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the honour and damp the ardour of our brave Soldiers, and thereby threaten the safety and existence of the British Empire. -Passed unanimously.

4. That the hostile conduct of ministers threats of infamy against the hon. Member who proposed the Inquiry; and above all the large majority who voted for the acquittal of the Duke, have convinced the Meeting, and, we trust, will convince the people of England, that a substantial Reform in the Representation of Parliament is the only barrier against corruption, and may afford some indemnity for the past, and security for the future.-Passed unanimously.

8. That the Thanks of the Meeting be given to Sir Watkin Lewes, the High Bailiff, for his readiness in convening the Town Hall.-Passed unanimously.

9. That the Thanks of the Meeting be given to John Townshend, esq. Deputy Bailiff, for his able and impartial conduct in the Chair.-Passed unanimously. (Signed) JOHN TOWNSHEND, Dep. Bailiff. (To be continued.)

OFFICIAL PAPERS. REVOLUTION IN SWEDEN.-Address of the Duke of Sudermania, (Continued from page 544.)


2. That the Independence and Patriotism of Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle, esq. in the institution and conduct of the Inquiry, have eminently intitled him to the Thanks of this Meeting, and the gratitude of his Country; and they trust that the result of such singular perseverance will encourage him, and every other honest Member, to detect and bring to question the Agents of Corruption in every department of the State.-Passed unanimously. 3. That the Thanks of this Meeting be-A continental peace was on the point given to Sir Francis Burdett, Lord Viscount of being concluded at Tilsit, and Sweden Folkestone, Lord Milton, Lord Althorpe, invited to form one of the contracting Samuel Whitbread, esq., J. C. Curwen, parties; Sweden refused; and in conseesq., T. W. Coke, esq., Sir S. Romilly, kt., quence of this refusal she was compelled General Ferguson, and the rest of the 125 to fight France, and her numerous allies, honest Members who voted in the Mino- single-handed, on the Continent of Europe, rity on Mr. Wardle's motion.-Passed and the siege of Stralsund was carried on unanimously. with increased vigour. Even during that siege, nay, after the conclusion of the convention, which stipulated the evacuation of Pomerania and Rugen by our troops, offers of peace were made by the enemy, and rejected; and the German possessions of Sweden, the last remains of the conquests of Gustavus Adolphus the Great, were lost. Sweden had, however, to sustain losses still more severe. winter of 1807, and the following year, serious apprehensions arose of an impending rupture with our neighbours, both on the East and West of our empire.-These apprehensions and dangers might have been warded off a few months before by the Swedish government, by its accession to the Peace of Tilsit; a peace which Sweden was not prevented from concluding by her only ally, which was offered on terms by no means irreconcileable with the public interest of Sweden--The war broke out in Finland, and its gallant defenders, at the end of a severe and honourable conflict, with an enemy far superior in number, were obliged to give up to him their beloved country. This misfortune, the most calamitous event which has befallen Sweden for centuries past, might have been avoided, if the powerful preparations of defence, which the situation and nature of the country admitted, had been conducted with wisdom and skill, and if the plans of resistance, no sooner adopted than relinquished, had been conceived and carried into effect, with unity and firmness. Finland, which, in point of population and intrinsic value,

5. That the Thanks of the Meeting be given to Sir Thomas Turton, bart. and the 137 Members who voted for his Amendment. We observe, with pleasure, that he manifested an open hostility to corruption, in which, if he steadily and uniformly perseveres, he will insure the confidence and support of his Constituents.-Passed with only five dissentient.

6. That from a conviction that an honest Representation of the People in Parliament is the best and only security against the existence of abuses similar to those which have now been brought to light, we will, whenever we shall be called upon to exercise an Elective Franchise, support those only who shall pledge themselves worthy by a steady opposition to corruption, and a firm attachment to the pure and uncontaminated principles of the British Constitution.-Passed with a great ma


7. That these Resolutions be printed in the Morning and Evening Papers.Passed unanimously.


SIR JOHN MOORE.-The following Extract from the last Letter of General Sir John Moore has been printed, in pursuance of the order of the House of Com


Extract of a Letter from Lieutenant-General Sir John Moore, to Viscount Castlereagh; dated Corunna, Jan. 13.

formed one third part of the Swedish Empire, was lost, and this loss bore with the most destructive pressure on the two remaining thirds.In this state of affairs, the means of waging war against such numerous enemies could not prove sufficient for any length of time, and no other resource was left than to burden with new taxes a people unable to bear them. The public necessities in- "Situated as this army is at present, it creased in proportion as the means and is impossible for me to detail to your Lordresources of the State were destroyed. ship the events which have taken place Trade and navigation were at a stand; since I had the honour to address you from our mines and agriculture were unpro- Astorga, on the 31st of December: I have ductive from want of hands; universal therefore determined to send to England ruin was spreading wide and far; and yet Brigadier-General Charles Stewart, as the it was universally known that His Royal Officer best qualified to give you every Majesty had again repeated his former information you can want, both with resfirm and unalterable determination not to pect to our actual situation and the events conclude a peace with the present Go- which have led to it.-Your Lordship vernment of France, without which, how- knows, that had I followed my own opiever, no reconciliation with Denmark and nion, as a military man, I should have reRussia could take place. In this situation tired with the army from Salamanca. The of affairs a considerable part of the Western Spanish armies were then beaten; there army formed a resolution to march to the was no Spanish force to which we could capital with the patriotic view which ap-unite, and I was satisfied that no efforts pears by the Proclamation issued on their would be made to aid us, or to favour the part. Similar movements took place among cause in which they were engaged.—I was the rest of the Swedish troops, and it was sensible, however, that the apathy and inin this critical position his Royal Majesty difference of the Spaniards would never came to the unfortunate resolution of leav- have been believed; that had the British ing Stockholm, and directing his family, been withdrawn, the loss of the cause and several officers of the state, to follow would have been imputed to their retreat, him. The garrison was ordered to file off, and it was necessary to risk this army to and it was intended to assemble an army convince the people of England, as well as in the South, to oppose the troops who the rest of Europe, that the Spaniards had were approaching from the North and neither the power nor the inclination to West. Two distinct governments were make any efforts for themselves. It was thus to be formed, two armies to be as- for this reason that I made the march to sembled, and a civil war was to fill up the Sahagan. As a diversion it succeeded; I measure of our calamities and distress brought the whole disposable force of the The King's departure was, however, post- French against this army, and it has been poned until the 13th of March, at noon. allowed to follow me, without a single An universal consternation prevailed. The movement being made to favour my remost respectful remonstrances against his treat. The people of the Gallicias, though Majesty's determination were rejected, and armed, made no attempt to stop the pasno other means remained even to secure sage of the French through the mountains, the safety of the King's own person, than They abandoned their dwellings at our to prevent him from carrying his unfortu- approach, drove away their carts, oxen, nate resolve into effect. In these circum- and every thing that could be of the smallstances all the officers of state, in conjunc-est aid to the army. The consequence has tion with the states of the Empire, who were present in Stockholm, expressed to his Royal Highness the constitutional wish that he might take the reins of government into his hands; a wish to which his Royal Highness, notwithstanding his advanced age, thought himself in duty bound to accede, confiding that this step will be viewed in its proper light by every honest patriotic Swede.

been, that our sick have been left behind; and when our horses or mules failed, which on such marches, and through such a country, was the case to a great extent, baggage, ammunition, stores, &c. and even money, were necessarily destroyed or abandoned.-I am sorry to say, that the army, whose conduct I had such reason to extol on its march through Portugal, and on its arrival in Spain, has totally changed

its character since it began to retreat. I can say nothing in its favour, but that when there was a prospect of fighting the enemy, the men were then orderly and seemed pleased and determined to do their duty. In front of Villa Franca the French came up with the reserve, 'with which I was covering the retreat of the army; they attacked it at Calcabellos. I retired, covered by the 95th Regiment, and marched that night to Herresias, and from thence to Nogales and Lugo, where I had ordered the different divisions which preceded, to halt and collect. At Lugo, the French again came up with us. They attacked our advanced posts on the 6sh and 7th, and were repulsed in both attempts, with little loss on our side. I heard from the prisoners taken, that three divisions of the French army were come up commanded by Marshal Soult; I therefore expected to be attacked on the morning of the 8th. It was my wish, to come to that issue; I had perfect confidence in the valour of the troops, and it was only by crippling the enemy that we could hope either to retreat or to embark unmolested. I made every preparation to receive the attack, and drew out the army in the morning to offer battle. This was not Marshal Soult's object. He either did not think himself sufficiently strong, or he wished to play a surer game by attacking us on our march, or during our embarcation. The country was intersected, and his position too strong for me to attack with an inferior force. The want of provisions would not enable me to wait longer; I marched that night; and in two forced marches by advancing for six or eight hours in the rain, I reached Betanzos on the 10th instant.-At Lugo, I was sensible of the impossibility of reaching Vigo, which was at too great a distance, and offered no advantages to embark in the face of an enemy. My intention was then to have retreated to the peninsula of Betanzos, where 1 hoped to find a position to cover the embarkation of the army in Ares or Redes Bays; but having sent an Officer to reconnoitre it, by his report I was determined to prefer this place. I gave notice to the Admiral of my intention, and begged that the transports might be brought to Corunna; had I found them here on my arrival, on the 11th, the embarkation would easily have been effected, for I had gained several marches on the French. They have now come up with us, the transports are not arrived; my position in front of this place is a very bad one;

and this place, if I am forced to retire into it, is commanded within musquet shot, and the harbour will be so commanded by cannon on the coast, that no ship will be able to lay in it. In short, my Lord, General Stewart will inform you how critical our situation is. It has been recommended to me to make a proposal to the enemy, to induce him to allow us to embark quietly; in which case he gets us out of the country soon, and this place, with its stores, &c. complete; that otherwise we have the power to make a long defence, which must cause the destruction of the town. I am averse to make any such proposal, and am exceedingly doubtful if it would be attended with any good effect; but whatever I resolve on this head, I hope your Lordship will rest assured, that I shall accept no terms that are in the least dishonourable to the army or to the country. I find I have been led into greater length, and more detail, than I thought. I should have had time for; I have written under interruptions, and my mind much occupied with other matter. My letter, written so carelessly, can only be considered as private. When I have more leisure, I shall write more correctly; in the mean time, I rely on General Stewart for giving your Lordship the information and detail which I have omitted. I should regret his absence, for his services have been very distinguished; but the state of his eyes makes it imposs ble for him to serve, and this country is not one in which cavalry can be of much use. If I succeed in embarking the army, I shall send it to England; it is quite unfit for further service until it has been refitted, which can best be done there.


PORTUGAL. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has appointed General William Car Beresford, Field Marshal and Commander in Chief of the Portuguese army. It appears from an Extraordinary Gazette, published at Seville on the 1st inst. that the division of Spanish troops commanded by the Duke of Alberquerque, was attacked on the 22d ult. in the position of Consavigra, by a French force of 11,000 foot and 3000 horse; which attack was made with the enemy's usual impetuosity, but completely failed, owing to the uncommon intrepidity displayed by the Spanish troops. The French were res pulsed and defeated with the loss of up wards of 400 men.-Field Marshal Beres

ford has issued the following GENERAL ORDERS:

the Portuguese his character and honour, perfectly satisfied that they will be preserved unimpaired, and returned to him with gain.-The Field-Marshal, Commander in Chief, deems it necessary to assure you, that he will at all times consider it as one of his most important duties, to raise and reward merit, whenever he shall meet with it, and that the only recommendation he shall notice, will be that derived from zeal, activity, skill, valour, and patriotism, qualities which shall at all times find in him a sure and zealous protector.

"His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal having most graciously been pleased to entrust to Field Marshal Beresford the command in chief of his armies, thinks it right, on assuming the said command, to state and declare to his comrades in arms his sentiments' on this occasion. The Field Marshal and Commander in Chief, during the time he served in the army which was sent by his Britannic Majesty to support the admirable and prodigious efforts made by the Portuguese The Field-Marshal, Commander in to recover their liberty and independence, Chief, calls the attention of all the General so unjustly attacked, had an opportunity and Subaltern Officers to the present state of becoming intimately acquainted with and improvement of the army, and being the military character of the nation; and convinced that the best method of introalthough he thinks he has given the most ducing discipline and a strict observance effectual proofs of the favourable idea he of duty into a military corps consists in the had formed of that character, by accepting example set by the Officers, he hopes the above command, yet he wishes and they will never fail to give their men a hopes to prove in a more decisive man- lesson so necessary and important. The ner, that the command in chief of the Por-Field-Marshal Commander-in Chief feels tuguese army could not have possibly been anxious to embrace the earliest opportuconfided to any other Officer so thoroughly nity of inspecting the different corps convinced of the innate military talents and which have already taken the field, as well disposition of the Portuguese, who want as the rest of the army; and he shall avail nothing but some skill and uniformity of himself of all occasions which offer to proplan in the direction of their warlike en- mote the satisfaction, decorum, and advanergies, to prove that they still are what tage of the officers and soldiers who are they have always been, if not the best entrusted to his care.-Dated, Head Quarsoldiers, at least equal to the most valiant ters, Lisbon, the 13th March 1809." and most intrepid troops of Europe. The Field-Marshal Commander in Chief will therefore exert himself with incessant zeal and application to render those qualities Louis Napoleon, by the grace of God, as efficient as they are accustomed to be and the Constitution of the kingdom, King when they are assisted by a strict and well- of Holland, and Constable of France, regulated discipline. It is universally ac- taking into consideration that the term knowledged that the Portuguese are loyal prescribed by our Decree of the 27th of to their Sovereign, obedient to their lawful November, 1808, No. 5, expires on the authorities who represent him, and endure, 31st instant. Taking further into conwithout murmurs, the privations and in-sideration that it is necessary, at the preconveniences to which armies must fre- sent period, to take further measures, eiquently submit. The patriotism, energy, ther for the renewal of the aforesaid Decree, and enthusiasm, of which they have but or the previous Decrees respecting the very lately given the most unquestionable means of carrying into execution the proproofs; the glory which they acquired inhibition of all commerce with the enemy, Roussillon, and the successes which they obtained on the northern frontiers, 'clearly shew their determined intrepidity and valour, qualities which cannot but render them worthy of their ancestors, and as famous as them.-No nation, Portuguese, is therefore better qualified than you are to form the best troops. The Field-Marshal, Commander in Chief, convinced of this truth, finds himself, with the utmost pleasure, identified with the Portuguese nation. He is a Portuguese Officer, and confides to

HOLLAND.-From the Royal Courant, pub

lished at Amsterdam on the 4th Inst.

or of replacing them, in whole or part, by other measures calculated to place all matters relative to navigation on a footing of complete uniformity with the Decree of France and of our Brother the Emperor; and notwithstanding the difficulties arising from the maritime war, and those which commerce suffers for its own interest, being continually anxious to contribute to that important object, we have decreed and hereby decree

Art. 1. All commerce, correspondence,

and communication with England, remains [ be imported under any pretence whatever; prohibited according to the purport of all prohibited goods of whatever descripour previous Laws, Decrees, and Regu- tion, and in whatsoever quantity imported, lations, and particularly such of them as and also the vessels on board which they expired on the 21st instant, so far as no may be found, being hereby declared liaalteration is therein made by the present ble to confiscation. decree.

2. From the first day of the succeeding month of April, the following fifty-two articles may be exported to friendly or neutral countries in Dutch vessels, or those sailing under the flag of neutral or allied powers, viz.

Books, beans, butter, brandy, bricks, white lead, cheese, cambricks, copper manufactured, clocks, clover and garden seeds, eels, flower roots, fruits, geneva, gauzes, glue, hoops, hides dried, iron manufactured, leather, linen, linseed, madders, mill-stones, oak bark, ground oats, oils of seed, pottery, powder blue, peas, paper, perfumery, plants, pipes, playing cards, quills, rushes, silk manufactured, sacch. saturni, starch, tiles, thread and thread-tape, tobacco, tarras, turf, vinegar, watches, wine, wood manufactured.

3. The Importation of the following 32 articles shall be permitted, viz.

7. In case of suspicions arising respecting the origin of the cargo from Informations received by the officers of the Marine Director, the same shall be provisionally sequestrated until proof be given that it has not come from England or her co


8. Our Consuls in giving certificates of origin for goods shipped at their ports of residence for Dutch Ports, shall not confine themselves to certifying that the goods neither come from England nor her colonies, nor belong to English commerce, but they shall further specify the place from whence the goods originally came, the documents produced to them in proof of the respective declarations, and the names of the vessels in which they were conveyed from the place of origin to the port where the Consuls reside. They are required to transmit a copy of the said declarations to our Marine Director.

Brandy, ashes (pot), candles, copper, [The remaining eight Articles relate corn, fish-oil, isinglass, hare-skin, hemp merely to the details of the manner in and hemp seed, hides (rough), iron, lea- which the above Articles are to be carther (unmanufactured), lead, linseed, mer-ried into execution, by the Marine Direccury, mats, pitch, Russia skins, rape-seed, stock-fish, soda, tar, tallow, tobacco, timber, wax-wool, wool, bristles, and fruit.

4. The commodities prepared for exportation shall not be put on board until previous notice has been given thereof to the Marine Director of the Ways and Means, with a particular specification of such articles, which cannot be exported but from the ports of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Dordrecht, Groningen, Embden, Harlingen, Veere, Zierikzee, Delfzil and Brouwershaven.

5. In order to the admission of any vessels into the harbours of this kingdom, they must enter in ballast or laden with the products of the north, specified in the third Article, with the exception alone of such vessels as are laden with salt, or those which in the years 1806 or 1807 obtained our licence to proceed to China for a cargo of tea, upon shewing our said authority.

6. No other goods than those mentioned in the 4th Article shall be suffered to

tor and the three Naval Commanders of the Coast Districts. The Decree is dated at Utrecht, on the 31st of March.]

SPANISH REVOLUTION. Decree of the Supreme Junta.

His Majesty, considering that the French, in the unjust and barbarous war which they wage against Spain, pay no regard to any principle of the laws of nations-that they shamelessly violate the most solemn, treaties, as has been verified with respect to the capitulation of Madrid, since, contrary to the stipulations therein made, they imprison, persecute, and banish peaceable Citizens and respectable Magistrates, imposing, at the same time, the most disgraceful punishments on other unfortunate persons on the slightest suspicions and most frivolous pretexts.-Seeing that they continue every where to defile the sanctity of temples, the purity of domestic honour, and to trample on the rights of humanity (To be continued.)

LONDON :-Printed by T. C. HANSARD, Peterborough - Court, Fleet - Street;

Published by R. BAGSHAW, Prydges -Street, Covent Garden :-Sold also by J. EUDD, Pall - Mall

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