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and does not promote digestion so well as wine, beer, or spirits. On the contrary, pure water is greatly preferable to all brewed and distilled liquors, both with a view of bracing the digestive A French paper, after enumerating the many cases which organs, and preventing complaints which arise from acrimony have occurred of persons attacked with cholera having been or fullness of the blood. It is an observation no less important buried before they were really dead, in the haste to dispose of than true, that by attending merely to a proper diet, a phlegmathe bodies, enumerates various signs by which to discover whe-tic habit may frequently be changed into a sanguine one, and ther life is really extinct. It, however, excuses this precipita- the hypochondriac may be so far converted as to become a tian, on the ground that persons attacked with this fatal dis- cheerful and contented member of society.-Dr. Willich on order are, in some instances, in a state of lethargy, which may Diet and Regimen. be easily confounded with death. Whenever a cholera patient exhibits the peculiar character of the countenance, cold extremities, cramps, and the other unequivocal symptoms, and if in spite of the usual means employed, those symptoms increase, and particularly if after three, four, six, or twenty-four hours, the cholera signs on the countenance become more marked, the livid circle of the eyes is more prominent, and the livid state of the hands and feet more perceptible; if joined to these phenomena, the pulse almost ceases to beat, the oppression becomes greater, and the agitation arrives at its height-then there can no longer be any doubt that at the cessation of these symptoms the calm which succeeds is the calm of death. In cases of this nature, the whole chain of phenomena of the disorder, of which the termination is necessarily death, has been closely watched, and the most common cause of death in these cases is found to be suffocation. It sometimes happens that without going through this progressive augmentation of the symptoms, the patient suddenly falls into a state of absolute immovability, and dares not breathe, or the breath is scarcely perceptible, without any pulse, and becomes like ice, and in short is appareatly dead. The suddenness of this change should excite the greatest distrust among persons who would otherwise be inclined to imagine that all was over with the patient. A case lately ocearred where a child was affected exactly as we describe. It was given up for dead, but a skilful surgeon fortunately suspecting that it was not so, covered the surface of the body with sinapisms, and administered a strong narcotic. A few hours afterwards the child revived from its lethargic state.

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EFFECT OF THE PASSIONS ON HEALTH-The passions are to be considered, in a medical point of view, as a part of our constitution, which are to be examined with the eye of a natural historian, and the spirit and impartiality of philosopher. The passions stimulate the mind, as the food and drink do the body. Employed occasionally and in moderation, both may be of use to us, and are given to us by nature for this purpose; but when urged to excess, they throw the system off its healthy balance, raise it by excitement, or depress it by exhaustion, and weaken the sensorial vessels by the wear and tear they produce. The temperate action of the vital influence through every part of the system constitutes the perfection of health. The mind, undisturbed by any violent emotions, agitations, or depre-sions of a corporeal nature, is able to exercise its noblest powers with a tranquil vigour. The body continues in a regular discharge of its proper functions, without the least sensation of difficulty and embarrassment. Respiration is free and easy, neither checked nor excessive. Aliments are sought with appetite, enjoyed with relish, and digested with facility. Every secretion and exeretion is duly performed. The body is perfectly free from pain, oppression, and every species of uneasiness; and a certain viva. city and vigour, not to be described, reign through the system. The bodily machine disordered," says Cheyne, "will sink, debase, blunt, and confound the operations of the spirit; and the spirit violently agitated, or too closely confined, will disturb the economy of the bodily functions; and the perfect state of health and the last perfection of all intelligent creatures, consist ing of an intelligent spirit and a material machine, depend on THE SPASMODIC CHOLERA which devastated Europe in the the perfect sanity and harmony of both united.-Month. Gaz. faarteenth century, would, with but little change, serve for a FRICTION AND COLD WASHING.-An inattention to the condescription of the disease which still holds its course through dition of the surface of the body is a fruitful source of stomach now. This plague, originating among the Hyperborean ailment; and one of the principles upon which exercise proves Scythians, spread over all the maritime coasts of the habitable beneficial to the dyspeptic is, that of its tendency to preserve the world, and destroyed a vast number of people. For it not only excretions from the skin in good condition. Friction of the passed through Pontus, Thrace, Macedon, Greece Proper, and surface ought to be enjoined as one of the most useful remedies Italy, but also all the islands, Egypt, Libya, Judæa, and Syria, for indigestion. This should be had recourse to every morning and wandered over almost the entire circuit of the globe. But immediately on rising from bed; and with it should be combined so incurable was the disease, that neither any system of dietetics, a sort of shower bath by a sponge. I have not been so satisnor any strength of body, could resist it; for it prostrated all fied, in my own case, with any single article of preventive man bodies alike, the weak as well as the strong; and those who agement as the one I now refer to. It is preventive both of were attended with the utmost care died, as well as those stomach derangement, and of that inordinate susceptibility to who were wholly neglected. That year, indeed, was remark-cold which is usually a concomitant of stomach weakness; ably free from other diseases; but if any person had been pre- and I have no hesitation in saying, that it ought to be employ vously indisposed, his sickness assumed the type and character ed by all whose nerves and digestive organs are in any degree of this disease. The entire art of medicine was found unavail- disposed to be out of order. Of cold, since I have adopted ing. Nor did it similarly attack all; for some holding out but the practice, I am comparatively careless, and my diges for a little brief space, died the very same day, some the very tive energies are improved, to say the least, in an equal prosame hour. But those who held out for two or three days portion. It is a practice in my mind, far superior to the were first attacked by acute fever; the disease then ascending plunging in the cold bath.-Dr. Unwin on Indigestion. to the head, they became dumb and insensible to all occurrences, and so dropped off as into a profound slumber.

TEMPERANCE-A Inuch greater number of diseases originate from irregularities in eating than in drinking; and we commit More errors with regard to the quantity than in the quality of tur aliment. When the intestines are in a relaxed state, we hould instantly begin to be more moderate in eating. There are three kinds of appetite.-1. The natural appetite, which equally stimulated and satisfied with the most simple dish. 2. The artificial appetite, or that produced by elixirs, liquors, pickles, digestive salts, &c., and which remains only as long as the operation of these stimulants continues. 3. The habitual Appetite, or that by which we accustom ourselves to take victuals a certain hours, without a desire of eating. If after dinner we feel ourselves as cheerful as before it, we may be assured that we have taken a dietical meal; for if the proper measure has been exceeded, torpor and relaxation is the necessary conseence, our faculty of digestion will be impaired, and a variety complaints be gradually induced. Weakly individuals ought treat frequently but little at a time. There is no instance on record of any person having injured his health or endangered La life by drinking water with his meals; but wine, beer, and rits have generated a much greater number and diversity of patients than would fill all the hospitals in the world. It is a Sugar prejudice, that water disagrees with many constitutions,

A FACTORY CHILD'S TALE." I work at Bradley-mills, near Huddersfield. A few days since I had three wratched cardings,' about two inches long. The slabber, Joseph Riley, saw them, showed them to me, and asked me if this was good work. I said 'No.' He then, in the billy gait, took a thick, round leathern thong, and wailed me over the head and face, for, I think a quarter of an hour, and for all my cheek and lips were bleeding, he wailed me on, then sent me to my work again, and I worked till a quarter past seven. I went to the mill at half past five in the morning: he wailed me a bit past one in the afternoon. I worked in my blood-as I worked, the blood dropped all in the piecening gait ! My right cheek was torn open, swelled very much, and was black. My lips were very much torn; and each of them was as thick as three lips. He lashed me very hard over my back, too, in all directions; but the skin was not torn because I had my clothes on. He has many a time strapped me before till I have been black; he has often struck me over the head, with the billy roller, and raised great lumps upon it. At one time, when I had thrice little flying, which I could not help, he took me out of the billy gait, lifted me into the window, tied a rope round my body, and bung me up to a long pole that was sticking out of the wall, and there he left me hanging about five feet from the floor. I cried very much, and so in about ten minutes he took me down."

when they arrived at the hostile ant-field, they would experience
a cruel fate.
The field of battle was two or three feet square. A penetrat

to be seen there dead, and covered with poison; others com-
posing groups and chains, were hooked together by their fect
tions. These groups were formed successively. The struggle
or pincers, and dragging each other by turns in opposite direc-
had begun between two ants, who squeezed each other by the
mandibles, raised themselves on their legs, to let the belly pass
in front, and mutually spouted venom against the adversary.
They squeezed so close that they tumbled on the side, and fought
for a long time in the dust; they soon arose again, and tugged
away at each other, each endeavouring to drag off its antagonist.
But, when their strength was equal, these athlete remained
motionless and crooked to the ground, until a third ant can.e up
to decide the advantage. Most frequently one and the other re-
by one foot, or one antennæ, again made vain efforts to gain the
ceived assistance at the same time; then all the four, holding
victory; others united themselves to the former, and sometimes
these were again se zed in their turn by new comers. In this
manner were formed chains of six, eight, or ten ants, all book-
several warriors belonging to the same republic advanced at
The equilibrium was broken only when
once. They forced those that were enchained to let go, and
the private combatants were recommenced.

ANT POLITICAL HISTORY. The ant history is more especially delightful, inasmuch as it so closely images the habits of mankind; man has been recommended to go to the ant, and to learn foresighting odour was inhaled from all quarters. A number of ants was and industry, but already they have learned of us, or we of them; the resemblance is too close to be accidental. For instance, ants have their battle fields on which hundreds and thousands contend for victory, the reward of the victor being an ant-hill the more; their soldiers, like ours, are useful for no other purpose but fighting: the ants, in fact, keep up a large standing army, the soldiers of which, consider every thing beneath them but killing and slaying, and will not even feed themselves; the ants called the workers, are even obliged to produce meat for them from their own bowels, which they squeeze out for their sustenance, and absolutely insert it into the mouths of these indolent and overfed warriors, with their poor hard-working mandibles, which, though they have been all day carpentering and masoning with never-ceasing industry, yet find time for this supposed duty. But the resemblance does not end here the ants keep slaves; yes, some of the more aris-ed to each other. tocratic societies absolutely keep slaves-mostly prisoners of war, who do the duty of Helots or negroes, by which name they are termed by naturalists. The negroes do all the work of the community, while the rest of a finer and nobler species, at least so they think, consider themselves entitled to exact the hardest labour from the foreign ants, while they themselves sit in the sun or the shelter, as it may happen, to receive and enjoy the results of the exertions made by their inferiors.

Some ants may be considered a pastoral people; and are in possession of a numerous stock of cattle, from which they draw their sole subsistence. These cattle are an insect tribe, termed by naturalists aphides. These aphides are able to exude from their mouths, a drop of honeyed liquor or milk, in which the ants greatly delight, and on which they gladly subsist. A community of ants will get possession of great numbers of these aphides, carry them in their mandibles to green pastures, sedulously attend their young, and hatch their eggs: and when a fine old milch aphides is well full of his honey-wine, the cunning ant will stroke her on the back, and pat her on the neck, in order to persuade her to give up the precious drop-which she soon yields, and moreover places it in the very mouth of the cunning rogue. All this, it must be allowed, is very human; they seem only to want speech. The younger Huber has discovered, indeed, that they possess a sort of dumb language -a language of signs and strokes with the antennæ, to which he has given the name of the antennal: by very minute observation, he was enabled to interpret some of the principal signs, such as those of alarm, departure, encouragement, &c. But it would be an endless business, even to indicate the many points of resemblance between the Ant and the Man; we must refer to the works of Huber, Latreille, and others, or to this work, where the principal facts are noted: we shall, however, give an abridged account of the Ant Waterloo, greatly celebrated by insect historians, and of which the consequences are supposed to have been unusually important. Myriads of ants died on this heroic field, and it is believed that the victors got possession of a very finely built ant-city, belonging to their antagonists, sacked great numbers of larve, and wholly destroyed one large Ant state. Huber is the Despatch writer.-Examiner.


I observed two of the largest ant-hills engaged in arms against eich other. I cannot say what might have kindled the torch of discord between these republics. They were of the same spe cies, similar as to size and population, and situated at a hundred paces distant from each other. Two mighty empires do not possess a greater number of combatants. Figure to yourself a prodigious crowd of these insects filling all the space which separate the two ant-hills, and occupying a breadth of two feet. The armies met half way from their respective habitations, and there gave battle. Thousands of ants, mounted on the natural projections of the soil, struggled two by two, holding by their mandibles, and opposite to each other. A greater number were brought out, attacked, and dragged along as prisoners. The latter made vain efforts to escape, as if they had foreseen that

At the approach of night each party re-entered gradually into the city, which served as an asylum; and the ants others the number of combatants diminished, until, at last, no which were killed or taken prisoners not being replaced by dawn of the day, the groups were formed, the carnage comore remained. But the ants returned to the fight with the menced with increased fury, and the place of encounter was six feet in depth, and two abreast.-Griffith's Animal Kingdom.


SIMPLE MEAT-SAFE.-Meat may be preserved from putrefaction by the following contrivance :-To a wooden possible towards the north, adapt a ventilating wheel of or cloth safe, placed in the shade, and directed as much as considerable diameter, the axle projecting inwards. the part of the axle thus projecting inwards attach fans; the effect will be that a current of air is constantly kept up, inasmuch as the fans are put into motion by the slight est action of the external wheel. wheel may of course be fixed. In windy weather the

BESIDES appearing in WEEKLY NUMBERS, the SCHOOL MASTER will contain as much letter-press, of good execution, as any of the large will be published in MONTHLY PARTS, which, stitched in a neat cover, Monthly Periodicals: A Table of Contents will be given at the end of volume of 832 pages, super-royal size, may be bound up, containing the year; when, at the weekly cost of three-halfpence, a handse much matter worthy of preservation.

PART I. for August, containing the first four Numbers, with JOHN sellers. Price 7d. STONE'S MONTHLY REGISTER, may be had of all the Book For the accommodation of weekly readers, the Monthly Register and Cover may be had separately at the different places of sale.


Several communications are received, and will be attended to. A the numbers are printed early, to be despatched to distant places, we cannot even notice the receipt of communications, till long after they have come to hand.

Jeremy Bentham-The Principle of Utility.
A Shetland Parson, or Good Luck at last.
Theodor Korner, the Volunteer Patriot

The Most Important Marriage ever celebrated in Scotland...

Witchcraft and its Believers....

ELEMENTS OF THOUGHT.-Mind; Great Men; Orthodoxy.
The Potticoat Kirk ;-Manufactures, &c...
Short Hand Writing and the Press...
Scottish Tea Party..

Stanzas to a Daughter; by D. Vedder...


MEDICAL SELECTIONS.-Premature Interment; Effect of the Pas-
sions on Health; The Spasmodic Cholera, &c..
Political Ant History; and an Ant Waterloo....

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EDINBURGH: Printed by and for JOHN JOHNSTONE, 19, St. James's
Square. Published by JouN ANDERSON, Jun., Bookseller, 55, North
Bridge Street, Edinburgh; by JOHN MACLEOD, and ATKINSON & Co.
Booksellers, Glasgow; and sold by all Booksellers and Venus U
Cheap Periodica.s.








THIS is a name which properly belongs to the history of the last forty years; yet it is neither as a public man, nor as a political journalist, that Mr. COBBETT is introduced into these pages. The COBBETT for the SCHOOLMASTER is the self-educated youth, the soldier, the lover, husband, father, and the able writer on matters of daily life and practical utility. As this celebrated character is to make his long-promised visit to Scotland next week, the time is appropriate.

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bling sort of hard-working life, till at eighteen he
was tall and strong enough to be a soldier. He
enlisted in the 54th regiment of foot, then com-
manded by the Duke of Kent, and went to Bri-
tish America ; in which the whole of his military
life, of about eight years, was passed, as private,
corporal, and serjeant-major.
He already pos-
sessed the rudiments of what he considers a use-
ful education, "distinct reading, plain and neat
writing, and arithmetic." To these acquirements,
while a private soldier, he added the grammar of
his own language-we need not say how thoroughly;
but we must tell how it was acquired, for things
of this sort are the main object of this sketch.

WILLIAM COBBETT was born at Farnham, in
Surrey, about 1765-6, in that humble rank of
the rural population, to be sprung from which, he
seems to consider as almost essential to the forma-
tion of a healthy body, and an energetic mind.
The man, known only to our fine ladies and gentle-
men as the Dragon of Botley, or the Bear of Ken-
sington, and some other things which we shall not
describe, is, after all, tolerably human, sometimes
really amiable when speaking of women, children,
and rural affairs; as, for example, of the class among
which he was born and bred :-"The poor mother
is frequently compelled, in order to help to get
bread for her children, to go to a distance from
home, and leave the group, baby and all, to take
care of the house and themselves.
* -*- In
summer time you see the little groups rolling
about on the green, or amongst the heath, not far
from the cottage, and at a mile perhaps from any
other dwelling, the dog their only protector. And
what fine, and straight, and healthy, and fearless,
and acute persons they become! It used to be re-
marked in Philadelphia, when I lived there, that money, not expended for us at market, was two pence a-
there was not a single man, of any eminence, whe-week for each man. I remember, and well I may ! that,
upon one occasion I, after all absolutely necessary expenses,
ther doctor, lawyer, merchant, trader, or any had, on a Friday, made shift to have a half-penny in re-
thing else, that had not been born and bred in the serve, which I had destined for the purchase of a red-her
country, and of parents in a low state of life. ring in the morning; but, when I pulled off my clothes at
Examine London, and you will find it much about night, so hungry then as to be hardly able to endure life,
I found that I had lost my half-penny! I buried my head
From their very childhood they are under the miserable sheet and rug, and cried like a child!
from necessity intrusted with the care of something And, again I say, if I, under circumstances like these,
valuable." It was thus the subject of our memoir could encounter and overcome this task, is there, can there
vas trained.
be, in the whole world, a youth to find an excuse for the

"I learned grammar, says Cobbett, when I was a private soldier on the pay of sixpence a-day. The edge of my birth, or that of the guard-bed, was my seat to study in; my knapsack was my book-case; a bit of board, lying on my lap, was my writing table; and the task did not demand any thing like a year of my life. I had no money to purchase candle or oil; in winter time it was rarely that I could get any evening-light but that of the fire, and stances, and without parent or friend to advise or encouronly my turn even of that. And, if I, under such circumage me, accomplished this undertaking, what excuse can there be for any youth, however poor, however pressed with business, or however circumstanced as to room or other conveniences? To buy a pen or a sheet of paper I was compelled to forego some portion of food, though in a state of half-starvation; I had no moment of time that I could call my own; and I had to read and to write amidst the talking, laughing, singing, whistling and brawling of at least half a score of the most thoughtless of men, and that, Think not lightly of the farthing that I had to give, now too, in the hours of their freedom from all control. and then, for ink, pen, or paper! That farthing was, alas! a great sum to me! I was as tall as I am now; I had great health and great exercise. The whole of the

the same.

With whatever COBBET had been previously non-performance? What youth, who shall read this, will not be ashamed to say, that he is not able to find time and intrusted, from eleven he had the care of him- opportunity for this most essential of all the branches of self, and away from his parents led a scram-book-learning?

"I press this matter with such earnestness, because a reader. We remember him somewhere saying knowledge of grammar is the foundation of all literature; that he exhausted-probably for want of something and because without this knowledge opportunities for writ-better-all the novels of a country-town library, ing and speaking are only occasions for men to display their unfitness to write and speak. How many false pretenders to erudition have I exposed to shame merely by my knowledge of grammar! How many of the insolent and ignorant great and powerful have I pulled down and made little and despicable !"

at that time supplied in its staple from the Mi-
nerva press. His amusing incidental, but ever
recurring abuse of Shakspeare and Milton, and,
indeed, of all the poets, discovers, as does his ge
their works; though the effect of that intimacy
neral writings, very considerable intimacy with
has been to steel him against their beauties.
Men, from twenty and upwards, are very apt, a

The rules and precepts which COBBETT lays down for young men are those which he practised in youth. They are Vivre de peu—that is, Live upon little, which is the only foundation of indepen-fair occasion presented, to fall in love; and "the dence, Toujours prèt—Always ready—or, in the words of our countrymen's motto, Ready, aye ready, as the only certain condition of advancement in life, for the young man who has no save his own head and hands. And the example

follows the rule.

hoary demagogue of Kensington," strange as it may appear, some fifty years ago, proved no There is much natural exception to the rule. friends in COBBETT's history of the rise, progress, and happy tenderness and beauty, yea there is true romance termination of his single love. own words:

"I was always ready: if I had to mount guard at ten 1 was ready at nine: never did any man, or any thing, wait one moment for me. Being, at an age under twenty years, raised from Corporal to Sergeant-Major at once, over the heads of thirty sergeants, I naturally should have been an object of envy and hatred; but this object of early rising and of rigid adherence to the precepts which I have given you, really subdued these passions; because every one felt, that what I did he had never done, and never could do. Before my promotion, a clerk was wanted to make out the morning report of the regiment. I rendered the clerk unnecessary; and, long before any other man was dressed for the parade, my work for the morning was all done, and I myself was on the parade, walking, in fine weather, for an hour perhaps. My custom was this: to get up in summer at day-light, and in winter at four o'clock; shave, dress, even to the putting of my sword belt over my shoulder, and having my sword lying on the table before me, ready to hang by my side. Then I ate a bit of cheese or pork, and bread. Then I prepared my report, which was filled up as fast as the companies brought in the materials. After this I had an hour or two to read, before the time came for any duty out of doors, unless, when the regiment or part of it went out to exercise in the morning. When this was the case, and the matter was left to me, I always had it on the ground in such time as that the bayonets glistened in the rising sun, a sight which gave me delight, of which I often think, but which I should in vain endeavour to describe. If the officers were to go out, eight or ten o'clock was the hour, sweating the men in the heat of the day, breaking in upon the time for cooking their dinner, putting all things out of order and all men out of humour. When I was commander, the men had a long day of leisure before them: they could ramble into the town or into the woods; go to get raspberries, to catch birds, to catch fish, or to pursue any other recreation, and such of them as chose, and were qualified, to work at their trades. So that here, arising solely from the early habits of one very young man, were pleasant and happy days given to hundreds."

Here it is in his

"When I first saw my wife she was thirteen years old, and I was within about a month of twenty-one. She was the daughter of a sergeant of artillery, and I was the ser geant-major of a regiment of foot, both stationed in forts near the city of St. John, in the province of New Brunswick. I sat in the same room with her for about an hour, in company with others, and I made up my mind, that she was the very girl for me. That I thought her beautiful is certain, for that I had always said should be an indispensable qualification; but I saw in her what I deemed marks of that sobriety of conduct of which I have said so much, and which has been by far the greatest blessing of my life. It was now dead of winter, and, of course, the snow several feet deep on the ground, and the weather piercing cold. It was my habit, when I had done my morning's writing, to go out at break of day to take a walk on a hill at the foot of which our barracks lay. In about three mornings after I had first seen her, I had, by an invitation to breakfast with me, got up two young men to join me in my walk; and our road lay by the house of her father and mother. It was hardly light, but she was out on the snow, scrubbing out a washing-tub. "That's the girl for me," said I, when we had got out of her hearing. One of these young men came to England soon afterwards; and he, who keeps an inn in Yorkshire, came over to Preston, at the time of the election, to verify whether I were the same man. When he found that I was, he appeared surprised; but what was his surprise, when I told him that those tall young men, whom he saw around me, were the sons of that pretty little girl that he and I saw scrubbing out the washing-tub on the snow in New Brunswick, at day-break in the morning!

"From the day that I first spoke to her, I never had a thought of her ever being the wife of any other man, more than I had a thought of her being transformed into a chest of drawers; and I formed my resolution at once, to marry her as soon as we could get permission, and to get out of the army as soon as I could. So that this matter was, at once, The virtues which COBBETT must have prac-settled as firmly as if written in the book of fate. At the tised at this time, and to which he eloquently exhorts young men, are obedience, frugality, industry, temperance, husbanding of time, perseverance, cleanliness, civil manners, promptitude, early rising; and, as connected with these, a manly contempt of "table-enjoyments," gluttony, drunkenness, gambling, and debasing sensuality of every kind; moreover, to eschew, as deadly poison. all "kettle slops," and to shave with cold water!

The study of GEOGRAPHY and HISTORY Succeed ed Grammar, while COBBETT remained in the army; and he had always been a rapacious miscellaneous

it, were removed to Frederickton, a distance of a hundred end of about six months, my regiment, and I along with miles up the river of St. John; and, which was worse, the artillery were expected to go off to England a year or two before our regiment! The artillery went, and she along with them; and now it was that I acted a part becoming a that gay place, Woolwich, the house of her father and moI was aware, that, when she got to ther, necessarily visited by numerous persons not the most select, might become unpleasant to her, and I did not like, besides, that she should continue to work hard. I had saved

real and sensible lover.


hundred and fifty guineas, the earnings of my early others, in addition to the savings of my own pay. I sent hours, in writing for the paymaster, the quartermaster, and her all my money, before she sailed; and wrote to her to beg

of her, if she found her home uncomfortable, to hire a lodging with respectable people; and, at any rate, not to spare the money, by any means, but to buy herself good clothes, and to live without hard work, until I arrived in England; and I, in order to induce her to lay out the money, told her that I should get plenty more before I came home.

"As the malignity of the devil would have it, we were kept abroad two years longer than our time, Mr. Pitt (England not being so tame then as she is now) having knocked up a dust with Spain about Nootka Sound. Oh, how I cursed Nootka Sound, and poor bawling Pitt too, I am afraid! At the end of four years, however, home I cime; landed at Portsmouth, and got my discharge from the army by the great kindness of poor Lord Edward Fitzgerald, who was then the Major of my regiment. I found my little girl a servant of all work (and hard work it was), at five pounds a year, in the house of a Captain Brisac; and, without hardly saying a word about the matter, she put into my hands the whole of my hundred and fifty guiacas unbroken!

"Need I tell the reader what my feelings were? Need I tell kind-hearted English parents what effect this anecdote must have produced on the minds of our children ?"

the exhortation to the husband, to follow his example in keeping at home.

hour from home, unless business or some necessary or ra"Let the new-married husband resolve never to spend an tional purpose demand it.

partner for life.

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Where ought he to be? What other company ought he to deem so good and so fitting, as that of the person whom he himself hath chosen to be his With whom else can he so pleasantly spend his hours of leisure and relaxation? Besides, if he quit her, to seek company more agreeable, is she in confining her at home without any company at all, while not set at large by that act of his? What justice is there he rambles forth in search of company more gay than he finds at home?

solve not to be seduced from his home; let him never go, in "Let the young married man try the thing: let him reHabit is a powerful thing; and if he begin right, the pleaone single instance, unnecessarily, from his own fire-side

sure that he will derive from it will induce him to continue which means quite another matter, as I shall show by-andright. This is not being tied to the apron-strings,' by. It is being at the husband's place, whether he have

children or not. And is there any want of matter for con versation between a man and his wife? Why not talk of the daily occurrences to her, as well as to any body else, If you excuse yourself by saying that you go to read the and especially to a company of tippling and noisy men? newspaper, I answer, buy the newspaper, if you must read it: the cost is not half of what you spend per day at the pot-house; and then you have it your own, and may read it at your leisure, and your wife can read it as well as yourAnd, in short, what must that man be made of, who does not prefer sitting by his own fireside, with his wife and children, reading to them, or hearing them read, to hearing the gabble and balderdash of a club or a pot-house company!"

COBBETT went to France, where he perfected his knowledge of the French language; and from thence to Philadelphia, with his wife, where he became a teacher of English to Frenchmen, and composed his "famous grammar" for teaching French people English. He also commenced THE PORCUPINE, the most furious Anti-Jacobin Jour nal that has ever appeared. But this is a diffi-self, if read it you must. rult subject, and on this Saturday the 15th Sept. 1×32, it might be an invidious one. It is enough, that this vigorous, vehement, and reckless writer, if he did desert his original standard, apostatized to the true side, left the cause of authority, and in many essential points embraced that of right. The true key to his character as a political writer, is, that his Guardian Genius, his own robust mind, originally whispered him, "BE BOLD, BE BOLD, BE BOLD,-You cannot be too bold.-The mass of mankind, like the women,

Born to be controlled,

Stoop to the forward and the BOLD."

On such promptings and calculations COBBETT has acted throughout, and with success which justifies their sagacity, if nothing more. But while thus occupied in Philadelphia in lauding the Bourbons, and denouneing jacobins and revolutionists, with all the fiery vehemence, and more than the coarseness and personal scurrility of his writings on the other side, COBBETT was also rocking the cradle, and nursing the baby; and from the desk of the fierce political writer we turn with pleasure to the fireside, and The Porcupine with his quills sheathed. "I began my young marriage days," he says, "in and near Philadelphia." His wife kept no servant, which, on principle and calculation, he approves, and recommends to all young couples, where there is but one young child, the second specimen of the womankind, in the young beginner's household, being, according to him, a more expensive article than the wife herself; and in the circumstances described, his reasoning is sound, and his estimates For the sake of wives, we must be somewhat liberal of extracts here; but first, for

are correct.

So far precept and exhortation, and now for example.

by business, or by a necessity of some sort, than I have;
"Few men have been more frequently taken from home
and I can positively assert, that, as to my return, I never
once disappointed my wife in the whole course of our mar-
ried life. If the time of return was contingent, I never
failed to keep her informed from day to day: if the time
was fixed, or when it became fixed, my arrival was as sure
as my life. Going from London to Botley, once, with Mr.
Finnerty, whose name I can never pronounce without an
expression of my regard for his memory, we stopped at Al-
ton, to dine with a friend, who, delighted with Finnerty's
talk, as every body else was, kept us till ten or eleven
o'clock, and was proceeding to the other bottle, when I put
in my protest, saying, We must go, my wife will be
frightened.' Blood, man,' said Finnerty, you do not
mean to go home to-night! I told him I did; and then
sent my son, who was with us, to order out the post-chaise.
We had twenty-three miles to go, during which we debated
the question, whether Mrs. Cobbett would be up to receive
us, I contending for the affirmative, and he for the negative.
She was up, and had a nice fire for us to sit down at.
had not committed the matter to a servant; her servants and
children were all in bed; and she was up to perform the
duty of receiving her husband and his friend.
not expect him?" said Finnerty. To be sure I did,' said

she; he never disappointed me in his life.'


"You did

"Now, if all young men knew how much value women

set upon this species of fidelity, there would be fewer unhappy couples than there are. If men have appointments with lords they never dream of breaking them; and I can assure them that wives are as sensitive in this respect as


And now for a little wholesome counsel to the

wives; but first the chapter of servants.

"The oppression is most heavy on those least able to bear it; and particularly on clerks and such like people, whose wives seem to think that because the husband's work

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