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Faber, CECILIA BÖHL VON. See CABALLERO, FERNAN. Faber, FREDERICK WILLIAM, D.D., 1814-1863. English poet and theologian, who went from the Anglican to the Roman Ch. 1845. His devotional and controversial works in prose are valued by Catholics, and many of his hymns, 1848-62, are in general use.

Faber, GEORGE STANLEY, D.D.. 1773-1854. Theologian, uncle of F. W. His Hora Mosaicæ, 1801, writings on Prophecy, 1807-9, and other works have been highly valued.

Faber, JACOBUS STAPULENSIS, orig. JACQUES LEFÈVRE D'ETAPLES, ab. 1450-1536. French reformer, condemned 1525, and protected at the court of Navarre. His version of the Bible, 1525-28, promoted the Protestant cause, which he never formally espoused.

Faber, or Heigerlin, JOHANNES, 1478-1541. Bp. of Vienna 1530; called "Hammer of Heretics," from his book Malleus in Hæresim, 1524.

Fabius Maximus, QUINTUS, d. ab. 203 B.C. Five times Consul of Rome between 233 and 209 B.C., Dictator 217; famous for his policy of defensive warfare against Hannibal.

Fabius Pictor, QUINTUS, ab. 216 B.C. First Roman historian. Considerable fragments in Greek are extant.

Fables. Brief fictitious tales, especially those in which the lower animals are endowed with human attributes and language. Sce BEAST FABLES.

Fabliaux. Short verse stories of Old France 1150-1400, ridiculing various classes, especially the priests and nobles. They came from the East, and are opposed to the legends and romances of chivalry.


Fabre, MARIE JOSEPH VICTORIN, 1785-1831. Author of eulogies on Corneille and Montaigne, 1808-12. Literary History of France, 1810.

Fabretti, RAFFAELE, 1618-1700. Writer on Roman aqueducts, inscriptions, and other antiquities.

Fabriano, GENTILE DA, ab. 1350-1428. Italian painter, native of the March of Ancona. His best known picture is the Adoration of the Magi in the Florence Academy.

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Facciolati, JACOPO, 1682-1769. Prof. Padua from 1722. With his pupil, Forcellini, he compiled the Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, 4 vols., 1771.

Face. Portion of the head below the line of the hair and in front of the ears; sometimes limited, but incorrectly, to the portion of the above below the eyebrows.

Face. In Mining, surface of ore or coal exposed to view at a working-place.

Face-Cover. Interior glacis or mound of earth, formerly used in wide and shallow ditches to protect the masonry of the scarp wall from the destructive fire of distant artillery.

Faces. Plane surfaces bounding a solid; planes limiting a dihedral or polyhedral angle.

Facet. Small plane surface, usually of a crystal or cut gem. Faceted Eyes. See COMPOUND EYE OF INSECTS. Facetiæ. Collection of jests or witticisms, usually indecent; known almost exclusively in modern literature.

Face Wall. Built to protect a natural slope of earth; or retaining wall against which the earth is not filled in from


Facial Angle. That included between a line drawn from the opening of the ear to the base of the nose and one drawn from the most prominent point of the forehead to the most

Facial Angle (Australian Savage and Gorilla). projecting point of the upper jaw. Sometimes the foramen magnum is used instead of the ear. See CRANIOMETRY.

Facial Atrophy. Disease in which the skin, muscles, and other structures of the face slowly atrophy or waste away. White patches are often observed, and the hair of the affected part bleaches and may fall out. Usually affects one side, the left most often; rarely involves vital parts, and is practically


Facial Nerve. Supplies motor impulses to the muscles of the scalp, external ear, face, eyelids (in part), tympanum, soft palate (in part), and certain of those of the neck; sometimes the name is applied to the trifacial nerves which impart sensibility to the face, etc., and motion to the muscles of mastication.

Facial Neuralgia. Pain in the sensory branches of the trifacial nerve. May be located in any portion of the face, usually on one side, and be due to decayed teeth, pressure upon the nerve. rheumatism, malaria, disordered stomach, etc. (see NEURALGIA), and is best treated by hot applications, abundant supply of nourishing food, quinine, and attention to decayed teeth, and in aggravated cases, to gain temporary relief, by anodynes; when accompanied by painful twitching and spasm of the muscles is denominated Tic Douloureux.

Facial Paralysis. 1. Loss of motion in the parts sup. plied by the facial nerve, usually of one side. Inability to close the eye of the affected side is the most prominent symptom; the entire side of the face is flat and expressionless, saliva dribbles from the corner of the mouth, and the food collects between the cheek and gums. It is due to injury or disease of the nerve in its course; exposure to cold, rheumatism, gout, or syphilis are the most common causes. Treatment consists in

electricity, massage and strychnine, and is often successful. 2. Somewhat similar condition, but not so marked and without inability to close the eye, caused by disease of the brain, and usually accompanied by paralysis of the opposite side of the body.

Faciend. Multiplicand in the higher algebra, where multiplication is non-commutative: term introduced by Hamilton and adopted by B. Pierce.

Facient. Multiplier in higher algebra.

Facing Switch. One whose movable rails point or face toward the direction of the traffic, as distinguished from a trailing switch, which has the opposite direction.

Fac-Simile. Exact reproduction, especially of MS. or drawing.

Factor. Commission merchant or agent for the sale of goods consigned to him. One residing in a different country from that of his principal is often liable as principal to third parties; he has a lien on the goods to the extent of his advances and charges, and may pledge them for the lien; his commissions on particular goods are not earned until his services are finished, and are forfeited by gross negligence.

Factorial. Continued product of natural numbers from unity to a given limit; indicated by placing the limit within a right angle, as 9, or by placing an exclamation mark after it, as 9! Either of these is read Factorial Nine.

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Factor's Acts. Statutes in Great Britain and in many of the U. S., protecting bona fide pledgers and purchasers of goods from factors who are in possession of the goods or of documentary titles thereto.

Factors of Production. Things required for making any commodity or product. Such elements are separated for purposes of economic discussion, that the expenses of production or the real supply price may be calculated.

Factors of Safety. Ratio of the ultimate strength of a material to the actual or allowable stress. They in practice usually range from 4 to 15 for wrought iron and steel, and from 8 to 30 for timber and stone. They should be higher for variable stresses than for steady stresses.

Factory Laws. Laws regulating the length of hours of daily labor for women and children, the sanitary condition of factories, holidays, provisions for safety, to compel the payment of wages in money only, and other arrangements. They were earliest and most highly developed in England, but all advanced countries have now entered on a course of such legislation. Some of these laws have been declared unconstitutional by State courts, as in excess of the police power limit. Factum. Product in the non-commutative multiplication of higher algebras.

Faculæ, SOLAR. Brilliant elevations or ridges seen on the sun's surface; most conspicuous near its limbs.

Facultative Anerobics. Bacteria that grow either with or without the presence of free air or of oxygen.

Facultative Conjugation. That which is optional, as when, among Protozoa, conjugation would normally occur but is prevented, in the instance of certain individual zoöids, owing to absence of zoöids of opposite sex, etc. They then resume their self-multiplication method of reproduction.

Faculty. In the old psychology, an elementary function of the mind. The extreme theory of faculties regarded the mind as made up of distinct and ultimate units, as will, judgment, memory, imagination, etc., each playing its part in mental operations independently of the others. This view of our mental life has been given up as unsound.

Faculty. In Law, indulgence to do something not usually permissible; confined to the ecclesiastical courts. In colleges and universities the professors and heads of each department form a separate faculty. In the U. S., the term usually comprises all the professors of a university taken collectively.

Fæces. The undigested parts of the food together with some of the waste products of the body which is expelled from the body through the anus. They consist three-fourths of water, the rest organic matter mostly. See MANURE.

Faed, JOHN, b. 1820. Scottish painter in London 1864-80.His brother, THOMAS, b. 1826, became R.A. 1864.



Faenza. City of Italy 31 m. s.e. of Bologna; pop. 36,100; noted for its manufactures of glazed earthenware painted with designs, hence called Faience, invented here1299. The term was extended to include all wares between porcelain and common pottery.

Delft Faience Jar.

Faerie Queen. Allegorical poem by Edmund Spenser, modeled somewhat on Ariosto and Tasso. As projected it was to consist of 24 books: only 6 were written and pub. 159096. Book 1, The Red-Cross Knight, or Holiness; 2, Sir Guyon, or Temperance; 3, Britomartis, or Chastity; 4, Cambel and Triamand, or Friendship; 5, Sir Artegall, or Justice; 6, Sir Calidore, or Courtesy.

Faeroe. See FAROE.

Fagaceæ. Natural family of flowering plants, of the class Angiosperma, and sub-class Dicotyledons; trees or shrubs, including the Beeches, Oaks and Chestnuts.

Fagging. Custom in English public schools, by which a younger boy was made in effect servant to one in an upper form; now abolished or modified.

Fagots, SAP. Short fascines placed between the gabions of a sap to serve as a temporary protection to the sapper; each 3 ft. long and 9 in. in diameter, made of stout picket material. When the parapet of the trench is sufficiently thick to protect the sapper from musketry fire, they are removed and used again at the head of the sap.

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Fahlerz. Cu,Sb,ST. Tetrahedrite or gray copper ore. contains variable amounts of sulphur, antimony, and copper, and is frequently rich in silver.

Fahlunite. One of the many products of the natural alteration of the mineral iolite.

Fahrenheit, GABRIEL DANIEL, F.R.S., 1686-1736. German physicist, inventor (1714-21) of the thermometer named from him. In 1714 his zero was temperature of ice and salt and 24° that of the human body, the freezing point of water was 8°; these degrees were later divided by 4, placing the freezing point at 32°. In 1721 he made a mercury thermometer. After his death the boiling point of water was placed at 212°. These points are determined at a barometrical pressure of 30 in.

Faidherbe, LOUIS LÉON CÉSAR, 1818-1889. French general and author; Gov. of Senegal 1852; commander of the Army of the North Dec. 1870; defeated at St. Quentin Jan. 19, 1871. Numidian Inscriptions, 1870-72; Soudan, 1884; Senegal, 1889. Faience. See FAENZA.

Faillon, MICHEL ÉTIENNE, 1799-1870. Historian of the French in Canada, 1865-66.

Failly, CHARLES ACHILLE DE, b. 1810. French general, prominent at Solferino 1859, at Mentana 1867, and in 1870, when he was relieved from command of the 5th corps.

Fainéants, ROIs. Frankish kings, who were sovereigns only in name. The last Merovingian, Childeric III., was dethroned by Pepin 730.

Fainting. Sudden loss of consciousness, usually of slight duration. It may be due to pain, sudden fright, fear, loss of blood, injuries, or any violent mental shock, and is best treated by placing the patient on the back, with the head on the same level as the body, and by mild stimulation.

Fair. Collection of farm products, stock, machinery, etc., brought together periodically for exhibition and competition


or sale. Formerly, especially in Great Britain, these gatherings were wholly for purposes of sale, but this feature has

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always been kept largely in the background in fairs in the U. S., and has now completely disappeared.

Fair, JAMES GRAHAM, 1831-1894. U. S. Senator from Nevada 1881-87.

Fairbairn, ANDREW MARTIN, D.D., b. 1838. Scottish theologian. City of God, 1882; Christ in Theology, 1892.

Fairbairn, PATRICK, D.D., 1805-1874. Prof. at Aberdeen 1853, and Glasgow 1856. Typology of Scripture, 1845-47; Prophecy, 1856; Pastoral Theology, 1875.

Fairbairn, ROBERT BRINCKERHOFF, D.D., LL.D., b. 1818. Warden of St. Stephen's Coll., Annandale, N.Y., since 1863. Doctrine of Morality, 1887.

Fairbairn, SIR WILLIAM, LL.D., F.R.S., 1789-1874. Scottish engineer, eminent as a builder of iron ships, bridges, and mills; Baronet 1869; author of sundry technical works.

Fairbanks, ERASTUS, 1792-1864. Gov. of Vt. 1852 and 1861. -His brother, THADDEUS, 1796-1886, invented the platformscale, patented 1831.

Fairchild, CHARLES STEBBINS, LL.D. b. 1842. Atty.-gen. of N.Y. 1877-78; U. S. Sec. Treasury 1887-89.

Fairchild, HERMAN LE ROY, b. 1850. Prof. Univ. Rochester; sec. Geological Society. Hist. N. Y. Academy of Sciences, 1887.

Fairchild, JAMES HARRIS, D.D., b. 1817. Prof. Oberlin Coll., O., from 1842, its pres. 1866-89, and its historian 1883. Moral Philosophy, 1869; Theology, 1892.

Fairchild, LUCIUS, LL.D., b. 1831. Gov. of Wis. 1866-72; U. S. Consul at Liverpool 1872-78; U. S. Minister to Spain 1880-82.

Fairfax, EDWARD, ab. 1580-1635. English poet. Tr. Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, 1600.

Fairfax, THOMAS, LORD, 1611-1671. English general of the parliamentary army; commissioned gen. of cavalry by Parlia

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