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w In Notice of a Treaty of Commerce concluded be tween Your Majesty and the prefent Emperor, but they departed from the Rule propofed before, and infifted upon the Article of which Your Commons now complain, which Article Your Majefty's Ambaffador allowed of, altho' equally Foreign to the Succeffion, or the Barrier; and altho' he had for that Reafon departed from other Articles which would have been for the Service of his own Country.

We have forborn to trouble Your Majesty with general Obfervations upon this Treaty, as it relates to, and affects the Empire, and other Parts of Europe. The Mifchiefs which arife from it to Great Britain are what only we have prefumed humbly to reprefent to You. As they are very evident, and very great; and as it appears that the Lord Viscount Townshend had not any Orders or Authority for concluding feveral of those Articles which are most prejudicial to Your Majesty's Subects, we have thought we could do no lefs, than : declare Your faid Ambaffador, who negotiated and figned, and all others who advised the Ratifying of this Treaty, Enemies to Your Majesty and Your Kingdom.

Upon thefe faithful Informations and Advices from Your Commons, we affure ourselves. Your Majefty, in Your great Goodness to Your People, will refcue them from thofe Evils, which the private Councils of ill-defigning Men have exposed them to; and that in Your great Wifdom You will find fome Means for the explaining and amending the feveral Articles of this Treaty, fo as that they may confift with the Intereft of Great Britain, and with a real and lafting Friendship between Your Majefty and the States-General.

Her Majefty's Moft Gracious Answer.


HIS Reprefentation is a farther Inftance of that Dutiful Affection to My Service, and Concern for the Publick Intereft, which this Houfe of Commons has always fhewon.


You may be affured, That I will give fuch Orders, as Shall effectually answer what Tox defire of Me in every Particular.


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Ccounts, publick, P. 298,

300, 329, 353.

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ADVOCATES, Faculty of, in
Edinburgh, their Proceedings
about the Pretender's Medal,
P. 203 & feq.

ACTS paffed in Ireland, Africa, Trade there, P 372.
P. 200. in England 299, 346,
367, 374.

ADDRESS of the Commons of

Ireland to the Queen 167. Of

the fame to the Lord Lieutenant

169. Of the Lords to the Queen

170. Of the fame to the Lord
Lieutenant, 172. Of the Convo-
cation to the fame 173. Of the
Commons to the Queen against
the Lords Addrefs 182. Of the

fame, returning Thanks to the

Queen 186. Of the Lords vindi

cating their former Address,

197. Of the fame against the

Diffenters, 199. Of the Council
and Burgeffes of Virginia,214.

Of the British Lords to the

Queen, 288, of the Commons,

290. Of the Lords about the Ne-

gotiations of Peace, 300. Of the

fame to thank the Queen for ber

Meffage. 322. Of the Commons

323. Of the fame about the

Barrier Treaty, 347. Of the

Lords about the Specifick Offers

of France, 357. Of the Com

mons, 355. of the fame about

the Church as Rotterdam

P. 372.

Albani, Signior, the Pope's Ne-
pher and Nuncio very bufy at

Frankfort, 65. His Demands

and Mortification, ibid.

Albemarle, Earl of, bis Letter to

the States General, p. 55.

Anjou, Duke of, fee Philip.
Annandale, Marquis of, fworn a

Privy Counsellor, p. 377.
Anne, fee Queen.
Arens, Caftle of reduc'd by the

Marquis d' Arpajou, p 84.

Argyle, Duke of, goes to the

Hague, p.7, goes to Barce

lona, 89. falls fick, ibid, returns

Home ibid.

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ufed in bis Favour 58. His Pro-
test 61. He declines the Com
mand of the French Army in
Alface, 63.

Bay, Marquis of his Expedition in
Portugal, 92
Beachcroft, Sir Robert, chofen
Lord Mayor, 384.
Beaufort, Duke of, made Captain
of the Band of Penfioners, 314.
He marries, 384: male Lord
Lieutenant of Gloucefterfhire,
Bedford,Duke of, his Death. 378.
Bellafis, Sir Henry, his Election
declar'd void, 352.
Berkley, Earl of, made Conftable

of St. Brionels Castle, 383.
Bertie, Charles Efq; dies, 376.
Peregrine Efq; his death, 380.
Berwick, Duke of, evacuates Sa-
voy, and fecures the Paffes into
Dauphiné, 82.

Bonnet, Mr. notifies the Death of
the young Prince of Pruffia,382.
Bothmar, Baron de, arrives from

Holland,270.His Memorial,ib.

Bouchain, memorable Siege of

thit Place, 34 to 44.

Briftol, Lord Bishop of made Lord
Privy Seal 226. His Character,
ib. Named firft Plenipotentiary,
259. He embarks for Holland,
Britton, Brigadier, appointed En-
voy Extraord. to Prüffi', 386.
Broderick, William, Efq; made
Attorney Gen. of Jamaica, 379.
Bruce,Lord, call'd up to the Houfe
of Peers, 302.
Buckingham, Duke of, ma le Pre-
fident of the Council 218.
Bully, Mr. fent back to France,


Buys, Monf. Envoy Extraordinary
from the States General, arrives
in London, 251. Account of
his Negotiation, 259 & feq. to
263. He embarks for Holland,



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Confederate Troops in Flanders

canton, 8..encamp at Orchies,

9. march to Lewarde, ibid.

fee Marlborough.
Congress for a Negotiation of
Peace appointed, 268.

Convocation of Ireland, their Ad-

drefs to the Lord Lieutenant,

173. Their Proceedings 174 &

feq 195.

Convocation of England, 387.
Coriton Sir William, dies, 386.
Coventry E. of dies, 387.
Counters made in France, with
remarkable Devices, 307.
Cox, Sir Richard, fworn La Chief
Fuftice of Ireland, 165.
Czar of Muscovy, his War with
the Turks, 97. His Treaty, 98.
Alrymple, sir David, remo-
ved from being Lord Advo-

cate in Scotland, 212.

Danby Lord, dies, 382.

Dartmouth Ld, his Letter to the

D. of Ormond, 191. made an

Earl, 215.

Dauphin of France dies, 231.

Debate mem, in H. of Lords,284.

Denmark, King of, invades Po-
merania, 100.

Dodwell Mr, bis Death, 379-

Dundass, Mr.kis Speech for accep.

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ting the Pretender's Medal,203.
bis Compliment to the Dutchejs
of Gordon, 204, 205. his Vin
dication fupprefs'd, 212.

Duplin, Lord, made a Baron of

Gr. Britain, 302. made a Tel.

Ler of the Exchequer, 381.


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Effigies of the Devil, Pope,

and Pretender feiz'd, 278.
Ele&tions of Parliament Men, bill
•to regulate them, 354.
Electors of the Empire declare for
K. Charles, 15.

Elvas bombarded by Spaniar 15,92
Emperor, his Death, 1o. El ion

of a new one, 60 & feq. to 74.
fee Charles III.

Empire, Neutrality in it, 3,4,5,6.

Precautions taken for its fecuri

ty, 58.

Epifcopacy, Bill in its favour in
Scotland, 325, 329, 343, 345,
362. Claufes added to it 363.

Erbeck Count, taken Prisoner, 42.

Eugene, Pr. of Savoy detain'd at

Vienna, 8. Arrives at Hague,

15. Goes to the Army, 16 To

Tournay and then tothe Hague

18. Puts himself at the head of

the Army of the Empire, 59.

Remarkable Paragraph about.
him in the Poft Boy, 304. He
refolves to come toEngland,306
He embarks, 334. Account of
his Reception and Negotiation in
England, 335 & feq. His Me.
morial, 358. He meets with
Difficulties in his Negotiation,
375. Hashis Audience of Leave
and embarks for Holland, ibid.

mand the Siege of Bouchain,

Fairfax, Lord, bis Death, 380.
Faft folemnized, 317.
Ferrers, Ld, made an Earl, 215.
Flying Poft, Author of it, his A-
pology for bimfelf, 210.

Foley, Thomas Efq; made a B1-

ron, 302.

Forbes Sir James dies, 383.

Forfter Mr. bis Speech to the D.

of Ormond, 164, 192.

French in Flanders begin to af
femble, 9. Encamp behind the
Senfet,ib. Deftroy feveral Boats
laden with Hay and Ots, ibid.
Take a Fort at Harlebeck, 16.
Deftroy part of the Sluyces there,
ibid. Put themselves behind
Cambray and Arras, 18. Take
the Poft at Arleux 29. Are
repulfed at Hordain, 40. Their

*H 2 Groundies

Groundless Complaints about the execution of the Capitulation of Bouchain 48.. They break the Dykes on the Scarpe, 54. French make an unsuccessful Attempt on the Leeward Islands, 163. French rejoyce at the Duke of Marlborough's Disgrace, 310. Friend Dr. made Schoolmaster of Weftminfter, 382. G.

Allas, Count, expoftulates with the Lord High Trea furer, 232. His Memorial against the Writer of the Poft Boy, 241. Account of his being forbid the Court, 252. Germany, Affairs there, 57&leq. Gordon, Dutchefs of, prefents the Advocates of Edinburgh, with the Pretender's Medal,203. Her Answer to their Compliment, 205.

Gore, Alderman, chofen Lord

Mayor of Dublin, 191. Gouvernet, Marchioness of,comes over to England, 3c6. Grabe Dr. his Death and Chara ter, 384. Granville, George Efq; made Ld. Landowne, 302. Grahame Dr. dies, 387. Grifons, Affairs there in relation to Mr. Mafner and Mr. Manning, 127 & feq. Groveftein, Major General,made Governor of Bouchain, 44. Gué Trouin, bis Expedition in Brazil, 97.

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215. Debates about it in the Houfe of Peers, 295, 297. Dropt 332.

Hanover, Elector of, bis Interpofition in Favour of the Proteffants of Hildesheim, 104 & feq. to 111, Bill for the Precedence of that illuftrious Family 332. Harcourt, Sir Simon, made a Baron, 215.

Harley, Thomas Efq; appointed to
go to Hanover, 395.
Hay, George Efq; (Lord Duplin)
made Baron Hay, 302.
Henley Anthony Efq; dies, 383.
Heffe Darmftat, Prince of, takes
leave of the Queen, 383.
Higgins, Mr Francis, Account of
bis Quarrelling with the Lord
Santry, and Proceedings against
him, 192 & feq. to 202.
Hildesheim Affair relating to the
Proteftants of that Bishoprick,
104 & feq. to 1II.
Hill, Brigadier,Commander of the
Forces fent to Canada, 153,
Made Lieutenant of the Tower,

Hohendorf, Baron, notifies the
Death of the Emperor to the
States General, 10,
Houblon Sir John dies, 387.
Hungary, Troubles there pacified,

119, 120, 121.

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