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George Peabody.

London from 1838; distinguished for his munificent philanthropy. He founded and endowed institutes at S. Danvers and Salem, Mass., and at Baltimore, Md., the last with $1,000,000; gave $150,000 each to Harvard and Yale, and smaller sums to other institutions; a fund of $3,500,000 to aid education in the South, and $2,500,000 to build lodging-houses for the London poor, besides numerous other donations.

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Peabody Martini Rifle. Breech-loading rifle invented by Peabody, an American, and improved by Martini, a Swiss, and until recently the arm used by the English under the name of the Martini-Henry rifle. The breech block rotates around an axis at right angles to the bore and in rear of the block; used by the Turks during the Russo-Turkish war.

Peace. In Interna-
tional Law, the relation
not at war; in Municipal Law, freedom from serious disorder
between states which are
among citizens of a state.
founded 1816, and similar organizations have been established
The London Peace Society was
in other European states and in U. S. A Peace Congress was
held in Paris 1889.

Peace-Offerings. Sacrifices of thanksgiving and suppli-
cation, including a sacrificial repast; whereas in the Burnt-
offering the victim was entirely consumed.

Peace of God. Ab.1000 an effort was made by the clergy
in France and Normandy to repress violence. To this end oaths
were exacted by the bishops from rulers and subjects. The
"Truce of God," first established perhaps by the Synod of Tu-
luges May 1027, ordained that warfare should cease from noon
of Saturday till Monday morning. A later synod (1041) greatly
extended this surcease of hostilities. During the Advent and
Lenten seasons, e.g., it was to last from Wednesday evening to
Monday morning, and so on various festivals. Soon the cus-
tom spread over most of w.
violations of the Peace by excommunication and exile for 7 or
Europe. Special courts punished
30 years. The church, the wayside cross, and even the plow,
insured protection. This Truce had great influence throughout
Europe during the 12th century, but began to decline in the


Peace of the Dames. See CAMBRAY, PEACE OF.
Peace River. River of Athabasca, Canada, rising in
Rocky Mts. and flowing ab. 600 m. e. and n.e. to the outlet of
Lake Athabasca, where it joins (or becomes) the Slave.

Peach. Amygdalus persica. Small tree of the natural
family Rosaceae, native of China; widely cultivated in warm,
temperate regions for its delicious fruit.

Peach, CHARLES W., 1800-1886. English geologist, first to discover fossil remains in the slate rocks of Cornwall, thereby establishing their Devonian age. He afterward labored successfully among the Devonian rocks of Scotland.

Peach Curl. Disease of peach leaves caused by the minute parasitic fungus, Exoascus deformans. Spraying with a 40 per cent of sulphate of iron solution will destroy the parasites.

Peach-Tree Borer (SANNINA EXITIOSA). The adult is bluish in color and resembles a small wasp. The eggs are deposited on the ground near the tree trunk. The young larva bores into the tree in early


maturity. Whitewash containing Paris-green applied to th trunk of the tree removes it.

Peach Yellows. See YELLOWS.

Peacock. Male of genus Pavo, native of India and Cey lon, but domesticated all over the world. The wild Pea-fow


Japanned or Black-shouldered Pea-fowls.

are gregarious, omnivorous, and prefer to live in mountainous regions. The gorgeous tail of the male is formed of the upper tail coverts, and is not fully formed until the third year.

Peacock, THOMAS LOVE, 1785-1866. English novelist and poet; clerk in India House 1819-56. Headlong Hall, 1816; Melincourt, 1817; Nightmare Abbey, 1818; Maid Marian, 1822; Elphin, 1829; Crotchet Castle, 1831; Gryll Grange, 1860. His works are short satirical extravaganzas. They were repub. 1875. Peacock-Ore. See BORNITE.

American painter,

Pea-Fowl. See PHASIANIDE and PEACOCK. noted for portraits of Washington and other worthies.-His Peale, CHARLES WILLSON, 1741-1827. son, REMBRANDT, 1778-1860, N.A. 1826, was successful on the Graphics, 1841. same lines, a good colorist, and author of several books.

Peanut. Arachis hypogaa. Herb of the natural family Leguminosae, native of America; widely cultivated for its drying oil, 0.918, used in dressing wool, as a lubricant, and nutritious, edible, subterranean fruit; also called Ground Nut, Earth Pea, and Goober. The kernels yield 20 per cent of non

for soap.

Falcata comosa.

Peanut, HOG. Bean family, bearing edible tubers, native of e. N. America. Woodland vine of the its delicious fruit. The liquor called Perry is fermented pear Pear. Pyrus communis. Tree of the natural family Rosajuice. ceae, native of Europe; widely cultivated in many varieties for


family, native of the W. Indies, valued for its large fleshy Pear, ANCHOVY. Grias cauliflora. Tall tree of the Myrtle


Pear, PRICKLY. Cacti of the genus Opuntia, and others, bearing prickly, edible fruits, natives of America. O. puntio

is the common e. American species, known as Indian Fig.
Pearce, CHARLES SPRAGUE, b. 1851. American painter.
1841-43; U.S. Senator from 1843.
Pearce, JAMES ALFRED, 1805-1862. M.C. from Md. 1835-39,

Pea Ridge. In Benton co., Ark., scene of Union successes
March 6-8, 1862.

Pearl. Sp. gr. 2.6. Rounded masses of calcium carbonate with some animal matter formed around some particle in some mollusks, the shells of which are lined with the same substance. The best pearls are found in the pearl oyster in the oval, and pear-shaped, the former heir Indian seas; they are also obtained off the coast of Australia. Black pearls are found off Lower California. Pearls are round.



diamond-grain weight, is worth $2.25. 4 gns. $34, 20 gns. $750; this is about proportional to the square of weight in diamond grains.

Pearlash. Potassium carbonate of commerce.

Pear-Leaf Blight. Yellowish or reddish spots upon pear leaves, marked in the center by minute black pimples. The disease is due to the fungus Entomosporium maculatum.

Pearl Fisheries. Practice of taking shellfish which produce pearls, especially the pearl oyster, in tropical countries. Originally only the pearl was sought for but now the shell is

volatile parts of animal manures. When the vegetable matter lacking it, and, when dry, as an absorbent of the liquid and


Pearl Fishery in Ceylon.

also utilized. the shells being worth from 200 to 300 dollars a ton. In Ceylon the hours during which fishing may be carried on are regulated by law, the shellfish being obtained by diving.

Pearl Mussel. See AVICULIDE.

Pearl River. In Mississippi, flowing s. w. and s. to the Gulf of Mexico, and forming part of the La. boundary. Length ab. 250 m., drainage area 8,964 sq. m.

Pearl Spar. Variety of dolomite with a striking pearly


Pearlstone. Feldspathic rock of volcanic origin, possessing a peculiar enamel-like appearance, due to an arrangement of its component minerals in small spherules.

Pearl White. See BISMUTH BASIC NITRATE. Pearlwort. Diminutive herbs of the genus Sagina, family Caryophyllaceae, of wide geographical distribution.

Pearson, JOHN, D.D., 1613-1686. Prof. Cambridge 1661; Bp. of Chester 1672; esteemed the greatest divine of his age. His Exposition of the Creed, 1659, is still used as a text-book. Minor Works, 1844.

Pear-Tree Borer (SESIA PYRI). Insect resembling the PEACH-TREE BORER (q.v.). The eggs are, however, deposited on the tree-trunk, and, after hatching, the small white larvæ eat into the sap-wood, causing wart-like swellings. Kerosene applied to these swellings kills the grub-like larvæ.

Arctic explorer
Peary, ROBERT EDWIN, U.S.N., b. 1854.
of the Greenland coasts June 1891-Sept. 1892, reaching lat. 82°
N. on e. side. He sailed again July 1893 and July 1896.

Peasant Proprietorship. Ownership of agricultural
land by its actual cultivators; system in which land is divided
into small farms, and these are owned by their occupiers.

Peasants' War. Uprising of peasants in Germany 1525, influenced by the example of the Swiss and inflamed by the teachings of Luther and their own martial exploits in Italy. They committed the wildest excesses, plundered monasteries and castles, made Heilbronn the capital of their new empire, and were dispersed with great slaughter by the nobles. Thomas Münzer, a religious enthusiast, the soul of the uprising in Thuringia, set up his New Jerusalem in Mühlhausen. At Frankenhausen the peasants were overthrown by the princes May 25; 5,000 were slain: Münzer was executed.

Peaslee, EDMUND RANDOLPH, M.D., LL.D., 1814-1878. Prof. Dartmouth from 1842, and in New York; specialist in gynæcology. Histology, 1857; Ovariotomy, 1872.

Peat. Natural product of decomposition of vegetable matter that forms and accumulates slowly in bogs and marshes. It has a recognized value as a fuel and a fertilizer, and is findincreased use in the arts in several directions. It contains of nitrogen and phosphoric

is but slightly decomposed, it may be used as fuel, as largely in Ireland.

Pea-Weevil (BRUCHUS PISI). Beetle in. long, black in color, with white T-like spots. Eggs are laid in the pod, and each larva enters a pea, in which it spends the winter. B. obsoletus, the bean-weevil, differs from this in that many grubs enter each bean. To destroy these insects the seed should be fumigated in a tight box with bisulphide of carbon, or else soaked a day in water before planting.

Pebble. Pieces of rock crystal used in jewelry or in the making of lenses for eye-glasses.

Pebble Powder. Large grained powder, generally cubical in form, first proposed by General Rodman ab.1860 for use in heavy guns, the object being to bring a less strain upon the gun during the first period of ignition than by the use of the quick-burning smaller grains; the size of the grains range from of an inch to 2 inch cubes.

Its nuts are Pecan-Nut. Hicoria pecan. Large tree of the Walnut collected in large quantities and form an important article family (Juglandaceae), native of the s.e. U. S. of commerce.

Peccaries. S. American small wild pigs, differing from swine in having only one pair of teats and bearing at most two young. They have but four upper incisors: the stomach has three compartments. Metapodials III. and IV. unite into a

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Peck, TRACY, b. 1838. Prof. Cornell 1871, Yale 1880; ed. several Latin classics.

Peck, WILLIAM GUY, LL.D., 1820-1892. Prof. Columbia from 1857; author of text-books on mathematics.

Peckham, RUFUS WHEELER, 1809-1873. M.C. 1853-55; Judge N. Y. Supreme Court 1859-70, and Court of Appeals from 1870.-His son and namesake, b. 1835, became associate Justice U.S. Supreme Court 1895.

Pecock, REGINALD, D.D., ab.1390-ab.1460. Bp. of St. Asaph's 1444, and Chichester 1450. His theological writings, though in part against the Lollards, caused wrath by their moderation and by being in English: he was condemned as a heretic 1457, and confined in an abbey. On Faith, ab.1456. Pecora, or COTYLOPHORA. Section of selenodont (Ruminant) Ungulates including the families MOSCHIDE, CAMELOPARDELLIDE, and CERVIDE (q.v.).

Pecos River. Branch of the Rio Grande, flowing s. and then s.e. through an arid region of New Mexico and Texas. Though ab. 800 m. long, it runs nearly dry through much of

the year.

Pecquet, JEAN, ab.1600-1674. French anatomist, first to trace the course of the lacteal vessels in man.

Pectase. Ferment found with pectose in fruit tissues which transforms pectose into pectin in the process of ripening.

Pecten. Vascular process of the choroid, projecting through the retina into the hinder chamber of the eye in birds. See PROCESSUS FALCIFORMIS.


Pectic Acid. C16H,,Os?. Insoluble gelatinous substance produced by boiling an aqueous extract of carrots with sodium carbonate and precipitating with hydrochloric acid.

Pectin, or PLANT JELLY. C32H8032?. Substance present in fruits, etc., which causes their juice upon evaporation to form a jelly; soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol, and precipitated from water by its addition; little known.

Pectinate. In Botany and Zoology, organs with numerous narrow segments, resembling the teeth of a comb.

Pectines. Comb-like organs born by the second abdominal segment in scorpions.

Pectinidæ (SCOLLOPS). Lamellibranchs without a siphon, with nearly equal symmetrical valves to the shell and a straight hinge line. The valves are united by one adductor muscle and are usually fan-shaped, ribbed, or scolloped. The edge of the


Peculiar People. English sect, founded 1838; fa healers, except in surgical cases.

Pedagogics. The science of education, including the s jects to be taught, the arrangements of these subjects, and methods to be employed.

Pedal. In the organ, keyboard played upon with the fe also mechanical contrivances (combination pedal) for draw a group of stops by foot pressure; on the pianoforte, a le for the foot for lifting all the dampers off the strings at on shifting the action so that the blow is given to only one or t of the unison strings, or the force of the blow is lessened (pia or soft piano), or prolonging the sound of a desired tone group of tones, by preventing the fall of the dampers (susta ing or sostenuto pedal); on the harp, a lever for raising t pitch of the strings.

Pedal Ganglion. Nerve centers (brains) in the foot Mollusks. They form part of a short circumoesophageal sy tem, which in the cerebral ganglia is united with anoth longer visceral system composed of the pleural, abdomina and parieto-splanchnic ganglia.

Pedalinaceæ. Natural family of flowering plants, of th class Angiosperma, sub-class Dicotyledons, and series Gam petala, comprising 15 genera and ab. 40 species, natives of th warm regions of the earth; especially numerous in Africa. Pedal Point. See ORGAN POINT.

Pedata. Holothurians with many ambulacral feet, eithe in regular zones or irregularly distributed. They are fusifor and somewhat flattened on the side on which they lie. Respi atory trees are present. The oral tentacles are arborescent i the group DENDROCHIROTÆ, and shield-like in the ASPIDOCHIE OTÆ (q.v.).

Pedate. In Botany, leaves and other flat organs palmatel parted into narrow segments.

Pedder, JAMES, 1775-1859. Ed. Boston Cultivator from 1844. Farmer's Land Measure, 1854.

Pedersen, KRISTIERN, 1480-1554. Danish author and re former, canon at Lund. Tr. N. T. and Psalms 1529-31. Pedes. Feet of birds, distinguished as P. gradarii and P vadantes. Of the former we have P. adhamantes, scansori fissi, ambulatorii, gresorii, insidentes. Of the latter are P grallarii, divided into colligati, semicolligati, cursorii, palmati semipalmati. fissipalmati, lobati, stegani. See each of these.

Pedesis, or BROWNIAN MOVEMENT. Dancing motion o very small particles, suspended in a liquid, as seen under hig magnification. No satisfactory explanation of this movemen has yet been given; but it appears probable that the vibrating molecules surrounding the body do not bombard it with equa force on all sides at any given instant; hence the particle i jostled in different directions.

Pedestal. An erection for the support of a statue, vasc or other ornamental object.

Pediastreæ. Sub-order of minute fresh-water Algæ.
Pedicel. Stalk of a flower in a flower-cluster.

Pedicellariæ. Little snapping jaws set on stalks on th surface of starfishes and sea urchins.

Pedicellina. See ENDOPROCTA.

Pediculati. Sub-order of Acanthopteri, including scale

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Pectinidæ (Pecten pleuronectes).

free mantle-lobes bears many tentacles and eyes. The foot secretes a byssus for attachment of some species; others swim about by rapidly opening and closing the shell. Some are edible, and are even more esteemed than oysters.

Pectinobranchiata. See PROSOBRANCHIATA and CTENO


Pectoral Fins. See FINS.

Pectoral Girdle. See SHOULDER-GIRDLE.

Pectoriloquy. Speech or voice coming from the chest. Phenomenon presented by consumptive individuals when their chests are examined with the stethoscope. It does not always indicate a cavity in the lung, as a portion of the lung may have solidified and produce the same noise.

Pectose. Substance found in unripe fruits and other vegetable organs.

Pectosic Acid. Gelatinous product produced by the action of pectase upon pectose. Its composition is unknown.

Peculiar. In England. chapels roval. Westminster Abbov

Fishing Frog (Lophius piscatorius).



first dorsal spine modified, and with very odd shape of body.
LOPHIUS (q.v.), the Fishing Frog, is an example.
Pediculidæ (LICE). Insects of the group Aptera, order
Rhynchota. Pediculus capitis is the head-
louse of man. It sucks blood, has hooked
joints on its feet, and lays its eggs on the
bases of the hairs. The young undergo
no metamorphosis, and are sexually ma-
ture in eighteen days after hatching,
which occurs a week after the eggs are
laid. Numerous eggs are produced in a
Body L.
short time by each female: in the case of
the body louse, P. vestimenti, ab. 5,000 in eight weeks.


Head L.

Pedimana. See ENTOMOPHAGA. Pediment. Gable of classic architecture, or the triangle formed by the cornice of the entablature and that which denotes the outline of the roof. It is always of low pitch and in the classic temples was a principal field for the display of sculpture.

Clawed CHELICERE (q.v.) of Arachnids, or more especially of the Scorpion-spiders. Large Pedipalpi, or PHRYNIDEA (SCORPION-SPIDERS). Arachnida, with jaws provided with claws; the anterior pair of legs are slender and antennæ-like. The abdomen has eleven or twelve segments; unlike the scorpions. but like the spiders, it is clearly marked off from the thorax. The term, in a broader sense, includes the Scorpions.


Pedometer. Instrument which, when carried by a pedestrian, counts his steps, and thus enables him to determine approximately the distance traveled. See ODOMETER.

Gov. of Castilla del
Pedrarias Davila, ab.1460-1531.
Oro (Darien) 1514-26, and then of Nicaragua. He imprisoned
Balboa 1514, put him to death 1517, and founded Panama

King of Castile and
Pedro, "THE CRUEL." 1334-1369.
Leon 1350; defeated and slain by his brother Henry.
Son of John VI. of Portugal, who
Pedro I., 1798-1834.
became king 1816; in Brazil from 1807; Regent 1821; Emperor
1822, independence being secured. He inherited the throne of
Portugal 1826, resigned it to his daughter Maria, abdicated 1831,
went to England, and procured the deposition of the usurper
Miguel and Maria's restoration.-His son, PEDRO II., 1825-1891,
Emperor 1831-1889, was a good ruler, much respected every-
where for his character and enlightened views, but was deposed
on the proclamation of the Republic. He traveled much in
Slavery was gradually
Europe, and visited the U.S. 1876.
abolished in Brazil 1871-88.

Pedro Sancho, or SANCHO PEDRO. Game like All Fours, in which the five of trumps, called Pedro, counts 5 points, and the nine of trumps, called Sancho, 9 points.

Peduncle. Stalk, either of a single flower or of a flower


Pedunculata. Group of Barnacles, characterized by the presence of a stalk by which the animal is fixed; six pairs of

Goose-barnacle (Lepas anatifera).

*** foot: a mantle in which hard plates are developed,
Lepas (Goose-

in of toroa.

Peel, SIR ROBERT, 1788-1850. M.P. 1809; Sec. for Ireland 1812-18; Home Sec. 1822-27 and 1828-30; leader of the Commons; mover of Catholic emancipation 1829; Prime Minister 1834-35 and 1841-46. Mainly a Conservative, he accepted the repeal of the Corn Laws, and at last was more Whig than Tory.-Of his sons, SIR ROBERT, 1822-1895, M.P. 1850, was Sec. for Ireland 1861-65; ARTHUR WELLESLEY, b. 1829, became M.P. 1865 and Speaker 1884.

Peele, GEORGE, ab.1558-ab.1598. English poet and dramatist. Arraignment of Paris, 1584; Old Wives' Tale, 1595; David and Bethsabe, 1599.

Peeping Tom. Character in the Godiva story, repreSee sented as a tailor who thought to have a peep at Lady eye. Godiva, and was punished by the loss of an GODIVA.

Peep-of-Day Boys. Irish insurgents of 1784, later known as ORANGEMEN (q.v.).

Peepul. Ficus religiosa. Sacred fig of India, and Botree of Ceylon. Vishnu is supposed to have been born beneath it.

Peerlkamp, PETER HOFMAN, 1786-1865. Prof. Leyden 1822-49; classical rationalist, who applied a destructive criticism to Horace, Virgil, and Tacitus.

Peers. British dukes, marquises, earls, viscounts, and barons, having (with the bishops or lords spiritual) seats in the House of Lords. The French House of Peers, 1814-48, was arbitrarily constructed.

Peesash. Hot, dry land wind in n. India, like the sirocco, and possibly of a föhn-like character.

Peet, STEPHEN DENISON, b. 1830. Ed. American Antiquarian, 1879-88. Picture Writing, 1885; Primitive Symbolism,


Peewet (LAPWING). European plover.

Peewit (PEEWEE, etc.). Phoebe; olive-green Tyrant flycatcher.

Peganthidæ. Family of Narcomedusa, including Jellyfishes, without radial canals or stomach-pouches in the subumbrella, but with a ring-canal which is festooned with separated pouches. The tentacles project up, and OTOPORPS (q.v.) are at the bases of auricular tentacles.

Pegasus. Winged horse which sprang from the blood of A blow of his hoof on Mt. HeliMedusa; steed of the Muses.

con evoked their fountain, Hippocrēnē. By his aid Bellerophon conquered the Chimæra.

Pegmatite. Varieties of granite which are very coarsely crystallized.

Peiho. White River of China. It is a tributary of the Han Kiang. Length ab. 124 m.

Peine Forte et Dure. Brutal punishment occasionally body with heavy weights, to force him to plead; abolished employed in England ab.1400-1741, by loading the offender's 1772; heroically endured 1692 at Salem, Mass., by Giles Cory, accused of witchcraft, to avoid the forfeiture of goods and impoverishment of his family.

Peipus. Double lake of w. Russia, s. of Gulf of Fin-
The s. part is Lake
land, ab. 87 m. long; area 1,356 sq. m.

Peirce, BENJAMIN, LL.D., 1809-1880. Prof. Harvard from 1833; Supt. U. S. Coast Survey 1867-74; of high authority as astronomer and mathematician; author of sundry influential text-books. Analytic Mechanics, 1855.

Peirce, BRADFORD KINNEY, 1819-1889. Ed. Zion's Herald (Boston), 1872-88; religious and biographical writer.

Peirce, CYRUS, 1790-1860. Promoter of Normal Schools; head of the first opened in U. S., at Lexington, Mass., 1839-42 and 1844-49.

Peixoto, FLORIANO, 1839-1895. Brazilian general; Vicepres. 1890, Pres. 1891-94. He crushed a dangerous rebellion 1893-94, which had threatened Rio Janeiro.

Peixoto, IGNACIO JOSÉ DE ALVARENGA, 1748-1793. Brazilian poet, condemned 1792 for insurrection.

Peking, or PEKIN. Capital of China; 100 m. from the sea and 120 ft. above sea-level; area inclosed 244 sq. m. It consists of a Tartar and a Chinese section; the imperial palaces in the former, the Temple of Heaven in the latter. It was

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for carrying fish. The Pelican of N. America goes north into and walled 1409-37. The English and French forces entered it temperate regions in summer, and at its breeding time (May) a 1860. Pop. ab. 500.000. deciduous excrescence develops on top of the beak.

Pela, or PEHLA. White wax prepared by the Chinese from the secretions of Coccus sinensis, an insect of the cochineal family. It resembles spermaceti and is used in candle making. It melts at ab. 81° C.

Pelagia. See SEM ÆOSTOMEÆ.

Pelagianism. Doctrine supposed to deny original sin and divine grace, as teaching that men sin merely by imitation, and may reform of their own will; condemned by the Church, led by Augustine.

Pelagic. In Botany and Zoology, organisms inhabiting the deep seas.


Pelagius. British heresiarch, in Rome ab. 400; perhaps a monk, but never ordained; banished 418. His doctrine was urged by Coelestius, and condemned 431.

Pelagius 1. Pope 555-60.-II. Pope 578-90.

Pelargomorphæ. Order of birds equivalent to a part of the Grallatores, including Herons and Storks. See HERODII.

Pelargonic Acid. C,H,,O2. Mpt. 12.5° C., bpt. 253° C. Colorless, oily liquid which turns yellow by age, occurring naturally in oil of rose-geranium. It is made by heating oil of rue with nitric acid.

Pelides. Achilles, as son of Peleus.

Peligot's Salt. KCICrO,. Formed by the action of concentrated hydrochloric acid upon potassium dichromate; red prismatic crystals.

Pelion. Range in e. Thessaly. See OSSA.

Pelissier, JEAN JACQUES AMABLE, 1794-1864. French general 1850; commander in the Crimea 1855; made Marshal and Duke of Malakoff for storming a fort near Sebastopol; Ambassador to England 1858-59; Gov. of Algeria from 1860.

Pella. Macedonian capital, ab. 15 m. n.w. of the Thermaic Gulf; birthplace of Philip II. and Alexander; important in their times, but it disappeared before 600 A.D.

Pellegrini, CARLO, 1838-1889. Italian cartoonist, in London from 1868.

Pellew, GEORGE, 1861-1892. Anglo-American journalist and author. Castle and Cabin, 1888; Life of Chief-justice Jay, his great-grandfather, 1890.

Pellico, SILVIO, 1789-1854. Italian patriot, author of tragedies and of My Prisons, 1833; imprisoned by Austria for alleged political offenses 1820-30; sentenced to death 1822.

Pelargonic Ether. Bpt. 216°-219° C. Ethyl ether of Parietaria. of the Nettle family, pelargonic acid. It gives the odor to the quince.

Pelasgi. Race, prob. Aryan, apparently first to occupy
the coasts of Greece, islands of the Egean, and s. Italy. The
oldest architectural remains of Greece are ascribed to them.
Pelayo, 8th cent. Traditional Spanish king or chief, in
conflict with the Moors.

Pele's-Hair. Form of cirrus cloud.

Pele's Hair. Variety of glassy lava from the Hawaiian
Islands, spun by wind action into fine threads.

Peleus. King of Phthia, Thessaly; argonaut; husband of
Thetis and father of Achilles.

Pelew Islands. Group in the Pacific, s.e. of the Philip-
pines; discovered 1543; held by Spain.
Area 170 sq. m., pop.
ab. 10,000.

Pellitory. Herbs of the genus natives of the n. hemisphere.

Pelly River. Right branch of the Yukon, in British Columbia.

Pelmatozoa. Group of Echinoderms, including stalked and mostly fossil forms, of the classes CRINOIDEA, CYSTIDIA, and BLASTOIDEA (q.v.).

Pelobatidæ. Family of Toads, including Scaphiopus, the Spade-foots. These live underground, burrowing to a considerable distance. They appear in June during rains, to lay their eggs in temporary pools. They are very noisy. Most of the sto


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