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Long-rooted and Turnip-rooted Radishes.

natural family Cruci-
feræ, unknown in the
wild state, cultivated
from remote antiqui-
ty, and supposed to
have been derived
from R. raphanis-
trum, which is native
of Europe and widely
diffused as a weed in

Radius. Constant
distance from a fixed
point to any point on
the circumference of
the circle, or surface
of the sphere, of which
the fixed point is the



vein of an insect's
wing, counting from
the anterior margin.
Radius-Arc. Arc

used on the surface of a sphere to describe, from a fixed point called the pole, any circle on that sphere.

Radius of Curvature OF ANY CURVE. Radius of the osculatory circle at the given point.


Radius of Oscillation. See PENDULUM.

Radius Vector. 1. One of the co-ordinates in the polar system. 2. Variable distance from a fixed point called the pole to a moving point.

Radowitz, JOSEPH MARIA VON, 1797-1853. Prussian officer, diplomatist, and writer. Schriften, 5 vols., 1852-53.

Radula. Lingual ribbon; movable, tape-like structure, carrying transverse rows of teeth. It lies on the ventral wall of the oesophagus of univalve Mollusks.

Rae, JOHN, M.D., LL.D., 1813-1893. English Arctic explorer, who went in search of Sir John Franklin 1848-51, and found the first signs of his fate.

Raeburn, SIR HENRY, 1756-1823. painter; R.A. 1815, knighted 1822.


sification of ore for further mechanical treatment.
is performed with hammers weighing from 6 to 8 lbs.
1855. English soldier, prominent in youth in Spain ar


Waterloo, where he lost an arm; knighted 1815; Baro Ragman-Roll. Collection of parchments kept commander in the Crimea 1854, where he won great vi Tower of London, on which the Scottish nobility and and endured a severe defeat; Field-marshal Nov. 1854. subscribed their allegiance to Edward I. 1296.

Ragnarok. Norse destruction of the earth and th heralding a new order.

Ragozin, ZENAIDE, b. ab.1835. Russian-American especially on ancient history of the East.

Raguet, CONDY, LL.D., 1784-1842. U. S. Consul Janeiro 1822-27. Free Trade, 1835; Currency and B

Scottish portrait-❘ 1839.

Raff, JOSEPH JOACHIM, 1822-1882. Swiss composer in all forms, but chiefly successful as symphonist; early and enthusiastic champion of Wagner and his theories. His compositions number over 200 and include an opera, König Alfred, 1851, eleven symphonies, an oratorio, several overtures, suites, concertos, chamber pieces, pianoforte pieces, and songs.

Raffinose. C12H22O1,3H,O. Melitose; species of sugar found in the sugar beet and molasses in small quantities. Its appearance is like that of cane sugar, but is nearly tasteless. It does not reduce Fehling's solution.

Raffles, THOMAS, D.D., LL.D., 1788-1863. Cong. pastor at Liverpool 1812-61; hymnist.

Raffles, SIR THOMAS STAMFORD, 1781-1826. Lieut.-gov. of Java 1811-16, and of Bencoolen, Sumatra, 1818-23; knighted 1817. Hist. Java, 1817.


Rafinesque, CONSTANTINO SAMUEL, 1784-1842. Transylvania Univ. 1818. Florula Ludoviciana, 1817; Medical Flora, 1828-30; Botany of N. America, 1836; Conchology, 1864.

Rafn, KARL CHRISTIAN, 1795-1864. Danish antiquarian, prof. Copenhagen 1826. Antiquitates Americana. 1837.

Rafter. Beam or joist of a roof laid parallel to the main trusses, and serving to support the purlins or the roof covering. In large roofs the rafters are made of iron or steel angles and plates. The lower end of a rafter. if supported by a wall, exerts a horizontal thrust upon it which often renders necessary a tie rod.

Raga Raga. Malay name for the ball used in the most
popular athletic game in s.e. Asia. The ball consists of inter-
twined rings of rattan, and is thrown from any part of the
body, including the foot, but may not be touched with the
hand. The game is played in Siam, Burmah, the Malay Penin-
sula, and the Philippines.

Begun in England 1819 by John
Ragged Schools.
Pounds (d. 1839), a Portsmouth cobbler; urged and extended
by Dr. T. Guthrie of Edinburgh 1847; first opened on Sunday
son iuvenile offenses.
London 1838; first supplied with food at Aberdeen 1841.

ugh clas

Ragusa. Dalmatian town, on the Adriatic; im and powerful in the Middle Ages; held by Austria sin now greatly decayed. Pop., 1891, 7,143. See GRAVOSA Ragweed. Plants of the genus Ambrosia, weed Yellow-flowered her Composite family, natives of N. America. Ragwort. Senecio aureus. natural family Compositae, native of N. America; kno as Squaw-weed; also other species of the genus.

Rahab. Woman of Jericho, who entertained a cealed the spies sent out by Joshua, was spared by the ites, married to a Jewish prince, and became an ance Christ.

Rahbek, KNUD LYNE, 1760-1830. Danish poet, dr and editor.

Raikes, ROBERT, 1735-1811. English printer of Glo founder of modern Sunday-schools, 1780.

Rail Bender. Apparatus for curving railroa

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two curved branches on which the rail rests, while a powerful screw or a hydraulic plunger is brought upon a point midway between them.

Railroad Accidents. The number of train accidents in the U. S. in 1895 was 1,487, of which 602 were due to collisions, 810 to derailments, and 75 to other causes. In these accidents 1,811 employees, 170 passengers, and 4,155 other persons were killed. In 1892 in Great Britain one passenger out of 6,701,000 was killed, in U. S. one out of 2,984,832 in 1895; in U. S., 1895, one out of 213,651 was injured; of employees, one out of 433 was killed and one out of 31 injured: of trainmen, one out of 155 was killed and one out of 10 injured. The increasing use of the block system and of automatic car couplers tends to decrease the number of accidents. "Other persons" includes casualties at stations and crossings and trespassers.

Railroad Bagatelle. Game resembling Tivoli, in which balls are rolled down an inclined trough or a spiral tube upon a board containing pins, and numbered holes or stalls.

Railroad Gauge. Distance between the inner sides of the heads of the rails; for the standard gauge 4 ft. 8 in. The standard gauge is used for main lines in U. S., England, France and Germany, the narrow gauges of 34 and 3 ft. being adopted only for branch roads in mountainous districts. Ireland has a gauge of 5 ft. 3 in.; Spain and Portugal have 5 ft. 6 in.; in India 5 ft. 5 in. is mostly used. Of the total railroad mileage of the world 76 per cent is of standard gauge, 10 of larger, and 14 of smaller gauges. See BATTLE OF THE GAUGES.

Railroad Rails. The earliest tramway rails were of wood or stone, but in 1805 cast-iron rails ab. 5 ft. long were introduced. Ab. 1820 a strap rail of wrought-iron fastened upon longitudinal wooden stringers came into use. These were soon followed by the double-headed rail, which is still used in England. The rail with flat base was invented by R. L. Stevens, and first used 1831 on the Camden and Amboy R.R. The crosssection of the early rails was pear-shaped, but this has been gradually modified to the present form, the head being with sides almost vertical while the web is comparatively thin. Prior to 1860 rails were rolled of wrought-iron, but the invention of Bessemer 1862 caused steel to be used, and the cost of production has been lowered from $150 to $20 per ton. The weight and size of rails has gradually increased with the growth of traffic and the decrease in their cost. The minimum weight now used is 50 or 60 lbs. per yard, while 80, 90 and 100 lbs. per yard are frequently found on roads of heavy traffic. The average distribution of the metal in the best forms is ab. 42 per cent in the head, 21 in the web, and 37 in the base.

Railroads. At the beginning of the 19th century a number of tramways were in use in Great Britain for transporting coal and freight; these had timber or cast-iron rails, and the motive power was horses. The first locomotives were introduced by Trevithick 1804, who used waste steam in the chimney for draft, and by Blinkinsop 1811. In 1825 the Stockton and Darlington road, 38


m. long, was opened, and a train weighing 90 tons drawn at a speed of 5 m. per hour by an engine built by George Stephenson. In 1829 the Liverpool and Manchester road was opened with a train weighing 124 tons drawn at an average speed of 13.8 m. per hour by an engine, the Rocket, weighing 4 tons, built by Robert Stephenson; a maximum speed of 29 m. was attained. In the U.S. railroad construction began 1826, when a tramway for transporting stone

The Rocket.

was built at Quincy, Mass.; in 1827 one for coal traffic was built at Mauch Chunk, Pa.: horses were used in both cases. The first locomotive was operated at Honesdale, Pa., on the Delaware and Hudson road, by Horatio Allen, on Aug. 8, 1829. In 1830 the Baltimore and Ohio, the S. Carolina, the Mohawk and Hudson, and the Camden and Amboy railroads were under

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At the close of 1896 the number of miles of railroad in U.S 182.600, and in the world 405,583. The total railroad capi U.S. was $12,107,853,637, of which 45 per cent was in sto in funded debt, and 9 in other forms. The average cost of struction has been $47,000 per mile, and that of equip $5,000. The number of passengers carried one mile was 13 840.243, and of the tons of freight carried one mile 93 853,634. The average cost of carrying a passenger one m 1.91 cents; the revenue received is 2.14 cents. The av cost of carrying one ton of freight one mile is 0.58 cents revenue received is 0.89 cents. The average cost of runn train one mile is 97 cents, the revenue received 147 cents. net earnings are less than 4 per cent upon the capital inve Railroad Weather Signal. Introduced by the State Weather Service 1881, to be borne on the side of a gage or freight car, and changed daily by orders from the tral weather bureau, announcing the weather to be exp during the next 24 hours; subsequently adopted by U.S.S Office and all State Weather services.

Rails (MARSH HENS). Grallatory birds of relatively size, with long toes, short wings, fairly long bill and legs a turned-up tail. They are strong fliers, but prefer to run pursued. They nest in the long grass of marshes. The age is dun or mud-colored, streaked with ashy and dark posteriorly. Rallus elegans, Fresh-water Marsh Hen, is long and with ruddier color, while R. longirostris (crepi the Clapper Rail of salt marshes, is 15 in. long, with a ashy brown hue. The former has one, the latter two bro a season. The Virginia Rail and the Sora resemble the el and crepitans respectively, but are only 9 or 10 in. long. Raimondi, ANTONIO, 1826-1890. Naturalist, b. at M prof. at Lima from 1851. El Peru, 3 vols., 1874-97. Hi plorations, collections, and notes furnish material for 20 Raimondi. See MARK ANTONIO.

Rain. The amount of moisture contained in a cubic of saturated air increases with the temperature, being gns. at 32° F., 4.09 at 50°, 6.15 at 62°, 7.99 at 70°, 10.90 at 14.81 at 90° and 19.79 at 100°. When the air is saturate humidity is 100; if it contains three-fourths the moisture sible at the given temperature the humidity is 75. Rains, and clouds are due to the cooling of moist air, warm air ing into cooler regions, or warm and cold air coming toge and reducing the temperature below the saturation point. mean annual rainfall is the depth of rain and melted sno a year and in Boston is 45 inches, New York 44.8, Philade 39.8, Baltimore 43.8, Washington 43.5, Charleston 56.7, M 62.2, New Orleans 60.5, Louisville 45.8, Chicago 34.8, Dub 35.5, Oswego 35, Cincinnati 39.9, Leavenworth 38.4, Bism 18.4, Santa Fe 14.2, Fort Grant, Ariz. 16.5, Sacramento Portland, Ore., 46.8, Cheyenne 12.2, London 25, Paris 71. B 24, Vienna 19, St. Petersburg 17, Valdivia 106, Vera Cruz San Domingo 108. Maranham 277, Hong Kong 101, Port 2, Astrakhan 6. Cherrapongee in Assam, 610 inches. See MIDITY and HYGROMETRY,

Rainbow. Optical phenomenon consisting of an ar concentric colored bands, arranged in prismatic order. re

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Rains, GEORGE WASHINGBrigadier-gen. TON, b. 1817. C.S.A.; founder of Confederate powder works at Augusta, Ga.; prof. Univ. Ga. 1867: improver of portable steam engines. Chemistry, 1872; Qualitative Analysis, 1879.-His brother, GABRIEL JAMES, 1803-1881, was distinguished in the Seminole, Mexican, and Civil wars, especially (as brig.-gen. C.S.A.) at Fair Oaks.

Rain Gauge.

Rainsford, WILLIAM STEPHEN, D.D., b. 1850 in Ireland. Rector of St. George's, New York, since 1883; prominent in reforms and charities.

Rain Tree. Plant of Peru, which, according to Rotolf, condenses the atmospheric moisture so freely as to produce a swampy ground beneath its shade.

Rainy Lake,

Area Between Minnesota and Ontario; connected with Lake of the Woods by Rainy River. 146 sq. m.

Raisin River. In s.e. Mich.; scene of a massacre of Ky. forces by Indians, Jan. 22, 1813.

Raisins. Dried grapes, deriving their names from the place where they grow, as Smyrnas, Valencias, etc.; or from the species of grape, as muscatels, blooms, and sultanas. The finest are cured by cutting the stalk half through, when the grapes are nearly ripe, and allowing them to dry on the vine; or when fully ripe, by dipping them in a lye made from the ashes of the burned tendrils, after which they are dried by Inferior sorts are often dried in ovens.

the sun.

Rajah. Title of a native sovereign in India; now extended to chiefs and prominent persons.

Rajides. See RAYS.

Rajon, PAUL ADOLPHO, 1842-1888. French etcher.

Rajputana. Twenty States of n. India, under British protection. Area 132,461 sq. m.; pop., 1891, 12,089,330, of which the Rajputs, the ruling race, are less than 7 per


Rake Vein. In n. England, a highly inclined fissure vein, as contrasted with pipe veins or flats.

Raking Prop. In Mining; (1) short piece of timber used to support a curb during the excavation of the sides of a shaft; (2) prop set in an inclined position to prevent the fall of a loose roof.

Rákóczy, FRANCIS LEOPOLD, 1676-1735. Prince of Transylvania; head of an insurrection against Austria. The independence of Hungary was proclaimed May 31, 1707, but overthrown 1708-11.

Rakoczy March. National air of Hungary and Transylvania. The composer is not known. It is named in honor of Francis Rakoczy II.

Rale. Sound observed in ausculting the lungs in certain
diseased conditions. It is formed by the breaking of the air
through fluid in the air passages.

Raleigh. Capital of N. C., in Wake co., on the Neuse.
Pop., 1890, 12,678.

Raleigh, SIR WALTER, 1552-1618. Leader of the expedi-
tion which discovered Virginia 1585; prominently connected
with the defeat of the Spanish Armada 1588; organizer of an
expedition to S. America for the discovery of Eldorado 1595;
imprisoned and condemned to death 1603 by James I.; during
his imprisonment in the Tower he wrote a History of the World
tical pieces; released 1616 and permitted to make
which proved a failure; foully

executed, nominally on the sentence passed 16 years b
His brilliant abilities and chivalrous character made hi


Sir Walter Raleigh.
of the chief adornments of that great age.


Rallidæ (RAILS). Family of Grallatores, having ters intermediate between Natatores and Gallinacei. are four elongated toes; the wings are small, the bea and legs not long. See RAILS.

Ralph, JAMES, ab.1696-1762. American versifier,
land from 1724; lampooned by Pope in the Dunciad.
Ralph, JULIAN, b. 1852. American magazinist,
and author. Our Great West, 1894; Dixie, 1895; P
Pass, 1895: Alone in China, 1896.

Pres. Bank
Ralston, WILLIAM C., 1826-1875.
active in the development of San Francisco and the
Coast; ruined by a combination against him.

Ralston, WILLIAM SHODDEN, 1828-1889. English
Kriloff and His Fables, 1869; Russian Folk-Tales, 1873
Ram. Ironclad vessel, armed at the prow, below t
line, with a sharp, heavy, steel beak, with a sloping
the upper side. This is of the strongest formation and
an independent adjunct of the ship for the purpose of

Ramadan, or RAMAZAN. Mohammedan 9th mo ing which the strictest fasting is obligatory in daylig

Ramah. 1. Town of Benjamin, 5 m. n. of Je identified 1838. 2. Home of the prophet Samuel; in not located.

Ramases. See RAMESES.

Ramayana. Oldest of the Sanskrit epic poems by the sage Valmiki; attributed to the 5th century celebrates the life and exploits of Rama, and his wife the rape of the latter by Ravana, the demon king of The story closes with her death and vindication an translation to heaven.

Rambach, JOHANN JAKOB, D.D., 1693-1735. hymnist; prof. Halle 1723-31, and Giessen from 1731.

Rambler, 1750-52. Periodical founded and mai ten by Dr. Johnson. It consisted of short essays on the times, moral subjects, and follies of the day, manner of the Spectator.

Rambouillet, CATHERINE DE VIVONNE, MARC 1588-1665. Founder of a salon which long included brains and accomplishments of Paris.

Rameau, JEAN PHILIPPE, 1683-1764. French founder of the science of harmony, organist and Traité de l'harmonie, 1721, was approved by the Acad Louis XV. created the post of Compositeur de Cabine He composed over 30 operas, several cantatas, m clavichord pieces.

Raments. Thin scales borne on the leaves an of certain plants, especially ferns.

Rameses, or RAMSES. Thirteen Egyptian kin 19th and 20th dynasties. The second (Sesostris) bui among them, intended for the worship of his man in Nubia and Libya, conquered the Hittites, and throughout his empire, the Ramesseum opposit

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years. The third had a brilliant reign; waged war with the Libyans and Hittites, and received tribute from Punt and Ethiopia. He is supposed to be the Pharaoh of the Exodus. The mummies of Rameses I., II., and III. were discovered 1881, and are now at the Gizeh Museum.

Ramie. Boehmeria nivea. Herb of the natural family

Ramie (Boemeria nivea).

reforms, and for beneficent foundations.

Urticaceae, native of Asia; widely cultivated in tropical countries for its valuable fiber, known also as China grass and rhea and used for making rope, cordage and grasscloth.

Ramification. System of branching of a plant or animal. Ramillies. Village of Belgium; scene of a brilliant victory of Marlborough, May 23, 1706, over the French, who were thereby driven out of the Low Countries.

Ramirez, ALEJANDRO, 1777-1821. Spanish official in Guatemala and

Cuba, eminent for

financial and other

Ramirez, IGNACIO, 1818-1879. Mexican poet and scholar, of native descent; Minister of Justice 1860-61; banished 1865; Judge of the Supreme Court from 1867; imprisoned 1876.

Rammelsberg, KARL FRIEDRICH, b. 1813. German scientist; a leading investigator of the chemical nature and relations of minerals. Handwörterbuch des chemischen Theils der Mineralogie, 1841; Handbuch der Mineralchemie, 1860; Handbuch der krystallographisch-physikalischen Chemie, 1881.

Rammelsbergite. NIAS2. Rare mineral, containing nickel and arsenic, found in Saxony associated with other minerals containing nickel and cobalt.

Rammohun Roy, 1772-1833. Bengalese reformer, founder of the Brahmo Somaj 1828; in England from 1831. He opposed idolatry and suttee, tr. the Vedanta, 1816, and pub. Precepts of Jesus, 1820.

Ramnes. See ROME.

Ramose. Branching plants, especially if the number of branches is large.

Ramoth Gilead. Amorite town, made a city of refuge and held by Levites; identified with Es-Salt, e. of the Jordan. Pop. ab. 4,000.

Rampant Arch. One whose abutments are not on the same level.

Ramsay, ALLAN, 1686-1758. Scottish poet. The Gentle Shepherd, 1725. His Evergreen, 1724, and Tea-Table Miscellany, 4 vols., 1724-40, were collections of old songs and ballads.-His son, ALLAN, 1713-1784, was a portrait painter of repute.

Ramsay, SIR ANDREW CROMBIE, 1814-1891. Prof. Univ. Coll., London, 1848; director of the geological survey of Great Britain 1872; knighted 1881; advocate of the theory that many lake basins have been eroded by glacier ice. Physical Geology, 1863.

Ramsay, DAVID, M.D., 1749-1815. Historian of the American Revolution, 1785-89, of S. C., 1809, and of the U. S., 1816-17.

Ramsay, EDWARD BANNERMAN BURNETT, LL.D., 1793-1872. Dean of Edinburgh 1846. He declined three bishoprics, and pub, several books, chief of which is Scottish Life and Character, 1856-61.

Ramsay, WILLIAM MITCHELL, D.C.L., b. 1851. Prof. Aberdeen 1886. St. Faul's Travels, 1895.

Ramsden, JESSE, 1735-1800. English maker of telescopes and astronomical instruments.

Ramses. See RAMESES.

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Entrance to Ramsgate Harbor.

steam packet station, and does considerable trade in coa fish. It is a fashionable watering place. Its harbor cove acres. Pop., 1891, 24.700.

Ramus, PETRUS (or Ramée, PIERRE DE LA), 1515French humanist, prof. at Paris 1551. His book attac scholasticism and the Aristotelian logic, 1543, caused n wrath and the suspension of his lectures for some years. wrote luminously on mathematics, language, theology. losophy, and ethics, became a Protestant ab. 1562, and

one of the most illustrious victims of the massacre o Bartholomew.


Rancagua. Town of Chili, 43 m. s. of Santiago. Gen. O'Higgins was besieged by Spanish troops, and defe Oct. 1-2, 1814. Pop. ab. 8,000.

Rancé, ARMAND JEAN LE BOUTHILLIER DE, 1626Abbot of La Trappe 1662, author of its severe discipline, work thereon, in 4 vols., 1696, of Monastic Life, 1683, and books. See TRAPPISTS.

Rancidity of Fats. This is due to the absorption of gen and the decomposition of mucilaginous and album substances, which in decaying react on the fat, setting fatty acids and decomposing the glycerin. The exciting is probably bacteria. It may be removed by melting the washing it with hot water, and then with a weak, cold sol of sodium hydroxide.

Rancor. Fixed hatred which by its inward working diseased the mind.

Randall. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS, 1819-1872. Gov. of 1857-60; U. S. Minister to Italy 1861-62; Postmaster


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Randolph, PEYTON, 1721-1775. Va. patriot, uncle of Edmund; Atty.-gen. 1748-66; Pres. of Congress 1774 and 1775. Randolph, THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN, 1816-1883. Gov. of N. J. 1868-72; U. S. Senator 1875-81.-His father, JAMES FITZ, 1791-1871, was M.C. 1829-33.

Randolph, THOMAS, 1605-1635. English dramatist and lyric poet.

Randolph, THOMAS MANN, 1768-1828. M.C. 1803-7; Gov. of Va. 1819-21.-His son, THOMAS JEFFERSON, 1792-1875, was a grandson of the third President, and his biographer 1829. Random Stone. Large angular stones used in building embankments and breakwaters.

Random Work. Rough masonry not laid in courses. Random coursed work applies to stones brought to horizontal beds, but of unequal height.

Ranelagh. Hall at Chelsea, London, rival of Vauxhall as a place of amusement and resort; built 1742, demolished 1803-4. Rangabé, ALEXANDER RHIZOS, 1810-1892. Modern Greek dramatic poet.

Range. In Gunnery, the horizontal distance from the muzzle to the point where the trajectory pierces the horizontal plane passing through the muzzle of the gun: it varies with the elevation, the initial velocity, resistance of the air, character of the projectile, etc.

Range Finders. Instruments by which the distance of
a target from the gun may be readily determined: based on the
trigonometric relations of the circular functions of the angles
of a triangle to the length of its sides. In those with fixed
angles and variable bases, the latter are taken in some simple
ratio, such as, o, etc., of the range: thus angles of 88° 34'
at the base correspond to bases of the range. With fixed
bases and variable angles, the angles must be so carefully read
as to require the use of a telescope. Fiske's Range and Posi-
tion finder employs a galvanometer and Wheatstone's bridge
to find the angle at the target for a fixed base.

A range joined by
Range (or RUN) of Points. Figure made up of points
on a straight line, the base of the range.
straight lines with any point without the base forms a pencil.
A transversal cutting a flat pencil forms a range.

Rangifer. See DEER and REINDEER.

Rangoon. City of British Burmah, in the Delta of the
Irrawaddy, 20 m. from the sea; held by England since 1852, and

The Signal Pagoda, Rangoon.

of commercial importance. It ranks third among the seaports
of British India, having two-thirds of the exports and nearly
all the imports. Pop., 1891, 180,324.

Ranidæ. Family of anurous Amphibia, i.e. Frogs, includ-
ing 248 species, the majority of which are East Indian. Of
these forms some burrow, others are arboreal, like the Tree
Toads (Tree-frogs). One species has expanded webs on hands
and feet, which act as parachutes when it takes flying leaps;
others have opposable fingers for grasping twigs. The genus
Rana is represented by 110 species. R. catesbiana, the Bull-
frog, is largest, approaching 8 in. in length. It is noted for its
bellowing voice, but as a rule the frogs are not so noisy as are
the Hylidae. R. temporaria lives in dry woods, seeking the
water only to spawn.

Sikh chieftain, founder of the
Ranjit Singh, 1780-1839.
Punjab kingdom; owner of the Kohinoor diamond which was
presented to Queen Victoria 1850, on the confiscation of the
property of the state.

Rank. In Botany, vertical row of leaves.

Rank conferred upon an officer, by a com-
army additional to and

in a particular corps of the legally established military c zation. He thus becomes eligible for assignment by the higher than that which he holds by virtue of his comm dent to the rank which it confers: without such assign has no effect on the officer's status.

Rank, MILITARY. In U. S. army the grades are: 1, gen.; 2, brig.-gen.; 3, colonel; 4, lieut.-colonel; 5, ma captain; 7, 1st lieutenant; 8, 2d lieut.; 9, cadet: 10, se major (regimental); 11, quartermaster-sergeant (regin 12, ordnance, commissary, and post quartermaster-se hospital steward, first-class sergeant of the signal corp sergeant; 13, first sergeant; 14, sergeant and acting steward; 15, corporal. In each grade date of commiss musician, principal musician, chief trumpeter, and pointment, or warrant, determines the order of preced Ranke, JOHANNES, b. 1836. Prof. Munich; writer thropology.

Ranke, LEOPOLD VON, 1795-1886. Prof. Berlin 1825 1834-37, tr. 1840: Germany in the Reformation, 6 vols., House of Brandenburg, 1847-48; Hist. England, 6 vols., toriographer of Prussia 1841; ennobled 1865. Popes tr. 1875. His works to 1868 were collected in 47 v Weltgeschichte, 9 vols., 1881-88, occupied his later year Applied M Rankine, WILLIAM JOHN MACQUORN, 1820-1872. and civil engineer; prof. Glasgow 1855. 1868; Civil Engineering, 1862-65; Machinery and Mi


Rank of Motives. Their relation in the order comparative excellence or ethical value.

Ransom. In early English law, pecuniary fine i bodily punishment; in international law, payment t the surrender of military captives or of captured vess Ransom, GEORGE MARCELLUS, U.S.N., b. 1820 mander 1863, Captain 1870, Commodore 1877; engage Gulf 1862, and on the Atlantic coast 1863-64. Ransom, MATTHEW WHITAKER, b. 1826. Brig.-ge 1863; U. S. Senator from N. C. 1872-95; Minister t


Brig.-gen. C.S
Ransom, ROBERT, 1829-1892.
Major-gen. 1863; engineer on U. S. rivers and harb

Ransom, THOMAS EDWARD GREENFIELD, 1834-186 gen. U.S.A. 1862; distinguished in the West, as at Fo and Donelson.-His father, TRUMAN BISHOP, 1802-184 Norwich Univ., Vt., was killed at Chapultepec.

Ransom of Prisoners. Soldiers captured d are now regarded as prisoners of the government of erent that captures them and are exchanged by carte ment determined upon by the belligerents: formerly times and among barbarous peoples they were cons property of the captors and were released upon the of ransom.

Ranstead-Weed. See BUTTER-AND-EGGS. Ranters. 1. Anabaptist sect in England ab. 1 nomians in theory and practice; short-lived. Methodists.

Rantoul, ROBERT, 1805-1852.



U.S. District-at

Mass. 1845-49; M. C. 1851; active in the anti-slavery
other reforms, as was his father, ROBERT, 1778-1858
Ranunculaceæ. Natural family of flowering
the class Angiospermae and
sub-class Dicotyledons,com-
prising ab. 45 genera and
uted throughout all parts
of the earth; called the
750 species, widely distrib-
Buttercup or Crowfoot fam-

Ranvier, LOUIS, b. 1835.
Prof. Coll. de France; writer
on histology.

des Vaches.
Melodies of the Swiss Alps,
played by herdsmen on the
keep-horn; painfully effec-
tive when heard by natives
in exile.






family of flowering Ranunculus asiaticus, ga plants, of the class Angiospermae and sub-class Mon comprising 6 genera and ab. 20 species, natives of Guiana.

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