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Secreto coenavit avus? Nunc sportula primo
Limine parva sedet, turbae rapienda togatae.
Ille tamen faciem prius inspicit et trepidat, ne
Suppositus venias ac falso nomine poscas.
Agnitus accipies; jubet a praecone vocari
Ipsos Trojugenas; nam vexant limen et ipsi
Nobiscum. Da Praetori, da deinde Tribuno.
Sed libertinus prior est. "Prior," inquit, "ego adsum:
Cur timeam dubitemve locum defendere, quamvis

the expense of dining are given by Gellius, ii. 24. They never had much attention paid them. See Dict. Ant. Sumptuariae leges.' Here were men, according to Juvenal, who at their private dinner tables had seven. The acccusative, 'fercula,' is like Horace's "patinas coenavit omasi Vilis et agninae."

95. Nunc sportula primo Limine parva sedet,] He says that the 'sportula' is now a shabby affair, and that instead of being given in the atrium' as a regular entertainment ('coena recta'), in the way clients used to be received by their patrons, it was now-set out at the door, to be scrambled for by the hungry rabble, closely watched by the master, lest any should get it under false pretences. Sportula,' a little basket, was the name given to a dole which first under the emperors it became customary for rich men to give to those dependants who chose to pay their respects to them at their early reception in the morning, and to dance attendance upon them at other times. It was given sometimes in the shape of meat, at others in a small sum of money, usually 100 quadrantes, or one and a half denarii, about eleven pence (v. 120). (See Dict. Ant.) Gifford has confounded the public 'sportula' with the private. The former, not the latter, was established by Nero and abolished by Domitian. Mr. Mayor has made the same mistake.

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96. turbae rapienda togatae.] Ruperti says this is spoken contemptuously, because under the emperors only the poorer and vulgar sort wore the 'toga.' This is nonsense. He refers to Horace, S. i. 2. 63. 82, which only shews that women of bad cha racter wore a 'toga' instead of a stola.' The 'toga' was worn out of respect to the great man, and it was counted bad taste for any person of respectability to go abroad without it. At one time it became common for persons of family to go to the theatre without the toga,' and Augustus put a stop to the practice. Turba togata,''gens togata,' were commonly used for the Romans.




97. trepidat,] This word expresses any hurried action or emotion. Inspicit et trepidat' means he looks in the man's face anxiously, with a sharp scrutinizing 'Ille' can hardly be any but the master, who is supposed to condescend so far as to look on and regulate the distribution. Some take it for the 'dipensator' or 'balneator,' which is the name Martial gives to the servant who distributed the ' sportulae.' "Quos (quadrantes) dividebat balneator elixus" (iii. 7. 3).

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99. jubet a praecone vocari Ipsos Trojugenas;] The praeco' may mean the 'nomenclator,' whose particular duty was to attend the morning visits and to know all his master's acquaintance by sight and name, with their circumstances and all about them. See Hor. Epp. i. 6. 50, n. The master bids this man call up the respectable people first; for, says Juvenal, proud gentlemen of the old families condescend to join us humble folk in begging. The poorer they got the more they stuck to their pedigree, and nothing would satisfy them short of the blood of Aeneas in their veins. See below (viii. 42), "Ut te conciperet quae sanguine fulget Iuli;" (ib. 56) "Dic mihi, Teucrorum proles;" (ib. 181) "At vos, Trojugenae;" (xi. 95) "Clarum Trojugenis factura ac nobile fulcrum." See also Horace,--S. ii. 5. 63, n.: "Ab alto demissum genus Aenea."

101. Da Praetori, da deinde Tribuno.] See S. iii. 128. Martial has an epigram addressed to Paulus, a senator, beginning "Cum tu laurigeris annum qui fascibus intras

Mane salutator limina mille teras,"

(x. 10,)

where limina terere' corresponds to 'vexant limen' in the last line. Horace (S. i. 8. 18) says of the Esquiline, thieves and beasts were wont hunc vexare locum,' to infest it. It must be supposed that sometimes magistrates (who were now sunk very

Natus ad Euphraten, molles quod in aure fenestrae
Arguerint licet ipse negem: sed quinque tabernae
Quadringenta parant. Quid confert purpura major
Optandum, si Laurenti custodit in agro
Conductas Corvinus oves? ego possideo plus
Pallante et Licinis." Exspectent ergo Tribuni;

low) were among the crowds who waited on the rich. The master says, "Give the Praetor first, after him the Tribunus ;" but a freedman, who had come before either of them, asserts his claim to be served before them; and a long speech is put into his mouth, in which he makes himself out to be richer than the men of office, and therefore entitled to take precedence of them, an odd argument at such a time. As to 'libertinus,' see Hor. S. i. 6. 6, n. Sed libertinus prior est' is part of the narrative, not the words of the 'dispensator,' as Ruperti says.

104. Natus ad Euphraten,] He may mean from Cappadocia, from which part the Romans got a good many of their slaves (vii. 15). See Martial x. 76:

"Civis non Syriaeve Parthiaeve

Nec de Cappadocis eques catastis." 'Fenestrae' are the holes made for earrings, and they are called 'molles,' which means effeminate. The man says he has five houses, which he lets out for shops, and they are worth 400,000 sesterces, which was an equestrian fortune; unless with Heinrich we understand 'quinque tabernae' to be those spoken of by Livy as banking houses in the forum: "Septem tabernae quae postea quinque et argentariae quae nunc Novae appellantur" (xxvi. 27). In that case the man means his transactions at the 'quinque tabernae' bring him in this income. I incline to this interpretation. With 'quadringenta' sestertia' must be supplied. See below, iii. 153, sq.; v. 132; xiv. 323; and Hor. Epod. iv. 15, n.


106. purpura major] That is (as the Scholiast says) the 'latus clavus,' or broad purple stripe on the tunic worn by senators, as opposed to the angustus clavus' worn by 'equites.' (See Dict. Ant.; and Hor. S. i. 5. 36, n.; ii. 7. 10, n.) A 'tribunus militum' of the first four legions was entitled to a seat in the senate, and therefore to the 'latus clavus;' but it was allowed to others who were not senators under the empire.

107. si Laurenti custodit in agro] Laurentum, which was in Latium, "sixteen miles from Ostia, and near the spot now


called Paterno" (according to Cramer, Italy, ii. 16), was a winter resort of the Romans, and abounded with villas. Large flocks of sheep were fed there, and the marshes in the neighbourhood were famous for wild boars, which Horace, however, does not recommend (S. ii. 4. 42). Corvinus was a cognomen of the Messallae, who were a branch of the Valeria Gens, one of the oldest families in Rome. (See Hor. C. iii. 21, Int.; S. i. 6. 12, n., “contra Laevinum, Valeri genus.") This gentleman of old family is supposed to be reduced to keeping sheep as a mercenarius.' A person is said, 'conducere rem faciendam,' in which case he receives pay ('merces') or 'conducere rem utendam,' in which case he pays another for the thing used. (See note on Hor. C. ii. 18. 17, and Long on Cic. in Verr. Act. i. c. 6, there quoted.)

108. ego possideo plus] That' possidere' was used generally in the sense of possessing property, and not confined to the possessores' technically so called, is obvious from this and many passages. The 'possessores' of the republican period were patricians, holders of public lands; and this man could not be a 'possessor' in that sense any more than Pallas or Licinus. He makes himself out to be vastly rich, and yet he is here begging.

109. Pallante et Licinis.] The man's speech ends here. Pallas was a freedman of Claudius, in whose reign he got together a large fortune, for the sake of which he was put to death by Nero, A.D. 63. See his life in Dict. Biog. Licinus was a Gaulish slave manumitted by C. Julius Caesar, and made by Augustus governor of Gallia, which he robbed, and thereby grew very rich. The Scholiast says it was to stop people's mouths that he built a basilica' in the name of Julius Caesar (the Basilica Julia in the Forum Romanum). He died in the reign of Tiberius. This, the Scholiast says, is the Licinus mentioned by Persius (S. ii. 36). This may very likely be the person alluded to by Juvenal here and at xiv. 306. The authorities for his life are quoted in Dict. Biog. The commentators refer to members of the Licinia gens,' of which the family of

Vincant divitiae, sacro nec cedat honori
Nuper in hanc urbem pedibus qui venerat albis;
Quandoquidem inter nos sanctissima divitiarum
Majestas: etsi funesta Pecunia templo

Nondum habitas, nullas nummorum ereximus aras,
Ut colitur Pax atque Fides, Victoria, Virtus,
Quaeque salutato crepitat Concordia nido.

Crassus in particular was very rich. As to
the plural Licinis, where only one person is
meant, see note on Horace, S. i. 7, 8.

110. sacro nec cedat honori] The person of the 'tribunus plebis' was inviolable, 'sacrosanctus' (Liv. ii. 33). Martial has (viii. 66) "Et Caesar genero sacros honores;" and Virgil (Aen. iii. 484), "Nec cedit honori." 111. pedibus qui venerat albis;] The Scholiast has a note here, which need not be attended to. Slaves newly imported are generally said to have been chalked on the soles of their feet when exposed for sale. (See Dict. Ant. Art. 'Servus,' 872, b.) Ovid says, "Gypsati crimen inane pedis" (Am. i. 8. 62); and Propertius speaks of slaves for sale,

[blocks in formation]

(iv. 5. 51); but what could have been the use of chalking their soles is not obvious to me. They may have worn white slippers perhaps, or something of that sort.

112. divitiarum Majestas:] This condenses Horace's "Virtus, fama, decus, divina humanaque pulchris Divitiis parent" (S. ii. 3. 95).

113. funesta Pecunia] Compare Horace, Epp. i. 6. 37, "Et genus et formam regina Pecunia donat," where I have quoted the Christian writers on whose authority Pecunia is said to have been worshipped. Seneca (de Provid. c. 5) says, "Non sunt divitiae bonum. Itaque habeat illas et Ellius leno: ut homines Pecuniam cum in templis consecraverint videant et in fornice."

From which it would seem there were statues of Pecunia in the temples.

115. Ut colitur Pax atque Fides,] This group is found in Horace, C. S. 57: "Jam Fides et Pax et Honos Pudorque Priscus et neglecta redire Virtus Audet,"

where I have a note on each of these divinities. The temple of Pax was one of the handsomest buildings in Rome, and was situated on the Via Sacra, about the point




where the declivity commenced called (see
Horace, C. iv. 2. 35) Sacer Clivus, which
led down to the Forum Romanum.
was begun by Claudius and finished by
Vespasian, who deposited in it the spoils of
Jerusalem brought to Rome by Titus.
(Joseph. B. J. vii. 37.) It was burnt down
in the reign of Commodus, about 120 years
after it was built. Fides had a temple on
Mons Capitolinus, which was said to have
been founded originally by Numa, and was
afterwards restored in the consulship of M.
Aemilius Scaurus, A.U.C. 639. No less
than three temples of Victoria are men-
tioned, one of which was in the Forum,
another on Mons Palatinus, and a third on
Mons Aventinus. That on the Palatine
was said by tradition to have been originally
built by Evander. In his first consulship
M. Marcellus built a temple to Virtus near
the Porta Capena, from which the Via
Appia began.

116. crepitat Concordia nido.] "Concordia, who twitters when the birds salute their nest;" that is, her temple sounds with the twittering of the birds. There was a beautiful temple to Concordia in the Carinae, originally built by Furius Camillus after the expulsion of the Gauls, A.U.c. 364, and restored by Livia, Augustus' wife. See Ovid. Fast. vi. 637:

"Te quoque magnifica concordia dedicat


Livia quam caro praestitit illa viro." See also Fast. i. 639, sq. There was another, that stood between the Capitol and the Forum, in which the senate sometimes held their meetings. (Sall. B. Cat. 49. Cic. Phil. ii. 8.) Some say that the crow, others that the stork was the bird sacred to Concordia. John of Salisbury says (i. 13), "Ciconia quoniam avis Concordiae est concordiam invenit et concordiam facit." Aelian (de Animalibus, 1. iii.) gives this honour to the crow. Whichever it was, Juvenal supposes some bird to have built its nest on the temple of Concordia. Some MSS. have 'ciconia,' the first syllable of which is short, and it would have no mean


Sed quum summus honor finito computet anno,
Sportula quid referat, quantum rationibus addat,
Quid facient comites, quibus hinc toga, calceus hinc est
Et panis fumusque domi? Densissima centum
Quadrantes lectica petit, sequiturque maritum
Languida vel praegnans et circumducitur uxor.
Hic petit absenti, nota jam callidus arte,
Ostendens vacuam et clausam pro conjuge sellam.
"Galla mea est," inquit; "citius dimitte; moraris.” 125
"Profer, Galla, caput." "Noli vexare, quiescit."
Ipse dies pulcro distinguitur ordine rerum :
Sportula, deinde forum, jurisque peritus Apollo

ing here. M. has it in the margin. It probably arose from Ovid's "crepitante ciconia rostro" (Met. vi. 97).

117. Sed quum summus honor] "But when the highest magistrates take account at the end of the year what the 'sportula' brings them in, and how much it adds to their income, what will their followers do who get every thing, clothes, and victuals, and firing (fumusque) from that source?" Referre' is the proper word for entering money in an account book, and 'rationes' are the accounts themselves.

119. Quid facient comites,] That is, those parasites whose profession it was to wait upon the rich. See above, v. 46.

120. Densissima centum Quadrantes] -See note on v. 95. Densissima lectica' is equivalent to 'plurima lectica.' Men are not satisfied with going themselves, but they must take their wives with them to get a double allowance, though they be sick or in the family way. Another takes his wife's empty chair, with the curtains drawn round. "It's my wife Galla," says he; are in a hurry, don't detain us." "Put out your head, Galla, that we may see you're there," says the balneator.' "Don't disturb her, she's asleep ;" and so he takes a second dole. As to the difference between 'lectica' and 'sella,' see note on v. 64.



127. Ipse dies pulcro] Here follows an account of the divisions of the day, which he calls a fair ordering' ironically. The distribution of the dole is the first thing in the morning; then the great man goes to the forum and the law courts, and returns home about dinner time, still attended by his clients, who, after seeing him to his door, retire wearied, and disappointed because he does not ask them to dinner, as rich men used to do before the 'sportula'

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was invented. As far as it goes this division of the day corresponds with Martial's (iv. 8). The two first hours, he says, were given up to the 'salutatio,' the next three to the courts, the sixth to sleep and the 'prandium,' the seventh to business again, the eighth to exercise, and the ninth to dinner, which went on ad libitum til bed-time. (See Hor. Epp. i. 7. 47, n.) It is here said that the sportula' was the first business. Becker says the dole itself was taken away in the afternoon, though the 'salutatio' took place in the morning (Gall. p. 29, n.). We have a scene below (iii. 249, sqq.) of slaves carrying away hot viands in the afternoon; and Martial (x. 70. 13) says he has to go at the tenth hour for his bath or his sportula'; "Balnea post decimam lasso, centumve petuntur Quadrantes." It appears, therefore, that people could take the earnings of their servility either in the morning or the afternoon.

128. jurisque peritus Apollo] As to the Forum Augusti, which is here alluded to, see Hor. Epp. i. 16. 57, n. There was in it a statue of Apollo inlaid with ivory (Plin. H. N. vii. 53). In this forum were two porticos, in one of which were statues of Aeneas and the Roman kings, and in the other of distinguished soldiers. Compare Sueton. (Aug. 31): "Statuas omnium (qui imperium populi Romani ex minimo maximum reddidissent) triumphali effigie in utraque fori sui porticu dedicavit," with Ovid (Fast. v. 563, sqq.):

"Hinc videt Aenean oneratum pondere sacro Et tot Iuleae nobilitatis avos. Hinc videt Iliaden humeris ducis arma ferentem

Claraque dispositis arma subesse viris." Amongst others a colossal one of Augustus


Atque triumphales, inter quas ausus habere
Nescio quis titulos Aegyptius atque Arabarches,
Cujus ad effigiem non tantum meiere fas est.
Vestibulis abeunt veteres lassique clientes
Votaque deponunt: quanquam longissima coenae
Spes homini: caulis miseris atque ignis emendus.
Optima silvarum interea pelagique vorabit
Rex horum, vacuisque toris tantum ipse jacebit.
Nam de tot pulcris et latis orbibus et tam

(Mart. viii. 44. 7). Among all Apollo's
attributes law was not one, and he is only
called juris peritus' because he was always
listening to lawyers. So Martial says (ii.
64), "Ipse potest fieri Marsya causidicus,"
because his statue was in the Forum Ro-
manum. (See Hor. S. i. 6. 119, n.)

130. Aegyptius atque Arabarches,] This title has caused a good deal of trouble. It occurs in Cicero (Ad Att. ii. 17), where, as here, the MSS. differ, some having 'Arabarches,' and others Alabarches.' Ernesti (Clavis) says the sense and MSS. both favour 'Alabarches' (see end of this note). So also in the Codex Justin., iv. 61. 9, a duty upon cattle imported from Arabia into Egypt is variously written 'Alabarchiae vectigal' and 'Arabarchiae.' The reading, however, is not of much importance, for the meaning must be the same even if the r became corrupted into . The title must have been that of some Roman officer of consideration in the province of Egypt, whatever his duties may have been. They were discharged in one instance, at least, by the governor of a district, as appears by the inscription on Memnon's statue quoted by Mr. Mayor, where Claudius Aemilius is said to be apaßápxns καὶ ἐπιστράτηγος Θηβαΐδος. Juvenal is indignant that a provincial officer should have had a public statue, with his services inscribed on the pedestal (titulos), set up for him among the great men in the forum. The notion of Alabarches' being derived from aλaßa, which Hesychius says means ink, and therefore that the officer was 'scripturae praefectus,' or collector of the tax upon cattle, was first propounded, according to Pullmann, by his contemporary Cujacius, and some later editors have adopted it (Ernesti does so in his Clavis' on Cicero, mentioned above). Otherwise it would not be worth noticing.

131. non tantum] Non tantum' is explained by Horace S. i. 8. 38. Juvenal says that a man may foul this fellow's statue in any way he pleases without offence. (See



Pers. i. 113.) Heinrich quotes several instances of 'non tantum' used in this elliptical way, as Liv. x. 14, "Non vero tantum metu," where we are to add "sed etiam ficto;" Plin. Epp. iii. 14, init., "Rem atrocem nec tantum epistola dignam," where Gesner supplies "sed historia vel tragoedia adeo."

132. Vestibulis abeunt] The 'vestibulum' was a porch leading from the street to the door of the house. These porches were only attached to large houses. In them the retainers sat.. And Juvenal says when they came home with their patron they got no farther than the porch, and, receiving no invitation to dinner, they laid aside their hopes for the first time, and went away to buy a poor supper and firing to dress it, while their lord and master went in to a fine dinner which he enjoyed by himself. 'Rex,' as applied to the rich, is very common in Horace. See C. i. 4. 14, n.; and below, v. 14. He says that of all the hopes men feed upon, they are least willing to part with that of a good dinner. Rigalti quotes a good answer of Epictetus to Hadrian: "Hadriano interroganti, quid est longissimum? Epictetus respondit, Spes."

134. caulis miseris atque ignis emendus.] See above, v. 120.

137. et latis orbibus] These were round tables made of single slabs of various costly woods. (See Hor. S. ii. 2. 4, n.) They came into fashion in Cicero's time; and some may have been preserved from that day, and would justly be called 'antiqui.' (See below, S. xi. 122.) The use of round tables introduced a change in the distribution of the company usual in Horace's time, which was on the triclinium, or three long couches round a table of three sides to correspond to them. The round tables did not suit this arrangement, and semicircular couches were introduced, with fewer people on them. In large houses there would be several of these in a room. Whoever wishes to see how much might be spent on a Ro

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