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Roosevelt has had the widest field, the largest opportunity, to show his courage and his ability.


There was class greed to curb, as in Jefferson's

Common humanity, sorely oppressed, called for a champion, as in Jefferson's day.

The weak, trampled upon by the strong, cried aloud for mercy, as in Jefferson's day.

Is Mr. Roosevelt a "politician of the infamous stripe "?

By no means.

Is he "weak, timid, vacillating"?

Far from it.

Then where are his trophies, such as Jefferson won?

What battles has he fought for the people, such as Jefferson fought? What vested wrongs has he abolished, what abuses has he remedied, what evil laws has he repealed, what unjust system has he reformed, what victim of social and industrial tyranny has he freed?

Where has he confronted class despotism and, with battle-ax in hand, said, "Turn loose!"? Yes, comparisons are odious.

Mr. Roosevelt will be fortunate if, after his reign is over, posterity shall forget that he pilloried Thomas Jefferson as "a politician of the infamous stripe."



It would be difficult to name a period in which partizan rancor raged with greater violence. Nobody escaped, and slander recognized no limits. George Washington was denounced as defaulter, a man who had debauched his country, the tool of Great Britain, and the dupe of Hamilton; James Monroe was abused as a fool and a bribe-taker; and Jefferson was assailed as an atheist, a robber of the widow and orphan, a father of mulatto children, an enemy to law, order, and property. As to Hamilton, it became necessary to prove that he was not a corrupt Treasurer; and he did it by confessing a filthy, disgraceful amour with a married woman named Maria Reynolds. Maria's husband was a party to the intrigue, and Hamilton's own residence was often the place of assignation.

This violence of political passion seems to have had its origin in the Jay Treaty excitement. Riotous crowds thronged the streets of Philadelphia, New York, and other large cities. Jay was burned in effigy, and Hamilton was stoned. Nothing but the unwearied efforts of the merchant class, the

strength of Washington, and the alarm which friends of the Government began to feel for its very existence, ever turned the tide and rammed that odious treaty down the throats of the people.

President Adams was inclined to take himself as seriously as Washington had done, and to affect an attitude of stateliness. In George Washington, form and ceremony and a pose of loftiness were more or less natural. People conceded all that to so great a man. Back of him, and whatever he might choose to do, was a record which said, "It is my right."

Therefore, when George Washington's creamcolored coach and his six magnificent horses pranced through the streets of Philadelphia, with liveried white servants, outriders, etc., nobody audibly lifted the voice of lamentation. George Washington and "Lady Washington " were unique, a law unto themselves, a noble pair at whom "filthy Democrats " must not rail-except in newspapers, private letters, and low-voiced con


But when John Adams essayed to bend this particular bow of Ulysses, the effect was not happy. In his way, John Adams was a worthy man, but he was not George Washington. And Mrs. Abigail Adams was a most estimable wife, mother, neigh

bor, friend, and Christian-but Mrs. Abigail was not "Lady Washington."

Therefore, at the very beginning of his administration President Adams collided with the Democratic spirit which Washington had only felt at the close of his. Andrew Jackson had stood against the congressional vote of confidence in Washington; and Matthew Lyon now began a rebellion against the forms and ceremonials which Washington had established, and which Adams wished to continue.

Congress was Federalist, the fashions of the time were Federalist, and Lyon was Democratic. Batteries of ridicule and abuse were opened upon him, as is the case always. Lyon was not a scholar, but he was far from being either fool or vulgarian.

His father had lost his life resisting British tyranny in Ireland, and Matthew Lyon, at the age of fifteen, had fled to this country for refuge. He had received some schooling in Ireland, and he seems to have continued his education in this country. Marrying a niece of Ethan Allen, he settled in Vermont, in 1774.

His natural position, as an Irishman, was with the colonists in their rebellion; and he was one of the Green Mountain boys, who under Ethan Allen, made the capture of Ticonderoga. He continued to serve during the war and distinguished himself.

He was promoted from grade to grade until he became colonel; and after the war he was a leading man in Vermont, both in business and politics. His first wife dying, he married the daughter of Governor Thomas Chittenden. Serving constantly in the Legislature, he held high positions in the State administration, such as Secretary of the Board of War and Deputy Secretary of the Council. He founded the town of Fair Haven, and established manufactories on Poultney River. He erected a paper-mill, a printing-press, corn-mills, sawmills, and ironworks. He was one of the first to make paper from the bark of the basswood-tree. Under his practical touch this rural wilderness which he had settled became one of the most flourishing business centers in New England.

From the bark of the forest tree the ingenious Irishman made paper, and upon this paper of his own make he printed the "Farmer's Library,” a small journal edited by himself and his son James -who also set the type. He also published books at New Haven, one of these being a Life of Benjamin Franklin. In a section where Federalism was entrenched, Lyon made the fight for Democracy. He met with all kinds of obstacles. Other papers would not publish his articles. To get a hearing he was compelled to run a paper of his own. Defeated time and again for Congress, he at length won the seat, and so it was that Matthew Lyon become a

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