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Inflammation and Congestion


FORMULA.-Each pound contains olive oil 1 oz.. eucalyptus oil 1 oz., oil of thymol 1 oz., glycerin 1⁄2 oz.. gum-camphor 1⁄2 oz., tinct. benzoin comp, 2 dr., chloretone 1 dr., menthol 1 dr., with q.s. of petrolatum and beeswax.

Samples and letters of endorsement from the profession sent to physicians only on request. Your druggist can always secure a supply from their wholesale drug houses.


Nickerson-Warner Chemical Co.

408 Nassau Block, Denver, Colo.

Guarantee filed with Secretary of Agriculture under the Pure Food and Drug Acts of June 30, 1906. Serial No. 2018.


"Antikamnia & Codeine Tablets" in Grippal Conditions

No physician can afford to be indifferent regarding the accurate filling of his prescription.


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Such clothes as these actually raise the "From Kiver to Kiver!"

standards of all the men in the town; and we're selling them at the right prices.

Glad to see you now or later..

The Plymouth


501 503 505 FELIN STREET


One of the largest manufacturers of pharmaceutic products writes us as follows:

"It is not an easy matter usually to determine the comparative value of medical journals, but in the case of the MEDICAL HERALD, we are constrained to abvise you that we have had every opportunity to observe not only full and adequate returns on our investment with you, but decidedly superior productive quality. The results have been unquestionably apparent.

"It is one of the journals that really seems to be READ FROM COVER TO COVER by subscribers. We wish we could say as much for all of the journals in which we advertise."

You noticed this advertisement in the Medical Herald.



Of the many

of like character


Messrs. Wm. R. Warner & Co., Philadelphia.

Dear Sirs:

*Having received samples of some of your preparations, a short while ago and amongst them some pills of the following formula and name :


[blocks in formation]

I have tried through my drugman to get the above pills, made by you, the same formula was sent me but it did not give the same amount of satisfaction that the pills made by your house did; please send me 100 of the pills, etc.

August 11th, 1902.


Comment Is Unnecessary

except to add:

Why not assure yourself of the value of Pil. Cascara Cathartic-Dr. Hinkle, made by Wm. R. Warner & Co. by specifying that make and insisting upon it being supplied to your patients.

[blocks in formation]

D 10,000 No physician can afford to be indifferent regarding the accurate filling of his prescription.

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