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been the pioneer in this matter of soluble carbo-hydrates for delicate children, for invalids, and, as we now see, for persons acutely sick, and especially with a high fever," is the endorsement given it by J. Milner Fothergill, M.D., M.R.C.P., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., of London.

NEUROSINE has obtained endorsements for some of the most practical cliniciens of America. It is a most excellent neurotic, anodyne and hypnotic, and is remarkably efficacious in the treatment of nervous affections.

KALINE COMPOUND PILL manufactured by Messrs. Handly & Co. is a most excellent antiperiodic and febrifuge, especially valuable in all cases where there is an idiosyncrasy as regards the cinchona alkaloids. In fact, in some cases, it acts far better than

any of the cinchona products.

MR. THEO. TAFEL with his Southern Surgical Instrument Depot, is quite an acquisition to the capital city of Tennessee. With a full line of any thing needed by the surgeon, with a capability of manufacturing any special appliance, instrument or apparatus neeled by the surgeon, with readiness, facility and dispatch, he is indeed an acquisition. His success in fitting trusses is remarkable and his orthopedic appliances are gems of art.

DIOVIBURNIA is a most excellent uterine tonic, antispasmodic and anodyne. It is a reliable remedy for the relief of dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhea, menorrhagia, leucorrhoea and subinvolution. It checks threatened abortion and relieves the vomiting of pregnancy.

WAYNE'S DIURETIC ELIXIR, composed of buchu, juniper, potas, acetas, etc., is a most excellent preparation, and will be found peculiarly valuable in cases of acute and chronic cystitis, urinary deposits and sediments, calculous troubles, and in chronic Bright's disease. It seems to more satisfactorily allay irritation of the genito-urinary organs than any remedy we have tried, and will prove to others, as it has to us, most satisfactory in all organic and functional diseases of the genito-urinary system.

GELATIN CAPSULES.-H. Planten & Sons, 224 William Street, New York, have attained a world-wide fame in these important

aids to the administration of naueous drugs and medicines. Whenever you call for and get Planten's Capsules you can rely upon baving the best. In this connexion I desire to state that during the past year I have used, with the most satisfactory results, their Horse Capsules No. 12, as a means of introducing both. medicines and food into the rectum, in cases where the human stomach would tolerate nothing else. In one case it was impor-. tant that my patient should have full doses of quinine-two No. 12 capsules were charged with 12 grains each, and after oiling slightly, one was introduced into the rectum at 6 p. m., and the other five hours later. The result, full cinchonism protracted through ensuing twenty-four hours. In another case, a female with gastric ulcer, nutrition was maintained for more than two weeks by these capsules filled with Leibig's Beef Extract, and other solid beef extracts of nutritions character, introduced into the rectum every six hours. I have found it far more practicable and satisfactory than nutritious enemas.

THE MCINTOSH MANUFACTURING CO. make the best, most portable and in every way the most satisfactory battery for physicians' use, containing both the galvanic and faradic currents. Their "uterine supporter" is suited to every indication of uterine displacements, combining a union of external and internal support, adapted to the varying positions of the body, and is selfadjusting. We have had in the weekly use in our office, for more than six years past, one of their eighteen-cell batteries. It is always ready, and has given the utmost satisfaction.

THE RIO CHEMICAL Co. of St. Louis, advertises a most excellent series of articles. Their "Celerina" is a good nerve tonic and antispasmodic; "Aletris Cordial" is a uterine tonic; "Acid Mannate," a palative and painless purgative; and Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis needs no commendation at our hands. It is recommended by some of the most reliable physicians of the land. By special courtsey we have recently received samples of all their special preparations, and have tried them with the most gratifying results.

THE MEDICAL AND DENTAL DEPARTMENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE are in a more flourishing condition than ever. The largest classes ever in attendance this year. With one of

the most suitable buildings for medical teaching, improved clinical advantages, and a corps of active, earnest, hard-working teachers, success is natural. This session they have the clinical advantages of the City Hospital, now under their exclusive control, to which they have added a most excellent clinical amphitheatre for the use of the classes.

THE IODIA AND BROMIDIA of Messrs. Battle & Co., 402 Main Street, St. Louis, Mo., are well worthy of a trial. Iodia is composed of the active principles obtained from alterative roots in the green state, together with iodide of potash, 5 grains, and phosphate of iron, 3 grains, to each fluid drachm. Bromidia is one of the best hypnotics we have ever tried. Papine is also a most excellent preparation.

FELLOWS' HYPO-PHOS-PHITES (Syr. Hopophos: Comp: Fellows:) contains the essential elements to the animal organization— potash and lime; the oxydizing agents-iron and manganese; the tonics-quinine and strychnine; and the vitalizing constituentsphosphorus, combined in the form of syrup, with slight alkaline reaction.

MESSRS. FAIRCHILD BROS. & FOSTER, Makers of original and reliable preparations of digestive ferments and other valuable therapeutic remedies, have an important notice in this number. Complete lists and descriptions will be sent to any one applying to them at 82 and 84 Fulton Street, New York.

DON'T FORGET that One Dollar, sent by mail, in currency, U. S. postal order, postal note, or one or two cent stamps will secure twelve consecutive monthly issues of THE PRACTITIONER— each containing forty-eight pages or more of choice, interesting and reliable reading matter devoted to medicine and surgery.

FEBRILINE, OR TASTELESS SYRUP OF QUININE, as prepared by the Paris Medicine Company, is a most excellent preparation, remarkably adapted to use in the case of children, or those who are nauseated by the usual alkaloids of cinchona, and who are, or have been subjected to malarial influences. Try it once and you will be satisfied with its effects. Their sales last year aggregated over $100,000.

THERAPINE is one of the new coal-tar derivatives placed before the medical profession by the Albermarle Chemical Co., 115 Fulton Street, New York; Southern Depot, Nashville, Tenn. See letter from Dr. C. A. L. Reed in this number.

MCARTHUR'S SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES has attained a place in the minds of professional men as an article of unusual merit. See their statement on fourth cover-page. It is a simple statement of facts that will repay a perusal. Don't throw this journal aside until you have read the advertisement above cited; or, if you do, send to McArthur Hypophosphites Co., Boston, Mass., for something in literature that will not only interest you, but benefit you and those under your charge.

THE JEROME KIDDER MANUFACTURING Co., 820 Broadway, New York, offer special inducements to physicians needing electrical apparatus. Their batteries are recommended by many of the leading practitioners as superior to all others. Their "long coils" of wire are simply magnificent. Send to them for their circular and price li-t, and you will see that they offer terms that are simply remarkable. Be sure to ask for pamphlet 15; it will cost you a postal-card, and you will learn something.

PEACOCK CHEMICAL Co., of St. Louis, Mo., not only manufacture their standard and most reliable preparation of Peacock's Bromides, but also offer to the profession Fucus Marina, an invaluable remedy in the treatment of phthisis; it arrests the decay of lung tissue, diminishes the fever, lessens the cough, abates the soreness in the lungs, improves the appetite, and impedes the progressive emaciation. Of their Chionia, for use in biliousness, jaundice, dyspepsia, constipation, and morbid conditions caused by hepatic torpor, we can only speak in the highest terms; our opinion is based upon practical use of this valuable preparation.

ANTIKAMNIA.-Much has been written about this new thera

peutical favorite in the past year. A very distinguished chemist. has stated that it is composed of two preparations, the cost of both combined being about one dollar a pound, and it is sold at one dollar an ounce. Well, so be it. I have found that with an ounce I can relieve forty-eight cases of severe headache-a little over two cents for each case. When a man will spend one

or more dollars to produce a headache, he certainly can spend two and one-fourth cents to get rid of it. And, by the way, it has proven in my hands a most excellent remedy for relieving the muscular and other pains incidental to la grippe. For history and literature, address the Antikamnia Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.

WHEELER'S TISSUE PHOSPHATES is a nerve-food and nutritive tonic of special value in the treatment of consumption, bronchitis, scrofula, and all forms of nervous debility.

ELIXIR THREE CHEORIDES is used in anemia from any cause, struma, latent syphilis, general debility, tuberculosis, malaria, loss of appetite, habitual constipation, chlorosis, chorea, chronic uterine, pelvic, zymotic, catarrhal, and dermatological diseases. Formula: Each fluid drachm contains proto-chloride iron, bichloride of mercury, gr.; chloride arsenic, calisaya, alkaloids, and aromatics.


gr., with

ROBINSON-PETTET Co., manufacturing chemists and pharmacists, of Louisville, Ky-, have an advertisement in this issue, to which we desire to call especial attention. This house was established in 1842, and has ever maintained and sustained a character of the best. Their business has become of great magnitude, yet they are as scrupulously careful with the smallest order as with the largest. They offer to the profession a series of articles of their own manufacture, which we know from repeated trials to be all they claim. Their Hypophosphites will be found as represented. They invite a trial of their preparations. Try them, and you will not be disappointed.

BELLEVUE HOSPTAL MEDICAL COLLEGE needs no commendation at our hands. It has become one of the established institutions of America.

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