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Do you admit or deny that you had a conversation with Betty Currie within several days of January 18. 1998. in which you made statements similar to any of the following regarding your relationship with Monica Lewinsky?

"You were always there when she was there, right? "We were never really alone."

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Do you admit or deny that on January 18. 1998, at or about 11:02 p.m., you telephoned Betty
Currie at her home?

Do you admit or deny that on Monday, January 19, 1998, at or about 8:50 a.m.. you telephoned Betty Currie at her home?

Do you admit or deny that on Monday, January 19, 1998. at or about 8:56 a.m., you telephoned Vernon Jordan at his home?

Do you admit or deny that on Monday, January 19, 1998. at or about 10:58 a.m.. you telephoned Vernon Jordan at his office?

Do you admit or deny that on Monday, January 19, 1998. at or about 1:45 p.m., you telephoned Betty Currie at her home?

Do you admit or deny that on Monday, January 19, 1998, at or about 2:44 p.m.. you met with individuals including Vernon Jordan. Erskine Bowles. Bruce Lindsey. Cheryl Mills. Charles Ruff, and Rahm Emanuel?

Do you admit or deny that on Monday, January 19, 1998, at or about 2:44 p.m.. at any
meeting with Vernon Jordan. Erskine Bowles. Bruce Lindsey, Cheryl Mills, Charles Ruff.
Rahm I:manuel, and others, you discussed the existence of tapes of conversations between
Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp recorded by Linda Tripp, or any other matter relating to
Monica Lewinsky?

Do you admit or deny that on Monday, January 19, 1998, at or about 5:56 p.m.. you telephoned Vernon Jordan at his office!!

Do you admit or deny that on January 21, 1998, the day the Monica Lewinsky story appeared for the first time in the Washington Post, you had a conversation with Sidney Blumenthal. in which you stated that you rebuffed alleged advances from Monica Lewinsky and in which you made a statement similar to the following"!. “Monica Lewinsky came at me and made a sexual demand on me."

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Do you admit or deny that on January 21, 1998. the day the Monica Lewinsky story appeared for the first time in the W’ashington Post, you had a conversation with Sidney Blumenthal. in which you made a statement similar to the following in response to a question about your conduct with Monica Lewinsky?: "I haven't done anything wrong."

Do you admit or deny that on January 21, 1998. the day the Monica Lewinsky story appeared for the first time in the Washington Post, you had a conversation with Erskine Bowles. Sylvia Matthews and John Podesta, in which you made a statement similar to the following? "I want you to know I did not have sexual relationships with this woman Monica Lewinsky I did not ask anybody to lie. And when the facts come out, you'll understand.”

Do you admit or deny that on or about January 23. 1998. you had a conversation with John
Podesta, in which you stated that you had never had an affair with Monica Lewinsky?

Do you admit or deny that on or about January 23, 1998. you had a conversation with John
Podesta, in which you stated that you were not alone with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval
Office. and that Betty Currie was either in your presence or outside your office with the door
open while you were visiting with Monica Lewinsky?

Do you admit or deny that on or about January 26. 1998. you had a conversation with Harold
Ickes, in which you made statements to the effect that you did not have an affair with Monica

Do you admit or deny that on or about January 26, 1998, you had a conversation with Harold Ickes, in which you made statements to the effect that you had not asked anyone to change their story, suborn perjury or obstruct justice if called to testify or otherwise respond to a request for information from the Office of Independent Counsel or in any other legal proceeding?

Do you admit or deny that, on or about January 21, 1998, you and Richard “Dick” Morris discussed the possibility of commissioning a poll to determine public opinion following the Washington Post story regarding the Monica Lewinsky matter?

Do you admit or deny that you had a later conversation with Richard “Dick” Morris in which he stated that the polling results regarding the Monica Lewinsky matter suggested that the American people would forgive you for adultery but not for perjury or obstruction of justice"

Do you admit or deny that you responded to Richard “Dick” Morris's explanation of these polling results by making a statement similar to the following: "[w fell, we just have to win. then" !

Do you admit or deny the past or present existence of or the past or present direct or indirect employment of individuals, other than counsel representing you, whose duties include making contact with or gathering information about witnesses or potential witnesses in any judicial proceeding related to any matter in which you are or could be involved?

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Do you admit or deny having knowledge that Terry Lenzner was contacted or employed to make contact with or gather information about witnesses or potential witnesses in any judicial proceeding related to any matter in which you are or could be involved?

Do you admit or deny having knowledge that Jack Palladino was contacted or employed to make contact with or gather information about witnesses or potential witnesses in any judicial proceeding related to any matter in which you are or could be involved?

Do you admit or deny having knowledge that Betsy Wright was contacted or employed to make contact with or gather information about witnesses or potential witnesses in any judicial proceeding related to any matter in which you are or could be involved?

Do you admit or deny that you made false and misleading public statements in response to questions asked on or about January 21, 1998, in an interview with Roll Call, when you stated “Well. let me say, the relationship was not improper, and I think that's important enough to say. But because the investigation is going on and because I don't know what is out - what's going to be asked of me. I think I need to cooperate, answer the questions, but I think it's important for me to make it clear what is not. And then, at the appropriate time. I'll try to answer what is. But let me answer – it is not an improper relationship and I know what the word means."?

Do you admit or deny that you made false and misleading public statements in response to questions asked on or about January 21, 1998, in the Oval Office during a photo opportunity, when you stated “Now, there are a lot of other questions that are. I think, very legitimate. You have a right to ask them: you and the American people have a right to get answers. We are working very hard to comply and get all the requests for information up here, and we will give you as many answers as we can, as soon as we can, at the appropriate time, consistent with our obligation to also cooperate with the investigations. And that's not a dodge, that's really why I've - I've talked with out people. I want to do that. I'd like for you to have more rather than less, sooner rather than later. So we'll work through it as quickly as we can and get all those questions out there to you.””?

Do you admit or deny that you discussed with Harry Thomasson, prior to making public statements in response to questions asked by the press in January, 1998, relating to your relationship with Monica Lewinsky, what such statements should be or how they should be communicated”

Do you admit or deny that you made a false and misleading public statement in response to a question asked on or about January 26, 1998, when you stated “But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Ms. Lewinsky?”



Do you admit or deny that you made a false and misleading public statement in response to a question asked on or about January 26, 1998, when you stated “... I never told any body to lie, not a single time. Never?"

Do you admit or deny that you directed or instructed Bruce Lindsey. Sidney Blumenthal. Nancy Hemreich and Lanny Breuer to invoke executive privilege before a grand jur empaneled as part of a judicial proceeding by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Circuit in 1998?







1. William J. Clinton. under penalty of perjury and remedies available to the House of Representatives under the Constitution of the United States, swear or affirm that the foregoing responses to the Requests for Admission submitted by the Committee on the Judiciary relating to the inquiry of impeachment authorized pursuant to H. Res. 581, are the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

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