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you to be strange customs. The Greeks, like any other people, will be offended.

The Greeks have to pay very high prices for most household commodities. You are allowed to bring some of these things into the country duty-free. Don't let your foodstuffs and belongings get into the black market! The Greeks know very well what goes on, and you don't want to do anything to discredit your country or yourself. THEIR POLITICS

The Greeks take a keen interest in politics and have very strong convictions to air. You would do well to avoid getting drawn into such discussions. You might be giving

your own private opinion, but it could be interpreted as an official American view. After all, you are an American in the employ of your Government. You are one of a small minority when travelling abroad and can't help but attract attention. As a result, even a careless word or phrase might be the cause of embarrassment to you or your Government.

The purest form of democracy practiced in historic times existed in the ancient Greek city-state. The Greek of today knows that. He is justly proud that the concept of democracy, so jealously fought for by the free world today, is of Greek origin. He is, himself, a descendant of these great democratic philosophers of 2,500 years ago. Consequently, he feels he has the right to argue endlessly and heatedly over his concepts of good government.

In the crowded coffee houses and street cafes of Athens, as well as in the remotest mountain villages, you will see men clustered over cups of coffee, passing the time of day, and airing their views on politics. There is universal suffrage and a real turnout at elections.

With such an interested voting public it is small wonder that there is great diversity of opinion and a hodge-podge

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King Paul of Greece at tomb of his nation's Unknown Warrior.


Queen Frederika (center, in white) dances at grape festival.

of political parties. It's very easy to start a political party in Greece. If a Greek has a legal or generally good education, is well-known, and has gifts of oratory and persuasion, he can hang out his political shingle and form his own party.

One of the weaknesses of recent Greek governments has been the large number of political parties. This made it

necessary for leaders of different groups to form a coalition in order to achieve a majority in Parliament.

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In the 1952 election, Field Marshal Papagos succeeded in winning a great victory for his conservative Greek Rally Party. He has an overwhelming majority of the 300 deputies in the Greek Parliament.


You have probably noticed that there are not many kings left in the world today, but Greece is one of the countries having a king, and a popular one at that. The present monarchs are King Paul and Queen Frederika. sincere interest in the well-being of their people and their active participation in social welfare projects have done much to endear them to the Greek people. They are a striking couple and look every inch a king and queen. In this day and age, when royalty has disappeared in so many countries, it takes good rulers like these to make people understand some of the benefits and values of a limited, constitutional monarchy.


In your travels in Greece, one of the most familiar sights will be the ancient marble temples, many of them in ruins. They may be dedicated to Athena, Hera, Apollo, Zeus, Artemis or any of the other gods of classical antiquity. These structures are inspiring, imposing, and—for the camera fan-photogenic. You might even try photographing the Parthenon at Athens under the full moon. Each month it is open to visitors for one to three nights while the moon is full.

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