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cornea upon the retina. The reflected rays from this image cause shadows of the blood-vessels on the retina, which in a darkened room will be projected outward through the nodal point of the eye, and are visible, greatly magnified, upon a favorably placed sheet or wall. The figures are made more distinct by moving the light to and fro. See EYE.

Purl. Mixture of ale, milk, spirits, and sugar. Purlin. Horizontal beam connecting two main rafters or roof trusses, and serving to support the roof covering. Purple, TYRIAN. See TYRIAN PURPLE. Purple Emperor (APATURA IRIS). One of the richest colored and largest butterflies. The expanse of wings is from 2 to 3 in.. are strong and thick. It frequents the top of oak trees.

Purple Emperor (larva and pupa shown below).

Purple Glow (RED, or ROSY GLOW). Broad colored disk from 5° to 50° above the horizon, over the sun, lasting a few minutes, and reappearing as the sun sinks.

Purple of Cassius. See GOLD TRICHLORIDE.

Purpura. Several con

ditions and causes other than violence produce extravasation of blood under the skin or

mucous membrane. To these extravasations so produced the general term Purpura is given. When the extravasation is due to an external injury, it is called an Ecchymosis. The treatment tends to correct the condition of the blood by strong diet and tonics, if low and the reverse if the condition is excited.

Purpuric Acid. C.H,N,O,. The free acid is unknown. Its ammonium salt is MUREXIDE (q.v.).

Purpurin. C,,HO. Trihydroxy anthraquinone; red coloring matter, present in the madder root, and prepared artificially by the oxidation of alizarine; orange needles; usually sold as an alizarine.

Purree, or INDIAN YELLOW. Coloring matter made in India from the urine of cows fed on mango leaves. A single cow produces ab. 2 oz. a day. Often adulterated with chrome yellow. It consists mainly of the calcium and magnesium salts of euxanthic acid.

Purser. Officer having charge of pay, clothing and provisions on a vessel; in the navy displaced by paymaster.

Pursh, FRIEDRICH FRANGOTT, 1794-1820. Botanist. Flora America septentrionalis, 1814.

Purslane. Portulaca oleracea. Weed of the natural family Portulacaceae, native of Europe, introduced into N. America; probably the worst weed in gardens in the U. S. The only successful method of combating it is to keep the ground stirred as often as the young plants make their appearance.

Purslane, SEA. Low, fleshy herbs of the genus Sesuvium, natural family Ficoidea, natives of the seacoast of the s.e. U. S.

Purslane, WATER. Isuardia palustris. Low, smooth aquatic herb of the natural family Onagraceae, native of the n. temperate zone.

Pursuivant. Member of the third or lowest office in the college of heralds.

Purus. River in S. America, flowing across Bolivia and Brazil, emptying into the Amazon ab. 100 m. s. w. of Manaos. Length ab. 1,900 m.

Pus. Fluid formed in the process of suppuration. It is a breaking down of the material binding together the cell elements of a tissue, which liquefies and is mingled with the cells, along with others, usually the escaped white corpuscle of the blood. This condition is brought about by the action of certain forms of micro-organisms.

Pusey, EDWARD BOUVERIE, D.D., D.C.L., 1800-1882. Hebrew Prof. at Oxford from 1828; one of the authors of Tracts for the Times (Nos. 18, 40, 67), and a leader in the movement which. to his displeasure. long bore his name: a man of retir


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Putamen. Shell of a peach-pit or similar vegetable stru It is morphologically the endocarp of the fruit rende dense and crustaceous, and contained in the sarcocarp, pulpy layer.

Putnam, FREDERICK WARD, b. 1839. Director Peabo Academy of Sciences at Salem, Mass., 1867-76; curator P body Museum at Cambridge 1874; Prof. of Archæology a Ethnology at Harvard 1886.

Putnam, GEORGE PALMER, 1814-1872. Grand-nephew Israel; publisher in New York; author of several books travel; founder of Putnam's Mag., 1853-56.-His son, GEOR HAVEN, b. 1844, pub. Books and their Makers, 1896, and much for international copyright.

Putnam, ISRAEL, 1718-1790. General of the Revolutic distinguished for his courage and daring. He won renown Bunker Hill and held commands in N. Y. 1776-77.-His cousi RUFUS, served through the Revolution, founded Marietta,

[graphic][merged small]

1788, was a Judge of the Supreme Court of Northwest Ter tory 1789, Brig.-gen. under Wayne 1792, and U. S. Surveyo gen. 1793-1803.-A nephew, GIDEON, 1764-1812, founded Sar toga Springs.

Putnam, MARY TRAILL SPENCE (LOWELL), b. 1810. Bio rapher of her father, Charles Lowell. Tragedy of Error 1862. Her son, WILLIAM LOWELL, 1840-1861, was killed Bull's Bluff, Va., and celebrated, with two cousins, by the uncle, J. R. Lowell, in a famous passage of the Harvard Co memoration Ode.

Putorius. See MUSTELIDE.

Putrefaction. Decomposition of organic matter und the influence of micro-organisms. The complex molecule broken up by a succession of chemical changes through simpl forms of organic compounds into inorganic substances. D agreeable odors are generated during the process.

Putrid Fever. See TYPHUS FEVER.

Puts and Calls. See OPTIONS.

Putty. Mixture of whiting and oil, used by glaziers a painters.

Putty-Powder. Binoxide of tin, used to polish stor glass, etc., and in making enamel. Putty-Root. See ADAM-AND-EVE.

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Purvis de Chavannes, PIERRE, b. 1814. French historical and decorative painter of high rank.

Côtes de St. Dominique,
TENET, 1752-1809. French naval officer, in America 1778-79;
Portuguese Vico-admiral 1795-1803.

Puzzles. Variety of ingenious devices, now used as means
of diversion, in which the object is usually to unravel or dis-
close some hidden principle or idea by the aid of mechanical
skill. Mechanical puzzles, which are very numerous, may all
be referred to a few simple principles. Those now extant are
practically represented by the well-known ball and cord, the
wire ring puzzle, the Chinese geometrical puzzle, the arrange-
ment of numbered blocks called the Fifteen Puzzle, and the
American Pigs in Clover. Mechanical puzzles identical with
those of Europe and Asia exist among the aboriginal tribes of
N. and S. America. No satisfactory explanation has yet been
offered of their origin.

Volcanic earth found near Pozzuoli in
Italy, which hardens when mixed with lime and water,
forming a hydraulic cement; sometimes called Roman ce-
Other varieties are found along the Rhine, near



Pyat, FELIX, 1810-1889. French dramatist, in exile 1849-70 and 1871-80; condemned to death 1873 as a leader of the Commune; Deputy 1888.

Pycnidia. Sacs producing propagative bodies known as pycuospores, developed in certain ascomycetous Fungi.


Family of Mesozoic fish, having the mouth provided with a dense pavement of thick, round, flat teeth.

Pycnodus. Lepidoganoid fish, with large, round, flatcrowned teeth, covering broad jaws as with a pavement of from three to five rows.


Pycnogonum littorale.

Group of Arachnids of small size.
with four pairs of slender, long, and
many-jointed legs. and, in the male,
an accessory pair for carrying eggs.
They have a conical proboscis, a
rudimentary abdomen, and live
among seaweeds. Recent students
of this group place it apart from
the other Arachnids in a class by

Pycnospores. Propagative bod-
ies of certain Fungi and contained
in sacs called pycnidia.

Pydna. Town of Macedonia; scene of the defeat of Perseus by the Romans under L. Æmilius Paulus 168 B.C., which ended the war.

branchs, including the Dorida. These are slug-like Molly
crawling about upon seaweed. The gills form a circle
There is a false mantle fold, and s
rounding the anus.
times accessory gills.

Group of schizognat
Natatores, with small wings, useless for flight. There ar
groups, Impennes and Urinatores or Pygopodes proper.
Pygostyle. Plowshare-shaped bone at the end of a
caudal vertebral column, representing from four to six
lesced vertebræ. It bears the rectrices or tail feathers.

Pylades. Cousin and friend of Orestes, whom he ai avenge the murder of Agamemnon.

Pylangium. Conus arteriosus of the amphibian
It has a row of valves at each end, and one of the an
valves extends longitudinally toward the posterior row.
American author, chie
Pyle, HOWARD, b. 1853.

juvenile books, and illustrator. Men of Iron, 1891.
Pylon. Monumental gateway to an Egyptian temp
is sometimes in the form of a truncated pyramid, bu


Pylon of Ptolemy Euergetes.

more typically a combination of two such structures co They were usually covered with hieroglyphic decorat is often used synonymously with propylon.

Pyloric Appendages (CECAL APPENDAGES). like diverticula of the digestive tract of fishes, situat

Pye, HENRY JAMES. D.C.L.. 1745-1813. M.P. 1784: poet- beginning of the small intestine. laureate from 1790. Alfred, 1801.

Pyemia. Condition of the blood when poisoned by the presence of pus-producing micro-organisms; wherever these micro-organisms lodge, secondary abscesses are apt to form. The disease is very often fatal.

Pygidium. Caudal portion of a Trilobite.-Also, last segment of a Coleopter's abdomen, left uncovered by the wing


Pygmalion. King of Cyprus; lover of a maiden brought to life by Aphrodite from a statue.

Pygmies. 1. Fabulous race of dwarfs represented by
Homer as dwelling on the shores of the ocean and attacked
by cranes in the spring. 2. Undersized tribes of Africa, found
and described by Du Chaillu, Stanley, and other travelers.
Ancient writers located pygmy races beyond the limits of the
then known world both northward and southward. Aristotle
and Herodotus specifically located them in the heart of Africa;
the facts that the undersized Bushmen show evidence of once
having been spread over a wide area, and that the presence of
a tribe of pygmies in Central Africa has been discovered by
modern explorers, go to show that the ancient rumors were
well founded. Many small people are found in Central Amer-
ica, with all their faculties, but there does not appear to be a

Pygobranchia. Group of tubicolous Annelids, charac-
branchia on the posterior segments only, as

Pyloric Cæca. 1. Finger-like processes from denum of various fishes. 2. Large pouches from the one in each ray, of the star-fish.

Pym, JOHN, 1584-1643. One of the managers of ham's impeachment 1626; recognized leader of Sho ment 1640, and Long Parliament 1641; manager of the ment of Stafford and trial of Laud; presenter of th Remonstrance"; chief of the five members whose a seizure brought on the Civil War; real head of the p government after the flight of Charles I. His a great, his influence enormous; his death, like that den, was a heavy loss to the nation.

Pynchon, WILLIAM, 1590-1662. Founder of A Springfield, Mass., 1636; author of a book condemne Calvinistic 1650: in England from 1652.-His son, J 1703, took his place, and was prominent in Mass. descendant, THOMAS RUGGLES. D.D., LL.B., b. 1823. prof. of Trinity Coll. since 1854, and was its pre Chemical Physics, 1869.

Pyogenic Bacteria. Pus-producing bacteria Pyramid. Polyhedron having a polygon as a ba other faces triangles meeting at a common point vertex; right, when the base is a regular polygon according to base, as triangular, quadrangular, et vertex to the plane of the base. The slant height pyramid is the altitude of any one of its lateral face titude of a pyramid is the perpendicular distanc Pyramid. Variety of the game of marbles,

are slug-like Molest ills form a circle sur mantle fold, and son+

oup of schizognathos flight. There are tw gopodes proper. e at the end of a from four to six ca or tail feathers, estes, whom he aided a

f the amphibian bear, and one of the atten the posterior row. can author, chiety of Iron, 1891.

an Egyptian temple i cated pyramid, but a


marbles are placed in a pyramid in the center of a ring; the
players shoot at this pile, each taking the ones he knocks out
of the circle.

Pyramid, GREAT. Oldest engineering construction, and
most expensive one ever built; erected as a tomb for Cheops,
king of Egypt, 3733-3666 B.C. It was 481 ft. high, 774 ft. on
each side of the base, and contained ab. 89,000,000 cu. ft. of

Pyrenocarps, or PERITHECIA. Sporocarps of the Py


matophores of certain Algae.
Pyrenoids. Minute, rounded bodies found in the

Pyrenomycetes. Order of Fungi belonging to the class Ascomycetes, having flask-shaped sporocarps open at the neck. Most of the numerous species are parasites.

Pyrheliometer. Instrument devised 1876 by Pouille measuring the intensity of the sun's radiation. It consis a shallow circular box of thin copper or silver, blackened filled with water, in which is immersed the bulb of a therm eter, the stem being partially inclosed in the tube which ports the box. At the lower end of this tube is a disk, e

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The Pyramid of Cheops and the great Sphinx.
limestone and granite. Its cost is variously estimated at from
150 to 600 million dollars. It has passages and interior cham-
bers, the chief of which are called the King's Chamber and the
Queen's Chamber; the masonry work of these is of the most
perfect kind.

Pyramid Lake. In Nevada; drained by Truckee River.
Area 205 sq. m.

Pyramids, BATTLES OF.
Mamelukes and made himself master of Lower Egypt, July 13
In these Bonaparte defeated the
and 21, 1798.

Pyramus and Thisbe. Hero and heroine of a story
told in Ovid's Metamorphoses, and parodied in Midsummer
Night's Dream.

Pyrargyrite. 3Ag2S+Sb2S3.

color and very brittle, found in Mexico, Nevada, and Idaho.
Silver ore dark red in
Pyrena. In Botany, seed-like endocarps of certain small
drupes of several cells which ripen into a berry-like fruit, as in
the Huckleberries.

Pyrene. C6H10. Hydrocarbon contained in coal tar and
obtained from the portion boiling above 360° C.; solid, crystal-
lizing in white plates.

Pyrenees. Range of high mountains traversing from e. to w. the isthmus connecting the Iberian peninsula with the mainland of Europe, and serving as a boundary between France and Spain. It is a comparatively narrow continuous range, having but two passes available for carriage roads. The core

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Ericsson's Pyrheliometer.

and parallel to the bottom of the cylindrical box. This is fo
receiving the shadow of the box, and enables the face of th
latter to be directed accurately toward the sun.
the effect of the sun's rays on the temperature of the wate
By notin
during a given time, a measure of the power of the sun's hea
is obtained. Herschel's actinometer was designed for the sam
purpose and is similar in construction.

Pyridine. C,H,N. Bpt. 117° C. Liquid, with a ver disagreeable odor, present in bone-oil and obtained from it. It is a strong base. Hydrogen changes it to piperidine Its constitution is






and from it numerous derivatives are formed by replacing
the hydrogen atoms by groups.
nicotinic acid with lime.
It is made by treating

or organisms.

In Botany and Zoology, pear-shaped organs

Pyriphlegothon. River of the lower world.

Pyrite. FeS2. Iron pyrites; a very common mineral, containing sulphur and iron, 53.4 per cent of sulphur, and 46.6 per cent of iron. It occurs in many different forms and diverse conditions. When crystallized the form is usually a cube or a pentagonal dodecahedron. harmful ingredient in mineral coal, in slate, and in sandstone. It is a common accessory and In mineral veins it is abundant as a gangue, and is frequently sufficiently auriferous to be treated as a gold ore. value for the iron it contains, but is largely and increasingly It has no utilized in the manufacture of sulphuric acid. The largest commercial producers of pyrite are Spain, Germany, and Mass. and Va., where it occurs in mass deposits of great extent and often carries enough copper to be of value as a source of that metal: 210,000 tons were imported into U. S 1892.

Pyrites. In the plural, a considerable number of metallic Pyrites), though differing widely in others. The most of these sulphides, allied in some of their properties to pyrite (iron sulphides have value for the metal they contain, as copper, nickel, and cobalt.

Pyro Acids. If from two molecules of the ortho acid one molecule of water be abstracted a

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Orthodihydroxybenzene. White crystals with a phenol odor, present in raw beet sugar, and prepared by the fusion of many resins with potash; commonly made by the decomposition of its methyl ether, GUAIACOL (q.v.).

Electrification produced by heat. Pyro-Electricity. Certain minerals, when heated or cooled, become electrically polarized, or exhibit opposite electric properties in different parts. Tourmaline is a substance of this kind.

White C&H3(OH)2. Pyrogallol, or PYROGALLIC ACID. plates, melting at 115° C.; prepared by heating gallic acid and splitting out carbonic acid from it. It has a powerful affinity for oxygen, and is hence used as a reducing agent. It takes oxygen from silver salts, depositing the metal. It is used in photography.

Pyroligneous Acid. Impure ACETIC ACID (q.v.), formed by the destructive distillation of wood.

Pyrolusite. MnO,. Manganese dioxide; one of the most important ores of manganese; worked extensively in many parts of Europe and of the U. S.

Pyromagnetic Generator. Apparatus devised by Edison for utilizing the change of magnetism in a magnetic metal by heat for the purpose of generating an electric current. The metal to be heated is in the form of a thin sheet rolled up and surrounded by a coil of wire. The thin sheet he called an interstitial armature, since it connects the poles of a powerful electromagnet. When this armature is heated by the passage through it of a current of hot air it loses its magnetism, and when a current of cold air is sent through it, it gains it, this magnetization and demagnetization being used to generate a current in the coil.

Pyromancy. DIVINATION (q. v.) by fire or the forms appearing in fire.

Pyrometer. Apparatus for measuring high temperatures above the limits of ordinary thermometers; used for furnaces, flues, chimneys, and hot blast ducts. There are three types. The first uses two bars of metals which expand unequally by heat, fastened together, and their free end so connected to a needle that the amount of curve given to the compound strip by a given heat shall move the needle through so many graduations. Objection to this type is that prolonged action of heat gives the bars a permanent change in length, which vitiates the readings. The second type depends on the different electrical conductivity of platinum wire at different temperatures. A battery cell and a galvanometer are required, and the cell which produces a given deflection of the needle when the conducting wire is cold deflects the needle a less amount when the wire is heated in the gas or flame to be measured. Heats are determined by fusion of metals or alloys of known character, or by

successfully used as a pyrometer.
yielding point of glass, the AIR THERMOMETER (q.v.) ca

Pyrope. Bright red garnet, much used in cheap jew
Bohemian garnet.

Pyrophone. Instrument devised by arranging a s
tubes of different lengths, which are made to sound by
ING FLAMES (q.v.).

Pyrophorous. Said of any substances which tak
from the rapidity with which they oxidize. If tartrate o
is heated in a tube until the organic matter is charred an
poured into the air, it will take fire.

Made by h
Pyrophosphates. Derivatives of pyrophosphoric
Pyrophosphoric Acid. H,P,O,.
by heating secondary phosphates.
phosphoric acid to 200°-300° C. The pyrophosphates are f

Pyrosis. Abnormal condition of the stomach where
is a burning sensation accompanied by belchings of an a
bitter fluid. It is a form of dyspepsia and may be relie
moderate doses of some alkaline substance (baking soda
nesia), but the cure depends upon removing the causes 1

to the condition. See HEARTBURN.

Pyrosoma. See ASCIDIANS.

Pyrosulphuric Acid. See DISULPHURIC ACID.

Pyrotechny. Art of preparing combustible compo
which give a pleasing effect when set on fire; of unkno
tiquity, practiced by the Chinese from early times.
compositions are solid mixtures of combustible and ox
agents, to which some substances to modify the rate o
ing and some to give color effects are added. The pr
which burns slowly when well tamped, and evolve
volumes of gas. The decorations placed in paper shells,
candles and rockets are principally stars, serpents, n
ingredient of pyrotechnic composition is mealed gun
gold rain, and rain of fire; these are formed from nit
phur, mealed powder, charcoal, metallic filings and t
of various metals for color effects, such as sodium for
calcium for red, strontium for crimson, barium for gre
copper for green or blue: iron and steel filings give
port-fires, slow and quick match, and other military p
nics was a branch of military instruction, but having
Formerly the construction of fire-balls, carcasses,
lost much of their importance, due to the introduction
tricity, they are now for the greater part practically

Pyroxene. Mineral closely allied to amphibole i
all respects. The name includes several varieties of al
and non-aluminous anhydrous silicates of calcium,
diallage and augite, which are common ingredients in
line rocks.
sium, and iron. Among these varieties the most impo

Pyroxylin. Usually, the explosive hexa-nitra

Pyrrha. Wife of Deucalion, the Noah of Greek 1
Pyrrhic Dance. Native in Crete; performed by


other methods, and a table of deflections worked out for the
particular instrument in question. The third type uses a ball
or lump of some material of known weight and specific heat,
which is placed in the material whose temperature is sought,
and kept there till it reaches the same heat. It is quickly re-
moved and dropped into a known weight of water, and it is
weight of ball, T= original tem-
observed by how many degrees the water is warmed. Then,
if W weight of water, w=
perature of water, t = final temperature of water and ball,
unknown temperature of heated ball, and c = its specific
heat, and radiation and evaporation be prevented, we have
W X1 Xt Tw XcX (x-t), in which x is the only un-
known quantity. This is an exact method if a material is used
heat has been determined exactly for the range
For temperatures within the

X =

Pyrrhic Dance.
and other Greeks in full armor, with warlike moven
prototype in Crete was the dance instituted by the

MOMETER (q.v.) can be

used in cheap jewelry by arranging a set made to sound by S tances which take is ize. If tartrate of tter is charred and the f pyrophosphoric ac O,. Made by heatz; rophosphates are fe

he stomach where the -belchings of an ac and may be relieve) ? tance (baking soda. Ex moving the causes lead.:

SULPHURIC ACID. combustible composition t on fire; of unkno from early times. Te -ombustible and oxa

modify the rate of ar are added. The pra Lion is mealed gunpor amped, and evolves aced in paper shells, Ro -stars, serpents, man re formed from niter.etallic filings and the s such as sodium for re son, barium for gresi d steel filings give st e-balls, carcasses, ros and other military pr uction, but having e to the introduction of ter part practically obse llied to amphibole in several varieties of alum Silicates of calcium, 4 rieties the most important minon ingredients in y

explosive hexa-nitrate ›


the Noah of Greek le

Crete; performed by S


drown the cries of the infant Zeus. It was a mimic fight, in-
tended to show the art of attack and defense.

Pyrrho, OF ELIS, ab.360-ab.270 B.C. Greek philosopher of
the Skeptical school, who denied all knowledge of the nature
of things.

Pyrrhonism. Absolute skepticism, named from Pyrrho, who maintained that we cannot know that we know anything; uncertainty attaches to every proposition the human mind can frame.

Pyrrhotite. FenSn+1. Magnetic pyrites; compound of iron and sulphur, in which the value of n ranges from 5 to 16. It often contains enough nickel to be of value as a nickel-ore.

Pyrrhus, 318-272 B.C. King of Epirus 307, expelled 302,
restored 295; in Italy, as ally of Tarentum, warring with Rome
280-278, and in Sicily, with Carthage, 278-276; defeated by
Dentatus near Beneventura 275; conqueror of most of Mace-
donia 274; at war with Sparta 272; killed at Argos by a tile
thrown by a woman.

Pyrrol. CH,NH. Basic liquid, bpt. 126° C.; present in
coal tar, but usually prepared from bone-oil.
odor like that of chloroform. It is thus constituted,
It has an

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Q. S. Abbreviation for quantum sufficit (as much as needed), used in writing medical prescriptions.

Quackenbos, GEORGE PAYN, LL.D., 1826-1881. American
author of text-books, as is his son, JOHN DUNCAN, b. 1848, prof.
Columbia 1884.

Quackenbush, STEPHEN PLATT, U.S.N., 1823-1890. Lieut.
1855, Lieut.-commander 1862; distinguished on the Atlantic
coast in the war; Commodore 1880, Rear-admiral 1885.
Quack Grass.
weeds of cultivated grounds.
Agropyron repens. One of the worst
rapidly by its vigorous underground stems, and is eradicated
It spreads by seed, but more
only by the most vigorous and thorough culture. In grass
fields it is not so troublesome, as it is nutritious and cattle are
fond of it. It is also known as couch, switch, and quitch grass.
Quadragesima. First Sunday in Lent; name now little
Having four angles. A complete quad-



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Pythias. See DAMON.

deluge of Deucalion, lived in the caves of Mt. Parnassus, Python. Serpent which sprang from the mud left by was slain by Apollo, who founded the Pythian games to memorate his victory.


Pythoness. Priestess of Apollo at Delphi, through w the oracle gave responses.

Pythonomorpha (SEA SERPENTS). Group of Saurian the Cretaceous period, represented by fossils from N. J., A Kansas, etc. The body was serpentine in shape, the li small, the teeth and jaws adapted for swallowing large whole. They lived in the warm seas that covered the e. pl of the Appalachian and Rocky Mt. systems. Members of genus Clidastes ranged from 12 to 40 ft. in length, those Mosasaurus reached a length of 80 ft., and of Liodon e more, perhaps 100 ft.

Pyx. 1. In the R.C. Church, name given to the box which the host is kept. 2. Box in which coins are kept of e successive coinage, these coins to be examined by experts to their accuracy in weight and fineness. The examinat thereof is called the trial of the pyx, and takes place at Philadelphia mint the second Wednesday of February, annual

Pyxis (PYXIDIUM). Capsular dry fruit which opens by top falling away as a lid, the dehiscence being circumscissi as in the Henbane and Plantain.

or nearly surrounded by buildings.
as castles, colleges, city halls, etc., are usually planned in th
Public buildings, sud


Quadrant. Arc of 90°; one-fourth of a circle. In trig nometry the circle of reference is divided by horizontal an vertical diameters into four quadrants: the first is that abov the horizontal and to the right of the vertical diameter; th others are numbered to the left, second, third, fourth.

Quadrant. The dimensions of inductance being simply a practice a unit 1,000,000,000 times as large is chosen and called length, the unit in the C.G.S. system is a centimeter. In a quadrant, this being the number of centimeters in a quadrant of the earth.

Quadrant. See OCTANT. Quadrantal Deviation. position produced upon a magnetic needle by horizontal masses Deviation from its normal of iron or steel magnetized inductively by the earth. phenomenon occurs on shipboard in the case of the compass The needle. In swinging the ship round there are four positions in which the influence would be a maximum, and four in which it would be a minimum: hence the name.

Quadrantal Pendulum. Body moving about an axis according to the same law with reference to a quadrant on each side of its position of equilibrium, as a common pendulum with reference to a half circle on each side.

Quadrantal Triangle. In Spherical Trigonometry, triangle having one side a quadrant. Such triangles are solved by their polar right triangles. If each side be a quadrant, the triangle is called triquadrantal.

Quadrate. Bone to which the lower jaw is articulated in vertebrates below mammals. In the latter this bone has become the incus, or middle bone of the three auditory ossicles, and the jaw articulates directly with the skull.

Quadratic Equation. One involving the second power of the unknown quantity and none higher. A quanti quadratic in roo

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