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positions; and it is so plain in their writings, being premised, let me only make this inquiry that I never expect any priests or Jesuits and I have done: whether any in reason, jusin England will disprove it. (2.) That tice or charity, can against such evidence as the they were as much concerned to maintain | justice of the nation counted clear, pregnant and their pretended innocency, how guilty so- convincing, believe those, who thought they ever they were indeed; as they were for might very lawfully deceive us, when they were promoting their present horrid plot or their dying, and apprehended themselves most Catholic interest depending on it: and this is highly concerned to do it? manifest by the last proposition. Now this

The following Particulars relating to the Conduct before Execution of the preceding Convicts, on account of the Popish Plot, were published under the Title of

An Account of the Behaviour of the Fourteen late Popish Malefactors whilst in Newgate. And their Discourses with the Ordinary, viz. Messrs. STALEY, COLEMAN, GROVE, IRELAND, PICKERING, GREEN, HILL, BERRY, WHITEBREAD, HARCOURT, FENWICK, GAWEN, TURNER, and LANGHORN. Also a Confutation of their Appeals, Courage, and Cheerfulness, at Execution. By Samuel Smith, Ordinary of Newgate, and Minister of the Gospel.

He who is first in his own cause, seems just; I received me with great willingness, and said, but his neighbour comes, and searches him," Prov. xviii. 17. "It is not probable, that such who will perjure themselves, to calumniate Protestants, should be capable of giving any real testimonies for themselves."

He had great terror upon his conscience for the guilt of his many and great sins; yet utterly he stood condemned. I told him that the readenied the speaking of those words for which diest way to be free from those terrors, was to make an ingenuous penitent acknowledgment; and that for tongue-sins or secret heart-sins IT being desired of me by a worthy divine, formerly indulged, God might justly desert him that I should publish what I said to Staley, who to ensnare himself by such treasonable words. was condemned for treasonable speeches: like- He said, He never had any thought of mischief wise my discourses with the other twelve Je-against the king's person. I replied, that suitical and popish conspirators, before their being drawn out to their execution: I could not (though with some reluctancy at first) but grant him his request; hoping that this narrative may be of public use and benefit to all, into whose hands it shall come; to acquaint them with the truth of what I spake to them, by way of advice, to prepare them for their approaching death? and that I may give some satisfaction, to such as are apt to be; staggered in the belief of their abominable crimes, because they frequently avowed their innocency. Which satisfaction I shall perform in order as they suffered.

1. Mr. STALEY,

The first person executed, was Mr. Staley, who spoke treasonable words against his majesty, which expressly threatened to take away his sacred life. I did frequently, after the sentence of death was past on the said Staley, visit him in order to prepare him for his execution. In my first address to him, I told him, I came not to insult over him, but out of conscience to discharge the duty of my office: He

words were the natural product of thoughts, and a frequent prologue to the most abominable actions. He persisted in denying, that he spoke any words tending to that sense; but when I told him, that his friend, who was drinking with him, could, or had deposed upon oath, that he spoke those very words: He replied, Nay, if my friend will swear so much, it is probable I might (in the heat and extravagancy of passion) utter them, though they never were intended in my heart. He had great remorse for the sinfulness of his life, and expressed some particulars which I shall not mention. I told him, if he expected any settlement of true serenity in conscience, that he must not seek it in adhering to the Romish religion; for false and loose principles can never produce solid and lasting comfort; then I undertook to convince him from the sacred scriptures, of the many absurdities which are maintained by Popish doctors, that it is a presumption not to doubt of salvation, and yet that a person may merit it, which is utterly inconsistent; for if any man doubt of his future happy estate, how can he merit it? and if

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he may merit it, what need he doubt, when When I came again, he complained, that by works of a self-righteousness, he can create his heart was not so thoroughly contrite for sin a title, or may lay claim to eternal life? I as he desired; that he was much perplexed judged it necessary, in order to the removing that he had no more assurance of a future his terror in conscience, to inform him aright; happy state. I stated the nature of true saving that although it were impossible to fulfil the faith, that it was an adherence to free grace of covenant of works, or to attain any perfection God in Christ, for pardon and eternal life, in this life; yet there is a foundation of hope, joined with an obedient self-resignation; and for degenerate mankind as restored to the where this was wrought, the soul-state was safe, image of God by Christ; whose satisfaction to though assurance of God's love might be wantdivine justice, is of infinite value and virtue: ing. For this was not an essential privilege, so that Christ being the only mediator by re- absolutely necessary to salvation, but only a demption, it is blasphemy, and the highest peculiar favour given to strict walking chrissacrilege to constitute or invocate any saint tians; and that only at some set times, in great or angel as a mediator of intercession. For extremity and need of such hidden manna. this is equivalent to Christ's infinite satisfaction, That it was rather of the nature of a rational as grounding the right of his intercession, espe- short sensation, than the ground of settled cially considering, that mediatory intercession comfort; which is the result of an heroical is only the representing and pleading the merit strain of faith, to trust in God, when he seems of infinite satisfaction. Upon this, he express- to reject and slay us; and that the Lord doth ed an assent to what I had affirmed, by bowing more esteem this resolute dependency, in the his head; and applying his hand to his breast, midst of seeming contradictions, than the most he said, Sir, go on. Then I unfolded the na- multiplied acts of external worship. Upon this ture and necessity of faith and repentance in he was somewhat more serene in his mind: and order to the justification of a sinner; how they I told him, that in praying and seeking the were the conditions of the covenant of grace, Lord more fervently, comfort would gradually so required of us, for pardon of sin, and eternal be obtained. life; as that they could not be extracted out of the power of free-will in man, but were the sole purchase of Christ's free love, who by his spirit, infusing the principle of faith and repentance, doth regenerate, and actually reconcile a sinner to God; and so redeem, or set him free from the slavery of his corrupt will, which | he cannot shake off by any improvement of natural reason, or moral resolutions. I stated also the difference betwixt true saving faith and repentance, from that which is false: And that the office of faith, is not only to rely on the mercy of God, and merits of Christ, but also to give back the whole man, in an hearty resignation, to the conduct and government of Christ's word and spirit in all things. That saving repentance was not an act of mere attrition, which only effects a legal consternation in conscience, from the apprehension of guilt, and divine wrath: but true repentance is evangelical, wrought deep in the heart by sound contrition for sin as sin, chiefly for offending the holy God: so that it is the result of an holy filial ingenuity, and is encouraged by the hope of mercy, attended with an hatred of all sin, and a studious resolution to walk in all holy obedience. Here I told him, what an unsound dangerous opinion that was of the Romish doctors, who maintain attrition only with the receipt of the Eucharist, and the sacrament of absolution at the very point of death to be a sufficient passport for a comfortable exit out of the world, or ticket to claim salvation: after this, and some other discourse, he thanked me for my advice, and said, he was much benefited, supported, and comforted thereby: And desired me, as frequently as I could, to renew my visits to him; so I promised I would, and then I prayed with him; and he was very intentive, and much affected with what I prayed.

The next day he distrusted his heart, as to the truth of his faith and repentance, which I told him, was a good sign that he was in a hopeful way of making his peace with God. That he must wait in believing that he should obtain comfort promised to the penitent. He desired me to pray with him, and for him; and to prepare to speak somewhat of the sufferings of Christ, when I should next visit him. Accordingly, from that text, "I am crucified with Christ," I treated of many parts of his bitter passion, and of his soul-agonies, inferring marter not only of comfort from thence, but also of instruction, for our imitation and conformity. I left him afterward in a frame more willing and fit to die: and coming to him on the very morning he was to suffer, he told me, that "now he had more comfort, and an hope of his future happy state; yet renouncing all opinion of worth in his own tears, prayers, and humiliation." He was solicitous, if the executioner should deal with him according to the strictness of the sentence, lest feeling any pain (if cut down, and ripped up alive) he should curse, or use any unchristian word: which rather than to do, said he, I would bite my tongue in pieces; for I dread sin now, more than death. I told him, that I hoped the manner of his execution would be mitigated; however, that God would prevent sin in him at the time of his suffering, because he was so anxious. as to distrust himself, and cautious to avoid all unbecoming words or gestures. After some farther discourse, I prayed with him, and he was much pleased with my attendance about him; yet he spared me from going with him to the place of execution for some reasons. I cannot say how he declared himself there, because I was not present: but upon my whole observation of his behaviour in prison, I do

charitably judge, he was a real penitentiary. I would clear your conscience and speak_the It was doubtful to some, whether he died in truth, that you may die in peace: and I do the Roman or Protestant religion; because, exhort you, that you would beg of God great as I think, he did not at last declare himself repentance for your great sins. He replied, either way yet this I am sure of, that if he" That he did understand his duty." Yet I perhad solid and true comfort in dying, this could sisted, to exhort him not to trust to the merits not proceed from such a sandy foundation as of any saint or angel, but wholly to go out of his old popish principles, but only from self-himself, not grounding any confidence of his abhorrency in the sense of his great sinfulness, salvation on any prayers, tears, nor the deepest and the defectiveness of his best repentance humiliation of his own heart. That even carand obedience, that he might build his hope dinal Bellarmine said, when dying, "It was on Christ, and his righteousness only, as the safest to rely wholly and solely on the allrock of eternal life. sufficient merits of the blessed Jesus." Mr. Grove replied, "That Thomas à Kempis had said the same:" To which I replied, Do you consider of it, and act accordingly: for you must not hazard your soul's eternal welfare by any presumptious mixing of your own good works with Christ's infinite satisfaction and merits. For the Apostle St. Paul saith, "Jf justification be of works, it is altogether of works; but if of free grace, it is altogether of grace.'


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So I took leave of Mr. Grove, desiring him to consider well of what I had said, praying that the Lord would in much mercy look upon his soul to pardon him, and fit him for his approaching death. Mr. Grove seemed to take in good part what was said to him. After which, he was conducted down to the sledge. IV. Mr. IRELAND.

I come now to Coleman, of whom I can say very little, because he had an arrogant opinion of his own abilities; and out of an hope to be canonized for a saint, despised and rejected any assistance from me, either by discourse or prayer. I offered him both on the next day after the sentence of death passed upon him; but he returned me this answer (by the messenger I sent to him, to know if he would admit me) “That he had but a very short time to prepare himself for death, and would not be hindered in the loss of any part of it;" thanking me for my offer of visiting him, but desired me to forbear. I put a fair construction on the message brought me at the first, thinking be might be very busy at that time, about some extraordinary emergency, or indisposed to be visited; and therefore told the messenger, that Mr. Ireland was executed on the same day I would attend on him on some other fit time. with Mr. Grove, to whom I had not time to The officer told me, that Mr. Coleman would say more than these few words; viz. Sir, I do never admit me; and he inferred it from his man-earnestly beg of God to grant you mercy and ner of speaking that message which he sent by him; he observed his countenance and gestures in the delivery of it. So I totally desisted. Yet when he was brought down from his chamber in the Press-yard-side, to go to the sledge, I stayed him a little, saying, Mr. Coleman, you did not think well of admitting me, yet know, I have earnestly prayed that God would give you true and great repentance for your great crimes, stand not out in your denying of them. Some other words I used, to which he replied in short and quick toue, "Thank you, thank you." As I moved nearer with him towards the gate, he said, "Sir, I must beg your pardon." It being a strange word to drop from him, I asked him for what? He replied, “That I did not admit you; but truly, it was not in any contempt of your office; but when you sent to me, I was under some perplexed thoughts; and for other considerations, thought it not convenient." Then I told him, that I would pray for him as a dying man, which he took well, and so we parted.


Mr. Grove was executed on Friday the 24th of January, 1678. I spake to him in the chapel these words (before he was carried down the stone-stairs unto the sledge :) Sir, I earDestly desire you, now that you are going to appear at the tribunal of Christ, that you

pardon for your great sins. Trust alone in the righteousness and merits of Christ Jesus: compose yourself in your passage, and fix your heart upon the Lord, till you expire. Which words Mr. Ireland seemed to take kindly from me: and so we took leave of each other.

Here I cannot forbear to give some account of Mr. Ireland's perverting of a woman who was burnt in Smithfield for clipping his majesty's coin. This seduction of the said woman from the Protestant Religion, was before Mr. Ireland was apprehended for the late conspiracy. An officer in Newgate did assure me, when Ireland was committed for the plot, that he was able to take his oath, that Ireland perverted that woman some time before; for he well knew him upon a second review, but knew him not to be a Papist or priest at first; for he was admitted to her as friend. Ireland's stratagem in turning the woman to become a Papist, was thus discovered. Early on the morning on which she was executed, I asked her, what hope she had of a future happy state? she huffed at me, telling me, "I need not troubie myelf about her, for she was sure of her salvation." I wondered at her confidence, but suspected not the grounds of her malapertness.

After I had exhorted and prayed with her at the place of execution, and was taking my farewell of her; she entreated me to give her some time to pray for herself, which she did: in ber

prayer she mixed these words, "Lord grant, that the offering up of my body to the flames may expiate the guilt of all my sins, and save my soul." I told her, when she had finished her prayer, that the foresaid expression smelt rank of Popery; and therefore asked what Religion she came to die in? She replied," she was a Roman Catholic." I asked her, how long she had been such? She said, "that a good minister had told her, that if she died in the Protestant Religion, she was sure to be damned." And that he proved it by this scripture, "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock will I build my church." So that, he assured her, that the religion of the Romish Bishop, who was St. Peter's Successor, was the Rock there meant; and so there was no salvation to those who are separatists from that church, and the profession of it. I told her, that the priest had deceived her. For the Rock was not St. Peter's person, nor is verbal confession of Christ; for if so, where was the rock, and, what became of the Church, when St. Peter so shamefully denied his Lord thrice? But the only true Rock on which the Church is built, is the very person, offices and merits of Christ, the son of God, who was the object of St. Peter's Confession. She was attentive to what I said, and seemed somewhat sensible of her being deceived. Saying, "She was willing to be saved betwixt us both." But I told her, she must not halt betwixt two religions, so opposite to each other; and that it was very dangerous to die in the Roman persuasion. She told me, "She could not renounce it, in as much as the said priest had obliged her by the blessed sacrament, that she should never recant or depart from the Popish Religion, as the best and safest to die in." I convinced her with arguments to the contrary; yea, she herself was not credulous of their absurd affirming of the transubstantiation of the sacramental bread and wine, into the very body and blood of Christ: for she said, "She neither tasted any flesh or blood." She also declared, "That she had no good works of her own, which she durst trust to, as meritorious of heaven; but relied wholly and solely on Christ's Righteousness." Whereupon I told her, she denied the grand points of Popery; and therefore, was a Papist to get a pretended absolution or upon some design. But, fearing to die in the Romish opinions, she asked me, "If she should not be perjured, if she renounced them, having taken the sacrament, to persist in them?" I told her, that she must not cleave to an unlawful wicked oath; but beg repentance of God, that she so easily suffered herself to be seduced. I told her, that the Lord saith by the prophet, "That an oath must be taken in truth, righteousness, and judgment."

Now, she did not, neither could swear in truth, because it was to a false religion; nor in judgment, in wisdom and discretion, because she swore rashly and inconsiderately: therefore, this oath was void in its own nature; and it could not bind her, the matter of it being unlawful and wicked.

At last, being convinced of her error, she was willing to retract it: but I told her, that what she did, she must do willingly, and from a sincere penitent frame of heart. She said, "She could and would freely (out of conviction of her duty) renounce all Romish opinions and practices;" which she did openly, with an audible voice; affirming, That she died a true Protestant. So I took her by the hand, and prayed again with her, that God would pardon her former levity, and give her perseverance in the true faith, which she had so solemnly reimbraced.

This was the first discovery of proselyting condemned malefactors at Newgate: to prevent which seduction, captain Richardson, since this came to his knowledge, is very watchful, and gives all his officers a charge to suffer none to come to condemned persons, but only such whom they know to be Protestant-Divines; and that always, an officer be present to hear what passes in discourse.


I had discourse with him before his execution; but he would not permit me to pray with him, only desired my prayers at home for him; which I promised him, and he thanked me. I was present at his execution, because he was hanged after three other ordinary malefactors. When he came out of the sledge into the cart, he had a great flushing in his face; I apprebended by his words and gesture, that he had elevated his artificial courage; or rather sunk himself into a sullenness, by taking cordial spirits: for he was unconcerned at the approach of his own death, and no way affected with his monstrous crime. With an impudent face, a lying tongue, and antic carriage, he denied what he was condemned for, and asserted his innocency. He was reproved by the sheriûs, for such impudent lying; having had a fair trial, and found guilty of the whole indictment charged upon him: yet so seared are the consciences of these grand traitors, and enemies to all order, and well-established government, as well as the true and pure religion, that they will hazard the eternal loss of their souls, as to a future happy state, rather than declare any remorse for their abominable designs and practices. Yea, they stick not to justify themselves, as if perjury could change the heinous nature of treason, and wash it into a perfect innocency.

Sir Richard How told Pickering, that he should have a considerable time to prepare for his instant death, if he would improve it well, and not misspend it in extravagant, and false pretences. He likewise called unto him, to put him in mind of praying for himself; alledging, that it was reported, that he was a priest, therefore he ought to be able to pray, in expressions, and with affections suitable to his present distress: Yet Pickering neither warned the people, to take heed of an ill life, nor confessed any sin to God, of which himself was guilty; but with a kind of rude smiling, denied himself to be a priest but only a religious brother, Sir Richard

asked him, if he were ashamed of his religion, or with their fory. The narrative is in print, and that the people should hear him pray? For too tedious to relate. Therefore in sum, as to some of his fraternity, executed before, only Green's part, who acted in that bloody tragedy, muttered a few private Ave-maryes, or other it was proved upon oath, that be strangled sir Popish prayers, to themselves. Then Picker- Edmund; and farther acted, in conveying his ing repeated the Lord's-Prayer, and the Aposto- dead body to the place where it was afterwards lical-Creed; and said no more as to any reli- found. Green being condemned to be hanged gious concernments. Then the ordinary, being for this barbarous murder, I proferred myself in the cart with him, exhorted him to express (as Ordinary) to visit, and fit him for his aphimself more fully and pathetically in prayer, preaching death. He accepted of it, and I suitable to the distress of a dying man, which went to him several days, to make him sensihe refused to do. Then I asked him, that I ble of so great a crime. He stiffly denyed it, as might pray for him, because he might be un- also did Hill and Berry to the last. I urged composed or indisposed himself: But he said, Green with various arguments, to adore the sothat he did not matter it; he had rather I vereignty of divine providence, which had thus should let it alone. So after a strange, unbecom- wonderfully brought to light such a secret mysing, stupid, and sullen behaviour of himself, tery of iniquity, hardly to be parallelled, in any when he desired no longer time, his face was age. Yet Green was very obstinate, in standvailed, and he was turned off: he hung about|ing out to deny, that he knew any thing of this half an hour, and then was cut down and quartered.


sir Edmund was accounted. Or had received a popish absolution from the guilt of that murder, and so looked upon himself as innocent as the child unborn. Or would not confess that horrid crime, to decline casting a great reproach upon the popish party. Yet however, I did not cease for many days to exhort him to unburthen his conscience of this particular guilt. I aggravated in many particulars, the heinousness of the sin of murder, especially of this, committed with such perfidious and cruel circumstances. Yet no arguments prevailed with him to acknowledge it.

murder more or less, which I told him proceeded from some or all of these reasons following; either because he had taken an oath of secrecy, or counted it no sin, but rather a meGreen was one of the murderers of sir Ed-ritorious act, to destroy such a grand heretic as mundbury Godfrey. He was born in Ireland of a protestant father, (as himself said) but his mother being a papist and his father dying, she committed the son to his uncle (her brother) for education, in the popish religion. Green could neither read nor write, yet his uncle had so trained him up in the popish principles, that he was a fitter subject (when grown up) for popish priests to work upon, and make him an engine for their destructive practices. This appeared by their inveigling of him into the horrid murder of the said sir Edmund: Green had some time before been preferred to be cha pel-keeper at Somerset-house. Hereupon the I found him ignorant in the principles of the chief contrivers of that murder, took their op- christian faith; therefore I took the more pains portunity to draw him in, to be an actor in that to inform him of the danger of dying in the bloody tragedy. Green was very ready at Romish persuasion, which is grossly opposite, hand for that purpose, and was the easier in- by the mixture of many absurd traditions, to duced thereunto, because sir Edmund being the saving fundamentals of christianity. He one of his majesty's justices of the peace, was said, that he did not believe many points of very active in discovering and cominitting po- popery; viz. The power of priestly absolution pish priests to custody: his life was laid wait nor the merits of good works to claim salvation for several times, not only for the reason afore-by: Nor that it was lawful to pray to any saint said, but chiefly because he had taken some examinations upon oath, concerning the late horrid popish conspiracy, which they thought (if sir Edmund were killed) would be lost, or not so valid in their credibility. But in this they were infatuated, for the murder of this worthy patriot confirmed the belief of the plot. The manner of contriving sir Edmund's death was thus. As he passed by Somerset-house, he was importuned by some of the complices in the murdering of him, to turn in at the gate, under pretence that there was a fray within the court; and that he being a justice of the peace, might (as he was bound) do a great good office in appeasing the scuffle. Sir Edmund went, in not mistrusting their design on him: But these cruel enemies to the Protestant religion, had no sooner got him into the back part of Somerset-house, but they jostled him ato a private room, and there set upon him


orangel: And that no sin was venial in its own nature, though it were never so small. I much wondered, that he should say, he believed not any of these popish points; and yet, that he should wear a crucifix at his girdle. I desired him, not to put any religion in looking on it, nor in kissing of it. He said he put no confi dence of salvation in it; only, It was a remembrance of his blessed Saviour. I told him, that Christ had left no such, nor any other memorials of himself, but only in the scriptures of sacred truth, and in the sacraments: That it is the office of the holy spirit, to bring every truth necessary for salvation, to our remembrance: And that Christ, his offices and merits, were only to be believed in; and were sufficient to put us in mind of our duty, and to quicken holy affections in us.

I said moreover, That it was a more refined piece of idolatry, to conceive otherwise of God

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