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CRIS. O IVPITER! Captaine, he'fhall haue them now, presently: pleafe you to be acceptiue, young gentleman.

PYRG. Yes, fir, feare not; I fhall accept: I haue a prettie foolish humour of taking, if you knew all. Tvcc. Not now, you shall not take, boy.


CRIS. By my truth, and earnest, but hee fhall, 100 Captaine, by your leaue.

Tvcc. Nay, and a 'sweare by his truth, and earnest,

take it boy: doe not make a gent'man forfworne.

LICT. Well, fir, there is your fword; but thanke master MINOS: you had not carried it as you doe, elfe. 105 TVCC. MINOs is iuft, and you are knaues, andLICT. What say you, fir?

Tvcc. Paffe on, my good fcoundrell, paffe on, I honour thee: But, that I hate to haue action with fuch bafe rogues as thefe; you fhould ha' feene me vnrip 110 their noses now, and haue fent 'hem to the next barbers, to stitching for, doe you fee-I am a man of humour, and I doe loue the varlets, the honest varlets; they haue wit, and valour: and are indeed good profitable

-errant rogues, as any liue in an empire. Doest 115 thou heare, POETASTER? fecond me. Stand vp (MINOS) close, gather, yet, fo. Sir (thou fhalt haue a quarter share, bee refolute) you fhall, at my requeft, take MINOS by the hand, here, little MINOS, I will haue it fo; all friends, and a health: Be not inexorable. And thou 120 shalt impart the wine, old boy, thou fhalt do't, little MINOS, thou fhalt: make vs pay it in our phyficke. What? we must liue, and honour the gods, fometimes; now BACCHVS, now Coмvs, now PRIAPVS: euery god, a

97-8 [Aside. G, N

97 1 Pyr. G, N 100 hee] a' Q 102 and a'] an he W, G an a N and earnest] om. Q

104 there's W

103 gentleman W, G 109 thee: [Exeunt Lictors.] G [Lictors move off.] N 112 see [Overhearing in part, they return.] N 114 profitable, [Exeunt Lictors.] N

115 Arrant 115-6 [to Cris

pinus.] G, N 117 Sir- [Aside to Ist PYRGUS.] N

little. What's he, that stalkes by, there? boy, PYRGVS, 125 you were best let him paffe, firrah; doe, ferret, let him paffe, doe.

PYRG. 'Tis a player, fir.

Tvcc. A player? Call him, call the lowfie flaue hither what, will he faile by, and not once strike, or 130 vaile to a Man of warre? ha? doe you [304] heare? you, player, rogue, ftalker, come backe here: no respect to men of worship, you flaue? What, you are proud, you rascall, are you proud? ha? you grow rich, doe you? and purchase, you two-penny teare-mouth? you 135 haue fortune, and the good yeere on your fide, you ftinkard? you haue? you haue?

HIST. Nay, fweet Captaine, be confin'd to fome reason; I protest I faw you not, fir.

Tvcc. You did not? where was your fight, OEDIPVS? 140 you walke with hares eies, doe you? I'le ha' 'hem glas'd rogue; and you fay the word, they fhall be glaz'd for you: come, we must haue you turne fiddler againe, flaue, 'get a bafe violin at your backe, and march in a tawnie coate, with one fleeue, to Goose-faire, and 145 then you'll know vs; you'll fee vs then; you will, gulch, you will? Then, wil't please your worship to haue any muficke, Captaine?

HIST. Nay, good Captaine.

Tvcc. What, doe you laugh, Owleglas? death, you 150 perstemptuous varlet, I am none of your fellowes: I haue commanded a hundred and fiftie such rogues, I.

I. PYR. I, and most of that hundred and fiftie, haue beene leaders of a legion.

[blocks in formation]

HIST. If I haue exhibited wrong, I'le tender fatis- 155 faction, Captaine.

Tvcc. Sai'ft thou fo, honeft vermine? Giue me thy hand, thou fhalt make vs a fupper one of these nights.

HIST. When you pleafe, by Iove, Captaine, most 160 willingly.

Tvcc. Doeft thou 'fweare? to morrow then; fay, and hold flaue. There are fome of you plaiers honest gent'man-like fcoundrels, and fufpected to ha' fome wit, as well as your poets; both at drinking, and breaking 165 of iefts and are companions for gallants. A man may skelder yee, now and then, of halfe a dozen fhillings, or fo. Doest thou not know that PANTALABVS there?

HIST. No, I affure you, Captaine.


Tvcc. Goe, and bee acquainted with him, then; hee is a gent❜man, parcell-poet, you flaue: his father was a man of worship, I tell thee. Goe, he pens high, loftie, in a new stalking ftraine; bigger then halfe the rimers i' the towne, againe: he was borne to fill thy mouth, 175 MINOTAVRVS, he was: hee will teach thee to teare, and rand, Rafcall, to him, cherish his mufe, goe: thou haft fortie, fortie, fhillings, I meane, stinkard, giue him in earnest, doe, he shall write for thee, flaue. If hee pen for thee once, thou fhalt not need to trauell, with thy 180 pumps full of grauell, any more, after a blinde iade and a hamper and stalke vpon boords, and barrell heads, to an old crackt trumpet

HIST. Captaine.

Troth, I thinke I ha' not so much about me,

Tvcc. It's no matter: giue him what thou haft: Stiffe toe, I'le giue my word for the reft: though it lacke a fhilling, or two, it skils not: Goe, thou art an


164 Gent'men-like 1692, 1716, W gentlemen-like G suspected . . . gallants.] om. Q 172 gentleman G

164-6 and 168 PANTALABVS] Caprichio Q 182-3 and stalke . . . trumpet-] om. Q

187 Stiffe toe] Paunch Q

honeft fhifter, I'le ha' the ftatute repeal'd for thee. MINOS, I [305] must tell thee, MINOS, thou haft 190 deiected yon gent'mans fpirit exceedingly: do'st obferue? do'ft note, little MINOS?

MINO. Yes, fir.

Tvcc. Goe to then, raise; recouer, doe. Suffer him not to droop, in prospect of a player, a rogue, a 195 ftager: put twentie into his hand, twentie, festerces, I meane, and let no bodie fee: goe, doe it, the worke fhall commend it felfe, be MINOS, I'le pay.

MINO. Yes forfooth, Captaine.

2. PYR.


Doe not we ferue a notable sharke? Tvcc. And what new matters haue you now afoot, firrah? ha? I would faine come with my cockatrice one day, and fee a play; if I knew when there were a good bawdie one: but they fay, you ha' nothing but humours, reuells, and fatyres, that girde, and fart at 205 the time, you flaue.

HIST. No, I affure you, Captaine, not wee. They are on the other fide of Tyber: we haue as much ribaldrie in our plaies, as can bee, as you would wish, Captaine: All the finners, i' the fuburbs, come, and 210 applaud our action, daily.

Tvcc. I heare, you'll bring me o' the stage there; you'll play me, they fay: I fhall be prefented by a fort of copper-lac't fcoundrels of you: life of PLVTO, and you stage me, ftinkard; your manfions fhall fweat 215 for't, your tabernacles, varlets, your Globes, and your Triumphs.

HIST. Not we, by PHOвVS, Captaine: doe not doe vs imputation without defert.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Tvcc. I wu' not, my good two-penny rafcall: reach 220 mee thy neufe. Do'st heare? What wilt thou giue mee a weeke, for my brace of beagles, here, my little point-truffers? you fhall ha' them act among yee. Sirrah, you, pronounce. Thou shalt heare him speake, in king DARIVS dolefull ftraine.


1. PYR. O dolefull dayes! O direfull deadly dump! O wicked world! and worldly wickedneffe!

How can I hold my fift from crying, thump,

In rue of this right rafcall wretchedneffe!
Tvcc. In an amorous vaine, firrah, peace.


I. PYR. O, shee is wilder, and more hard, withall,

Then beaft, or bird, or tree, or fłonie wall.
Yet might fhee loue me, to vpreare her flate:

I, but perhaps, fhee hopes fome nobler mate.

Yet might shee loue me, to content her fire:


I, but her reafon masters her defire.

Yet might fhee loue me as her beauties thrall:

I, but I feare, fhee cannot loue at all.

Tvcc. Now, the horrible fierce Souldier, you, firrah.
I. PYR. What? will I braue thee? I, and beard

thee too.

A roman fpirit fcornes to beare a braine,

So full of bafe pufillanimitie.

[306] DEMET. HIST. Excellent.

Tvcc. Nay, thou fhalt fee that, shall rauish thee

anon prick vp thine eares, ftinkard: the Ghost, boies.

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Fire 1716 fire W, G
the Darius' bit. N
243 DEMET.] om G, N

238 [DEMETRIUS enters during this or during 239 orrible Q 240 1. PYR.] 2 Pyr. G, N

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