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The Best


The Best


For Internal and External Use. For the Uric Acid Diathesis.

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And equally adapted to internal use and the sur

FORMULA. - Each fluid drachm of "LITHIATED HYDRANGEA" represents thirty grs, of FRESH Hydrangea, and three grs. of CHEMICALLY PURE Benzo-Salicylate of Lithia. Prepared by our improved process of osmosis, it is INVARIABLY of DEFINITE and UNIFORM therapeutic strength, and hence can be depended upon in clinical practice.

Kidney Alterative and Anti-Lithic.

Reliable, Uniform and Definite.

gical treatment of all parts of the human body, THE solution and elimination of an

whether by spray, irrigation, or simple local application, LISTERINE COMES NEARER AN IDEAL ANTISEP. TIC than any preparation ever presented to the Medical World.

Listerine has withstood the comparative clinical tests of the many officinal drugs recently classed as antiseptics in the natural progress of medica. theories and laboratory observations, no one of which so happily combines the above qualities as this carefully prepared formula of Benzo-Boracic Acid with Vegetable Products and Ozoniferous Essences, all antiseptics and chemically compatible.

Send for new Formula Book and General Reports establishing its value externally in Surgery, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Leucorrhoea, Gonorrhoea and all Mucous Membrane Catarrhs; internally in Typhoid and other Fevers, Zymotio Diseases, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Dyspepsia, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, and all forms of Cholera, and as a general Prophylactic.

excess of uric acid and urates is best attained by an intelligent combination of certain forms of Lithia and a Kidney Alterative.

The ascertained value of Hydrangea in Calculous Complaints and Abnormal Conditions of the Kidneys through the earlier reports of Drs. Atlee, Horsley, Monkur, Butler and others, and the wellknown utility of Lithia in the diseases of the uric acid diathesis, at once justified the therapeutic claims for Lambert's Lithiated Hydrangea when first announced to the Medical Profession, and it is now regarded by Physicians generally as the best and most soothing Kidney Alterative and Anti-lithic Agent yet known in the treatment of Urinary Calculus, Gout,


Bright's Disease,

and Vesical Irritations generally.



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116 Olive Street, ST. LOUIS.



WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIMB AND SODA. THE STANDARD EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL. Acknowledged by leading Physicians in the United States and other countries to be the most ELEGANT, most PERMANENT, and PALATABLE preparation in the market.

It is more easily administered, and can be tolerated longer by children and delicate stomachs than any other preparation.

Its ease of digestion and ready assimilation and its fat producing and strengthening qualities, makes it especially valuable in the various conditions in which the combination is indicated.

It is permanent. Hence it does not separate nor decompose like other preparations—and the dose is always the same.

But the thousands of unsolicited testimonials from Physicians throughout the world, and the practical experience of the last ten years, is the most conclusive proof of its high therapeutic value, and the brilliant results obtained by its use.

FORMULA:-50 Per Cent of Pure Cod Liver Oil, 6 grs. of the Hypophosphite of Lime, and 3 grs. of the Hypophosphite of Soda to a fluid ounce. Emulsified with mucilage and glycerine. RHAMNUS


Is giving universal satisfaction to the profession, for its mild but certain and efficient cathartic action. It seems to be almost a specific for habitual constipation, and we are constantly in receipt of the most flattering reports regarding it. The care we use in its preparation—having the bark always the proper age, and properly exhausted—makes it always reliable in its action. Be sure and specify S. & B.s Buckthorn Cordial.

To those who have for any reason never yet tried these preparations, we will be pleased to send samples free by express.

SCOTT & BOWNE, M'f'g. Chemists, 132 & 134 South Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK.

CAULOCOREA Cutler's Pocket Inhaler

The most important Therapeutic Agent ever presented to the Medical Profession in the treatment of Diseases of the Female Reproductive Organs.

FORMULA-Caulocorea is composed of the active principles of Caulophyllum Thalictroides, Viburnum Opulus, Prunifolium, Dioscorea Villosa, Mitchella Repens, Aletris Farinosa, combined with Spts. Atheris Comp. and Aromatics.

This elegant Elixir is Emmenagogue, Parturient, Antispasmodic, Diuretic and Tonic, and is particularly efficacious in the treatment of Engorgement, Inflammation and Induration of the Uterus, Dysmenorrhoea, Menorrhagia, Leucorrhoea, Amenorrhoea, Prolapsus Uteri, Hysteria, Melancholia, Pruritus Vulva, Impaired Vitality, Vomiting of Pregnancy, Habitual Abortion, and Uræmic Eclampsia. It being a powerful uterine sedative, is the remedy par excellence in Dysmenorrhoea or threatened Abortion.

DOSE.-Tablespoonful three or more times a day, as indicated. To females who are subject to con: vulsions during Gestation or Parturition, it should be given for several weeks previous to the time of the threatened paroxysm, alternating weekly with Bromide Potassium. For Dysmenorrhoea, give Caulocores for a week previous to the appearance of the Catamenia. Immediately upon its appearance, should any pain ensue, give it in smaller doses every few minutes until pain is alleviated. In case of Habitual Abortion, give Caulocorea as soon as pregnancy is discovered, and continue until gestation is far advanced.

Caulocorea is put up in Pound Bottles, for
Physicians' Prescriptions only.

For Handbook, containing more definite directions,


AND CARBOLATE OF IODINE INHALANT. A cure for Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs -EVEN CONSUMPTION-if taken in season. It is the KING OF COUGH MEDIA few inhalations will correct the most OFFENSIVE BREATH. It may be carried as handily as a penknife. This is the only PORTABLE or POCKET INHALER approved by Physicians of every school, and endorsed by the STANDARD MEDICAL JOURNALS of the world. OVER 400,000 IN USE. Sold by Druggists for $1. By mail $1.25. W. H. SMITH & CO., Prop's, 410 Michigan St., Buffalo, N. Y.


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For 13 Consecutive Years from The American Institute of New York City.

Dr. Jerome Kidder's Electro-Medical Apparatuses.



From American Institute in 1875, and the Highest
Awards from 1872 to 1885, inclusive, for the
Best Apparatus, either here or abroad.

And First Premium at Centennial Exhibition, 1876.

From Charleston, S. C., Exhibition, Fall of 1882.

From Cincinnati Industrial Exhibition, Fall of 1881,
1882 and 1883.


From Southern Exposition, at Louisville, Kentucky,
Fall of 1883.

CAUTION!-We are sole proprietors of the Patent Tip Battery, and all purchasers of infringements are held liable for royalty (or cost of goods) to the JEROME KIDDER MANUFACTURING CO.

Highest Awards wherever and whenèver exhibited in competition. To distinguish the genuine from the spurious, send for Illustrated Catalogue. Address JEROME KIDDER MFG. CO.,



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FOR PRACTITIONERS. 214 and 216 East 34th Street.

SESSIONS OF 1885-'86.

Prof. Fordyce Barker, M. D., LL. D.
Frank Hastings Hamilton, M.D., LL. D.
Thomas Addis Emmet, M. D., LL. D.
Prof. T. Gaillard Thomas, M. D.
Prof. Alfred L. Loomis, M. D.
Leonard Weber, M. D.


J. Marion Sims, M. D., LL. D.*
Hon. Benjamin F. Tracy.
Hon. Everett P. Wheeler.
H. Dormitzer, Esq.

Julius Hammerslaugh, Esq.
H. H. Rogers, Esq., [Dec'sd.

JAMES R. LEAMING, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Chest and Physical Diagnosis; Special Consulting Physician in Chest Diseases to St. Lukes' Hospital; President of the Faculty.

JOHN H. RIPLEY, M. D., Professor of the Diseases of Children; Surgeon to Charity Hospital; Physician to St. Francis Hospital.

E. DARWIN HUDSON, JR., M. D., Professor of General Medicine and Diseases of the Chest; Physician to Bellevue and St. Elizabeth Hospitals. LANDON CARTER GRAY, M. D.. Professor of Diseases of the mind and Nervous System, and Electro-Therapy; Physician in Chief to Department of Mental and Nervous Diseases to St. Mary's Hospital (Brooklyn).

A. R. ROBINSON, M. D., Professor of Dermatology;
Dermatologist to Demilt Dispensary, Professor of
Normal and Pathological Histology in the Wo-
man's Medical College.

EDWARD B. BRONSON, M. D., Professor of Der-
matology: Clinical Professor of Diseases of the
Skin in the Woman's Medical College; Visiting
Dermatologist to the Northern Dispensary.
JOHN A. WYETH, M. D., Professor of General and
Genito-Urinary Surgery: Visiting Surgeon to Mt.
Sinai and St. Elizabeth Hospitals; Secretary of
the Faculty.

A. G. GERSTER, M. D., Professor of General and Genito-Urinary Surgery; Visiting Surgeon to German and Mt. Sinai Hospitals.

Charles Coudert, Esq.

Rev. Thomas Armitage, D. D.
A. F. Willmarth, Esq.
W. A. Butler, Esq.
George B. Grinnell, Esq.
William T. Wardwell, Esq.

PAUL F. MUNDE, M. D., Professor of Gynecology; Gynecologist to Mt. Sinai Hospital; Physician to the Maternity Hospital; Professor of Gynecology at Dartmouth College.

W. GILL WYLIE, M. D., Professor of Gynecology; Gynecologist to Bellevue Hospital; Surgeon to St. Elizabeth Hospital.

JAMES B. HUNTER, M. D., Professor of Gynæcology: Surgeon to the Woman's Hospital; Consulting Surgeon to the New York Infirmary for Women and Children.

EMIL GRUENING, M. D., Professor of Ophthal mology; Visiting Ophthalmologist to Mt. Sinai Hospital; to the German Hospital; Surgeon to the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary.

DAVID WEBSTER, M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology; Assistant Surgeon to the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital.

V. P. GIBNEY, M. D., Professor of Orthopedic Surgery; Orthopedic Surgeon to the Nursery and Child's Hospital.

WALTER R. GILLETTE, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics; Physician to Bellevue Hospital and New York Lying-in-Asylum; Gynecologist to St. Francis Hospital; Consulting Obstetric Surgeon to Maternity Hospital; Consulting Gynecologist to Charity Hospital.

GEORGE B. FOWLER, M. D., Professor of Physiological Chemistry; Physician to New York Infant Asylum.

The NEW POLYCLINIC is strictly a School of Clinical Medicine and Surgery. There are no Didactic Lectures. None but practitioners are admitted, and the classes are limited, so that each case may be minutely and leisurely examined and thoroughly understood. Clinical Instruction is given at the Polyclinic and in the various Hospitals with which the Faculty are connected. Physicians will be admitted at any date Session of 1885-6 opens Monday, September 21st. For further information, send for Catalogue. Address EDWARD A. AYERS, M. D., Assistant Secretary. JOHN A. WYETH, M. D., Sec. of the Faculty. 214 & 216 East 34th St., New York City.

Winter Session from September 21 to June 1-Summer Session from June 1 to September 1.


Firmly recognizing the fact that the success of the medical practitioner and the surgeon depends in no small degree upon the integrity of the remedial agents and appliances which they employ, we have persistently adhered to the policy in making, in all our products, But One Quality, and that The Best.


We have in past years shown by the analyses of eminent chemists that fraudulent plasters were being palmed off upon physicians and their patients by dishonest manufacturers, through ignorant or unscrupulous druggists, and we had hoped that the exposure would lead to a general observance of pharmacopoeal standards. But our latest analysis, made from fresh goods bought in open market by the analysts themselves, prove that the fraud continues and confirms our opinion that honest goods should be so marked that substitution is impossible.

Analyses previously made by Prof. Doremus and Dr. Battershall, and lately by Mr. Wm. Rupp, F. C. S., at their laboratories in this city, and by S. W. Williams at the laboratory of the College of Pharmacy, show that our Belladonna plasters contain from fifty to fifteen hundred per cent more alkaloid than those of other makers. The difficulties in the way of making india rubber combinations conform to the medicinal standards of the Pharmacopoeia, which novices acknowledge when they make a partial confession of the inferiority of their goods, and their inability (?) to incorporate the proper equivalents, were years ago overcome by us, as they might be overcome by every manufacturer whose principles will not permit him to make non-officinal goods, and our plasters may be depended upon to afford the full and prompt therapeutic effect contemplated by the officinal formula and expected by physicians. That the same effect can not be expected from the inert preparations put upon the market by other makers is fully proven by the analyses alluded to, and pharmacists will therefore recognize the importance of observing that no Belladonna plasters except those bearing the letters 8. & J. in squares on the back, are dispensed over their counters or furnished to physicians for use in their practice.

Is Absorbency a Pre-Requisite of Absorbent Cotton?

Recent tests of several foreign and domestic makes of Absorbent Cotton and Lint offered on the market, lead us to urge physicians to assure themselves as to the absorbeney of these materials before using them. This is easily done by dropping a bit of the cotton or lint into a glass of water and noting the time required for it to absorb enough of the fluid to sink to the bottom. To make cotton or lint and gauze absorbent to a maximum degree and at the same time entirely neutral, involves an outlay of labor and expense which will be found never to have been incurred in most of the dozen or more brands on the market, but one of which approaches ours in absorbency. We can not attempt to compete in price with inferior goods, which represent no such outlay as is expended in the preparation of ours. We therefore urge practitioners and dispensers to test Absorbent Cotton and Lint for absorbency and freedom from chemicals before buying or using, and are confident that by so doing they will substantiate the results of our own tests, which prove the superiority of our products.

Extreme absorbency is not alone essential in the mechanical action of the Cotton or Lint in surgical or gynecological cases, but to its proper medication. Comparative tests will show that our Cotton. Lint and Gauze treated with Corrosive Sublimate. Hydronaphthol, Carbolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Thymol. etc., retain a fuller percentage of the antiseptic than can be held by vehicles of a lower degree of absorbency. The importance of this fact needs no emphasis to surgeons who depend upon these dressings for success in antiseptic treatment.


THE NEW ANTISEPTIC, DISINFECTANT AND PRESERVATIVE. Non-Poisonous, Non-Corrosive, Odorless and Non-Irritating.

SEABURY & JOHNSON are now prepared to supply this important new antiseptic, which has already been brought to the attention of the Medical Profession by the reports of Drs. Geo. R. Fowler, Surgeon to St. Mary's Hospital, Brooklyn, (see New York Medical Journal, October 14, 1885, et seq.), and R. J. Levis, Surgeon to Penna. Hospital and Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.

Hydronaphthol is a recently perfected derivative of coal-tar, produced by a distinct process and differing essentially from all other antiseptic products from the same source, although belonging to the phenol series. Hydronaphthol is non-poisonous, non-corrosive, odorless, and in solutions up to more than three times above its antiseptic limit, non-irritant.

As an antiseptic Hydronaphthol is about one-fifth as powerful as the mercuric bi-chloride; twelve times as efficient as carbolic acid; thirty times as potent as salicylic acid; and six hundred times as strong as alcohol.

Hydronaphthol is soluble in the proportion of 1 to 1100 parts of cold water, and is reliably antiseptic in strengths of 1 to 3,000 to 1 to 6,000, as is shown by the careful investigations of Dr. Fowler. Solutions of 1 to 10,000 prevent putrefactive decomposition. It has no odor to disguise that of putrefaction and is not decomposed or rendered inert by the products of putrefactive decomposition such as sulphureted hydrogen, ammonia, etc. Being non-corrosive it will not injure the polished surface and keen edge of cutting instruments, and is, therefore, as well as for its entire safety in use and freedom from odor, preferable to any of the antiseptics now employed in surgery.

Hydronaphthol is a soft crystalline grayish powder, and in this form, or in the form of Hydronaphtholated absorbent gauze, cotton, lint or bandages, can now be procured through the drug trade.

A reprint of Dr. Fowler's interesting and valuable report upon the new antiseptic will be forwarded to Physicians and Surgeons, upon application to

SEABURY & JOHNSON, 21 Platt Street, New York,




Pharmacopoeia, Medicinal and Surgical Plasters, Absorbents, Dressings and Antiseptics.

The Smith & Shaw Closed Cell Pocket Battery

Can be carried in any position with the cells charged and ready for immediate use, thus avoiding the danger of spilling and slopping over of Battery Fluids, always found in other so-called Pocket Batteries. Can be used from day to day without recharging.




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An Electro-Medical Guide furnished free with each Battery. Extra Copies, 25 cents each. Send for descriptive circular. THE SMITH & SHAW ELECTRIC CO.,

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168 W. 34th St., New York City.


Having been introduced 4 years ago, is now the most popular of all Vaginal Syringes, especially in the treatment of



because, on account of its pump-suction action it removes all discharges of the parts more readily and thoroughly than can be done by any other Syringe; and secondly, because it enables the patient after cleansing the parts, to hold the medicated injection in close contact with every part of the expanded mucous membrane suffi. ciently long, to get the benefit of its therapeutic action, by simply compressing the bulb, and to finally withdraw it without spilling, by allowing the bulb to ex. pand itself. Descriptive circulars on application For Sale by all Druggists and Instrument Makers. THE GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY. 57 Maiden Lane, NEW YORK. The Goodyear Rubber Company, 57 Maiden Lane, N. Y., will mail a Sample Lady's Syringe to Physicians upon the receipt of 82.00.





DEFORMITY APPARATUS Of Prolapsus, Retroversion, Anteversion and the Flexions.


Fills a want long felt for an adjustable stem, and the prime feature of this is the external manipulation of the stem. In length it has one inch of extension after insertion, the canal being elongated by degrees at intervals, giving time for the liguments to contract, so when the womb reaches a normal position it will be permanent. When the Supporter is to be dis

carded, contraction of the stem by Supporter applied, showing degrees is equally important. Mode of Manipulation.

This principle of adjustment is possessed by no other supporter, patented June 25, 1878 The Internal portion is made of pure black hard Rubber, with a high degree of polish, and perfectly adapted to the form of the Cervix.

For extreme Versions and Flexions I make a special large cup,with extended lip to reach high up under the fundos of the womb, open bottom, to relieve the os of pressure, for ulcer ation, enlargement, etc.

My Silver Spring Supporter, the point of attachment to belt is so pliable as to permit the or gan to rise and fall with each respiration. The wire supporting frame is made of solid cofn Silver, stamped coin and warranted. It is attached to the stem by a hinge joint; under the base, which also forms an angular shoulder to prevent the cup from pressing back against the rectum.

The Improved Abdominal Supporter consists of a broad Morocco Belt, with elastic straps attached to the lower front edge. By tightening these straps, a "lift up pressure is obtained You can readily see that this is a great improvement.

My Reduced Prices to Physicians.

Abdominal Supporter, with Elastic Tubes, Cup ana Adjustable Stem.......

Silver spring 66

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"Non-adjustable Stem .....
"Non-adjustable Stem......
"Adjustable Stem...........

18 0.50

Instruments sent by mail on receipt of price at my risk, or by Express C. O. D., and collect return Express on the money Remit ce may be made by registered letter, money order or draft.

Bend for Illustrated Catalogue. Please mention this Journal, and address orders to

J. W. DAWSON, 387 West Taylor Street, CHICAGO, ILL

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