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Read first and second time and referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Senator Harper, Senate file No. 350, a bill for an act to authorize cities to license and tax transient merchants and peddlers.

Read first and second time and referred to Committee on Cities and towns.

By Senator Palmer, Senate file No. 351, a bill for an act to amend section 1390 of the Code of Iowa, relating to care of Hospitals for the Insane.

Read first and second time and referred to Committee on Charitable Institutions.

By Senator Phelps, Joint Resolution No. 14, proposing an amendment to the state constitution in relation to the right of trial by jury.

Read first and second time and referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.

By Senator Ranck, Senate file No. 352, a bill for an act to provide for the selecting and drawing of jurors in superior courts. Read first and second time and referred to Committee on Judiciary.

By Senator Mitchell, Senate file No. 353, a bill for an act to reimburse the members and heirs of members of the Second and Third Iowa infantry for "gray" uniforms purchased during the war.

Read first and second time and referred to Committee on Military.


House file No. 400, a bill for an act to amend section 2 of chapter 3 of the acts of the Fifteenth General Assembly, relating to the pay of Chaplains of the General Assembly, was read first and second time and referred to Committee on Appropriations.

Senate concurrent resolution, in which the House refused to concur, relating to the introduction of bills, was passed on file.

Concurred-in House concurrent resolution, relating to returns of House Joint Resolution No. 6, in regard to payment of Chaplains, was passed on file.


Senator Craig, from the Com nittee on Military, submitted the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT-Your Committee on Military, to whom was referred Senate file No. 126, a bill for an act repealing section 16, chapter 58, acts of the Twenty-first General Assembly, and enacting a substitute therefor, beg leave to report that they have had the same under consideration and have instructed me to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same be indefinitely postponed. G. M. CRAIG,

Ordered passed on file.


Senator Kilburn, from the Committee on Labor, submitted the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT-Your Committee on Labor, to whom was referred Senate file No. 94, a bill for an act to revise, amend and codify the statutes in relation to certain police regulations, beg leave to report that they have had the same under cons deration and have instructed me to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be amended as follows:

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Amend section 1, line 2, by inserting after the word "Governor " the words "by and with the advice and consent of the executive council;" also in line 4 amend by inserting after the word "cause" the words by and with the advice and consent of the executive council;" also in line 5 amend by striking out the word "two" and inserting in lieu thereof the word ⚫ five."

Amend section 2, line 15, by inserting after the word " "not more than five thousand copies."

pages" the words


Amend section 3, line 1, by striking out the words " or any officer of the bureau;" also in line 1 amend by inserting after the word “ power' the words "upon the complaint of two or more persons or upon his failure to otherwise obtain information in accordance with the provisions of this act;" also amend line 6 by striking out the words "or any officer or employe of the bureau."

Amend section 4 by striking out the word "one," in line 3, and inserting in lieu thereof the word "five."

Strike out section 5, and insert in lieu thereof the following:

SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of every owner, operator, or manager of every factory, mill, workshop, mine, store, business house, public or private work, or any other establishment where labor is employed, as herein provided, to make to the bureau, upon blanks furnished by said bureau, such reports and returns as said bureau may require for the purpose of compiling such labor statistics as are contemplated by this act; and the owner, operator, or business manager shall make such reports or returns within sixty days from the receipt of blanks furnished by the commissioner, and shall certify under oath to the correctness of the same. Any owner, operator, or manager of such factory, mill, workshop, mine, store, and business house, public or private work, who shall neglect or refuse to

furnish to the commissioner of labor such reports or returns as may be required by the following blank shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100 and costs of prosecution, or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding thirty days:


Number of

Name of firm or corporation?.. hands employed during year ending December 31?....; males....; females ....; apprentices.... Total amount of wages paid during year ending December 31? $.. Total amount of wages paid previous year?

$. year?

....... Any general increase or reduction of wages during the past If so, what per cent. of increase or reduction?............ Cause of increase or reduction?..... Total value of business done What means are provided

during year ending December 31? $



for the escape of employes in case of fire?. measures are taken to prevent accident to employes from machinery?... How are buildings ventilated?.......... Are different water closets and wash rooms provided for the different sexes? Number of weeks during past year business was run on full time with full force?...... Number of weeks during past year business was run on short time or with reduced force? Number of weeks past year business was suspended?...... Number of strikes during year ending December 31?.............-; number involved..................; alleged cause.......... result.... How many days did strike continue and what was the loss of wages thereof?.. .; value of property destroyed, if any? $...

Amend section 6, line 1, by striking out the words "or any officer of the bureau."

Amend section 7, line 1, by inserting after the word "commissioner" the words "or otherwise."

Amend section 9, line 2, by inserting after the word "expenses" the words "and shall be allowed a deputy at a salary of one thousand dollars per annum." Also amend line 4 by inserting after the word "duties" the words "not exceeding five hundred dollars per annum in the aggregate.” Strike off all marginal numbers used in numbering lines, all reference numbers and underlinings.

And when so amended that the same do pass.


Ordered passed on file.

Senator Carney, from the Committee on Elections, submitted the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT-Your Committee on Elections, to whom was referred Senate file No. 103, a bill for an act to revise, amend and codify the statutes in relation to certain police regulations of the state, beg leave to report that they have had the same under consideration and have instructed me to report the same back to the House with the recommendation that the bill do pass with the following amendments:

Amend the title to read as follows: "A bill for an act to codify the laws in relation to the election, terms of office and compensation of regents and trustees of state institutions."

Strike out the marginal figures, the figures and letters in brackets at the end of each section and the underscoring.

In section 1, line 3, before the word "university" insert the word "state;" in line 8 of the same section, after the word "insane," insert the word "and;" strike out the words" and the Soldiers' Home" in the same line; at the end of line 11 add " for the Soldiers' Home five trustees, to be appointed by the Governor by and with the consent of the Senate;" in line 8 of the same section strike out the word "six "and insert the word "five."

In section 6, line 2, strike out the word "congressional " and insert the word "senatorial."

In section 7, line 1, after the word "assembly," insert the words "or a porson holding a state office."

In section 12, line 1, strike out the word "verified" and insert the words "and certified to by the president and secretary of the board and approved by the board."


Ordered passed on file.

Senator Palmer, from the Committee on Agriculture, submitted the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT-Your Committee on Agriculture, to whom was referred Senate file No. 140, a bill for an act to prevent the spread of disease among swine, beg leave to report that they have had the same under consideration and have instructed me to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the substitute be adopted.


Ordered passed on file.

Senator Cheshire, from the Committee on Cities and Towns, submitted the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT-Your Committee on Cities and Towns, to whom was referred Senate file No. 313, a bill for an act to enable cities, towns or villages to levy and collect a tax or license fee from foreign fire insurance companies for the benefit of organized fire departments, beg leave to report that they have had the same under consideration and have instructed me to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be indefinitely postponed.

Ordered passed on file.



MR. PRESIDENT-Your Committee on Cities and Tows, to whom was referred House file No. 253, a bill for an act to amend section 454 of the

Code, relating to the powers of cities, beg leave to report that they have had the same under consideration and have instructed me to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass. THOS. A. CHESHIRE,

Ordered passed on file.


MR. PRESIDENT-Your Committe on Cities and Towns, to whom was referred Senate file No. 10, a bill for an act to require the board of supervisors in each county to make annual appropriations for the different expenditures, not in excess of the legally authorized revenue, and to avoid liabilities when there are no funds to meet them, beg leave to report that they have had the same under consideration and have instructed me to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that there be added at the end of section 2 thereof the following: 'Provided, however, that nothing in this act shall prohibit the board of supervisors from issuing warrants or contracting indebtedness, to the extent now permitted by law, for the purpose of repairing or rebuilding county building or bridges damaged or destroyed during the year for which the appropriation is made," and when so amended it do pass.

Ordered passed on file.



MR. PRESIDENT-Your Committee on Cities and Towns, to whom was referred Senate file No. 132,a bill for an act to authorize cities to acquire real estate within and without their territorial limits, for the purpose of outlets for sewers, and pay for same out of the general fund of the city, or out of the sewer fund of the sewer district, of which the same is the outlets, beg leave to report that they have had the same under consideration and have instructed me to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that it be indefinitely postponed, for the reason that a similar House bill has been favorably reported.

THOS. A. CHeshire,


Ordered passed on file. Senator Funk, from the Committee on Ways and Means, submitted the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT-Your Committee on Ways and Means, to whom was referred Senate file No. 303, a bill for an act to exempt crematoriums from taxation, beg leave to report that they have had the same under consideration and have instructed me to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same be indefinitely postponed, for the reason that the subject matter of the bill will be by this committee recommended for adoption as a part of the proposed Code.

Ordered passed on file.



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