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of his commo ned military org nment by the Pres such assignment:

rades are: 1, may olonel; 5, ma A, cadet: 10, sentrats ergeant (regimesta. rtermaster-servert he signal corps d mpeter, and sadder. - and acting hos, La ate of commission, p rder of precedence. Junich; writer cs at rof. Berlin 1825-7E1865. Popes of B mation. 6 vols., England, 6 vols., 18G7 lected in 47 vOS: ed his later years. RN, 1820-1872. Scient 5. Applied Mecher chinery and Mill Wr.

Lion in the order of th ue.

- pecuniary fine in lien . law, payment to sear - of captured vessels,

U.S.N., b. 1820. C dore 177; engaged s 1863-64.

. b. 1826. Brig.-gen, CS $72-95; Minister to Mer

Brig.-gen. C.S.A. M. 3. rivers and harbors

EENFIELD, 1834-1864. Br
the West, as at Forts r
N BISHOP, 1802-1847, pres

oldiers captured during he government of the exchanged by cartel cra ligerents: formerly, in les they were considerer: released upon the paym


t in England ab. 1643; e; short-lived. 2. Pr

LU. S. District-attorney e in the anti-slavery cans , ROBERT. 1778-1858.

family of flowering plants

Ranunculus asiaticus, garder

Rape. Brassica napus. Herb of the Mustard family, native of Europe; extensively cultivated for its seeds, from which Rape-seed Oil is expressed. Brassica campestris, another variety, is largely grown in Europe as a forage crop and for soiling purposes. An oil is extracted from the seed and the refuse cake makes an excellent nitrogenous cattle food. Rape has only recently been introduced into the U. S., and is still comparatively little known. It is sown late in summer as a late autumn or early winter soiling crop.

Rape. Carnal knowledge of a woman forcibly and against her will: more minutely defined by modern statutes, which also prescribe various punishments.

Raphael. Archangel, celebrated in the apocryphal book of Tobit.

Raphael (RAFFAELLE SANTI), 1483-1520. Italian painter, b. at Urbino, active at Perugia, Florence, and after 1508 at Rome. In oil paintings his manners or styles are therefore distinguished as Peruginesque, Florentine, and Roman, according to this sequence of time and local influence. His greatest works are the wall paintings in the Vatican, partly in the room known as the Stanze, and partly on the ceiling of a corridor known as the Loggie. The cartoons for tapestries. subjects from the lives of the apostles, are now in the South Kensington Museum at London. The tapestries themselves were intended for and long hung in the Sistine Chapel. There are ten of these tapestries and seven surviving cartoons. A duplicate set of the tapestries is mainly in the Berlin Museum, where they deco


rate the upper part of the great rotunda. In the Farnesian Villa at Rome is a series of frescoes from the story of Cupid and Psyche, from designs by R, done by scholars. The Galatea of this villa is his original work. His oil paintings are numerous, especially the Madonnas. The greatest of these is the Sistine in Dresden. Otherwise may be quoted especially the St. Cecilia in Bologna and the Betrothal of Mary and Joseph in Milan. All of R.'s pictures are distinguished by a symmetry of balance and arrangement in line effect in which he stands quite alone among modern painters. He was by turns, according to his age. first, ingenuous and simple, then sprightly and vivacious, finally powerful and thoughtstirring, but always industrious, successful, and happy.

Raphall, MORRIS JACOB, Ph.D, 1798-1868. Rabbi, b. in Sweden. long in England; in New York from 1849: tr. Mishna, 1840, with D. A. de Sola. Post-Biblical History of the Jews, 1855.

Raphe, or RHAPHE. Ridge along the side of the anatropous or amphitropous ovule; also this structure in the seed; also the median rib connecting the nodules of a diatom frustule.

Raphideæ. Order of Diatomaceæ, comprising the genera

which have a well-defined raphe, or median rib connecti nodules.

Raphides. Needle-like crystals occurring in the chyma of certain plants; generally composed of oxal lime, and especially abundant in plants of the natural Araceae and Onagracea.

Raphidian. In Plant Anatomy, cells containing rap Rapidan. River of Va., flowing e. to the Rappaha ab. 10 m. above Fredericksburg, ab. 80 m. long.

Rapid-Fire Guns. The necessity of preventing to boats from coming within effective range to destroy b ships brought about the development of the rapid-fire gu consists of a single barreled breech-loading rifle capal being trained quickly and kept easily upon a swiftly m object, and of firing with great accuracy a large number o jectiles in a very short time. The rapidity of fire results the quickness with which the different operations of lo and laying the gun can be performed. The use of fixed an nition in metallic cases shortens the time of loading and that of inserting the primer. In the recoil mounts the returns automatically to the firing position and in the no coil carriage no time is lost, the gun always remaining in firing position. The intervals of time between firings is di ished to the least possible by the rapidity with which the ner operates the handle bar for opening and closing the bre the cocking of the hammer taking place also during the la operation. Since their first invention in 1880 they have creased rapidly in size, range, and destructive power. The of smokeless powder in the cartridge has enormously incre the initial velocity, as shown by the Armstrong 6-in., whicl Jan. 1893, gave 3,711 f. s. to a 70 lb. shot. and this has brou about a corresponding increase in the thickness of the protec armor of torpedo vessels. These guns are named from t designers and from the weight of the projectile or diamete the bore in inches or millimeters. They comprise two clas first, those whose breech mechanism consists of a wedge-sha breech block, and, second, those having an interrupted-sc breech block. The principal types of the former are the Hot kiss, Nordenfelt, Gruson, Krupp, and Driggs-Schroeder, an the latter are the Canét, Schneider, Seabury, Dashiell Gordon. The following data of the 6-in. Driggs-Schroe tested by the Ordnance Board at Sandy Hook proving grou in June 1894, will serve as an example of the capacity of the n ern rapid-fire gun. Weight 786 lbs.: caliber 2.244 in.: lengt calibers: weight of breech mechanism 35 lbs.: number of rou fired in one minute 32: time of firing 100 rounds 275 seco mean initial velocity 1,891 f. s. Hotchkiss and Nordenfelt nopolized the construction of these guns until ab. 1885, but si that time more than eighteen firms were engaged in their ma facture. Of the Hotchkiss, there are 21 types, varying f 37 mm. or 1-pdr. caliber to the 155 mm. or 100-pdr. cali The armament of a modern battleship would be ten 100-pd sixteen 6-pdrs., eight 3-pdrs., with a capacity of seven, twe and twelve rounds respectively per gun per minute. Ra fire guns will probably hereafter have a wider field of use ness on land for the protection of stationary torpedo lines in the defense of fortified places. See HOTCHKISS GUNS.

Rapier. Word of Spanish origin, signifying a gentlema sword; a light, thrusting weapon, about three feet long, w on occasions of court ceremonials.

Rapin de Thoyras, PAUL DE, 1661-1725. French Prot ant, resident mostly in Holland and w. Prussia. His Hist of England, 8 vols., 1724, tr. in 15 vols., 1725-31, was con ered by Voltaire the best then extant. It was enlarged and later.

Rapp, GEORGE, 1770-1847. German-American founder the Harmonists or Rappists, and of settlements at Harmo Pa., 1803, New Harmony, Ind., 1815, and Economy, Beaver Pa., 1824.

distinguished at Austerlitz and in the defense of Dant Rapp, JEAN, 1772-1821. French general 1805, Count 1 prisoner in Russia 1813-14; Peer of France 1819. Memor 1823.

Rappahannock. River of Va., rising near the F Ridge, and navigable from Fredericksburg; length ab.250 Several battles were fought on it and its tributary, the R dan, during the Civil War.

Rapparees. In 17th and 18th centuries in Irela ejected tenants, who waged a sort of guerrilla warfare their successors.

Rappee. Strong snuff, made from the darker and ran tobacco leaves, or from the veins and fibers.

Rappen. Smallest coin of the Swiss cantons, worth a centime or fifth of a cent.



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with curved beak hooked at the point, and feet strongly clawed (Insidentes). The outer toe can be turned backward or forward. The legs are rarely feathered below the intertarsal joint. They feed principally on warm-blooded animals. The young are altrices, and nuniber ab. four to a nest, which is usually placed in inaccessible places. The male is more powerful than the female. The latter incubates the eggs, but the male assists in procuring food. There are three subgroups: STRIGES, PANDIONES and FALCONES (q.v.).

Rarey, JOHN S., 1828-1866. American horse-tamer, prominent as an exhibitor from 1856; in Europe 1860-61. HorseTaming, 1858.

Raritan. River of e. N. J., navigable from New Brunswick to its mouth at Perth Amboy.

Rash. Eruption of the skin accompanying the eruptive fevers, e.g., scarlet fever, measles; or resembling the eruptions of such fevers.

Rashi (RABBI SHELOMOH BEN IZAAKI), 1040-1105. Greatest He lived at Troyes, s. France, and of Jewish commentators. elucidated all the O. T. books except Chronicles. His work on the Pentateuch was the first book printed in Hebrew, 1574. It was tr. into German 1833-38, and the whole into Latin 1710-14.

Danish philologist,

Rask, RASMUS CHRISTIAN. 1787-1832. prof. Copenhagen 1825. He traveled through Russia, Persia, and India, 1819-23, and brought back many MSS. His works on Icelandic Language, 1808-18, Danish Orthography, 1826, and edition of the Eddas, 1818, are highly valued. Among his other works are grammars of Anglo-Saxon, 1817, tr. 1830, Spanish, Frisian, and Italian. He partly anticipated GRIMM'S LAW (q.v.).

Raskolniks. Russian schismatics, who adhere to the old ritual and reject all reforms or alterations; extant since ab. They are numerous, and 1666, and from an early period in two sects, one practically Congregationalists or Presbyterians. of high character.

Rasle, SEBASTIEN, 1658-1724. French missionary in Maine His Abenaki dictionary was pub. 1833. from 1695.

Rasores. Order of birds, including the Gallinacei or Gallina; scratching birds, of which the domestic fowl is a type. Some authors also include the Columbine, and even the Crypturi.

Raspail, FRANÇOIS VINCENT. 1794-1878. French surgeon, introducer 1845 of a camphor system of antiseptic surgery. Raspberry. Shrubs of the genus Rubus, natural family

Raspberry (Rubus idœus).

Rosaceae, natives of Europe and N. America, bearing delicious edible aggregate fruits consisting of numerous small drupes borne on an elongated receptacle. The Black Raspberry or Thimbleberry of e. N. 2 America is R. occidentalis.

Raspe, HENRY, d. 1247. Landgrave of Thuringia; proclaimed emperor of Germany by the Rhenish archbishops 1246; defeated by the regent Conrad.

Rassam, HORMUZD, b. 1826. Mesopotamian Assyriologist, helper and successor of Layard in explorations; envoy to Abyssinia, and prisoner there 1866-68; discoverer of sites and relics for the British MuMission to Theoseum.

dore, 1869.

Rastadt, or RASTATT. Town of Baden, strongest fortress since 1848. Here

was signed the treaty which ended the war of the Spanish succession 1714; here met the Congress which aimed to settle the differences between France and the Empire 1797-99.

Rastell, WILLIAM, 1508-1565. English writer on law. Statutes, 1594; Collection of Entries, 1596.

Rat. See RATS.

Ratafia. French cordial composed of alcohol, sugar and fruit or berry juice, kernels and flowers; orange blossoms, etc.

Ratchet Wheel. Form of toothed wheel, who
are designed not so much to transmit motion to anothe
as to fit them to resist the impact of the pawl or do
opposes motion in one direction. The pawl is a lever
curved, and pivoted at one end. It is so mounted wit
to the wheel that when gravity or a spring shall ca
fall into the space between two teeth, pressure agains
of the pawl is transmitted to the pin on which it is piv
rotation of the wheel in that direction is prevented
the wheel is turned the other way, the under side of
is lifted by the slope of the ratchet teeth, and the pa
harmlessly as it passes over the crests. Conversely,
may be driven by the pawl. The back of the ratchet
therefore usually a sloping curve, and the front a stra
the normal to the latter at the common contact of t

centers of ratchet and dog for pushing and holding o
pawl and half pawl arrangement on a ratchet whe
less fall-back where the teeth are large. It is used o
dog passing outside the pivot in pulling dogs and be
machinery to hold the strain of weight or spring, and
tain the load.
ing machinery, such as derricks, cranes, and capsta

Ratel (HONEY BADGER). Burrowing, skunk-lik 2 ft. long besides the short tail, with anal glands th


Cape Ratel (Mellivora ratel).

pungent liquid; black on the sides and gray along One species is Indian, two are tropical African. skillful bee-hunters.

Rate of a Clock. Amount which the cloc loses in a given time, usually a day.

Advanced by some as the Rates, METHOD OF. differential calculus. The differential of a varia value is defined as the measure of its rate of char value: the differential of the function is the me simultaneous rate of change. The first differentia is the ratio of the rate of change of the function to variable.

Ratich, WOLFGANG, 1571-1635. Educationist, tem of education, based on Bacon's philosophy, practice in Germany, at Köthen, 1618, and at Mago without success.

Ratification. Adoption by one of an unau done on his behalf by another. It must be made w consequences without knowledge. It has the lega edge of all material circumstances, or with intent erally, of a precedent authority to do the act.

Ratio. Measure of the comparison of two Arithmetical ratio gives the difference, geometric quotient: the latter is the general meaning. Th geometrical ratio are antecedent and consequen cated by two dots (:) or by the fractional form.

Ratiocination. Process of reasoning, usu to syllogistic method, in which the proof of a p effected by two premises and a middle term; a p termining knowledge which is mediate, and con

the immediate act of intuition and experience.



Ration. In U. S. Army, the ration sistence of one person per day and consists of mea etables, coffee and sugar, the seasoning, and soap its value is estimated at 18 cts. When troops tra than by marching, or when they are separated facilities, and do not carry cooked rations, the is issued, consisting of bread, canned beef and roasted coffee and sugar; this ration is valued at

ned wheel, whose est motion to another wee he pawl or dog wh pawl is a lever, us So mounted with respe spring shall cause t pressure against the which it is pivoted. on is prevented. We e under side of the ta eth, and the pawl

. Conversely, the w of the ratchet toch the front a straight b on contact of tooth ng dogs and between t g and holding ones. a ratchet wheel secre ge. It is used on winery ht or spring, and on t anes, and capstans, to s

wing, skunk-like anita anal glands that jet


Rationalism. Doctrine denoting the dependence upon internal functions, the reason of the subject, for the determination of truth. It opposes all forms of external authority for the validity of belief and knowledge. In philosophy, it is opposed to sensationalism, which has denied the contributing agency of Reason to the products of knowledge. In theology, it substitutes Reason for authority as arbiter in matters of faith. It has existed in every age, but chiefly since the Reformation, when Socinus and Zwingli were its chief exponents; opposed to a formal and traditional orthodoxy, from which it is a reaction. The word was used by Comenius 1661, and from ab.1750 was applied especially to a series of professors, whose cool and dry views were long prevalent in Germany. It has only recently emerged from the disrepute of this narrow use, and come to mean a tendency or ruling idea rather than a system of doctrines. The history of rationalism has been traced by several writers, eminently by W. E. H. Lecky, 1865.

Rational Psychology. Branch of philosophy which concerns itself with the nature of conscious activity or of mind, and related questions. It is thus contrasted with modern empirical psychology, which concerns itself solely with the accurate description of the observable phenomena of consciousness and the inference of the laws which underlie them, by scientific methods. See PSYCHOLOGY.

Rational Quantity. One having, in its simplest form, only integral exponents; opposed to irrational.

Ratisbon, or REGENSBURG. Town of Bavaria; frontier fortress of the Romans; free imperial city 1245; taken by the Swedish-German forces 1633; scene of severe fighting between

Rattazzi, URBANO, 1808-1873. Italian Minister o 1853-58; Preniier 1862 and 1867.

Rattle. Rhinanthus crista-galli. Yellow-flowered the Figwort family, native of the n. temperate zone. Rattle-Box. Yellow-flowered herbs of the genus laria, natural family Leguminosa; of wide geographi tribution in temperate and tropical regions. When r seeds become loose in the pods and rattle when shaken Rattlesnake Master. See SNAKEROOT, BUTTON. Orchids of the genus

mium, natives of the n. temperate zone, bearing small
and mostly striped or mottled leaves.


Coarse herbs of the genu nanthes, natural family Compositæ, natives of N. Ar P. alba is known also as White Lettuce.

Rattlesnakes. There are fifteen species of Crotalu jointed together, so as to make a rattling noise, which true rattles on the tail. These are rings of epidermis imitated by several harmless snakes by vibration of th amid dry leaves. The animal uses these organs to war mies of its presence, that they may flee and the snake endangered. All rattlesnakes are more or less sluggis assume the defensive rather than the offensive attitud


vora ratel).

es and gray along the t tropical African. Ther

nt which the clock ga ay.

red by some as the basis rential of a variable a of its rate of change unction is the measure The first differential co

e of the function to that

635. Educationist, whos acon's philosophy, he p m. 1618, and at Magdebur

by one of an unauthors It must be made withat nces, or with intent to t ge. It has the legal efe y to do the act.

comparison of two mag difference, geometrical -neral meaning. The ter dent and consequent; it &

e fractional form.

ss of reasoning, usualy ich the proof of a propos da middle term; a pries is mediate, and contraste on and experience.

. the ration is allowance r

y and consists of meat,

e seasoning, and soap and ts. When troops travel they are separated from cooked rations, the tra ad, canned beef and bake his ration is valued at 40

Cathedral in Ratisbon.

Napoleon and Archduke Charles April 19-23, 1809; ceded to
Bavaria 1810. A Catholic league was formed here, July 6, 1524,
to enforce the edict of Worms. Pop., 1890, 37,635.

Ratisbon, CONFERENCE OF. April 27 to May 25, 1541. be-
tween 3 Lutherans and 3 R. Catholics, Melanchthon and Eck
the most eminent. They came to agreement as to justifica-
tion by faith and on nothing else.

Ratitæ. Sub-class of Aves, characterized as having no keel to the sternum, no firm rectrices or remiges: the wings are more or less rudimentary, the birds being cursorial and incapable of flight. The orders included are CURSORES, APTERYGIA, and DINORNITHIDÆ (q.v.).

Ratlines. Small ropes attached to the shrouds, forming the steps of a ladder by which sailors go aloft.

Ratramnus (miscalled BERTRAM), d. after 868. Monk of
Corbie, n. France. He refuted the transubstantiation doc-
trine of his abbot, Radbert, in a tract of the same title, On
Christ's Body and Blood, tr. 1549 and often reprinted. Its
genuineness was denied by the Council of Trent.

Rats. Largest species of genus Mus. The common brown
rat, improperly called Norway rat, came originally from Asia,
entering Europe 1727.
World, driving out the black rat. The latter was introduced
It has overrun Europe and the New
into America 1544, but is now rare.
rows. The wood rat (Neotomus) has hairy tail and sole of foot,
Feral rats live in bur-
with soft lustrous fur, brown above and white below. In the
Rocky Mts. is an edible species with tail resembling a squirrel's.

Rattans. Slender stems of species of Calamus, a genus of
Palms, native of India.

Rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus).

horridus, the species most common in the e. U. S., is now stricted to mountain regions remote from habitations. It li on rats and squirrels or rabbits. The largest rarely exceed f feet, and have twenty-three rattles. It is marked by lozen shaped bands. C. lucifer, the Western Rattler, has large d sal markings with dark margins; the ground color is redd brown. The Prairie Rattler (C. confluentes) is most sluggish all. C. durissus is the rattler of the Southwest and exter into S. America. It has about 30 rows of scales, with swoll keels. See COPPERHEAD and SOLENOGLYPHA.

ered herb of the Composite family, with purple-veined leave Rattlesnake-Weed. Hieracium venosum. Yellow-flo native of e. N. America.

Rauch, CHRISTIAN DANIEL, 1777-1857. German sculpto memorable for the monument of Frederick II. at Berlin, an statues of Queen Louisa, Blücher, Goethe, and others.

Rauch, FRIEDRICK AUGUST, 1806-1841. Pres. Marsha Coll., Mercersburg, Pa., 1836. Psychology, 1840.

Rauch, JOHN HENRY, M.D., b. 1828. Sec. Ill. Board o Health; medical writer.

Hamburg. by J. H. Wichern, for poor children; since grown Rauhe Haus. Institution founded 1831 at Horn, nea to vast size and varied uses, with a training-school for teachers attached 1845.

Raumer, FRIEDRICH LUDWIG GEORG VON, 1781-1873. Prof. Breslau 1811, Berlin 1819. 25: Hist. Europe Since 1500, 8 vols., 1832-50; Recent History, 5 The Hohenstaufens, 6 vols, 1823vols., 1836-39. He wrote several books of travel, as America, 1845. His brother, KARL GEORG VON, 1783-1865, Prof Breslau 1811. Halle 1819, and Erlangen 1827, wrote many scientific works. Geographie, 1832; Geschichte der Pedagogik, 1843-51.

Ravaillac, FRANÇOIS, 1578-1610. French fanatic, murderer of Henry IV.; executed with hideous tortures.

Ravel Family. French pantomimists and dancers, well known in the U. S. 1832-34 and 1837-48.



Ravelin. In Fortifications, a detached work having a parapet and ditch forming a salient angle in front of the CURTAIN (q.v.). It may be considered a REDAN (q.v.) upon the counterscarp, upon which it is erected.

Raven. Bird differing from the CROW (q.v.) by its larger size and the lanceolate feathers of its throat. It can mimic the human voice and by superstitious persons is regarded as a bird of evil omen.

Ravenel, HENRY WILLIAM, LL.D., 1814-1887. Botanist of S. C.; writer on Fungi.

Ravenna. City of n.e. Italy; taken by Romans 187 B.C.;

Tomb of Dante at Ravenna.
Ravinala. See TRAVELER'S TREE.

Rawal Pindi. Town of the Punjab, n. India, 160 m. n.w. of Lahore; scene of the Sikh submission 1849, and of a review held by Lord Dufferin 1885 for the Afghan Ameer. Pop., 1891, 73.460.

Rawdon-Hastings, FRANCIS. 1754-1826. Irish soldier,
in America 1773-81: Baron 1783; Earl of Moira 1793; Lord-
lieut. of Ireland 1805; Gov.-gen. of India 1813-23; Marquis of
Hastings 1816.

U. S. Dist.-attorney for Pa.
Rawle, WILLIAM, 1759-1836.
View of the Constitution, 1825.-His son, WILLIAM,
1788-1858, pub. 25 vols. of Pa. Supreme Court Reports, 1818-33.
-His son, WILLIAM HENRY, LL.D., 1823-1889, pub. Covenants
for Title, 1852.

Rawlins, JOHN AARON, 1831-1869. Brig.-gen U. S. Vols.
1863; on Gen. Grant's staff 1861-65; Brig.-gen. U.S.A 1865;
Sec. of War 1869.

Rawlinson, GEORGE, b. 1815. Prof. Oxford 1861-89; Canon
Tr. Herodotus, 1858-60; Five Great
of Canterbury 1872.
Monarchies, 1862-67; Parthia, 1873; Sassanian Empire, 1876;
Ancient Egypt, 1881; Phoenicia, 1889.-His brother, Sir HENRY
CRESWICKE, D.C.L., 1810-1895, was long an official in India,
Persia, and Turkey; knighted 1856; M.P 1858 and 1865-68;
Baronet 1891. Hist Assyria, 1852; Cuneiform Inscriptions of
w. Asia (with E. Norris and G. Smith), 5 vols., 1861-70; Eng-
land and Russia in the East, 1874.

Rawson, ALBERT LEIGHTON, LL.D., b. 1829. American
traveler and Orientalist.

Rawson, GEORGE, 1807-1889. English hymnist.
Ray. Main branches of an umbel or cyme; also ligulate
flowers of plants of the Composite family.

Ray. In the propagation of a wave-motion of any kind
through an elastic medium, the imaginary straight line drawn
at right angles to the wave-front at any point is called a ray
passing through that point. A collection of parallel rays con-
stitutes a beam.

Medical Jurispru-
Ray, ISAAC, M.D., LL.D., 1807-1881. Supt. Me. insane asy-
lum 1841, and at Providence, R. I., 1845-66.
of Insanity, 1838; Mental Hygiene, 1863.
1010 Gov. of Ind. 1825-31.

and zoologist. Historia Plantarum, 3 vols., 1686-1704; S sis Methodica Animalium, 1693. Memorials, 1844-48, pu the Ray Society.

Ray, JOHN, 1816-1888. Reviser of the La. Code. Rayahs. Peasants in Servia, Bulgaria, etc., while 1870.

Turkish rule. They were treated as cattle by their masters, hence the word Rayahs, which means cattle.

Rayleigh, JOHN WILLIAM STRUTT, BARON, D.C.L F.R.S., b. 1842. Prof. Cambridge 1879-84, and Roy London, since 1887; discoverer, with Ramsay, of arg Theory of Sound, 1877-78.

Raymond VI., d. 1222. Count of Toulouse 1194 the rich territory of s. France, blighted by the Albigen sade; defeated by Simon de Montfort 1211 and 1213; m for his vacillating course under cruel persecutions.

Raymond, HENRY JARVIS, 1820-1869. Founder, editor of N. Y. Times; Speaker of N. Y. Assembly 1861; Lieut.-gov. of N. Y. 1855; one of the organizers ers of the Republican party; M.C. 1865-67. Life of


Raymond, HIPPOLYTE, d. 1895. French playwri Raymond, JOHN T. (orig. O'BRIEN), 1836-1887. actor, best known as Mulberry Sellers in The Gilded Raymond, ROBERT, LORD, 1673-1733. ChiefEntries on Pleadings, 1767. King's Bench 1727-33. Raymond, ROSSITER WORTHINGTON, b. 1840. mining engineer; ed. Am. Jour. Mining, 1867; U. S sioner of mining statistics 1868; pres. Am. Inst. M gineers 1872.

Raymond, SIR THOMAS, 1626-1683. Justice Bench 1680-83. Reports, 1696.

Raymond of Sabunde, d. 1437. Spanish my at Toulouse ab.1430. His Theologia Naturalis. 14 into Latin 1487, and into French by Montaigne 1569.

Raymund Lully. See LULLY.

Raynal, GUILLAUME THOMAS FRANÇOIS, 1713-179 encyclopedist, previously a Jesuit. Divorce of H 1763. His Establishments of Commerce in the T 5 vols., 1770-80, caused his exile till 1787. Re America, 1781.

Raynouard, FRANÇOIS JUSTE MARIE, 1761-183 dramatist and poet; Deputy 1791 and later. Afte escaping the guillotine, he entered the Academy turned to the language and literature of his nativ His chief works are: Poems of the Troubadours, 6 vo Romance Grammars, 1816-21; and a Romance D

vols., 1838-44.

Rayon, IGNACIO LOPEZ, 1773-1827. Mexican pa inent in resistance to the Spaniards, as was also RAMON, 1775-1839.

Rays (RAJIDES, BATTIDES, BATOIDEA). Plagios with bodies flattened horizontally; with five gill ventral side, internal to the pectoral fins. They ha pectoral girdle, and cranial fin cartilages, but Many Rays attain a length of ten or more feet. the bottom of the sea and feed principally on Crus The Electric Rays (Torpedo) have the e between the fin cartilages and the gills. The Stin




ols., 1686-1704: Synag ials, 1844-48, pub, b he La. Code. Digest, aria, etc., while under


gon) have one or more spines on the slender tail, which can be
used as powerful stings. The family Rajida includes the
Skates and Rays. They live in shallow water, feed on shell
fish, and nearly all bring forth their young alive. The eggs
are inclosed in squarish cases (sea-purses) with slender pro-
jections from each corner, as in many sharks. The Sawfish has

tist. His chief work, The Cloister and the Hearth. sents the 15th century with great force. Never too late 1856, attacked prison abuses, and Hard Cash, 1863, asylums. Others of note are Peg Woffington, 1852; Johnstone, 1863; Griffith Gaunt, 1866; Foul Play, Woman-hater, 1877.-His nephew, WILLIAM WINWOO 1875, novelist and traveler, pub. Veil of Isis, 1861; Africa, 1863; Martyrdom of Man, 1872; Ashantee Ca 1875; and The Outcast, 1875.

Reading._Borough of Berkshire, on the Thames mouth of the Kennet, 39 m. w. of London. The town h fine buildings, especially the town hall block, with an e

[blocks in formation]

Rays (Raja clavata).

a flat snout 5 ft. long, set with numerous sharp teeth on the
edges, and projecting sidewise, a powerful weapon. The Milio-
batida include Sea Devils or Devil fishes: the latter name is
also applied to Cephalopods. Some of these grow to a size ex-
ceeding 15 ft. in breadth, and weigh a ton. The males and
females live in pairs and have only one young, which they
carefully tend.

Razor-Bill. 1. Alca torda. Auk of n. temperate coast
of the Atlantic, ranging from the Arctic seas to L. I.; noted
for its laterally compressed beak. 2. Rynchops. Skimmer or
Cut-water, of warmer Atlantic shores, occasionally n. as far as
L. I. Its lower mandible is ab. an inch longer than the upper,
and laterally compressed. In flight the lower mandible is held
in the water, thus dipping up small fishes.

Reach. Distance between two points on the bank of a river where the current flows without interruption.

Reaction. See SUGGESTION.

Reaction, CHEMICAL. stances, brought into contact, unite or decompose to form Occurring when two or more subother substances.

Reaction-Time. See PSYCHOMETRY.

Read, GEORGE, 1733-1798. Delegate to Congress 1774-77; signer of the Declaration of Independence; framer of the first constitution of Del.; member of the constitutional convention of 1787; U. S. Senator 1789-93; Chief-justice of Del. from 1793. -His brother, THOMAS, 1740-1788, was Commodore of the Pa. navy 1775, and in the Continental service 1776-77.

Read, JOHN MEREDITH, LL.D., 1797-1874. George; Chief-justice of Pa. from 1860.-His son and nameGrandson of sake, 1837-1896, was U. S. Consul-gen. for France 1869-73, acting also for Germany 1870-72, and U. S. Minister to Greece 1873-79. Henry Hudson, 1866.

Read, NATHAN, 1759-1849. American inventor of a tubular boiler and high-pressure engine.

Read, THOMAS BUCHANAN, 1822-1872. American artist and poet; best known by his verses on Sheridan's Ride, and picture of Longfellow's daughters. New Pastoral 1854.

Sea 10

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Assize Courts, Reading.

public library and museum, the latter containing the valuable collection of Romano-British remains in En Pop., 1891, 55,752.

Reading. City of Berks co.. Pa., on the e. bank Schuylkill; settled 1748, chartered 1783 and 1847; center iron manufacturing district. Pop., 1890, 58,661.

Reading Microscope. One arranged for readin circles of fine astronomical and geodetic instruments.

Reagan, JOHN HENNIGER. b. 1818. M.C. from Texas 61; Postmaster-gen. C.S.A. 1861-65; M.C. 1875-87; U. S. tor 1887-93.

Real. Spanish silver coin from 1497; one-eighth of a till ab. 1830; now one-twentieth.

Real Actions. Proceedings at common law for th covery of lands: COVENANTS. those in real estate convey which affect the nature, quality, or mode of enjoyment of estate: ESTATE, an estate for life or in fee in lands, tenem and hereditaments.

Real and Money Income. All the new econ goods which come to a person during any given period whatever he has had to part with to obtain these, make u real income; but income frequently means only that par the above which comes to him in the form of money.

Real Cost of Production. Sum of the exertion all the different kinds of labor involved in making the g article, and of the abstinences required for saving the cap used in making it.

Real Estate. See REAL ACTIONS.

Realf, RICHARD, 1834-1878. Anglo-American poet. Realgar. 1. As2S,. Red or orange-yellow mineral, cont ing sulphur and arsenic, frequently associated in small qu tity with silver and lead ores, as in Hungary, Bohemia, Saxony; also found at several localities in the w. U. S. 2. tificial product. See ARSENIC DISULPHIDE.

Realism. Two different theories, one epistemological, other philosophical. The former is opposed to idealism asserts the existence of something other than mind in world; namely, matter: the second affirms that general c ceptions represent a real essence in existence, which co sponds to them, and is opposed to nominalism.

Reality. 1. Objective as opposed to subjective, real opposed to illusory; 2. The actual, whether subjective or jective; 3. The permanent as opposed to the transient. T first contrasts it with the mental, the second includes t mental, the third makes no implications as to its metaphysi nature.

Realized Wealth. That part of a man's income whi he has saved, whether in present use as capital ou lei.

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