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and continued their feffion by adjournments until the eighteenth, when, after a full and fair invelli gation of the new conftitution, the adoption of it was unanimoufly agreed to, and the ratification of it figned by all the members.

Dec. 22. By letters juft received from a gentleman of accurate obfervation and account, at Pittsburg, dated the 24th November laft, it appears, that no less than four thousand and two hundred people paffed that place down the Ohio fince the first of that month, and that feveral boats were fill preparing to follow them with more feulers; but not a word of any disturbance amongst the In dians.

We hear from Georgia, that marStial law is proclaimed throughout that flate-that the town of Savannah is ftrongly fortified by several redoubts and other works thrown up round it, and that fall parties of Indians have committed depredations within thirty-fix miles of Savannah.

Charleston, (S. C. ) Dec. 5. The reafon given by Spain for refuling to open the Mihillippi, is, that Weft Florida was a conquered country, by that nation, and therefore the court of Great Britain had no right to infert in the treaty of peace with the united states, the following claufe


Article VIII. The navigation of the Millilippi, from its fource to the ocean, fhall forever remain free and open to the fubjects of Great Britain and the citizens of the united flates."

When mr. Jay was at Madrid, he had a commillion from congrefs, to offer an exclufive navigation of the Millilippi for fifty years. provided Spain would vigorously aflift America; that court took fo much time to confider this propofition, that in the interim, lord Cornwallis furren lered: a victory fo happily fortunate to "America, gave a new turn to their politics, and congrefs therefore immediately dispatched a mellenger to

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their ambafador, Egnifying their pleafure that the matter fhould be fufpended.

Salem, December 2. By a vote of the Ohio company, one hundred fettlers are to be fent on to her lands, this fall and winter. Thei fettlers are to be fupplied with provifions to the fettlement-on ther arrival at Pittfburg, to be taken into pay by the company, at four dollan per month, and to continue in pay till May next: the payment of their wages to be in lands, computing their monthly wages to purchafe public fecurities, at the rate they may be procured when their fervice expires, and eftimating the lands u the rate the company purchased of congrefs. Each man inuft provide himself with a good mufket, bayonet and cartridge-box; and if they provide an axe and hoe, and mechanics their neceffary tools, they will be tranfported gratis.

New-York, Dec. 15. It is worthy of remark, that amongst the various claffes of citizens who confider ther interefts and happiness effentially combined with, and dependent upon the adoption of the propofed confitution for the united ftates of Ame rica, the fhip-carpenters of Philadel phia have given the mof irrefragable proof of their approbation of the fame, by conducting on the evening of ns ratification by the flate of Pennfyl vania, a veffel on wheels through the freets of Philadelphia, decorated with flags and infignia emblematical of their fixed expectation of the revival of commerce and navigation under this happy government.

Dec. 18. The legislature of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania have refolved, that the excife fhould be double, that an additional duty of two pence per gallon be laid on Ma deira wine, one penny per gallon o all other wines, one thilling per doz en on wines imported in boules, one penny per pound on bohea teas in

ported, three pence per pound on all other teas, and one penny per pound on coffee.


New Brunswic, December 25. On Wednesday the 19th init. the delegates of convention, attended by the principal inhabitants of Trenton, and a handfome, well difciplined company of light-infantry in uniform, under the command of capt. Hanlon, proceeded from the convention chamber to the court-houfe, where the ratification of the conflitution was publicly announced, and received by a great number of citizens collected on the occafion with general approbation, which was expreffed by repeated huzzas. The company of light-infantry fired thirteen rounds-one more for the flate of Delaware-and another for Pennfylvania. After which the convention returned in the fame proceffion to their chamber, in order to complete the great and important business of their appointment.

The bulinefs of the convention being concluded, it was refolved, that the convention do adjourn without day; whereupon the prefident diffolved the convention accordingly. After which the members of this honourable body, having previoufly invited a number of the magillrates and other gentlemen to partake with them, dined together at mr. Vandergrift's tavern-at which entertainment the joy and fatisfaction of the occafion were fixed in every heart, and apparent in every countenance. After dinner the following toalts were drank.

1. The new conflitution. 2 The united states in congrefs. 3. The prefident and members of the late federal convention. and flate of New governor



5. The fates of Delaware and

6. May the independence of the union, reared on the basis of the new conflitution, be perpetual.

7. The princes and flates in alliance with the united states.

8. May the intereft of the united ftates be ever deemed the intereft of each flate.

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9. Religion, learning, agriculture, aris, manufactures and commerce, in harmony and mutual fubferviency to each other.

10. The memory and pofterity of thofe who have fallen in the late


11. May the gratitude of the American citizens be equal to the va lour and patriotifm of the American foldiery.

12. The daughters of America,

13. May the united flates be the afylum of invaded liberty.

American Volunteer. May the drums foon beat reveille to the dawn of the new government, and tattoo to anarchy and confufion.

Ditto. Univerfal liberty, juftice, and peace.

Wilmington, December 19. The poor's houfe, which has been fome time building by this hundred, is now finifhed, and anfwers the warmell expectations of its patrons. It is a fpetlacle interefting to curiofity, and delightful to humanity, to fee there numbers of our fellow creatures bending under the weight of years,

misfortune, fupported with a cleanlinefs, convenience, and plenty, fuperior to what most of them can be have known in their fuppofed to happiell days, and expreffing in their countenance the fenfe of their fituation. There is fo great a difference between their condition, and that of the poor in mof other places, while the expenfe of the public is confiderably lefs, that it requires only to be known to incite others to imitate fo laudable an example.

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