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ABDOMINAL temperament, 101.
Absolute size of a cerebral organ no
criterion of the predominance of
the faculty attached to it, 97.
Abuses of the faculties, what, 489.
Acquisitiveness, organ of, its situa.
tion, 203. History of its disco-
very, 206. Large in thieves, ib.
Its size in different nations, 211.
Cases of individuals in whom it
was large, 212-14. Its disease,


a primitive propensity, not
admitted by the metaphysicians,
203. Admitted by Lord Kames,
204. Gives rise to avarice, 205,
212. Not in itself base or sordid,
208. Its use, 209. Its existence
disputed by Mr Owen, 210. Its
effects modified by Self-Esteem,
211. Gives rise to a tendency to
steal, 212. Manifested by the
lower animals, 216.

Acrel, case of diseased Acquisitive.
ness from, 215.

Acting, theory of, 197, 356, 357.
Activity of the faculties, modes of,
489. Influenced by temperament,

of mind distinguishable
from power, 103, 563. Definition

of, 104. How indicated, 104.
Combination of faculties favour-
able to, 105.

Actors have large organs of Secre-
tiveness and Imitation, 197, 256,

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tragic, Ideality necessary to,

Acuteness, instantaneous, conferred
by Comparison, 468.
Adaptation of parts of the universe,

proves the existence of God, 486.
Addison, an accurate observer of hu-
man nature, 41. Nature of his
genius, 568.
Adhesiveness, one of the propensi-
ties, effects of on the character,
154. Distinguishable from Be-
nevolence, 155. Gives rise to so-
ciety, ib. Very strong in the dog
and other animals, 155. Its ef-
fects in combination, 575.

organ of, its situation, 151.
History of its discovery, ib. Its
functions, 152. Generally larger
in women than in men, ib. Its
disease, 156.

Affective faculties, 260 et seq.
Africans, character of the, 601, 616.
Their superstition, 617. Their
sentiment of truth weak, 299.

Alderson, Dr, of Hull, his cases of

spectral illusion, 503.
Alexander VI., Pope, engraving of

his head, 572.
Algebra, talent for, 421.
Alimentiveness, or organ of the ap-
petite for food, 184. Dr Hoppe's
views of, 185. Supposed situation
of, 186.

Allegorical style, 468.

Alms-giving, not the only manifes-
tation of Benevolence, 264.
Amativeness, situation of the organ
of, 116. History of its discovery,
118. Gives rise to the sexual
feeling, ib. Its influence on so-
ciety, 120. Its abuses, 121. Its
effects in combination, 575.
Ambrose, St, his Veneration repre-
sented large, 278.

Concentrativeness, 149. Adhe.
siveness, 154. Combativeness,
164. Destructiveness, 183. Se-
cretiveness, 201. Acquisitiveness,
216. Constructiveness, 225, 228,
229. Self-Esteem, 240. Love of
Approbation, 251. Cautiousness,
258. Benevolence, 270. Imita-
tion, 358. Form, 386. Locality,
418. Number, 423. Language,
461. Have no Causality, 476.
Their susceptibility of being
tamed and taught, 433.
Anterior lobe of the brain, its size
a measure of intellect, 85.
Antiphrenologists unreasonable and
ignorant, 54, 55, 641, et seq.
Antiquarianism, tendency to, by
what caused, 281.
Apathy, whence arising, 541.

American brain smaller than the Apparitions, belief in, arises from

European, 31.

Indians, their Love of Ap-
probation and Firmness large,
251, 287. Their sense of truth
weak, 300. Their unimproveable
nature, 602.—See North American

Analogies, perception of, 466.
Anatomists, objection that they dis-
believe Phrenology answered,


the sentiment of Wonder, 309,
311.-See Visions.

Appetite for Food, supposed organ
of, 184. Distinguishable from
hunger and thirst, 186.
Approbation, Love of. See Love of

Arachnoid tunic of the brain, 76.
Archery and quoits, talent of excel-
lence at, 393.

Architectural talent, 581.

Anatomy of the brain, 71. Its re- Architecture, ornamental, love of,

cent state, 46.

of the skull, 78.

Ancient temples, respect for, pro-
duced by Veneration, 281.
Angelo, Michael, his large Construc-
tiveness, &c. 225.

Anger, an abuse of Destructiveness,

Animal magnetism, 521.
Animals, the lower, brains of, 99.

Their Philoprogenitiveness, 132.

whence arising, 329.

Aristotle, his account of the facul-
ties, 21. His assignment of them
to different parts of the brain, 45.
Placed the intellect in the heart,
50. His theory of the senses,

Arithmetic, the chief sphere of the

faculty of Number, 421.
Arnott, Dr Neill, on the connexion
between mind and body, 10.

Arragonese and Castilians have
small Acquisitiveness, 211.
Arrangement, love of, 424.
Artists have large organs of Secre-
tiveness, 197; Constructiveness,
224; and Imitation, 358. Indi.
viduality useful to, 384. Effect
of temperament on, 559.
Ashantees, their character, 616.
Asiatics have generally large Vene-
ration, 280. Inferior to Euro-

peans, 601.

Ass, brain of the, 100.

Association, analysis of, 531.
Astronomers, eminent, their Locali-
ty large, 416.

Atheists, their Causality generally
deficient, 485. Answers to some

of their arguments, 486.
Attention, analysis of, 531.
Augustus Cæsar, Self-Esteem large

in the busts of, 238.

Aurelius, Marcus, his Benevolence
and Veneration represented large,
266, 278.

Authors, manifest their predominant
faculties in their works, 412. Ef-
fects of their large or small Cau.
sality on their works, 481. Ef-
fect of temperament on, 559. Ef.
fect of large heads of, 568.
Avarice, 205, 212.

Awe, religious, produced by Vene-
ration, 281.

Bacon, Lord, on cunning, 202. His

style imbued with Ideality, 337.
On the faculties of perceiving re-
semblances and differences, 344.
His Causality large, 481. His
want of moral sentiment, 523.
His large head, 563.
Barclay, Dr John, an objection of
his to Phrenology, 624.

Bashfulness, cause of, 576.
Basilar region of the brain, func-
tions of, unknown, 80.

Bayle, Peter, Combativeness of,

Beauty, emotion of, arises from I-
deality, 332. Dr Thomas Brown
on, 332. Mr Dugald Stewart on,
333. Mr Jeffrey on, 235, 388.
Beavers, Acquisitiveness and Con-
structiveness of, 216, 225, 228.
Have no Causality, 476, note.
Bees, Acquisitiveness and Construc-
tiveness of, 216, 225.

Bell, Mr Charles, on plurality of ce-
rebral organs, 21. A view of his
discoveries of the functions of the
spinal marrow and nerves, 56.
Admits that the shape of the skull
is determined by that of the brain,
Bellingham, John, murderer, 94,
97, 176, 260, 265, 297, 450. En.
graving of his skull, 177. His
style, 449.
Benevolence, organ of, its situation,
261. Engravings of two heads in
which it is large and small, ib.
History of its discovery by Dr
Gall, ib. Deficient in the heads
of deliberate murderers, 265. Sup-
posed by Dr Gall to be the organ
of Justice, 268. Its effects on the
lower animals, 270, 273. How to
be observed in them, 272.
disease, 273.


one of the superior senti-
ments, its aim, 263. Difference
between its manifestations and
those of Love of Approbation, ib.
Its effects on the mind of its pos-
sessor, 263, 265. How it ought
to be exerted in society, 264.
Effects of its deficiency, 265. Its

abuses, 266.
Its existence not
inconsistent with that of Destruc-
tiveness, 267, 345. Its existence
generally admitted by metaphysi-
cians, 274.

Berkeley, Bishop, his theory of Vi.
sion, 375, His ideas on the evi-

dence of existence of the material
world, 484.

Bidder, George, mental calculator,
418, 421.

Bilious temperament, how distin.
guishable, 33. Its effects, ib.
Birds, carnivorous, have large or-
of Destructiveness, 184.
migration of, 419.

singing, skulls of, 445.

Blair, Dr Hugh, an accurate ob-
server of human nature, 41.

Lord President, his Construc-
tiveness large, 227.

Blind men, case of one couched by
Cheselden, 377. Cases of their
distinguishing colours by touch,


Blumenbach teaches the connexion
of the mind with the brain, 9.
On smell, 27.
Bonaparte's head large, 31, 563, 564.

His description of the characters
of Ney and Murat, 161. Intona-
tion of his voice when angry, 163.
His Secretiveness, 193. His
Self-Esteem, 238. Was unable to
understand integrity of character,
295. His generals, 564.
Booth, murderer, 177.
Boshuans, some account of the, 616.
Bossuet's face small and brain large,


Boundaries of the cerebral organs,
89, 93, 626.

Brain, demonstrated to be the or-
gan of the mind, 7-13. Partial

injuries of, 20, 648, et seq. In-
fluence of size in, 29. Small in
children, the lower classes, and
idiots, 30. Functions of, not dis-
coverable by dissection, 43. Re-
cent state of its anatomy, 46.
Gall's researches on its structure,
52. Its anatomy, 71. Engrav-
ings of, 71, 72. Its cineritious
and medullary substances, and he-
mispheres, 72. Its insensibility,
74. Its integuments, 77. Its fi-
gure during life discoverable by
observation, 79. Brains of the
lower animals, 99. Texture of
the brain finer in some indivi-
duals than in others, 101. Dif.
ference of its shape in males and
females, 132. Its different parts
distinguishable, 625. Answer to
the objection, that its parts may
be injured without affecting the
mind, 626, 638. Observations on
Sir E. Home's proposed method
of investigating the functions of
its different parts, 558.
Brazil Indians, account of their cha-

racter and brains, 613. Engrav.
ing of the skull of one, ib.
Brewster's, Dr, organ of Weight
large, 394.

Bright's account of the devotion of
the inhabitants of Vienna, 276.
Brown, Dr Thomas, on the connex-
ion of mind with body, 13. On
the simplicity or compound nature
of the mind, 110. On instant an-
ger, 159. His style characterized
by Secretiveness, 200. His views
of desire of wealth, 204; of power,
239; and of glory, 250. On Me.
lancholy, 259. On Benevolence,
274. Eulogy of his character, in-
tellect, and philosophy, 303, note.

His views of Beauty, 332; Vision,
378; Wonder, 319; and Simple
Suggestion, 434. His definition
of a cause, 474. Displays great
Causality, 481. His views of Re-
lative Suggestion, 483; Percep
tion, 500; Consciousness, 528.
Bruce, King Robert, 160, 251, 260,
278, 288, 299. His large head,

Brunel, engineer, his large organs
of Constructiveness, Weight, and
Causality, 224, 395, 481.
Bull-dog's Combativeness large, and
that of the greyhound small, 164.
Burk and Hare, profiles of, com-
pared with that of the Rev. Mr
M., 87. Development of, 176.
Burke's eloquence, 450, note.

Comparison and Causality large,
468, 481.

Burton's division of the brain into
organs, 21.

Business, usefulness of Individuali-

ty and Eventuality in, 430.
Bust, phrenological, its uses, 92.
Byron's poems strongly manifest

Destructiveness, 172. Bad taste
displayed in some passages of his
Don Juan, 557.

Cabinet-makers, skilful, have large
Constructiveness, 224.

Caffres, some account of the, 616.
Calculation, talent for, 420.
Caligula, character of, 175. His Be-

nevolence small, 266.
Callipers, use of, 97.
Campbell, the poet, his good taste,

whence arising, 560.

Camper's facial angle described, 44.
Its fallacy, 45.

Caracalla's Benevolence small, 266.

Carmichael, Mr A., his views of
sleep, 511.

Carmichael, Mr Richard, his report
of case of Ann Ross, 199.
Carnivorous and graminivorous ani-
mals, difference beeween the brains
of, 165. Destructiveness of the
former, 183, 184.

Castilians and Arragonese have small
Acquisitiveness, 211.

Catalani, Madame, her organ of
Tune, 438.

Catherine of Medicis, her Benevo-
lence small, 266.
Catholics strongly manifest Venera-
tion, 276.

Caucasian variety of Blumenbach,
Causality, one of the reflecting fa-
culties, 474. Analysis of, 475 et seq.
Not possessed by the lower ani-
mals, 476. Dr Spurzheim on, 478.
Effects of its strongness or weak-
ness in active life, 479, 480. Its
effects in the works of authors,
481. Its effects in producing be-
lief in Phrenology, 482.

organ of, history of its
discovery, 474. In whom large,
481. Not large in the French, 482.
Represented large in the heads of
Jupiter and Socrates, ib. Its ef-
fects in combination, 577.
Cause, Dr T. Brown's definition of,

Cause and effect, perception of, 474,
Cautiousness, a positive sentiment,
and not the mere want of courage,
253. Its aim, ib. Its effects on the
character, 254. Its effects in com-
bination with other faculties, 256,
576. Effects of its extreme acti-
vity, 256.

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