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loaded, ought to be provided not only with the faid paffports or fea-letters, but also with a general paffport, or with particular paffports, or manifefts, or other public documents, which are ordinarily given to veffels outward-bound, in the ports from whence the veffels have fet fail in the last place, containing a specification of the cargo, of the place from whence the veffel departed, and of that of her destination; or, instead of all thefe, with certificates from the magiftrates, or governors of cities, places, and colonies from whence the veffel came, given in the ufual form, to the end that it may be known, whether there are any effects prohibited or contraband on board the veffels, and whether they are deftined to be carried to an enemy's country or not. And in cafe any one judges proper to ex-r prefs in the faid documents, the perfons to whom the effects on board belong, he may do it freely, without, however, being bound to do it; and the omiffion of fuch expreffion cannot, and ought not to caufe a confifcation.


If the veffels of the faid fubjects or inhabitants of either of the parties, failing along the coafts, or on the high-feas, are met by a veffel of war, or privateer, or other armed veffel of the other party; the faid veffels of war, privateers, or armed veffels, for avoiding all diforder, fhall remain without the reach of cannon, but may fend their boats on board the merchant veffels which they fhall meet in this manner, upon which they may not pafs more than two or three men, to whom the mafter or commander fhall exhibit his paffport, containing the property of the veffel, according to the form annexed to this treaty and the veffel, after having exhibited fuch a paffport, fea-letter, and other documents, fhall be free to continue her voyage, fo that it fhall not be lawful to moleft her, or fearch her, in any manner,



nor to give her chace, nor to force her to alter her courfe.


It fhall be lawful for merchants, captains, and commanders of veffels, whether public and of war, or private and of merchants, belonging to the faid United States of America, or any of them, or to their fubjects and inhabitants, to take freely into their fervice, and receive on board of their veffels, in any port or place in the jurifdiction of their High Mightineffes aforefaid, feamen or others, natives or inhabitants of any of the faid States, upon fuch conditions as they fhall agree on, without being fubject, for this, to any fine, penalty, punishment, procefs, or reprehenfion whatfoever.

And reciprocally, all merchants, captains, and commanders, belonging to the faid United NetherJands, fhall enjoy in all the ports and places under the obedience of the faid United States of America, the fame privilege of engaging and receiving feamen or others, natives or inhabitants of any country of the domination of the faid States General: provided, that neither on one fide nor the other, they may not take into their fervice fuch of their countrymen who have already engaged in the fervice of the other party contracting, whether in war or trade, and whether they meet them by land or fea; at least, if the captains or mafters under the command of whom fuch perfons may be found, will not of their own confent difcharge them from their fervice, upon pain of being otherwife treated and punifhed as deferters,


The affair of the refraction fhall be regulated in all equity and juftice by the magiftrates of cities refpectively, where it fhall be judged that there is any room to complain in this refpect.



The prefent treaty fhall be ratified and approved by their High Mightineffes the States General of the United Netherlands, and by the United States of America; and the acts of ratification fhall be delivered, in good and due form, on one fide and on the other, in the fpace of fix months, or fooner, if poffible, to be computed from the day of the fig


In FAITH of which, we the Deputies and Plenipotentiaries of the Lords the States General of the United Netherlands, and the Minifter Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, in virtue of our respective authorities and full powers, have figned the prefent treaty, and appofed thereto the feals of our arms,

DONE at the Hague, the Eighth of October, one thousand feven hundred eighty-two.


(L. S.)

[blocks in formation]

(L. S.)

(L. S.)

T. G. VAN DEDEM, (Tot den Gelder)




The FORM of the Paport which shall be given to Ships and Veffels, in confequence of the twentyfiftb Article of this Treaty.

To all who fhall fee thefe prefents, Greeting:


E it known, that leave and permiffion are hereby given to

fhip or veffel called burthen of

mafter or commander of the

of the

tons, or thereabouts, lying

at prefent in the port or haven of bound for

and laden with

to depart and proceed with his faid fhip or veffel on his faid voyage, fuch fhip or veffel having been vifited, and the faid mafter and commander having made oath before the proper officer, that the said ship or veffel belongs to one or more of the subjects, people, or inhabitants of and to him or

them only. In witness whereof, we have fubfcribed our names to thefe prefents, and affixed the feal of our arms thereto, and caufed the fame to be counterfigned by


day of


in the year of our Lord


FORM of the Certificate which shall be given to Ships or Vefels, in confequence of the twenty-fifth Article of this Treaty.



or officers of the customs of the city or port of

that on the

do certify and atteft,

day of


in the year of our Lord

C. D. of perfonally appeared before us, and declared by folemn oath, that the fhip or veffel


tons or thereabouts, whereof



is at

prefent mafter or commander, does rightfully and properly belong to him or them only: that the is now bound from the city or port of

to the port of

laden with goods and merchandizes hereunder particularly described and enumerated, as follows:

In witnefs whereof we have figned this certificate, and fealed it with the feal of our office, this day of

the year of our Lord Chrift



FORM of the Sea-Letter.

POST Serene, Serene, Moft Puiffant, Puiffant, High, Illuftrious, Noble, Honourable, Venerable, Wife and Prudent, Lords, Emperors, Kings, Republics, Princes, Dukes, Earls, Barons, Lords, Burgo-mafters, Schepens, Counsellors, as alfo Judges, Officers, Jufticiaries and Regents of all the good cities and places, whether ecclefiaftical or fecular, who fhall fee these prefents, or hear them read.


WE, Burgo-mafters and Regents of the city make known, that the masappearing before us, has declared upon oath, that the veffel called

ter of

of the burthen of about

lafts, which he at prefent navigates, is of the United Provinces, and that no fubjects of


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