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7. Give in greater detail the provisions of the second and third compromises. (Ashley, "American Government," §§ 227228.)

8. Which of the proposed plans for the election of President (§ 145) would probably be received with the greatest favor at present?


1. How many articles are there in the Constitution proper? How many amendments have been adopted?

2. Memorize the preamble.

3. With what subject does Article I deal?

4. How often are representatives chosen? Who may vote for representatives? Who may be selected? (Art. I, § 2.)

5. For what term are senators elected? What are the minimum qualifications of senators? (Art. I,'§ 3.)'

6. When does Congress meet? (Art. I, § 4, cl. 2.) To what extent does each house regulate its own affairs? May the Senate expel a member without giving a reason for doing so? (Art. I, $ 5.)

7. What is the process of making laws? (Art. I, § 7.)

8. Learn the eighteenth clause of Art. I, § 8.

9. How is Congress prevented from abusing its power of spending money? (Art. I, § 8, cl. 12, § 9, cl. 7.)

10. May the President or a congressman accept a present from the king of England? (Art. I, § 9, cl. 8.)

II. What is the President's term of office? May a foreigner be elected President? May a man thirty years old be chosen for that office? (Art. II, § 1, cl. 1, 4.)

12. May the President's salary be increased or diminished during his term of office? (Art. II, § 1, cl. 6.)

13. What are the principal powers of the President? (Art. II, §§ 2, 3.)

14. May the President appoint an ambassador to France without consulting the Senate? (Art. II, § 2, cl. 2.)

15. How are treaties made? (Art. II, § 2, cl. 2.)

16. How are new states admitted to the Union? Can Congress create a state of South California without consulting the California legislature? (Art. IV, § 3, cl. 1.)

17. Can the publication of an ordinary newspaper be prohibited by Congress? (Amendment I.)

18. May a person be tried twice for the same offence? (Amendment V.)

19. Can Congress authorize the hanging of a person for stealing? (Amendment VIII.)

20. What change did Amendment XII make in the method of electing the President? (Compare it with Art. II, § 1, cl. 2.) 21. What was the purpose of the Thirteenth Amendment? the Fifteenth ?

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of the Senate.

153. The Two Houses. - Having seen how the Con- Composition stitution of the United States was adopted and what relations it has established between the nation and the states, we shall now consider a little more in detail how Congress is composed and how it acts. As we noticed in the preceding chapter, Congress is the body that makes the laws. It is composed of two parts or houses. One of these is called the Senate, and consists of two senators from each state elected by the state legislature for a term of six years. At present it has ninety members, as there are now forty-five states in the Union.

of the House.

The other house, called the House of Representa- Composition tives, is made up of representatives chosen every second year by popular vote in districts into which the different states are divided. The number of districts in any state depends on its population, but each state has at least one representative. The number at present is three hundred and eighty-six, six states having but one each, and New York having thirtynine members in the House, as this branch of Congress is usually called.

154. The Sessions of Congress. Whenever a House How conof Representatives gives place to a new house, once numbered.

gresses are

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