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The adjournment of the last annual meeting was made to conform to the selection of time for holding the meeting this year, made by the committee appointed by the Society for that purpose, but the local committee at St. Paul requested the change of time as expressed in their letter to the President, as follows:


ST. PAUL, MINN., June 13, 1877.

DEAR GENERAL:-A number of the members of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, ex-officers of volunteers and "army" officers, met last evening at the Metropolitan Hotel in this city, and had under consideration the coming meeting of the Society here.

The opinion was unanimous that in view of the usual cold storm that visits this region during the latter portion of September, that it would be advisable to hold the meeting some two or three weeks earlier if the change could be made without inconvenience to the officers and members of the Society.

The undersigned were appointed a committee to correspond with you upon the subject and to suggest a change from the 26th and 27th days of September to the 12th and 13th days of the same month.

Will you do us the favor to respond to this suggestion, and advise us whether a change will or will not be made in accordance therewith.

General Hickenlooper has written upon the subject and seems inclined to a change. We have the honor to be,

Very respectfully, your obedient servants,




This communication was endorsed by your President:

WASHINGTON, D. C., June 17, 1877. Respectfully referred to Colonel L. M. Dayton, Secretary. Cincinnati, requesting him to consult with Generals Force and Hickenlooper, and with their approval to give general notice of the change of date for the St. Paul meeting of 1877.



Reference was made as directed and the notice given by issuing the following circular:

CINCINNATI, June 27, 1877.

DEAR SIR. At the request of the Local Committee of Arrangements at St. Paul, the time of holding our meeting this year is hereby changed-by direction of the President of the Society-and will be held on the 5th and 6th days of September, instead of the 26th and 27th, as arranged for at the last annual meeting.

L. M. DAYTON, Recording Secretary.

A copy of this circular was sent to each member of the Society and the gentlemen at St. Paul were also informed.

The Corresponding Secretary also transmitted to each member the following notice:

CINCINNATI, August 1, 1877.

To the Members Society of the Army of the Tennessee:


The Society, at the last annual meeting, designated the 26th and 27th of September as the time for holding our next annual meeting at St. Paul, Minnesota.

The Local Committee of Arrangements having requested the change, General W. T. Sherman, President of the Society, now directs that the eleventh annual reunion of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee be held at St. Paul. Minnesota, Wednesday and Thursday, September 5th and 6th, 1877.

The annual address to the Society will be delivered by General M. M. Bane. All necessary arrangements for the reunion will be under the direction of a Local Committee, who will give due notice of the details of their arrangements. Officers who have at any time served in the Army or Department of the Tennessee are, by our Constitution, entitled to membership, and are especially requested to attend. Members of kindred societies are cordially invited to participate.

Members who are unable to attend the meeting will be expected to write to the Corresponding Secretary of the Society. imparting such information in regard to themselves as may be of interest to the Society.

A. HICKENLOOPER, Corresponding Secretary.

So it may be presumed that all was done that could be, to apprise members of the change made.

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ST. PAUL, MINN., September 5, 1877. Under the arrangements of the Local Committee, the members marched from the headquarters at the Metropolitan Hotel to the Opera House, and on assembling there, were at 10:15 o'clock A. M., called to order, in the absence of the President, by Captain D. H. Gile, who presided through all the business deliberations.

Reading of the journal of the last meeting being first business and being called for,

On motion of General Chetlain:

Resolved, That the journal of proceedings of last meeting having since been printed and distributed to members, the reading of them now be dispensed with.

On motion of Major Edwards:

Resolved, That the presiding officer appoint committees of five each respectively, for nominating officers for the Society for the ensuing year, for selecting place for holding next annual meeting, and for selecting an orator.

General Force presented and read his report as Treasurer of the Society as follows:



ST. PAUL, MINN., September 5, 1877.

At the last annual report, the Permanent Fund contained seven thousand five hundred dollars of Government Bonds and one hundred and eighty-three dollars forty-nine cents cash. The fund has received since from Colonel L.

M. Dayton, Recording Secretary, one hundred and fifty-five dollars; from January interest on bonds in gold two hundred and twenty-five dollars, premium on gold fifteen dollars eighteen cents; July interest on bonds in gold two hundred and twenty-five dollars, premium on gold eleven dollars twentyfive cents. There has been no expenditure of this fund, and it now contains seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7.500) of Government Bonds, and eight hundred and fourteen dollars ninety-two cents ($814.92) cash.

The Society at the last meeting authorized the Treasurer to change the investment of the bonds held by the Society if, in the judgment of a committee appointed by the President, it should be deemed best. The committee so appointed by the President unanimously considered that the investment should be continued in Government Bonds, and the probability that some years would yet be required to convert the bonds of the issue of 1867 into bonds bearing less interest was considered so great that they advised to keep the two thousand dollars of bonds of 1867 for the present and to change the five thousand five hundred dollars of bonds of 1865 into bonds of 1867. This change was accordingly made, and the cost of making it was paid out of the General Fund.

At the last annual report the General Fund contained six hundred and fifty-five dollars sixty-one cents. It has since received from Colonel L. M. Dayton, Recording Secretary, two hundred and ninety dollars ($290.) From this fund has been paid out for printing the annual report two hundred and twenty dollars; and cost of exchanging five thousand five hundred dollars of bonds of 1865 into bonds of 1867, one hundred and seventy-eight dollars seventy-five cents. The balance remaining in this fund is five hundred and forty-six dollars eighty-six cents.

The bills for current expense, such as postage, stationery, printing, etc., of the past year have not been presented. The cost of printing the consolidated volume of reports will be near $2,500. The entire cash in the treasury is $1,361.78. The Society at the last meeting authorized the Treasurer to apply the cash in the Permanent Fund towards the payment of the consolidated volume of reports As it is now clear this will be wholly insufficient, authority is requested to sell bonds, so far as may be necessary with the cash on hand, to meet the expense of the volume.

I submit herewith my book of accounts; a certificate of deposits of the Safe Deposit Company of Cincinnati for the bonds; my bank book as Treasurer, showing the cash account, except sixty-one dollars received from the Recording Secretary since I left Cincinnati; sixty-one dollars in money, vouchers for expenditures, and the written recommendation of the committee on investment. M. F. FORCE,

On motion of General McArthur:


Resolved, That the report of the Treasurer be received and accepted.

Colonel Dayton presented and read his report as Recording Secretary, which is as follows:



CINCINNATI, August 29, 1877.

President of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee:

DEAR SIR:-At the last annual meeting there was paid me by members, as follows:

On account of the Permanent Fund,
On account of the General Fund,



249 00

$384 00

Which was duly transferred to our Treasurer and receipted for by him on October 31st, 1876. Since that time, and on various dates, I have received by remittance, as follows:

On account of Permanent Fund,

On account of General Fund,


$20 00

41 00

$61 00

Which has also been transferred to, and receipted for by the Treasurer, making received since last annual report:

Permanent Fund,

General Fund,


$155 00

290 00

$445 00

For each instance of money paid me, a receipt for same has been duly transmitted through the Corresponding Secretary.

To such members as desired certificates of membership, they have been sent, properly filled up.

The proceedings of annual meeting of 1876 were printed and distributed as per instructions. The general correspondence incident to this office has been about as usual during the past year.

Respectfully submitted,

L. M. DAYTON, Recording Secretary.

On motion of Captain Everest:

Resolved, That the report of the Recording Secretary be received and accepted.

General Hickenlooper presented and read his report as Corresponding Secretary, including correspondence received from members. The following is the report:

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