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dispute, the young man quarrelled with the deceased, and ultimately quitted her in a passion, vowing that he never more would notice her. The deceased, up to this time, was observed to be very cheerful, but a sud den change took place in her, and she be came very dejected shortly after the quarrel. She purchased some deadly poison, and took a large dose. The deceased's mother was not at home at the time, but on her coming home the fatal medicine began to operate. The deceased became very ill, and her mother immediately sent for medical aid; but the deceased had taken a sufficiency of the poison to have destroyed the lives of ten people. She became delirious, and as she lay in the bed she frequently repeated the words "Oh, Robert! Dear Robert!" the Christian name of the young man who had forsaken her; and with these expressions she died a few hours afterwards in great agony.-The Jury returned a verdict "That the deceased died in consequence of taking a quantity of poison, being at the time in a state of temporary derangement."

State of his Majesty's Gaol of Newgate up to the 4th Jan. 1821.

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A dreadful catastrophe has taken place at the house of Doctor Uwin, of No. 13, Bedford-row: Mrs. Leese, an elderly lady, in consequence of indisposition, was lately sent up to London from the country, and placed in the house of Dr. Uwin, where she occupied apartments, together with her daughter, Miss Leese, in order that she might be under the immediate attention of the Doctor. Whilst Mrs. Leese was lying sick in bed, and her daughter reading by the bedside, the female servant entered the apartment with some medicine, and having placed the candle in an awkward situation, the bed curtains caught

fire, which was not perceived till the blaze spread over the apartment. Miss Leese was so much alarmed, that she immediately rose, and in great agitation opening the back window, she precipitated herself to the pavement of the area, and pitching upon her head, fractured her skull in a dreadful manner. The servant followed the example of her mistress by throwing herself from the same window which be longs to the second floor back room apartment; she broke both her legs and her back in the fall. By this time the flames in the apartment were increasing, which, together with the groans of the unfortunate females in the yard, attracted the attention of the persons adjacent to the spot, and assistance was immediately procured. Mrs. Leese did not meet with any injury save the excessive fright she underwent, and the effect produced by the melancholy catas trophe of her daughter. Both the young women died in consequence of their hurts.

Loss of the Abeona Transport. - The Abeona transport, of 328 tons, under the charge of Lieut. Mudge, of the Royal Navy, sailed from Greenock, in October last, with settlers for the Cape of Good Hope. On the 25th November, about noon, in lat. 4 deg. North, and long. 25 deg. West, the vessel caught fire, and was burnt. Out of a crew of 21 persons, and 140 emigrants, men, women, and children, making a total of 161 persons, only 49 are saved. These are all safely landed at Lisbon, and have subsequently sailed for Greenock. The fire broke out in the after store-room, whilst the chief-mate was occupied in some necessary business there; and such was the progress of the flames, that only three small boats could be got overboard, before the flames consumed the tackle, &c. necessary for hoisting out the long-boat. In these three small boats 49 persons were received on board, with so scanty a supply of provisions, that the consequences must have been almost equally dreadful with the fate of those left on board, had not a Portuguese ship fallen in with them at day-light next morning.

London Workhouse. This asylum for the wretched was opened for their reception on New Year's day. The committee had met early in the day for the purpose of superintending some necessary alterations in the Workhouse for the accommodation of the houseless. The object the committee profess is the saving from starvation, or the fatal effects of exposure to the cold, those who have no cognizable claim upon parish relief. Members are to be appointed from the Committee to go through the markets and search the penthouses of the metropolis nightly in search of fit objects for the notice of the Committee. During the period when shelter was afforded last winter to the poor in Mr. Hick's warehouse, 1522 persons were relieved.

A very singular and affecting case has occurred, which deserves to be recorded. The dead body of Charles Taylor was found in Hoxton-fields, and an investigation was instituted into the causes of his death. It was found out that he had lived at the Rose and Crown public house, Bunhill row, with a young woman who was supposed to be his wife. On the morning of the fatal day Taylor left the house soon after ten o'clock in the morning, with the view of looking for work. It was his custom to return at an early hour after a disappointment. Mrs. Taylor was not alarmed at his absence until that absence far exceeded the usual hours of labour.Her distress at his stay then became very great; and all the efforts of the landlady, who humanely represented the various circumstances which, at Christmas, were likely to keep a man from home, were ineffectual in giving consolation. The night

passed over, but the terrors of the unfortunate young woman increased with the appearance of day. On the next morning she was discovered to have committed suicide! It turned out that she was the niece of the man, and had eloped with him when he left his wife and family. The Coroner's Inquest having assembled on Taylor's body, Mr. Stirling said, he had received an anonymous letter, which was without a signature; at the same time stating, that it could not be received as evidence. The purport of the letter was, that its author had killed Taylor in selfdefence, having been attacked by him with a view to robbery.-The Jury returned the following verdict:-That Charles Taylor was killed by a pistol shot on the 22d instant; but by whom, or under what circumstances, the said pistol was fired, there was no evidence adduced to the Jury.

COMMERCIAL REPORT. (London, January 23.)

There has been so little to call for any general observation since the date of our last month's report, that we shall not detain our readers by any preliminary observations, but refer them to the details, requesting, however, their attention to some points of comparison which we shall have occasion to notice, in the state of the commerce in certain articles of colonial produce in the last and some preceding years.

Coffee. For a considerable time after our last report the market remained languid; and so little, in fact, doing, that the prices were almost considered as nominal till about the 11th, when there was a public sale of 282 casks, and 49 bags, the whole of which went off freely, fully supporting the previous prices by private contract, and in some instances rather higher prices were obtained. The holders by private contract were very firm; for St. Domingo 118s. were refused. In the ensuing week the demand gradually became more general, and the prices improved, 121s. being paid by private contract for St. Domingo. Public sales on the 16th, 18th, and 19th, went off with spirit; on the latter day good and fine ordinary Jamaica sold at 118s. 6d. to 1228, middling 1288. 6d. middling Demerara 132s. to 133s. The markets looked firm, with appearance of a further advance.

The high rate at which coffee has continued for several years, in comparison with any other article of colonial produce, has occasioned, as might have been anticipated, an increased importation in 1820. Yet the supply still seems inadequate to the increased consumption, as the stock in hand is now smaller than in any preceding year. The quantity in Great Britain has partially decreased for a series of years.

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1820......... 9,220.............................39,760 Sugar.-During the Christmas week there was of course very little doing, but in the first week of the present month the demand for Moscovades was brisk and extensive, the purchases exceeding 7,000 hds. and the prices 28. higher. The immediate cause of the improvement appeared to be a great increase in the demand, and consequent advance in the prices of refined. Some reports had been spread of the probability of a favourable alteration in the Russian Tariff, but it afterwards appeared that the proposal to admit refined sugar on more favourable terms had been rejected by the Russian government; yet, though this expected change certainly had caused the rise in the prices, the buyers have still remained confident that there will be little if any depression, as the prices have been lately very low, and they look to a general revival of trade. There has been nothing doing in foreign and East India sugars. 500 chests Havannah put up to sale on the 12th were all taken in, as were 372 boxes Havannah on the 19th. Some East India of inferior

quality went at 28. or 3s. lower than in any previous sale. We regret to observe, that the trade of refining has been decreasing for several years. The quantity refined in 1818 was estimated at 150,000 hogsheads, in 1820, only 100,000. The cause of the great diminution in the exportation is owing to the increased number of establishments for manufacture abroad, especially at St. Petersburgh and the Hanse towns; and as the supplies go direct from the place of their growth to foreign ports, it is evident that a very valuable branch of trade is leaving the country. From official accounts, the value of refined sugars exported up to Jan. 5 each year was


The official details for the year 1820 are not yet made, but there is little doubt they will show a further decline of the export trade.

Average prices of Raw Sugar by Gazette.
Dec. 30........348. 11ąd.
Jan. 9. ........... No return
.35s. 24d.

20. ...........358. 44d. Cotton. The cotton market has continued in a very depressed state, and the business done altogether inconsiderable, but there is no reduction in the prices. A sale of 1000 bags at the India House drew little attention; only a few lots sold at 54d, the rest being all taken in. Towards the middle of the month there was an increased demand for export. At Liverpool also the market was heavy; the buyers expecting that the first fair wind would bring large arrivals from America, and the holders being for the same reason desirous to sell.

Indigo. On the 16th there was a sale, but, as we mentioned in our last, a very small one. The prices were consequently. from 9d. to 1s. 3d. per lb. higher, for the middling and good qualities for home consumption, and from 8d. to 1s. higher on middling and good shipping descriptions.

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Rum, Brandy, and Hollands. The rum market has continued in the same depressed state. Brandy is held at rather higher prices, but no sales are reported. According to letters received from Hamburgh, dated 12th Jan. advices had been there received from St. Petersburgh that it was in contemplation to raise the import duty on rum from 9 silver roubles to 20, and that on coffee from 2 to 3 roubles.

Oils.-The prices improved during the severe weather, but have since declined again. The total produce of last year's fishery is 18,500 tuns: the present stock in Great Britain is about 9000 tuns.

Rice.-The imports of rice from the East Indies have been one third less in 1820 than in 1819, yet the excessive supply of the preceding year, and the low prices of corn in Europe, have occasioned a com


plete stagnation in the demand. prices are so very law that no further supply can be anticipated. Should the har vest of 1821 be unfavourable, a great rise may be expected; and this seems the only cause likely to affect the immense stock on hand, viz. 238,000 bags. That of Carolina is about 2500 casks.

Spices.-The quantity of East India spices shipped direct to the Continent has been very considerable; the consequence has been a gradual decrease in the prices, and generally a heavy market.

Saltpetre. The imports during 1820 have been uncommonly large, the greater proportion privilege. The demand for home consumption, and for export, has also been very extensive; the stock in hand, Dec. 1820, was 10,500 tons.

Dyewoods. The stocks in the warehouses at the close of 1820 are very deficient, compared with preceding years; yet they attract but little attention; the chief demand is for exportation.

Corn.-Though the arrivals of grain were for some days hindered by the ice in the river, the prices of the finest wheat only were temporarily affected, and the fluctua tions in other grain have not been considerable. New red clover has been in great demand, and English being scarce, has advanced from 5s to 6s. per cwt. White was also much in demand at an advance of 4s. the cwt. At a time when the complaints of the farmers are so general, it may not be uninteresting to take a view of the average prices of wheat for the last 9 years.

Aggregate averages of Wheat per quarter, in England and Wales. 1812-1338. 10d. 1813-119s. 1814-778. 1815— 658. 0 1816 548. 0

1817-95s. 0 d. 1818 848. 92d. 1819-73s.


1820-658. 10

The average of the week ending 12th Jan. was 54s. 7d. ; yet still the average of the 9 years is above 85s.


St. Petersburg, 29th Dec.-The importation of foreign goods is uncommonly great. Many hundred sledges have been employed in bringing over wine from Cronstadt, the cargoes of the ships that: arrived last.

Riga, 29th December, 1820.-Flax on the spot meets with a ready sale, at the following prices: viz. Druiania and Thiesenhausen Rackitzer at 42 r.; cut Badstub, 36 r.; Risten Threeband, 30 r.; Tow 15 r..

Corn without demand.-Hemp; for clean Ukraine, 103 r. all the money down, are asked. The following prices, with 10 per cent. earnest, have been acceded to; viz. 111 r. for end of May, 112 for end of June, and 113 r. for end of July; 80 r. all paid, are asked for Ukraine Outshot, and

70 r. for ditto Puss.-Hemp Oil is held at 105 r. all paid, and might probably be purchased for 110 r. with 10 per cent. down. Seeds are rather more in demand. Druiania weighing 112 to 114 lbs. has been bought at 4 to 54 r. all down, to be delivered according to sample by the end of May, 15 to 18 r. banco, according to quality, and all the money down has been given for crushing linseed.-Tallow; yellow crown lying here, and for delivery at the end of May, is held at 160 r.; 155 r. have been offered on the last condition, and refused.

The value of Russian produce, exported from Riga to England, to the end of November, this year, is 22,055,946 r., which is equal to the exportation to all other parts of Europe together.

Odessa, 8th Dec.-The English Consulate has just given notice, that in future all vessels touching at Malta, whether on account of contrary winds, or to take in water, or to communicate with their agents, (provided they only enter the quarantine harbour) shall enjoy this permission for 48 hours, without any other charge than the usual anchorage duty, and without being obliged to deliver their papers. On the other hand, a regular Tariff has been established, instead of the former general duty of 1 per cent. on imports, and 24 per cent. on exports. The accounts of the late har vest in the governments of Podolia and Wolhynia are unfavourable, but the prices are notwithstanding low.

Hamburgh, 6th Jan.-Sugar. The steadiness of the prices of our refined goods at the end of last year has increased the demand at the beginning of this year, and a good deal of business has accordingly been done, with a small rise in the prices. This has also had a favorable effect upon Jumps, and crushed sugars. Raw, on the contrary, are purchased only for the imme. diate supply of our manufactories, and almost exclusively-white and brown Brazils, at 10 to 11, and 8 to 84d.; white and yellow Havannah are held at prices too high for this place, in expectation of a favourable opportunity to export them. The very reduced prices of treacle lessen the demand for common brown sugar.

As our stock is sufficient for the regular supply of our manufactories during the winter, no general rise in the price is probable; though, if the navigation should be long interrupted, a temporary and partial advance may take place; the holders are therefore not disinclined to sell at the present prices. But it seems to be beyond doubt that our refined goods will experience a considerable advance, as soon as shipments can be made to the Baltic.

Amsterdam, 6th Jan.-The number of ships arrived here last year was about 2500, which is considerably more than in the year before; probably in consequence

of the productive harvest, and the increased importation of corn. Cotton. The changes which will be required in consequence of the introduction of the new weights and measures, are not yet determined, but most of those who are interested in this article, seem to wish that it shall be weighed in future without turn of the scale, but the other usual conditions retained, and the prices fixed in half Netherland pounds. Coffee. Some of the conditions for the sale of coffee are; casks and bales, must be weighed in Netherland pounds, without turn of the scale, and the weight stated in even or odd lbs. The casks shall be emptied, and tared, the weight noted with the addition of a Netherland lb., but in the account, 1 per cent. be deducted for good weight. The price is to be fixed in stivers, per half Netherland lbs., without allowing any deduction, besides 1 per cent. on the sale for prompt payment. The brokerage is fixed at per cent. of the amount.

The estimated importation of last year is 20 millions of lbs. by far the greatest part from our own Colonies, especially in the East Indies. Our present stock is about 34 million lbs. On the whole, there was a great deal of business done last year, and though it was less in the last three or four months, the prices have remained extremely firm. The stock here, as well as at London, is less than the year preceding.

Corn. Not changed by the new system of weights and measures.

Hair and Wool.-To be sold in future by the 100 Netherland lbs. except Danish, which is sold by the Netherland lb.

Tea. The only change is, that this article is now sold by & lbs. The prices have fallen considerably since the beginning of last year, and as the stock in hand is large, and great supplies are expected, an advance is hardly probable.

Sugar. The changes to be made respecting this article, since the introduction of the new system, are not yet agreed upon; a good deal of business was done. last year, and our present stock of raw goods is small, only 1800 hogsheads West India.

Naples, 2d Jan.-Business is again at a stand, except some exportations of cotton for France. This article seems to tempt speculation at this moment. Colonial produce without being much in demand, mair.tains its price; this is owing entirely to the consumers. Wool, and our other national productions, are without demand.

Genoa, 6th Jan. We hoped that business would resume its usual activity after the holidays, but the very bad weather has prevented it; so that nothing has been done in goods, or in grain, except a few trifling sales for immediate consumption. No corn has been sold this fortnight, and, as supplies still arrive, a fall in price is to be apprehended.


THE annual meeting of the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society took place on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of December. The proceedings were very interesting. The Most Noble the Marquis Lansdown was re-elected president, with the most glowing expression of universal esteem. The premiums were awarded for live stock,-for implements,-to successful ploughmen in the matches, and to claimants on the score of long and faithful ser vitude, and for bringing up large families without parish aid. The latter are classes of well-doers, whom it is both humane and politic in every sense to reward;—and, if we may apply such a word, to honor for such comforts and distinctions as may be thus conferred, cannot fail to act as powerful antidotes to that growing indifference to industry and character, which, it is now universally agreed, attend the daily demoralizing operation of the poor laws. We regret to perceive that decreased funds have compelled the society to econoTM, mize their future distribution of premiums, as well as to decline prosecuting its former recommendations of offering new encourage, ments. The following communications were deemed the most important.

A paper from Mr. Bailward, reciting the success of spade husbandry, in raising crops of mangel wurzel, Guernsey parsnips, and long and short carrots. The experiments were made on a field of three acres, -after a cabbage crop, which had been dunged with eighty cart loads per acre; part of the plat being a second time manured, and a second time dug. The crops were set at wide intervals, except the carrots, which were sown broad cast. The produce was great. Some of the mangel wurzel roots were immensely large, which is attributed to their enjoying greater room, in consequence of the neighbouring roots being destroyed by the grub. This shows the efficacy of wide planting.

Admiral Coffin communicated to the society the result of an experiment made by his directions on a bed of this valuable root. From one third of the crop he caused the leaves to be plucked gradually, leaving a little green in the centre of the plant. The leaves thus obtained served as food for pigs and rabbits; but the most remarkable fact is, that this third exceeded in weight the other two thirds of the bed, of which the leaves were suffered to take their natural course.

The Society had received from the London Society of Arts some specimens of rice, and other grains, of East Indian growth, with a request that the possibility of their cultivation in England might be ascertained.

A paper on the use of pyroligneous acid, (an acid procured by the distillation of wood in close vessels,) in manufactures, and particularly in the curing of fish and meat, by Dr. Wilkinson, was read, and excited much attention. The antiseptic proper

ties of this acid effectually preserve animal substances from putrefaction.

A motion for a petition to parliament praying an inquiry into the causes of the depression of agriculture was negatived, as not being within the province of the Society.

The premiums for stock were adjudged to Sir B. Hobhouse; Mr. R. Hughes, of Sal thorpe; Mr. Nicholl, of Harnhill; Mr. John White, of Upleadon; Mr. W. Bea ver, of Whaddon; Mr. J. Price, of Malvern; Mr. T. Evans, of Deerhurst; Mr. W. Smith, of Ruthford; Mr. J. M. Buckland, of Abbot's Leigh; Mr. R. Harding, and Mr. J. Redman, of Seend. The report concluded with expressing the decided good effects derived from the encourage ments offered by the Society, visible in the increasing competition between the breeders, and in the manifest improvement of the stock exhibited, compared with former annual meetings.

The Tredegar exhibition at Court-y-Billa Farm, was very numerously attended on the 19th of December; and the stock shown of high excellence. Nor was the show confined to the customary animals: there was an extraordinary display of poultry, in beauty and size not to be equalled. A Muscovy duck was exhibited, weighing no less than nine pounds. Sir Charles Morgan presided, and distributed the prizes, twentytwo in number. Cups were liberally promised at the next year's show-for the best Glamorgan ox, from any county; for the best Scotch yearling bull; for the best twoyear old Scotch heifer, from any county; for the best Hereford ox; for the best five acres of turnips.

Mr. Webbe Hall, the persevering advocate of the claims of the agriculturist to legislative protection, has addressed a very long letter to Mr. Robinson, the President of the Board of Trade, enforcing the right of the petitioners to such protection, by means of the imposition of heavy duties on foreign grain imported; and showing the inefficacy of the present corn bill to its de clared object. We can but guard our readers against the plausible doctrines of this zealous and certainly able advocate, because, however apparently luminous his illustrations may seem, we cannot entertain a moment's doubt that the agriculturist will find little of the hoped relief from the expedients he proposes. With similar views Mr. H. has answered the letter addressed by Lord Nugent to Mr. Baker, in

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