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TINCTURE OF ACONITE ROOT TO my stomach! My stomach! My everlasting


Dr. Stevens has advised the use of the tinct. aconit. rad. in inflammation of the gums. In case an alveolar abscess is imminent, dry the gum with cotton, and apply a drop of the tinct. of aconite. After the extraction of a

tooth, one or two drops, applied on a tampon of cotton, produces an immediate relief from pain.

[For the Summary.] MATERIA MEDICA.



Rhamnus Purshiana.-This is one of our new remedies recently introduced, and is used for habitual constipation.

It is an effectual remedy for that condition. as far as our experience goes with its use. Its action imparts tonicity and vigor to the stomach and intestines, leaving no debility or impaired functions of those organs, in fact, a true tonic cathartic, exciting the peristaltic action of the bowels. In constipation of the bowels, let the cause be what it may, cascara sagrada is the remedy. Its peculiar tonic laxative properties assist those organs to regain their normal condition, and to properly perform their functions. When a melancholic, sallow, ill-luck looking individual comes moping to us, holding his hypochondriac region, we used to expect a long siege with a list of ills, troubles and trials as long as the moral law or the laws of Texas, with his hair-breadth escapes from death-dealing doctors, quacks and old women (they have generally been treated by ten or twelve M. D's.)-have taken medicine in shape of pills, pellets, powders and drops, by pailful, glassful, bottleful, and spoonful, have been from Dan to Beersheba; at times their appetite is ravenous, then again they starve on Graham bread, but principally the former; they have consulted old and new physic-allopath, homeopath, eclectic and faith doctors of all kinds, and yet the cry is: "O,

stomach and bowels!" The course to take with such patients is, first find out the history of the case-keep them always to the subjective point-inquire into the condition of stomach and bowels, radiating in all directions from those organs to kidneys, lungs, heart and nervous centers. It will be at least

satisfactory to the patient. He will inquire: "Doctor, can you cure me?" The reply, "I have no doubt; if you will give me time) and follow directions implicitly." If there is inertia of the coats of the bowels, we give cascara. This condition is frequently caused by harsh purgatives and pills taken by these persons every time they feel a "little unwell," and by impairing the tone and susceptibility of the coats of the bowels, produce this condition. The causes are numerous that produce constipation. If produced by indigestion, dyspepsia, then cascara sagrada, with Tr. nux., one drop, small doses every three or four hours, is reliable; or cascara with hydrastis and euonymus, will have good effect. If constipation results from inaction of the liver, then cascara with bryonia, 10 to 20 drops every three hours, will relieve by unlocking the portal system. If the stools are hard, with much wind (gases) in the bowels, then cascara sagrada, will give relief, combined with asafoetida, or robina, will frequently act like a charm in overcoming this constipation. Cascara sagrada, combined with chionanthus, flu. ext. one to two drachms, is one of the best remedies in torpid liver, and in inertia of the stomach and bowels, produced frequently by this condition of the liver. Cascara can be given in all cases of constipation of the bowels, and administered to women in a pregnant condition. It will act mildly when given in proper dose, without producing any untoward symptoms. It is the laxative for those weak, feeble or debilitated cases that we meet with. We use the flu. ext., dose one to four drachms.

Cascara in therapeutic value is similar to rhamnus catharticus. Buckthorn a more drastic, a hydragogue cathartic (will be our next article) combined with cascara in dropsical

affections, will be found a good remedy. In those cases where there is a feeling of heaviness, depression and headache, caused by constipation, indigestion, etc., then cascara will be indicated, and will be found an efficient tonic laxative, favoring the secretion and excretion of bile, hence overcoming and removing the congested or torpid condition of the hepatic system, and keeping the bowels in a regular and soluble condition.






Ask any man, woman or child, what was your worst sickness? and if they have crossed the ocean, the answer will be "Sea sickness." Even Mark Twain would join and say, the "Oh, my's!" I have had some considerable experience in that direction, and the only thing I ever had do any good was Sulph. Morph,. hypodermically injected. have crossed several times when an "opium fiend" has been aboard, and noticed without exception, they were never sea-sick. course I inquired into the matter, and came to know they, at least, were free from it. I then tried it on several people (not telling them what I injected., as I do not want any one to become a slave to the drug from my giving it), and it has worked to a charm in With myself, I wait till I begin to feel as if I wished I had not come, then I take a full dose (say Mag. sol. gtts 10), and I am all right for that trip. I always use a little atropine, the same as I give from day to day among my patients (though I use it only when compelled to). But in sea-sickness, it is the one thing "altogether lovely."

every case.

Mulheron says Washington, D. C., is the elysium for physicians, since the "heads" of the departments there require a physician's certificate in case of sickness, and one has to pay in order to get a physician to write one.

The tincture of jacaranda lancifolia is claimed to be a specific in gonorrhoea and syphilis, dose ten drops. [An item similar to the above appeared in our October issue, but unfortunately with a slight typographical error in the name of the drug-hence its repetition here.-ED.]

[For the Summary.]



Editor of Medical Summary:-As the United States is almost epidemically affected with typhoid fever, scarlatina and the "partnership" disease known as typho-malarial, I thought that a few medical pointers on some of the best known causes might not altogether be viewed in the light of unnecessary; and not desiring to infringe on your time or call for too much of your valuable space, I will make my remarks condensingly brief, confining them to impure water and miasmata.

It is a tested and well-proven fact that the diseases named have their origin from the use of impure water and the breathing into the lungs of a gas generated by decomposed vegetable or animal matter. The first is the cause of typhoid diseases, diphtheria and all other crassic complaints, while the second holds good in the class of diseases coming under the head of malarial.

Removing the cause usually cures the disease, and making impure water pure will stop the ravages of typhoid fever and kindred dis


The tiles and ditches used throughout the country have played a noticeable part in reducing the number of malarial diseases; and, when all stagnant waters are caused to flow, this formidable cause of disease will be classed among the "lost arts" of medical chagrin.

A small quantity of permanganate of potassium added to water will cause it to cast all impurities to its bottom as a general rule,

and by adding a very few grains of tannin, all vegetable and animal matter contained in the water "seeks a watery grave," becoming not only conspicously but disgustingly visible to eyes without spectacles or the assisting use of the microscope.

The best known means of purifying water consists in boiling it, which completely destroys the vitality of all its contained germs. Where wells and springs are the water supplies, keeping them free from all visible filth may do much towards warding off disease. These water supplies should be cleaned once or twice a year, and the walls of the wells well scrubbed and washed, not forgetting to overhaul the pumps, which should be scalded and thoroughly mopped, so as to remove any disease-germs that otherwise might adhere.

But, in the water supplies of cities, boiling alone is the only practicable and sure means. Boiling water tends greatly to impair its taste, as it destroys all the aroma flavor; and to those who detect the difference, I would suggest a small pinch of table salt or a lump of saccharum alba.

If the foregoing remarks should be the means of concentrating the minds of the medical fraternity on the water question, my mission in this particular has been accomplished.


The following are Dr. Leitner's directions: To easily introduce the catheter, when the passage is obstructed by stricture, enlarged prostate, etc, or spasmodic closure of the sphincter of the bladder, I use the bulb. syringe, charged with warm olive oil, filling the urethra with some force, keeping the meatus around the pipe of the syringe well closed. When removed, hold the oil in with the finger. The catheter should be filled with oil, and the thumb placed over the open end of the instrument, to prevent the oil from escaping, and it will follow the canal filled with oil to the neck of the bladder.

When there is retention of urine from spas

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True Salicylic Acid


WINTER GREEN OIL-its natural source.

Dr. P. W. LATHAM, Downing Professor of Medicine at Cambridge (England), lecturing on the treatment of gout and rheumatism at the Royal College of Physicians, says:

"The true Salicylic Acid obtained from the vegetable kingdom must alone be employed. If you have to give large doses, avoid giving the artificial product obtained from carbolic acid, however much it may have been dialyzed and purified. Give the acid without any alkali or base," etc.

A reprint of this exceedingly valuable paper will be sent on

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