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country surgeon can promise himself one night of quiet.
Thus, the only difference between him and the sons of the
farmers, who laboured in their own fields, was the immea
surable one of knowledge, hourly increasing, activity of ins
tellect, and superior delicacy and propriety, of manners,
which naturally, flow from the cultivation of literary taste.
In the course of the next season, the young Doctor's
nag might be seen fastened to the door-latch of many a Hall-
house, and even posted near the dwelling of a laird or two
in the Upper Ward. No one partakes more frequently of
rural hospitality than that ill-paid fag, the country surgeon
of Scotland, travel-worn or belated in his attendance at the
couch to some miserable and poverty-stricken sufferer,
nor does any one half so well deserve the attentions of hos-
pitality. Many a night must he be knocked up to ride a
dozen miles in sford and darkness, to attend a poor sufferer
all the night, and then return home to his breakfast.

This information only whetted the curiosity of the young circle, and Norman was urged to proceed and instea

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The Duke of Argyle of that time was a man of greater scientific attainments than many of his tank. He was an eager agricultural improver, and for this, among other feasons, he was fond of the study of chemistry, in which he' dabbled in a gentlemanly way. I have told you 'you that this part of Lanarkshire was beginning to be more and more a mining district. The extensive estates of the Duke i in the Highlands were known to abound in minerals; an English Company was then either eatablished, or about to commence the Iron Works at Bunawe. He was at Kirk of Shotts, as he said, looking about him, and required some apparatus, or an acid or alkali, which it was not thought possible to obtain nearer than Glasgow, till a lady—and ladies have quick, as well as kind memories-recollected Wil. liam; and her husband allowed that he was a clever, steady sort of chap, who had made a voyage or two to the Islands, and knew something more of the world than the run of country doctors, though there was little hope that he could serve the present turn. A servant on horseback summoned the Doctor, and his apparatus, to attend his Grace, who at once understood his man. With so much propriety and modesty did William acquit himself in this interview, that the Duke requested he might be asked to repeat his visits. An invitation to dinner followed, and William, by the knowledge and ability he displayed on those mining subjects in which his Grace was interested, created for himself a powerful and generous friend. The approbation of the Duke at once stamped his value, and gave him ourrency, and the prospect of a higher order of friends and patients than he had yet obtained. After this, he remarked that the mother of Miss Johnston received him on his first call at the Manse rather more graciously. His calls there had

In this' plain! hardy fashion, did our William live for about, three years, working hard, and recreating himself with study, doing good to many, and rising in favour with all, when an accident occurred which some will call fortnnate ; but I beg of you not rashly so to name what to an or linary man could have been attended with no advantage whatever, nor to any man, except one who, like our William, was prepared, by a long course of diligent acquisition, to profit by the good fortune cast in his way. Had he been like ninety-nine youths ont of a hundred, into his way it had never fallen. William's reputation had now travelled far abroad, and had even descended to the rich and more populous valley of the Under Ward. He had been heard of at Lanark, was personally known at Dalserf, and named with respect even so far off as Hamilton, as an ingenious, active, steady, obliging, young fellow, who, some of the “nald wires" began to allow, was skilly for his years, and whd, every body said, "would get on." This was, indeed, the unfailing impression of every one whose opinion was worth minding, received from his steady character, his franknot, of late, been frequent; but from about this time the inmanners, and agreeable conversation. There was the air, the earnest of success about him. He was felt to be a man who rust rise who must, by the force of a natural law, make his way around and upwards: but who among them all, and who less than himself, could have guessed how high an name, how eminent in science and in station, our Wil-veral of the more respectable of his patients had recomLam was destined to become! I ought to say was to make himself, for he was the subject of no miracle. But I must come to William's first great adventure. The Duke of Argyle of that period

"0, I guess it all now," cried Sophia Herbert.

"The Duke was thrown from his horse, I daresay, on these moors, broke his collar bone, and William was called in, and cured him, and his Grace took charge of the Dot

tor's fortune.

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timacy increased, for William began to find patients down in the richer country, which led him into that neighbourhood, two or three times a-week. About two years after the purchase of his first nag at Hamilton, he was led to think of establishing his head quarters in that pretty town. Se

mended, and solicited this change. His friends at the Manse approved, so, after proper consideration, William, seeing he had not much to lose in leaving Kirk of Shotts, and had a fair, and more fertile field before him, moved westward, according to the natural progress of the Arts and Sciences, at the Martinmas term, exactly a century ago, and took up his abode in a better house, in which was one compartment called "the shop," and another, "the study." There was besides a stable, and a kail-yard.

This new

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new establishment might even accommodate a wife and in spring a wife was brought home to it. Even this step was maturely considered. William's professional engagements had rapidly increased during the winter and spring, and his fees were higher. He now numbered lairds and ladies among his patients, and had accounts amounting to L., 5s, and even to L.2, where cases were desperate and tedious. He knew that he often lost money and customers, from having no one save a heedless lad at home to note the orders and calls which came in, while he was galloping through the country. Upon this last prudential argu. ↑ ment, the good old people of the Manse yielded; the old

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gow University, he was boarded in a genteeler style than our William, his weekly expenses amounting to almost 5s., besides getting his clean linen, and many little helps from Lang Cawderwude. He had some relatives in a thriving way in Glasgow, and, as a "laird's" son, visited both prosperous citizens and learned professors. When he had attended Glasgow College for five years, his friends were mortified to find that he had no inclination to come out in the Church, and preferred the profession of medicine. Idleness in such a family was out of the question; and when he ex. pressed a wish to become the partner and assistant of our William at Hamilton, they gladly acquiesced, so well esta blished was the character of "The new Doctor," for ability, integrity, and prudence. Similar tastes and pursuits had thrown the young men much together of late; and they promised themselves both pleasure and advantage in a closer connexion. And now, mark the conditions of the compact of these obscure surgeons; the younger William was to be re

lady sighing, and remarking, that "since it must be, it was as well soon as syne." So our William obtained the crowning blessing of his life. His wife's little fortune was useful also. It enabled him to add to his means, and increase the comforts of his family, by farming a small piece of ground; while her connexions brought new friends and new patients. William was now a happy man. He had the neatest, if not the largest house, the handsomest wife, and the highest medical reputation in Hamilton and seven miles round it. At the following Michaelmas, as a mark of respect for his character, he was chosen a member of the council of the burgh, and at the next again, the Provost, though he was still a very young man to have attained such honours. And now respectable neighbours, farmers, and proprietors, pressed their sons upon him as apprentices in surgery and pharmacy. His hands were full of employment, his friends and patients still increasing; and his fame, extending through a wider circle, had now reached Glasgow, where his old master in the Candleriggs, boasted of his former ap-ceived into the home of the elder to acquire, in the first place, prentice.

a general knowledge of the routine of actual practice, for it was only by books he yet knew any thing of medicine. The partnership was otherwise entered into with no hope of

If you suppose that, with this accession of wealth, and honour, and domestic happiness, William was to close his books, and sit down contented, you mistake his charac-gain, no speculation of profit-nothing beyond the frugal ter. To increase his knowledge, to excel in his profession, was still, as ever, his fondest ambition. It might have been thought, that with his wife, and children, and friends about him, and with numerous duties, both public and private, his time was fully filled up, and that the social or peaceful night should now have succeeded the busy day. And so it did; and yet William found time to keep pace with the rapidly improving spirit of the age in many things, but especially in all that related to medical science, and his favourite pursuit of chemistry, While every one admired his attainments, he alone was dissatisfied, conscious of the defects of his early medical education, and how much remained to the physician who would press onward in his profes

sion. The smiles of his wife and children could not shake his purposes, or lull him in the dream that he had done enough, while so much lay before him. It would, however, have been most opposite to his character to have neglected his increasing business, and his present duties. His small practice was the means of respectability, and of domestic happiness, and he stuck sedulously to it; looking, meanwhile, cautiously and prudently round, and waiting for the favourable moment no one better knew how to seize and improve. Near William's native parish had lived and flourished, for time immemorial, the family of Long Cawderwude, a race of Lanarkshire dignitaries, who had not, at that time, been much heard of, beyond their own corner of the county, though there, or at least in the parish of Kilbride, they could be traced far beyond the Persecuting Times, and back to the wars of Bruce and Wallace. Though only "small lairds," the Lang Cawderwude family were great folks compared with our William's stock, though I have made the very most that is possible of his ancestry. But education and good conduct level still higher distinctions. The laird of Lang Cawderwude, among a family of ten sons and daughters, had also a William, our second Scotch William, who was a few years younger than the first. The value of his father's estate might, in those days, be from L.70 to L.80 a-year; and, as was usual, he farmed it himself, and supported his large family on its produce. His father being in the rank of lairds, the second William was not subjected to the indignity of an apprenticeship. He was intended for the Church; and while attending the Glas

means of an independent livelihood, and the power of prose-
cuting their profession in turns, by going alternately to
London or Edinburgh in the winter, to attend the medical
classes and the hospitals-a singular principle of partner.
ship for two young men to form. Our William's turn, as
of right, came first. He left his wife and children, and his
practice, to the care of his friend, and in the winter of 1739
repaired to Edinburgh, which at the time boasted of seve
ral eminent medical professors. Need I tell you with what
assiduity an opportunity was improved, so long waited for,
and purchased at so anxious a price, with so many efforts of
him for deserting his practice in this wild way; but, as
self-denial. Some of his friends did not scruple to blame
he had the approbation of the person chiefly interested,
his wife, he did not much mind any one else.
second William, left to himself from November till March,
worked double tides to keep all right in Hamilton, to attend
the shop, and hold the patients together; and he also had
his reward, for in the winter of 1740 his turn of study



He attended the medical classes of Edinburgh; and in spring, with the consent of his partner, went to Lond to attend such lectures and demonstrations as were fitted to advance his professional knowledge. I mentioned before that he had studied in Glasgow with the reputation of good scholarship. At that time there were in Glasgow two learned printers, brothers, of the name of Foulis, who were connected with scientific and learned men all over Europe. They printed the classics, and all the young students were invited to visit their office, to exercise their critical skill a corrections. For this purpose, it is said, they used to hang up their proof-sheets in the hall of the College, and offer rewards for the discovery of errors. From these gentleme William of Lang Cawderwude, the Scottish student, obe tained a letter of introduction to a very eminent, and alsa a very rich physician in London. After a trial of his ta lents and principles, this gentleman received William into his own family, as a professional assistant, and as the inter of his son. These were brilliant prospects; and our Wil liam at Hamilton was too high-minded and too generous throw any obstacle in the way of his friend's advancement,

The connexion was amicably dissolved, and to their dying day they continued to regard and respect each other, though they never again met. Our London William, so fortunate in his early establishment, we must leave for the present, and keep by our first and favourite hero. He was still provost of his little burgh, and farmer, and surgeon, and student; husband, and father, and friend; and he might have lived and died in the narrow circle of Hamilton a respected man: but a brighter career lay before him, nor was it less happy. Already he had reaped the fruits of his own early planting; but as he had never relaxed in diligent and useful culture, there was still much to gather in.

His grandee neighbour the Duke, who seldom resided at Hamilton Palace, happened once, when there, to be taken suddenly ill; and, on this emergency, the country doctor was sent for, his Grace feeling no reluctance to intrust himself to a practitioner of whom every one spoke so well; and who, instead of the usual conceit of ignorance, had the good sense to attend Monro, even after he was married and in full practice. It is told that William, whose general talents were hardly yet appreciated, not only benefited the Duke as a physician, but delighted him, as a companion full of knowledge and vivacity, as a philosopher and a man of the world, prized the more for being thus found in obscurity. In this year William took out his medical degree at Glasgow, and became entitled to the dignified name long before gratuitously bestowed. He was once more ripe for an access of good fortune-and it came. The lectureship of chemistry in Glasgow was vacant; at the suggestion of the Duke he solicited and obtained a situation which his previous studies had fitted him to fill with honour to himself and advantage to his pupils. He now removed his family to Glasgow. Here he was placed in a light in which he could at last be fairly seen and truly judged. He stood every test, surpassed every expectation, obtained a large and lucrative city practice, eclipsed all his predecessors in the chemical chair, and became, what he always continued to be, the idol of his numerous pupils. He had not held this situation above three years, when a higher became vacant : and without solicitation, William was appointed by the Crown, Regius Professor of Medicine. Universities were now emulous which should obtain so eminent a teacher, so popular a lecturer, so admired a man; and his next step was the Chemical Professorship of Edinburgh, which, from his still increasing reputation for science, he was solicited to fill. In the metropolis of his native country his numerous patients were of the highest classes, and it was said truly, that all his patients became his friends. Step by step he rose to the proudest distinctions in the University. Students flocked from all parts of Europe to his lectures; and bis name was now as familiarly known in the colleges, and among the men of science in France and Germany, as it had ever been in the Upper and Lower Wards of Lanarkshire --and how differently appreciated!

Of his merits as a writer on medicine, a lecturer, and practising physician, I am not qualified to speak; but he was the most distinguished man in the University, which was upheld by the lustre of his name. It is understood, that even in this advanced age of discovery and improvement, his reputation still ranks high, nor is it likely to be 100 eclipsed. One trait of his character falls within the reach of every understanding-his amiable and generous conduct to his pupils. He had known what it was to

struggle with difficulties, and with what may be called po-
verty; and his sympathies ever flowed freely towards young
men of superior talents, placed as he had been in early life,
He loved to distinguish them, and to encourage and aid
their efforts. He lectured till within a few months of his
death, which took place when he had attained the ad
vanced age of seventy-seven, full of years and honours.

On his coffin was read the illustrious name of WILLIAM

Having thus disposed of one William, the fortunes of the second may be more rapidly traced. WILLIAM HUNTER of Long Calderwood was the brother of John Hunter, and the uncle of Dr. Matthew Baillie.

"Eminent names these in medical annals" said Mr. Dodsley.

"Brave eaglets from the Scotch nest of Long Calderwood," cried Miss Harding.

"¿ "And Joanna, too!" whispered Sophia. Ay, Joanna You remember Baillie, too—and Mrs. John Hunter. your favourite canzonet in days of Ancient Melodies, Mrs. Herbert ?"

"My mother bids me bind my hair,'-to be sure I do :such a constellation of northern stars! and all clustering about one eminent name-for I derive them all from the little apothecary's shop, and the apprentice in the Candleriggs, in preference to the Hall-house of Long Calderwood William the first became the intellectual father of William the second, who again became the parent of John and Matthew. But proceed, Mr. Norman, with the second Hamilton surgeon."

As you know the close of his history already, there can be little interest in following it farther. I shut my book, and tell you, that, after qualifying himself by several years of diligent study and preparation, he commenced a course of lectures on some limited branch of anatomy, with which he was thoroughly acquainted, and succeeded so well, that He be he was solicited by his pupils to extend his range. came, as is well known, by slow but sure degrees, the most eminent anatomical lecturer of his time. It is related by a friend, that when, after the first lecture of his second course, he carried home seventy guineas of fees beneath his cloak, he remarked that he never had possessed nearly so much money before; yet he lived to bequeath a museum to the University at which he had studied, which cost L.70,000! with a further donation of 1.8000 to keep it up and in order; and obtained the highest honours, if not the highest fame, in his profession. Hunter possessed, in an eminent degree, the virtues usually ascribed to his country. He was economical, cautious, persevering the same plain, frugal man while associating with the first nobility in England, as he had been in the small shop at Hamilton. He accumulated an immense fortune; but he made noble use of it, in collecting the means of advancing science and perfectI may finish my tale by telling you, that, in his ing art. most splendid days, the wealthy, learned, admired, and envied old bachelor always said that the happiest hours of his life had been spent in Hamilton, in the family of WILLIAM CULLEN.

DAN DONNELLY'S TRIP TO PARIS. 1.31011 a Are Alas!"peor Yorick,”


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an emeralds, an bunches of rubies; and all (round about her was stanin heaps of fine ladies and gintlemin. So I whipped off my own caubeen, and made her a low bow; IRELAND's fisty champion, Dan Donnelly, as all our read thin wiping my face wid the skirt of my coat--for bad luck ers well know, has been feeding the worms for a few years to my hankachur, I forgot it at Dover. God save all back upon those very thews and sinews with which he had here, sis I, in raal quality form. And immediately her so pugnaciously snatched the wreath of victory from John Majesty called up one of her educongs some great curnel or Bull for the Emerald Isle. Many of his whims and oddities, giniral, you may be sure Lan seys she to him, in a pig'i however, live in the recollection of his admirers; and oc- whisper, wid a mighty knowing wink, What handsome casionally they serve to dispel the gloomy hour at the young fellow, curnel, jewel, is that at the door wiping his face "Fives Club," when told in Dan's own nate style. Indeed wid tail of his coat ?'--'Och, thin, sure,' sis Tom, makin bould there is only one member of the club, at present, who can because he understood the Frinchoch, thin, sure, ma'am, do justice to "Dan's visit to the Prince Raigint;" but sis he, it's Dan Donnelly, the famous prize champion there are many who venture to recount his "Trip to both England and Ireland, so renowned in history books." Paris," with various shades of success. The following-Whithin, by the hoky farmer,' sis the Queen, but he's s version of it is from the notes of one who assures us that man that's beyant the common !'. So wid that she axed to he took it down verbatim from Dan's own lips, the last be introduced to myself in raal quality style, an by coors. time he told it, which might be about a fortnight before he I couldn't have the heart to refuse her. To tell the truth was finally floored by death's unlucky mauley :-" Well, of her, she was mighty polite, intirely, an made myself an boys, I see that you must have from me the full and true Tom stay to dinner wid her; an in the evenin she axed a account of what came across me the last time I wint to power of quality to make up a dance for us, an she led off France; so here goes. Now, you don't want to know how the first set wid myself. But what bet the world was, that I got from this to Dover, nor from Dover to Calis, bekeys she axed me to dance the Kerry jig upon a trencher; which, ye couldn't be so uncommon ignorant as not to know that by coorse, I couldn't refuse; and she tuck such a likin to it I, Dan Donnelly, the re-al champion of ould Ireland, could that she wanted to make me a ballet-master, as I think they not be in France without getting there somehow or other, called it, to the coort, but I refused the offer, becaise none barin I wasn't in it at-all-at-all; so becourse, I'll begin of the ballets I could remimber war dacint enough to taich with my journey from Calis, which, by the hoky, I took the young ladies. Then agin, she med me stan up and take upon an ould garron of a mare that you wouldn't pick out a small twist of handy-gripes wid herself; an very lucky of the gutter, bad luck to the bit; for, bad cess to the eye, for her I had the gloves in my pocket, and put them on, but one she had in her head, and that same was stone or, be the hoky, the first douse I gev her in the bread-canis blind; and in regard to her legs, there war only three of ter would have knocked a few of her ivories down her them worth mentioning, the fourth bein an idle vagabone throath: Stop! stop! Dan Donnelly, my jewel,' sàr of a leg that hung flappin about the poor baste, an doing roared out, that's quite enough !' The poor ould woman more harm nor good. As you may suppose, she had a was so struck wid my performance that she wanted to make mighty diverting way of hoppin the road, much like a kana duke of me, but I axed laive to go home first an fight a garoo. Howsomdever, 'twas myself that made the crather few battles more, afore I'd give up the BELT Och be spin along as if she was starting for the plate, tal we thershin! but it's yourself, Dan Donnelly, that might hare kem to the big city of Paris, for she never cried stop or med your forthin af you had only staid in France an ha stay, tal she had me on the tip-top of a place they called moured the ould dotin Queen of Paris!" the point of a knife, as well as I can remembir. 'Och! blur-an-agers, cried myself, openin wide my two peepers, as if I was roused out of a doze by a bottle-houlder, an-agers,' sis I, Dan Donnelly, avick, where is it you are, at-all-at-all? Arrah, where shud ye be, Dan, my darlint,' sis a chap comin up and givin me a polthouge out iv pure love, from a nate bit of shillelagh as thick as the rowler of a mangle, that made the heart leap in my body, where else shud ye be, Dan, my darlint, sis he, bud in the quarest place in the wide world, and that is the City of Paris, my jewel. Why, thin, is that yourself, Tom Mulligan, ma bouchelaun, or is it your own brother Jim that's in it ? sis I. Faith, its myself sis he, for Jim is gone to Botany.Glory be to God, sis I. Amen,' sis he. But Dan, aroon,' sis he again, what the dhoul brought you here among the mounseers? Is it, what brought me here, Tom, avick,' sis I, that you're after axin ?-look at that poor lame baste of a crather,' sis I, and you'll see what brought me here, God. help her, this blessed night. Arah, blur-an-ounty, sis Tom, is that a raal Irish baste ? Introth she is, every bone in her skin,' sis I; so wid that, Tom made no more ado, but he runs and claps his two arms round the poor crathur's neck, and hugged her and kissed her, as if she was a natural Christian born, tal myself got ashamed of the dacent people passing by, to be seeing the likes. Well, there's no use in talkin about all that passed tal next day,



when Tom hoiks me off to see the Queen of Paris, at a

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(Continued from page 214)


BODIES not only expand on the application of heat, but contract on its withdrawal, from which it is evident that they must all, in a natural state, contain a quantity of heat, and that their whole form and appearance must depend on that quantity. Were heat completely withdrawn from the world, its bulk would decrease to an enormous extent, Some have even fancied that the reduction in its size would be so great that it might be placed in a nut shell! On the other hand, were the heat sufficiently increased, the earth and all it contains would be converted into an invisible fluid, and its bulk inconceivably expanded. If we apply heat to a solid body, it expands, and continues to expand till it ar rives at a certain temperature, when it undergoes a change by which its form and properties are totally altered; it takes the fluid form, and the change is called quifaction. Different bodies require different quantities of heat to efe this change,

When a body changes from the solid to the finid state a remarkable circumstance takes place. Ang enormous quantity of heat is absorbed, which does not increase its sensible temperature in the smallest degree, the heat which place he called the Pally Royal. Now this same Pally is thus absorbed, is therefore called latent or concealed heat. Royal is a big ould building, wid as many windys as New- For example, if we take two basins, and fill one with icegate, where people go to see an ould baste, they call the cold water, and the other with ice and water, and add equal Queen of Paris, maining Louy the Eighteenth. Tom an myself warn't long scrugeing our way up the stairs into quantities of hot water to each, the temperature of that the presence-chamber; whin, looking straight forminst me, containing water only will be found to increase bygevery what shud I see but a big ould woman, sitting upon a bit addition of hot water, but in that containing ice and water, of red carpet, wid a most beautiful crown upon her sconce, a part of the ice will be melted, but the temperature will an she all covered over from top to toe wid raal diamonds not be increased in the smallest degree: not will it increase

till the whole of the ice is melted. The heat which we add enters the fee, and causes it to melt; but being absorbed in

the process, it does not increase the warmth of the water. quantity of heat absorbed, the process mus. In India

As soon, however, as the ice is all melted, every addition of
hot water will cause an increase of temperature. When
the fluid again resumes the solid state, as when water be-
comesice, the heat which it had absorbed in passing from
the solid to the fluid state, is again given out. This ab-
sorption of heat in the conversion of a solid into a fluid,
its being again set free on the conversion of a fluid into a
alid, serves some important purposes in the economy of na-
ture. From this, we perceive the cause why ice and snow
take so long to melt. As in the conversion of a solid into
» Ruid; a great quantity of heat is absorbed, a considerable
time must elapse ére the requisite quantity of heat can be
supplied, to enable ice or snow to become water. The pro-
tes of melting must therefore go on gradually. Were it
got for this, the whole of the ice and snow existing at any
qus time, would immediately be melted in the change from
frost to fresh, and the most dreadful deluges would sweep
over the earth, carrying every thing along with them. On
the contrary, but for this law, water, on cooling to the
ezing point, would instantaneously congeal, to the great
nconvenience and destruction of man and other animals
But as fluids in their conversion into solids give out the heat
which they had absorbed in passing from the solid to the
Inid state, water, in being converted into ice, gives out
hat, which lessens the cold, and retards the freezing of the
t of the water; the process of freezing, therefore, goes on

boiling point, the whole would immediately be converted
into steam with a tremendous explosion. But from the
on gradually,
as the required heat is received from the
they take advantage of this law for the purpose of cooling
their apartments. The rooms are sprinkled with water,
which evaporating, absorbs such a quantity of heat as causes
a reduction of temperature to the extent of 10 or 15 degrees.
When aëriform bodies become fluid, they again give out
the heat absorbed while passing from the fluid to the agri-
form state. Thus, if we put our hands among common air
at 212 degrees, we do so with impunity; but if we place
them among steam at the same temperature, they are im-
mediately scalded. The reason is, that the coldness of our
hands causes the steam to condense, or become fluid, and
its latent heat being set free, it scalds our hands. That
aëriform bodies expand on the application of heat, may be
proved by filling a bladder half full of air, and holding it
near the fire; the air will soon be so expanded that the
bladder will be quite filled.

HINTS FOR FARMERS." FEAR OF OVER-CULTIVATION. Our excellent friends the farmers must allow us to say, that, like every other class, they are subject to a good many vagaries, which materially affect alike their own prosperity and that of the country at large; and we know that they will feel obliged by an atpoints, the results of his own pretty wide experience and tempt of their well-wisher to lay before them, on sundry tolerably serious meditation. There is not, we venture to allege, one practical mistake productive of so unfortunate consequences to the country in general, and of course especially to the agriculturist, as the prevalent disinclination to cultivate good land to the full extent of its productive is never much difficulty in compelling a good farm to repowers, from the vague fear of over-cultivating it. There turn three or four times the usual crop; and we have often seen it accomplished, but when the farmer sees it, he shakes his head, and prophesies that it will not pay. Now, as this is an important question, and one which may be easily resolved, we request attention to it for a moment. Suppose the farmer has under his cultivation, land of various qualities-from land which, for an outlay of L.10, produces a return of 10 quarters, to land which, for the same outlay, produces only 3—the intermediate qualities producing returns of 8, 7, 6, 5, &c. In regard of the treatment of this best field, we all know that double the care and expense, or an outlay of L.20, will not produce a return of 20; but if it produces a return of 18, it is plain that the farmer will be as well off by laying it out upon this field, as if he laid out upon it only L.10, and the other L.10 upon the next lowest field capable of returning only 8,

That fluids expand on the application of heat, may be asily proved. Put some water into a glass tube, marking height at which the water stands; place it amongst hot ter, and the water in the tube will be immediately oberved to rise. The most useful purpose to which this law as been applied is that for measuring the temperature or relative quantities of heat existing in bodies. For this purpose what is called a thermometer is used, which is merely #gha tube with a bulb blown at one end, and which is artly filled with some fluid; mercury or quicksilver is rally used. When this instrument is brought in conwith a warm body, the mercury, being heated, expands and rises in the tube. If, on the contrary, it is brought into colder situation, the mercury parts with some of its , and consequently contracts and falls in the tube. Jales are attached to the instrument to tell us the exact height at which the fluid stands in the tube, and the varia ** which it undergoes. The thermometer principally-L.20 being in both cases laid out, and the return of 18 ad in this country is that recommended by Fahrenheit, a being the same. What then is the limit of prudent expense Dutchman. Conceiving, erroneously however, that the upon this best field? Plainly this: the farmer ought to greatest cold is that produced by two parts of ice and one go on laying out money in its cultivation-applying to it, alt, he commenced his scale at that point, calling it de- as it were, fresh doses of expense, until the last L.10 laid No. F. The freezing of water takes place, accord-out produced only the additional crop of 3. We have alto his scale, at the 32d, and the boiling of water at the ready supposed, that he had land under cultivation capable, 12th degree. on account of its barrenness, of producing only this last return; and as this return must therefore pay, his best land will evidently not be sufficiently cultivated until he has so dosed it, that the last outlay shall be compensated by only this same 3. A field of this excellent land may thus be made to produce as much as a whole line of fields from the highest to the lowest degree, were each cultivated but superficially a field which returns 8 in the first instance, as much as all below it; and so on until we des cend to the lowest cultivated field which produces 3. These principles are plain and irrefragable, and a very little thought will make them understood. To say that they are generally acted upon, were to say that we have no eyes, for the spots are indeed rare where one-third of that capital is laid out upon a farm, which might be laid out with the ordinary profit. Even at the present rate of profit to the agriculturist, the country might be made at least to treble its produce, and to double its

If we apply heat to a fluid body, it likewise expands, and tinues to do so till its temperature is raised to a cerin height; in the case of water to 212, when a second age of form and properties takes place. It assumes the of vapour, which change is called evaporation. We Jave already mentioned that a solid, in its conversion into 1 tuid, absorbs a great quantity of heat, which does not e its sensible temperature; and the same occurs when faid passes into the aériform state. A pint of steam, wise temperature, as measured by the thermometer, is 212, will, if mixed with six pints of cold water, raise the temprature of the whole to 212, or the boiling point; thus pering what an immense quantity of latent or concealed bat must have existed in the single pint of steam, and which has been absorbed while passing from the fluid to the aeriform state, But for this law we would in vain atat to boil water, because, as soon as it arrived at the

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