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Elevated temperature as a cause of typhoid
fever, 246

Emaciation, causes, 160

significance of, in diagnosis, 159

Necessity of abundant water-supply in, Emboli, action of, in production of meta-

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Duration of cerebro-spinal meningitis, 818
of dengue, 882

of anthrax, 940, 941

of acute form of glanders in horses, 915

of chronic form of glanders in horses, 915
of acute form of glanders in man, 921
of chronic form of glanders in man, 922
of influenza, 865

of malignant scarlet fever, 508

of mild scarlet fever, 506

of prodromal stage of rubeola, 565

of remittent fever, 602

of rabies and hydrophobia, 900
of septicemia lymphatica, 1012
Dysentery complicating relapsing fever, 406
typhus fever, 355

Dysphagia, significance of, in general diag-
nosis, 162
Dyspnoea, causes, 157


Ear, affections of, in rubeola, treatment, 581
diseases of, complicating rubeola, 570
displacement of lobe in idiopathic paro-
titis, 624

internal, lesions of, in cerebro-spinal men-
ingitis, 824

static abscesses in pyæmia, 967

Embolism, 62

complicating diphtheria, 675
from septic thrombus, 66
hemorrhagic results, 64, 65
in typhoid fever, treatment, 335
mechanical effects, 63
necrosis from, 64, 65
results, 64

softening, cerebral, from, 65
symptoms, 66

Embolus, 62

arterial, 63

venous, 63

terminations, 65

Emetics, use of, in cerebro-spinal meningitis,

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Epithelia, influence of different, in spread | ERYSIPELAS-complicated by pleuritis, 634

of diphtheritic membrane, 688

Ergot, use of, in cerebro-spinal meningitis,


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History, 629

Etiology, 629

Unity of the origin, 629

Age and sex as a cause, 630

Season as a cause, 630

Contagiousness, 630
Nature of contagion, 630
Manner of propagation, 630
Relation to childbed fever, 630
Symptoms-initial, 631

Characters of cutaneous lesions, 631
Course of cutaneous lesions, 631

Severe varieties of cutaneous lesions,

Migration of cutaneous lesions, 632
Swelling of integument, 632

Starting-point of cutaneous lesions, 632
Physiognomy, 632

Condition of tongue, 633

of fauces and buccal membrane, 633
General symptoms of grave form, 633
pulse, 633

temperature, 633

Occurrence of gangrene, 233
Resolution, 633



Complications and sequela, 633

Complicated by lymphangitis and aden-
opathy, 634

By pneumonia, 634

VOL. I.-67

By inflammation of joints, 634
By inflammations of serous mem-
branes, 634

By pyæmia and septicemia, 634
By eye diseases, 634

Followed by seborrhoea of scalp, 633

By loss of hair, 633

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Exciting cause, mechanical nature of, in Febrile stage of grave form of the plague,

symptomatic parotitis, 626

of the plague, 775

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External anthrax, localized, 935

Exudation, distinction from transudation, 42
in inflammation, 42

in peri- and parametritis of puerperal fe-
ver, 1007

in pelvic peritonitis, 989

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yellow, 640

Eye, affections of, following cerebro-spinal Fibrinous degeneration, 80

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lesions of, in cerebro-spinal meningitis,


in pyæmia, 967

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Fomites, propagation of cholera by, 721
special, of cholera, 723

Eyes, appearance of, significance in gen- Food, adulterations, 197

eral diagnosis, 151

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appetite as a guide to necessary amount,

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of neck, complicating scarlet fever, 512
pulmonary, complicating relapsing fever,

Gangrenous affections following rubeola, 574
Gastro-intestinal canal, condition of, in
dengue, 881

condition of, in yellow fever, 644
lesions of, in anthrax, 936

in influenza, 872

in rabies and hydrophobia, 902
in relapsing fever, 413

symptoms in influenza, 866

in mild scarlet fever, 505
in malignant scarlet fever, 507

of septicemia lymphatica, 1011

Gelsemium, use of, in yellow fever, 651
General dropsies, 71

treatment of erysipelas, 639

of glanders in horse and man, 919, 920
Genitalia, gangrene of, complicating variola,


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History, 909

Geographical distribution, 909
Etiology-Contagiousness, 911
Specific nature, 911

Predisposing causes, 912

Ill-health, relation of, to causation, 912
Cold and damp stables, relation of, to
causation, 912

Debility from chronic diseases, relation
of, to causation, 912

Infection, channels of, 913
Particular nature of the germ, 914
Virulence of the germ, 914
Modes of culture of germ, 914
Demonstration of bacillus of, 914
Symptoms-in horses, 914
Acute form, 914

Incubation period, 914
Mode of onset, 914
Local lesions, 915
Appearance of nostrils, 915
of lymphatics, 915
Enlargement of joints, 915
Appearance of ulcers, 915
Mode of death in, 915

Chronic form, 915

Premonitory symptoms, 915
Condition of general health, 915
Local lesions, 915
Lymphatics, 915

Bronchial and pulmonary form, 916
Acute cutaneous form (farcy), 916
Local lesions, 916

Chronic cutaneous form (chronic
farcy), 916

Local lesions, 916

Duration, 915

Morbid anatomy, 916

Nasal lesions, characters of, 917
Pulmonary lesions, characters of, 917
Cutaneous lesions, characters of, 917
Diffuse glanderous swellings, 917

of nose, 918
of lungs, 918
of muscles, 918

Diagnosis, 918

Value of inoculation in, 918
Prognosis, 918

Unfavorable nature of, 918
Treatment-in animals, 918
Not commendable, 918
Local, 918
General, 919
Diet in, 919

Preventive, 919

Extermination of disease in animals,

Glanders in Man, 919

History of, 919

Etiology, 919

Modes of infection, 919

immediate, 919

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