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pany of the yeomanry, or others that shall be admitted to come to the cloathing of the said fellowshipp, as soon as he has received his pattern of his lyverie, shall pay to the use of the said company six shillings and eight pence.

Such decent apparel to be worn as the Wardens shall appoint. 25. And it is further ordered and agreed, that, as often as the lyverye of the company shall be warned to assemble themselves, either to attend and waite on the mayor, or at the burial of any of the company, or for any other cause whatsoever, in any public place or assemblie, that then every of the livery, such as have been wardens of the same company, appearing yearly between the feasts of St. Michael the Archangel and the feast of the Annunciation of Our Ladie, shall have and wear their gowns faced either with martens or foynes; and every person of the residue of the same lyverye so appearing shall have and wear their gowns faced with budge; and the residue of the year in such manner as by the wardens of the same company for the tyme being shal be limited and appointed, upon pain that every pson offending contrary to the meaning hereof shall pay to the use of the said company ffortie shillinges.

Every person refusing to pay his fynes, to be committed to prison.

26. And furthermore it is ordeyned and decreed, that if any pson or psons refuse and will not pay such sum and sums of money as shall happen to be set or taxed upon them for any cause, special or general, or for any breach or nonperformance of any order contained in theis pnts, that then he or they that so shall deny to pay, shall lose and forfeit to the use of the company (nomine pœnæ) twenty shillings; and if he or they eftsones deny to pay the same some or somes of money so taxed or set upon him or them, contrary to the intent and true meaning of these pnts, then it shall and may be lawful to and for the wardens of the lyverye of the said company for the time being, and their successors, to commit such person so offending to prison, until he be found conformable, and shall have fully satisfied for the some or somes of money due, forfeited, or otherwise payable, by virtue of these orders or any of them, to the use of the said company.


The Wardens to require all somes fforfeited, or to answer the


And it is lastly further ordered, that if the wardens of the lyverye of the said company for the time being shall happen to be remiss or negligent to require and demand such sum and sums of money as by virtue of any order herein mentioned being broken or not observed shall be due or payable to the use of the company, that then and from thenceforth they the same wardens for the tyme being so negligent or remiss, shall stand and be charged as of their own proper goods to and with the same sum and sums of money so not required, and to be laid against them at the hearing of their account, which, before the clearing of the same their accompte, they themselves for such their remissness or negligence shall truly answer, satisfy, and pay to the use of the same company, any matter or thing to the contrary hereof in anywise notwithstanding.

In witness of all which premisses, and of the full examinacon and allowance of the same as before is mentioned, the said Thomas Bromleye, Sr Christopher Wraye, and St James Dyer, have subscribed their names and set their seals, this present sixteenth day of February, in the three-and-twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God Queen of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.

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CTS and ordynances made by the master, wardens, and cõiltie of the misterie or arte of Iremongers in London, for the better rule and government of the yeomanry of the same company in peace, quietness, and good order, according to the auctoritie and power to them given in and by certain acts and ordinances exãd and approved by the Right hoñble Sr Thomas Bromley, knight, late Lorde Chancellor of England, Sir Christopher Wraie, knight, Lõ Chief Justice of England, and Sir James Dyer, knight, Lõ Chief Justice of the Queenes Maty Common Pleas. First, it is ordered that all and everie pson and psons that are or shall be free and in the yeomanry of the said company, shall personally appear at the common hall of this companie, as well on the foure q' daies for them appointed to be there kept, as also at all and everie other tyme and tymes that shall be assigned by the wardens, and knowledge to them thereof given by the officer, upon such paines and penalties as hereafter follows:

1. Item, it is ordered and agreed that the foure quarter daies for the yeomanrie of this companie to mete together and appear at the said hall shall be kept, viz. the first quarter daie to be kept the 25th of Julie, being St. James' day, and when it falls upon a Sondaie then to be kept on the Mondaie followinge.

2. The second quarter daie to be kept the eighteenth daie of October, being St. Luke's daie, and when it falls upon a Sondaie then to be kept the next Mondaie followinge.

3. The third quarter daie to be kept upon newe year's daie, but yf it fall upon Sondaie then to be kept on the Mondaie followinge.

4. The fourthe quarter daie the Wensdaie in Easter weeke; of everie wch daies the officer belonging to this company shall before hand geve warninge to all the yeomanrie inhabitinge in the cittie of London, or nighe about the same, and if any man so warned fail and do not come to the hall on everie of the saide foure quarter daies at the houre

that shall be appointed, viz. three o'clock in the afternoone in the winter tyme, and foure of the clock in the afternoone in the somer tyme, shall lose and paie to the common box of the misterie of Iremongers 4d. yf in case the door be shutt, and the residue of the companie set before his coming; and everie such pson and psons that shall faile and not come at all unto the said hall at everie the said quarter daies before lymited, shall forfait and paie 12d. wthout pdon. And yf any soe absent shall refuse to paie the saide fyne, then the wardens of the yeomanrie shall put the name and names of every such pson and psons unto the m" and wardens of the lyverie, to the intent they may be warned to appe before the companie at the next quarter courte or courte of assistants, there to be ordered as to them shall be thought mete and convenient. And everie pson of the yeomanry, at each of the saide foure quarter daies, shall paye to the wardens of the yeomanrie their quarterage money, that is to say, everie man 4d. together with suche fynes as shall be by them forfeited by vertu of this pnt acte, upon payne that everie such person as shall refuse eyther to paie their said quarterage money or their saide fynes, shall be by the auctoritie and previtie of the m" and wardens of this companie committed to prison, or otherwise fyned and punished as to their good discretions shall be thought reasonable.

And it is also agreed that the elder warden of the yeomanrie for the time beinge, by and with the advice and consent of the m2 and wardens of the lyverye of this companie, or some one of them, shall from henceforthe yerelie at their quarter daie to be holden upon the Wensday in Easter week electe, name, and choose one of the most mete and able of the saide yeomanrie to beare and execute the office of warden of the saide yeomanrie the space of two yers together from the time of the said election, and the same person that shall so be named and elected warden of the yeomanrie shall at the nexte courte holden by the m", wardens, and assistants of the liverie, before them at the same courte take his corporal oathe for ye due and just execution of his office, and on the same daie of election foure or sixe of the saide psons of ye yeomanrie shall, with the newe warden then elected, be named auditors of the accompte of the wardens of ye yeomanrie for the yere past.

And foreasmuch as heretofore the wardens of the yeomanrie have not been at any great expence or extraordinarie charges out of their purse about the execution of their office, and therefore have the less cause to refuse the said place, it is agreed that if anie pson of the yeo

manrie being, according to the orders above said, elected and chosen to be warden, refuse to take and execute the same office, shall forthwith upon everie such refusal forfait and paie for a fyne, to the use of the saide companie, ten poundes.

Whereas in tymes paste, as it seameth, partly by the remissness or rather negligence of the wardens which have been from tyme to tyme of the yeomanrie of this companie, in calling for and gathering in such quarterage money, fynes, and other duties as have been due and payable by the freemen of the yeomanrie, and partlie for that the said wardens of the yeomanrie have not yerely brought in and delivered to the maister and wardens of the lyverye of the companie the books of accompte of their receipts, nor yerely paide in the money in such sorte by them received, neither acquainted the said master and wardens thoroughly with the arrearages that hath been behind unpaid, whereby, and by the want of the money that might have been collected if such slackness had not been used, a great loss hath grown to the whole body of this companie, and they the more charged in particular on every necessary occasion; wherefore, and for the avoiding of such inconvenience hereafter to ensue, it is ordeyned and enacted, at a courte holden the 27th of Maie, 1590, by the m' and keeps or wardens and cõialtie of the said mistery, by and with the assent and consent of the whole body of the same, that from henceforth the wardens of the yeomanrie of this companie shall everie yere yerely, fourteen daies next before the daie appointed for the auditing of the m" and wardens accompte of the lyverie, bring and deliver up in writings unto the said m" and wardens of ye lyverie, or one of them, all such some and somes of money, fynes, and all other duties as they shall have received, collected, or gathered by vertue of their said office, and also the names or surnames of all such as remain indebted to the company in any some or somes of money due to have been paid, and by them to have been received, which accompte shall be audited and approved by such psons of the yeomanrie as shall be from tyme to tyme appointed; and upon every such deliverie of the said books of accompte truly to paie to the m' and wardens, or one of them, for the time being, all such some or somes of money as shall appear by the fote of every such account due or payable, soe as their accompte and payment thereon made may be inserted together with the accompte of the said m" and wardens, and they therebie the better charged with the receipt of the surplusage, upon paine that the said

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