscellany. The word is sometimes corrupted in English to salomon-gundy.

Salmasius, CLAUDIUS, 1588-1653. French scholar, prof. Leyden 1631; considered the most learned man of his day. His Defensio regia pro Carolo I., 1649, was acrimoniously answered by Milton.

Salmo. Genus of family Salmonidæ, including S. salar, Atlantic Salmon, S. trutta, Sea-Trout or Salmon Trout, and the Black Spotted Trout of the rivers and lakes of Europe and w. N. America, of which S. fario, S. gairdneri, S. irideus, and S. purpuratus are examples. The Atlantic Salmon is steel blue above, with black spots, most numerous in the female, distributed on the back. There are teeth on the vomer, which disappear with age. When the salmon runs up the rivers, the color fades and the male acquires orange patches and gets a more hooked under jaw. The average weight is less than 15 lbs., though an exceptional weight of over 80 lbs. is recorded. The salmon is rare in rivers s. of Cape Cod, although, before the Hudson, Delaware, and streams of N. J. were polluted by factory waste, they ran in these streams. After spawning,

Salmon Fishery on the Rhine.

the parents are called kelts, which, unlike the quinnat, do not perish, but return to the sea. The spawning is done in the fall and the eggs hatch as parrs the next spring. They remain in the river two years, descending the third spring. When a year old, the parr is called a pink, and when it descends the river, it is a smolt. In the sea it grows rapidly into a grilse, or young Sea Salmon. The parr has two or three black spots on the opercle, several black and orange spots on the back, and 12 to 15 bluish bars on the sides. As it becomes a smolt the fins get darker. The salmon which have become land-locked are the variety sebago. Salmo trutta is a smaller, weaker fish, with smaller scales. Black Spotted Trout salmon of fresh

Rainbow Trout, S. irideus, which is believed to bec gairdneri or Steel-head as it grows older. It return when the fall run of Quinnat occurs. These fish a small streams and in warmer waters, while in lak north a weight of 20 lbs. (6 in the irideus) is attaine fish which is called Brook Trout, Lake Trout, etc., see SALVELINUS. In 1891 the salmon packed in 800,000 cases, on the Columbia River 390,000

elsewhere in U. S. 200,000 cases, 48 lbs. in each cas

Salmon. Fish of this name may be referred to era, ONCORHYNCHUS and SALMO (q.v.). The forme the Quinnat or Columbia River Salmon; the latter in Atlantic Salmon. See IsSOSPONDYLI and SALMONIDÆ

Salmon, GEORGE, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S Prof. Trinity Coll., Dublin, 1866, Provost 1888: Higher Algebra, Conic Sections, Higher Plane Cu Geometry of three dimensions. Introduction to N. ticism, 1887.

Salmon Brick. Brick intermediate in qualit soft and hard, and usually having a salmon color.

Salmond, STEWART DINGWALL FORDYCE, D.D. Prof. Free Ch. Coll., Aberdeen, 1876; ed. Critical Re Sabbath, 1880; Immortality, 1894.

Salmoneus. In Grecian Mythology, son of A founder of the Eolic race. He boasted himself the Zeus, and was slain by him.

Salmonidæ. Isospondylous fishes, with elong covered with cycloid scales, the head naked, a sup bone forming the lateral margin of upper jaw, an a present, caudal fin forked, abdomen rounded, no ovid escaping by abdominal pore), and many large cæca end of stomach. Included are Whitefish (Coregon ling (Thymallus), Quinnat (Oncorhynchus), Salmo (Salmo), and Chars (Salvelinus).

Salmon River. In Idaho, flowing n. and w. to t length 450 m. The S. R. Mts. are on its head waters. Prussia Salm-Salm, FELIX, PRINCE, 1828-1870.

Col. U. S. Vols. 1861-65; aid to Maximilian 1866-67Gravelotte. Diary in Mexico, 1868.-His wife, A CLERCQ), 1842-1881, m. 1862, American actress, bore campaigns, labored to save Maximilian, and pub. 7 1875.

Salnave, SYLVAIN, 1832-1870. Pres. 1867-69; executed.


Haytian insur

Sald, GASPAR DA, ab.1550-1610. Italian maker d Brescia. His best instruments are VIOLAS (q.v.) and He was the teacher of MAGGINI (q.v.), and the found Brescian School of violin making.

Saloff, BASILE DE, b. 1829. Russian engineer, Dir of railways 1887.

Salol. C.H.:OH.COOC.H.. Phenyl salicylate; crystals, prepared by the action of phosgen upon a n salicylic acid and phenol; largely used as an antisept medicine.

Salome. 1. Wife of Zebedee, mother of the James and John. perhaps sister of the Virgin Daughter of Herodias (Matt. xvi.).

Salomon, JOHANN PETER, 1745-1815. violinist and composer.



Salomon, LOUIS ÉTIENNE FÉLICITÉ, 1820-1888. Hayti 1880-88.

Salomon Islands. See SOLOMON ISLANDS.

Salona. City of Dalmatia, on an arm of the Roman colony 78 B.C.; long a prominent seaport; by Avars 639; birthplace of Diocletian, whose vast p cupied 305-313, was 3 m. s. w., on the site of Spalato.

Salonica. City of Macedonia, at the head of th S.; of much commercial importance; anciently THES (q.v.). Pop. ab.122,000, one-half Jews.

Salpæformes. See ASCIDIANS.

Sal Prunella. Fused niter cast into sticks or b Salps (SALPIDA). Tunicates of the class THALLIA Salpa is the typical example. They are cylindrical, w surrounded by hoop-like bands of muscles. The sexua are produced by budding from solitary forms, by m stolon, so as to be united in chains, each hermaphro



includes the ACRIDIIDA (Grasshoppers), LOCUSTIDE, and GRYLLIDE (q.v.). 2. Group of Australian Marsupials. See ENTO

Saltatory Evolution. 1. Development of new species suddenly by sporting or otherwise, but still biogenetically. A few instances of sporting are known, and doubtless a specie could be established in this way; but such sports are the result of emphasis of the forces ordinarily at work producing varia tion, hence not necessary to a theory of the origin of species 2. That form of evolution which undergoes periodic accelera tions in the geologic history of the earth. Doubtless but on law need be evoked to explain all these modifications.

Salt-Cake. Anhydrous sodium sulphate. The salt-cak process for making SODIUM CARBONATE (q.v.) is so called b cause sodium chloride is heated with sulphuric acid, whic forms salt-cake.

Salter, JOHN WILLIAM, 1820-1869. Paleontologist to Ged Survey of Gt. Britain: with Dr. H. Woodward he prepared a ta ular view of British Fossil Crustacea,showing their range in tim Saltigradæ. See SPIDERS.

Salt Lake City. Capital of Utah and of S. L. co., at base of the Wasatch Mts., near the shore of Great Salt Lak It was founded by Brigham Young July 1847; the main bo of the Mormons came in the fall of 1848. After 1870 Ge tiles settled here in increasing numbers. The Great Morm

brines in stratified porous rocks that are reached by borings
through the superjacent strata. In 1895 the production of salt
in the U. S. was over 13,000,000 barrels of 280 lbs. each, of
which over 5,000,000 were obtained from Silurian formations
in N. Y., and nearly 4,000,000 from Silurian and Subcarbonifer-
ous formations in Mich. Among the largest and best known
of the salt deposits of the world are those lying in a territory
that includes a large area in N. Germany and extends both e.
and w. beyond its limit. The product of U. S. 1895 was 173,-
662 tons of rock-salt, and 1,539,178 tons of evaporated salt.
Salt, SIR TITUS, 1803-1876. English cloth manufacturer and
founder of a model village, Saltaire, near Brad-
tutes, etc., 1853; M.P. 1859,

Temple, a massive granite structure, was 40 years in buil and cost ab. $4,000,000: it measures 186 by 99 ft. The Ta nacle is a huge auditorium with self-supported wooden seating 10,000 people. The UNIV. OF UTAH (q.v.) was four 1850. Pop., 1890, 44,843.

Salt of Tartar. Crude carbonate of potassium. Saltonstall, SIR RICHARD, 1586-1658. First assistan Mass. 1630; in England from 1631; Envoy to Holland 16 His son, RICHARD, 1610-1694, was in Mass. 1630-72, and assis 1637.-His grandson, GURDON, 1666-1724, was Gov. of C from 1708.-His nephew, RICHARD, was Judge of Mass. Sup Court 1730-55.-His grandson, LEVERETT, LL.D., 1783was Mayor of Salem, Mass., 1836-38, and M.C. 1838-43.grandson, LEVERETT, 1825-1895, was Collector of Boston 188 Saltpeter, NITER, or POTASSIUM NITRATE. KNO,. tained principally from the natural nitrate soils of India the artificial niter beds of France, Germany, Sweden and gary: the former yields about one-fifth the weight of the s impure crystals, which is the source of the supply in U. S. artificial beds yield about a quarter of a pound per bushel of annually. See POTASSIUM NITRATE, NITER, and NITRIFICA Salt-Rheum. Popular name for weeping form of ec Salts. Generally, crystalline compounds, formed b treatment of an acid with a base. They consist of a meta an acid radical; e.g., sodium sulphate, Na,SO. Norm neutral salts are those containing neither acid nor basic the available hydrogen by a metal or metals. Acid sal those derived from acids by replacing a portion of the able hydrogen by a metal; e.g., acid potassium sul dues. They are derived from acids by the replacement a portion of the hydroxyl with an acid residue; e.g., bas salts are those derived from polybasic acids by the replac KHSO.. Basic salts are those derived from bases by rep of one atom of hydrogen by a univalent metal; e.g., pr muth nitrate, Bi(OH),NO,, derived from Bi(OH). Pr sodium phosphate is NaH,PO.. If the metal is bivaler primary salt is derived from two molecules of the acid primary calcium phosphate is CaH,(PO4)2. Secondary those derived from the acid by the replacement by the metal. In a tertiary salt the Double salts are

TSTIDE, and GRYL upials. See ENTO

ent of new species biogenetically, A doubtless a species orts are the results k producing variae origin of species. S periodic accelera Doubtless but one difications. ate. The salt-cake .v.) is so called be iphuric acid, which

leontologist to Geol. rd he prepared a tabg their range in time.

nd of S. L. co., at w. of Great Salt Lak 1847; the main body 548. After 1870 GenThe Great Mormon


vas 40 years in building 56 by 99 ft. The Taber -supported wooden roof UTAH (q.v.) was founded

te of potassium.
-1658. First assistant of
Envoy to Holland 1644-
ass. 1630-72, and assistati
-1724. was Gov. of Con
as Judge of Mass, Superior
ERETT, LL.D.. 178-184
8, and M.C. 1838-43-Hs
Collector of Boston 188-9

nitrate soils of India, and
ermany, Sweden and Har
th the weight of the si

of the supply in U.S.: the
a pound per bushel of eart
Or weeping form of eczema
ompounds, formed by the
They consist of a meta a
nate, Na SO. Normal
neither acid nor basic
by the replacement of
or metals. Acid salts
ng a portion of the ava
acid potassium sulpt
ved from bases by repa
acid residue; e.g., bas

d from Bi(OH). Prest
sic acids by the replace
ivalent metal; e.g.. pr

f the metal is bivalent. molecules of the acid:

PO. Secondary s


formed by the union of molecules of different substances; e.g., potassium and zinc sulphates unite to form K,SO,,ZnSO4.6H,O. Aluminium and sodium chlorides form AlCl,.3NaCl. See ETHEREAL SALTS.

Saltus, EDGAR, b.1858. American novelist.


of Disenchantment, 1885; Anatomy of Negation, 1886; Tristrem Varick, 1888; The Pace that Kills, 1889.-His cousin, FRANCIS, 1849-1889, pub. Honey and Gall, 1873, and left many poems, some of which his father printed in unique and luxurious form.

Salt Water. Always heavier than fresh water. For the Gulf of Mexico the weight per cubic foot is ab. 63.9 lbs., for the oceans ab.64.1, while for the Dead Sea it is ab.73.

Saltwort. Salsola kali. Pungent leaved plant of the seashore and saline regions, natural family Chenopodiaceae, of wide geographical range; also other species of the genus. Soda ash was formerly obtained from its ashes in Britain. S. sativa was used for the same purpose in Spain.

Salutation. Greeting by words, shake of the hands, bowing, embracing, or kissing.

Salute. Graded compliment by the Army or Navy to persons of distinction or superior rank, by firing of guns, manning the yards and otherwise; from 17 to 21 guns.

Salvador. Anciently called Cuscatlan; smallest but most densely populated republic in America. Area 7,255 sq. m. The surface is high and mountainous, except a narrow strip along the Pacific: many of the mountains are volcanoes. The province was conquered for Spain by Alvaredo 1528. It became

Cathedral of San Miguel, San Salvador.

independent 1821; belonged to the Central American Confederacy 1823-39; and since 1853 has been an independent state. The country is greatly subject to earthquakes, and one volcano has been in constant activity for more than 100 years. Pop. ab. 800,000. San Salvador, the capital, has been repeatedly laid in ruins, the last time in 1873. In 1895 Nicaragua, Honduras and S. formed the Central American Union, which was joined by Costa Rica and Guatemala in 1897. Pop. ab. 25,000.

Salvadoraceæ. Natural family of flowering plants, of the class Angiosvermæ, sub-class Dicotyledons, and series Gamopetala, comprising of the tropical and adjacent warm regions of e. Asia and of genera and ab. 7 species, natives Africa; allied to the olive.

Salvage. Compensation, generally given by law, though sometimes agreed upon, for the saving of persons or property from sea perils. It is a lien on all the property benefited by the service, and is apportioned among claimants in proportion to the risk and responsibility borne by them.

Salvandy, NARCISSE ACHILLE, COMTE DE, 1796-1856. French historian of Poland 1827-29; Minister of Instruction 1837-39 and 1845-48; Envoy to Spain 1841-43, and to Piedmont 1843-45. Salvatierra, JUAN MARIA DE, 1648-1717. Italian missionary to Mexico; apostle and historian (1698-99) of California; Provincial of the Jesuits 1704-7.

Salvation Army. Organized under this name 1878 by WILLIAM BOOTH (q.v.); outgrowth of a work begun 1865 in London, and called the Christian Mission 1869. Its labors have extended from England to all parts of the world, and have been efficient in aiding and reforming many whom the churches could not reach. Disregarding the conventional methods and employing a military system, street meetings, and plain and unprecedented means of attracting audiences, it has endured and surmounted much obloquy. It has some 11,000 officers, half of them women, with many corps and outposts, and circulates a multitude of papers and books. The founder and his sons direct its movements, and have outlined

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1890, and Life of Catherine Booth, 1893. Mr. and
Tucker, as commander and consul respectively, h
mand in the U. S. since 1896. Mr. and Mrs. Balli
formerly in command, have been at the head of th
of America, a similar organization, since 1896.
Salvator Rosa. See ROSA.

Salvelinus. Genus of Salmonidæ, including as Char in England and Trout in e. U. S. (The confined w. of the Plains.) This genus is chara ground; besides, there are red spots, and the lo deep vomer armed only on the chevron with tee the shaft covered by skin. The spots are pal edged with red. The scales are minute and hidden of Europe is more graceful, shy, and slender than can Char (S. fontinalis) or Brook Trout. The spec the S. alpinus is S. oquassa of Rangeley Lakes, Me. Trout has no teeth on the vomer, and has large sides and black, mottled ones above. It spawns in comes mature at two years, when it is 6 in. long. In waters it may attain a weight of 10 lbs. The Gre the dark ones are paler than the background. Mackinaw) Trout has a strongly-toothed spur on It attains a weight of from 20 to 80 lbs. It has n

Salverform. In Botany, corolla with a rotate form limb raised on a slender tube; also known a terimorphous, or, erroneously, Hypocrateriform.

Sunday till Advent..
Salve Regina. One of the antiphons of Vi
appointed in the Roman Breviary to be sung fr

Salvianus, 5th cent. Of Marseilles; author of
tises, pub. 1878, on Providence and against avarice.
Salvini, TOMMASO, b.1830.
eminent in Othello, Hamlet, Lear, Macbeth, Somm
Italian actor of h
ator, and other tragic parts: known in the U. S. 187
82, and 1885-86; retired 1886.-His son, ALEXANDER,
followed in his footsteps.

Salviniaceæ. Order of Rhizocarpeæ, comprisin era Salvinia and Azolla, small vascular cryptogams habit.

Sal Volatile. Solution of carbonate of ammon cohol, with a small amount of some volatile oil, as nutmeg, added. It is used as a smelling salt.

Salwen, or SALWEEN. River flowing s.e. acros and s. through British Burmah to Gulf of Martaban. ab.700 m.

Salzburg. Old city of w. Austria, on the Salza e.s.e. of Munich; long governed by its archbishop minor coinage is abundant. The city is old, with




streets and many fine edifices and monuments.
of Mozart. Pop., 1891, 27.644.
rounded by a wall, pierced by 20 gates. It was the birt

of San Domingo. It forms a fine harbor and is on the
Samana Bay. Bay 37 m. long and 12 m. wide, on
from New York to the Isthmus of Panama. The U. S.
refused to ratify a treaty for its purchase in 1870.

Samaniego, FELIX MARIA, 1742-1809. Spanish


Samara. Indehiscent dry fruit, containing a single and expanded at one end or all around into a flat win structure, as in Maples. Elms and Ach

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