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[blocks in formation]

Iamb, trimeter, claudus or Hip-

ponacteus, 77.

Iambica, tripodia, 78.

Iambographers, 45.
Ibycus, 46.

of the verse-end, 201,

Iatus, 8.
296 sqq.
lonian poetry, 43.
Ionian style, 290.
lonicus, ionic, 10.
Ionici a majore, 146.
lonic dimeter, 147.

Ionic strophes in Anacreontic po-
ems, 286.

Ionic systems used by lyric poets

and tragedians, 267.

Ionic tetrameter, 148.
Ionic trimeter, 147.
Ionici a minore, 148.
Ionic (a min.) dimeter, 150.
Ionic (a min.) monometer, 149.
lonic (a min.) tetrameter, 152.
Ionic (a min.) trimeter, 151.
Irrationality, 17.

Italicus, C. Silius, 58.
Ithyphallicus, 69.

Juvenalis, De Junius, 58.
Κατάληξις, 25.
Κιναιδολόγοι, 147.

Κομματικά, 314, 333.

Κομμοί, 314, 333.
Laberius, D., 55.
Lachmann, K., 4.
Lange, W., 4.

Leonine verses, 25, 195.
Limping verses, 45.
Linus, 50.

Lindemann, F., 5.

Livius Andronicus, 54.
Logaoedic verses, 88, 102.
Long, 9.

Longinus, Prolegomena, 2.
Lucanus, L. Annaeus, 58.
Lucian, 106.

Lucilius, C., 55.

Lucretius Carus, T., 56.
Lycophron, 50.

Lydian composition, 290.
Lydian mood, 46.
Lysistrater, 336.
Maecenas, 220.

[blocks in formation]

Οκτόσημοι, 11.

Olenus, 50.

Pentameter elegiacus, 230.
Pentapody, 16.
Πεντάσημοι, 10.

actylicum, 85.

Pergamus, 49.

Persius Flaccus, A., 58.
Petronius Arbiter, T., 58.
Phaedimus, 226.

Phaedrus, T., 58.

Phalaecus, 198.

Phalaecean verse, £4.

Phemonoe, 184.

Pherecrates, 49.

Pherecratean verse, 84, 90, 132.

Philemon, 52.

Philicus of Corcyra, 146, 207.
Philip, 49.

Philippus of Thessalonica, 233.
Philoxenus, 338.

Photius, 264.

Phrygian mood, 47, 108, 149, 290.

Pindar, 46.

Plato, 49.

Plautus, M. Accius, 55, 177.

IIviyos in a parabasis, 336.
Political verses, 51.

Polyschematist Pherecratean, 132.

Polyschematist rhythms, 37.

Porson, Rich., 3, 202.

Pomponius, L., 55.

Praxilleus, versus, 97.

Odyssey in Saturnine measure, 55. Pratinas, 80.

Oppianus, 51.

Ordines acatalecti, 26.

Ordines brachycatalecti, 26.

Ordines catalectici, 26.
Ordines hypercatalecti, 26.

Priapean verse, 93, 132, 140.
Principal caesura, 40.
Principal diaeresis, 39.
Priscian, 175

[tic, 10.
Proceleusmaticus, Proceleusma-

Proceleusmaticum tetrametrum
Aristophaneum, 100. [338.
Prologue in the Roman writers,
Proode, 35.
Προῳδός, 35.

Propertius, Sext. Aurelius, 57.
Prosodiacum, metrum, 182.
Psellos, Michael, 51.
Pyrrhichius, Pyrrhich, 9.
Quadratus, versus, 78.
Quintus Smyrnaeus, 51.
Refraction, 37.
Reitz, Fr. Wolfg, 3.
Resolution of longs, 20.
Rhyme, 23.
Rhythm, 1.

Rhythm of Choral song, 289. [299.
Rhythms of Dorian lyric poets,
Rhythms of single verses, how
determined, 298.
Ρυθμοὶ ἀκατάληκτοι, 26.
Ρυθμοὶ βραχυκατάληκτοι, 26.
Ρυθμὸς ἔπαρχος, 33.
Ρυθμοὶ καταληκτικοί, 26.
Ρυθμοὶ πολυσχημάτιστοι, 37.
Ρυθμοὶ ὑπερκατάληκτοι, 26.
Rinthon, 50.

Rising rhythm, 8.

Rome, 49.

[blocks in formation]

Seidler, A., 4.

ters in, 175.

Servius Maurus Honoratus, 3.
Short, 9.
Simmias, 146, 200, 205.
Simonides, 46.

Simonides of Amorgos, 44.
Simonides of Ceos, 44.
Simonideum metrum, 102.
Simple rhythms, 59.

Single verses in strophes, 291.
Sinking rhythms, 8.
Solon, 44.

Songs of the dramatists, 314.
Sophocles, 48.
Sophron, 52.
Sositheus, 50.
Sotades, 214.
Spitzner, F., 4.
Spondeus, spondee, 10.
Spondaics among the Greeks,
192; among the Romans, 192.
Στάσιμα, 314.

Statius, Caecilius, 55.

Statius, P. Papinius, 58; Sapphic
strophe in, 277.
Stesichorus, 46, 52.

Stesichorium, metrum, 102.
Stichic composition, 153.
Στίχος, 29.

Στίχοι ἀσυνάρτητοι, 33.

Στίχος ἐπωδός, 34.

Στίχος προῳδός, 34.

Stop, 25.

Strophe, 35.

Στροφή, 35.

Strophes divided according to
rhythm, 271.

Strophe Sapphica, 274

Strophic composition, 270.
Substitution of rhythms, 36.

Συλλαβὴ ἀδιάφορος, 28.

Syllaba anceps, 28.

Syrus, P., 55.

Symmetry, 1.

Systems, 33.

Seneca, L. Annaeus, 58; trime-vornua & duoir, 34, 240.

Senarius, 173.

Septenarius, versus, 68, 78. [156.
Septenarius, versus, or quadratus,
Serranus, Calpurnius, 58.
Samonicus, L. Serenus, 58.
Series, 25.

Συστήματα, 33.

Συστήματα ἀπολελυμένα, 36, 333.
Συστήματα κατὰ περιορισμούς
ἀνίσους; ἀπεριόριστα, ἐξ ὁμοί
ων κατὰ σχέσιν, 240.
Συστήματα μετρικὰ ἄτακτα, 342.
Systematic composition, 34, 240.

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